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Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

Page 6

by Ashton, Nikki

  “Okay,” she replied breathily. “Just give me five minutes.”

  “Will do.” With a wink, Jake turned and left the room.

  Amber covered her face with her hands and let out a long, drawn out moan. “Oh shit,” she whispered. “I am definitely in need of some of that.”

  Amber strolled into the kitchen and stopped in the doorway to watch Jake, as he put the finishing touches to their breakfast. His hair was messy, and he was still dressed only in his pyjama bottoms. As he reached into a cupboard for a plate, Amber’s eyes lingered on his back as his muscles flexed. Amber felt as though she was looking at a beautiful sculpture; all hard and smooth, with her fingertips itching to touch. She watched, mesmerised by his beauty. That had never been in doubt, it was just his attitude that she hadn’t taken a liking to. He was loud and brash; he spoke without thinking and had an abundance of self-assurance. But, aside from that he was a kind, generous, thoughtful man who was desperate to please. That was Jake, and Amber felt nothing but desire for him.

  “You keep watching me like that and I’ll feel objectified,” Jake said over his shoulder.

  “I wasn’t!” Amber protested.

  “Liar.” Jake turned and walked towards her, a smile lighting up his face. “It’s okay though, Freckles,” he said as he cupped Amber’s chin. “I like it.”

  Amber’s heart thudded and the throbbing need that she’d felt in her stomach earlier, now swiftly travelled down between her legs.

  “Sit,” Jake said, turning Amber by her shoulders and manoeuvring her towards the large kitchen table. “Breakfast is served.”

  As Amber settled into her seat, Jake placed a boiled egg and soldiers in front of her, and then brought over a pot of coffee.

  Jake sat down and blew out a prolonged breath. “Okay, this is the test, Freckles. Did I do well or not?” He leaned forward, watching in anticipation as Amber cracked open the top of her egg.

  She discarded the pieces of shell and pushed her spoon in. Amber looked up at Jake through her lashes as she put the spoon to her mouth, wrapping her lips around it.

  “Well?” Jake’s knees were bobbing up and down.

  Amber sighed and pulled a face. .

  “It’s crap right?” Jake asked, clearly disappointed.

  Amber’s face suddenly broke into a bright smile. “No, it’s just perfect,” she replied before dipping her spoon back in.

  “Really, you mean it?”

  “Yes, Jake, I mean it. Now eat yours before it gets cold.” Amber reached across the table and took Jake’s hand in hers. It was adorable that a perfectly boiled egg made him so damn happy.

  Jake looked at Amber with smouldering eyes and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before starting on his own breakfast. Their hands stayed linked for a few minutes, until Jake needed his to hold his egg cup while he dug in for the last of his egg. As soon as he let go, he wished he hadn’t and felt the loss of Amber’s touch instantly. Amber felt the same way, her finger tips dragging across the table as she pulled her hand away.

  As Jake drove Luke’s Range Rover up the farm track, Amber’s stomach started to turn over at speed as she started to bounce around like a puppy on its first walk. In the distance she could see a field with about a dozen horses in it, and people on horseback riding along a path into woodlands. Had he really arranged for them to go horse riding? If he had she would love him forever.

  “Jake, are we doing what I think we’re doing?” Amber squealed and clapped her hands like an excited child watching a magic trick.

  Jake gave her a proud smile. “Yeah, Freckles we certainly are. I remember Luke talking to you about your love of horses. In fact,” Jake laughed. “I do believe he promised to buy you a horse if you were nice to me for at least a week.”

  Amber’s hands cupped her cheeks. “Oh God, yes. You must have really annoyed me then, because I love horse riding.”


  “Yes, it used to be my favourite thing in the world, until Dad died and then Mum couldn’t really afford to pay for me to go anymore.” Amber smiled wistfully. “Once I could afford it myself I didn’t really have the time.”

  Jake reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. “Well today we have plenty of time.”

  Amber couldn’t help herself. She launched herself across the seat and wrapped her arms around Jake, hugging him tightly and planting a big, wet kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you, so much.”

  “Whoa,” croaked Jake, his voice slightly strangulated as he fought to keep control of the steering wheel. “I can’t breathe.”

  “Oh God, sorry.” Amber let him loose and shuffled back into her seat. “But you just don’t know how excited I am about this.”

  Jake glanced at Amber and laughed. “I think I do.”

  The look of joy on her face melted his heart. Her silver eyes, shining brightly like twin stars focused on the scene up ahead. Jake had no idea how much she’d love this, he’d just wanted to take her somewhere that he knew she’d enjoy. The fact that she was this happy was an added bonus.

  After a couple more minutes of driving along the track, Jake pulled into a gravelled parking area, and before he’d even unfastened his seatbelt, Amber had jumped out of the car and was running across to a corral of horses next to a timber built office building. Jake got out of the car and followed Amber and stood beside her at the fence. He watched in silence as she scratched the nose of a beautiful chestnut horse. As her hands rubbed up and down gently, Amber whispered words of praise to the horse. Jake puffed out his cheeks, imaging that was his body, and her sweet pouty little mouth was whispering sweet nothings against his ear.

  “I’ll go and book us in,” he muttered gruffly, as he tried to adjust the visions swimming around in his head of himself and Freckles naked.

  Almost an hour later, after receiving some direction on the route they should take and advice about the horses, they were on their way. As well as Amber having riding experience, she was surprised to learn that Jake rode regularly in L.A., so they declined an escort and set off down the woodland path on the backs of Dandy and Minnie.

  “I’ll go behind you,” Jake said as he gently kicked Dandy, a beautiful black gelding, to start off with a trot. “Just to make sure you’re okay, as you haven’t ridden for a while.”

  Amber looked over her shoulder at Jake and smiled. “Are you sure it’s not just to look at my arse, Jake?”

  Jake shrugged as they slowed into a walk. “I can’t lie, Freckles. It was a major factor in my decision.”

  “Yeah, well keep your eyes up, there’s a lot of overhanging branches to avoid.”

  “Okay, if I must.” Jake laughed and took a quick look at the aforementioned backside.

  After almost half an hour of riding, the path veered off in two directions. A sign post indicated that two miles to the left was a rock pool, and three miles to the right a meadow.

  “Which way?” Amber asked turning in her saddle to Jake.

  Jake figured that the rock pool was probably the most popular. “The meadow,” he answered, already steering Dandy in that direction.

  They rode on in silence, enjoying the surroundings and peace. There was no sound except for the quiet drum of the horse’s hooves on the ground, and the occasional bird calling from the trees, high above them. Amber hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time. She needed this and could feel all her energy levels growing with every step that Minnie made. All her nerve endings that had slowly frayed like ripped cotton over the last year, were repairing themselves and it was pure bliss.

  Jake watched Amber carefully as he followed behind. Her shoulders had slowly relaxed and the stiffness in her back was gradually disappearing. It wasn’t any wonder though; this place was heaven and it had been the best idea he’d ever had.

  Finally, the path broke into a clearing of trees that opened out onto the meadow. As they walked slowly through the clearing, they felt the sun warming their backs.

  “Wow,” Amber gasped, taking in th
e sight of the riot of long grass and daisies in front of them. “It’s so pretty.”

  Jake stopped to read a sign that was mounted on a rock next to the edge of the meadow.

  “There’s a water butt here for the horses to drink from.” He looked around and spotted it next to a tying post at the edge of the clearing. “Here, Freckles,” he said pointing to the post.

  Amber manoeuvred Minnie around and followed Jake. They both dismounted and tied the horses to the post. Behind the water butt was a wire basket full of hay that Dandy and Minnie spared no time tucking in to.

  “Come on,” Jake said, grabbing Amber’s hand. “Let’s walk.”

  As soon as she felt his touch, Amber’s heart started to pound and her breathing increased. She didn’t know whether it had been having a horse between her legs for the last hour, but she was feeling extremely turned on. All she could think of at that moment, was lying naked in the meadow, with Jake, and exploring each other’s bodies. She held her breath as Jake pulled her towards the long grass. If he tried anything, Amber knew that she wouldn’t be able to resist.

  The grass whipped against their legs as they strode through it and after a few minutes they reached a small patch that was flattened. Jake stopped and turned to Amber.

  “Shall we sit here?” he asked.

  Amber nodded and allowed Jake to pull her down next to him. Jake then lay back in the grass, resting his head on his hands.

  “Lie with me?” he asked.

  Amber didn’t hesitate and lay down next to Jake. He snaked an arm around Amber’s shoulder and pulled her to him so her head rested on his chest like a pillow.

  Amber turned her head to look up at Jake. He had his eyes closed, with one hand behind his head while the other gently traced a path up and down her arm. Amber sighed contentedly marvelling at how good Jake was at a relationship as he considered himself a novice.

  “This is so peaceful,” Jake whispered. “It’s pretty much perfect, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is. How did you find it?” Amber asked as she closed her own eyes, enjoying the sun’s warmth on her face.

  “I Googled it, but didn’t realise that it’d be this beautiful.”

  “It’s amazing. I just can’t believe you remembered that conversation with Luke,” Amber replied.

  “Yeah well, there are lots of things about you that are burned in my memory.” Jake said seductively as he reached up and ran his index finger down Amber’s nose.

  Amber’s heart pumped a little quicker as some more of the wall that she’d built up against Jake was chiselled away. He really wasn’t the person that she had thought he was.

  Amber took hold of Jake’s hand that had gone back to caressing her arm, and kissed his palm softly. “Thank you,” she said.

  “My pleasure, Freckles.”

  “You’re not as bad as I thought,” Amber said as she pulled Jake’s arm across her stomach. “I think I misjudged you.”

  “Yeah, I think you might’ve.” Jake laughed. “So why did you hate me so much, anyway?”

  Amber froze, not sure what to say. She wasn’t ready to tell Jake about her last relationship, and how he reminded her of the man who’d broken her totally; not just her heart.

  “I don’t know,” Amber sighed. “I think I just thought you were a bit of tart where women were concerned.”

  Jake laughed again, but louder. “Oh and Tom isn’t? Yet you don’t hate him.”

  “I don’t hate you anymore…I didn’t really hate you before. You just irritated me.”

  “Oh thanks, not only am I a tart, but I irritate you as well.” Jake tickled Amber’s waist, making her giggle. “Good job I knew all the right moves to make on a woman then isn’t it?”

  Amber stilled and suddenly sat up. “So, you’ve been pulling moves on me then?”

  Jake’s eyes sprung open. He sat up and leaned back on his elbows. “Well, yes, I mean no,” he fumbled. “What I mean is, I did what was necessary to show you that I’m a good bloke.”

  “But you had to work at it, you didn’t really mean any of it.” Amber scrambled to her feet. “How many other women have your done this with?”

  “None!” Jake protested.

  “So, what did you do, refer to the Jake Hughes handbook of moves?”

  “Shit, Freckles. What is your problem? I didn’t mean anything, it was a throw away comment,” Jake cried.

  “Bullshit, Jake. You thought that by asking me to help with your house, watching films with me, standing naked in front of me and pretending that you can’t even boil a bloody egg, that I’d fall into bed with you and stop giving you a hard time.” Amber pulled her hair back from her face and thrust a hand to her hip. “Not to mention the bloody sob stories.” As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Amber could see the hurt in Jake’s eyes. He stood up and frowned down at Amber.

  “You know what, Amber, fuck you. If you think I told you all that about my mum just to get a quickie with you, then you’re even shallower than you think I am.”

  Amber bit at the side of her cheek, realising that she’d over stepped the mark. “Jake, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

  Jake shook his head. “No Amber, you did mean it. I think perhaps this thing between us is probably a big mistake.”

  Amber’s stomach dropped to her feet as the realisation of Jake’s words hit her like a punch to the guts. “Please Jake,” she protested reaching out for his hand. “Don’t say that. I over reacted, I’m sorry if what I said hurt you.”

  Jake took a step back. “Nah, I’m done. I don’t know who did such a fucking number on you, but until you start to realise that everyone with a dick isn’t actually a dick, then you’re going be a very lonely, angry, bitter woman.” He turned and stormed back to the horses, untying Dandy and mounting him. “We should get back,” he said as Amber reached him. His face was like stone.

  Amber silently mounted Minnie and followed Jake along the path back to the farm. They travelled home in silence, neither of them daring to speak for fear of the words that would come out. Once inside, Jake went to his room and slammed the door so hard that the pictures shook on the walls. Amber, feeling utterly mean and desolate, did the only thing that she knew would make her feel better – she watched Gone with The Wind and cried.

  Chapter 10

  When Amber woke the next day, she found herself not only wrapped in her quilt, but also in a feeling of utter misery following her disastrous date with Jake. She groaned and buried her face into her hands as she recalled how she had accused him of using his unhappy childhood to lure her into bed. While she watched Rhett and Scarlett on the T.V., her mind paced up and down her bedroom, one minute certain that it was for the best that she and Jake weren’t taking things any further, the next yelling at her for being such an idiot and reminding her that yes, she actually liked him – really liked him – and wanted to see how things would work out between them.

  She sighed, and blinked up at the ceiling. Yes, she liked him, her mind could zig zag all it wanted, but her heart knew the truth. She wanted to make it work. All it would take was for her to stop being such an arse and letting her happiness be sabotaged by the broken heart that Daniel bloody Armstrong had kindly given to her.

  So, determined to put things right, Amber dragged herself out of bed with the intention of finding Jake, but after searching the entire house, and even going back up to peek inside his room, Amber flopped down onto the sofa in the living room. She couldn’t find him anywhere. Resigned to this fact, she took her mobile out of her pocket and composed an apologetic text which would hopefully persuade him to come home.

  After ten minutes there was no reply and Amber, sickness gnawing at her stomach, threw her phone onto the sofa. Jake wasn’t usually the sort of person who stayed mad for long, so she’d obviously really upset him.

  Then, as she was pondering this, and beginning to play with the idea that had he seen her text he would have eagerly responded but couldn’t because he was lying dead in a ditch or s
omething, her phone suddenly shrilled into life, making her almost jump a clear six inches off the sofa. With shaking hands, she grabbed the phone and looked at the screen. Her heart sank. It was Martha.

  “Hey Martha,” she answered, trying to sound bright and breezy and as if nothing was wrong in any way whatsoever.

  “Hiya, you okay?”

  “Yes fine. How was Italy, and how is Portugal?” Amber asked, trying to keep Martha on the safe topic of holidays in the hope that she wouldn’t ask about Jake.

  “Italy was wonderful as usual, and Portugal, well we’ve only been here a couple of days, but it is really hot considering it’s only spring. Thank God for air conditioning. Anyway, I just wanted to check how things are going with you and Jake.” Martha said with a definite ‘and don’t bullshit me tone’ to her voice.

  Amber coughed to get rid of the lump in her throat. “Erm, fine why?”

  “Oh, so you haven’t fallen out then?”

  “No more than usual,” Amber said, trying to sound casual and failing miserably.

  “Liar,” Martha replied. “Come on Amber. Why did Jake drunk dial me at three this morning and leave me a voicemail going on about you not trusting him? Plus, the fact that he can’t do anything right even when he’d taken you on the best date in the world?”

  Amber dropped her head and groaned.

  “Don’t worry,” Martha said. “I haven’t told Luke.”

  “Oh thank God. The last thing I need is for him to start laying into Jake too.”

  Martha’s laugh tinkled out over the line. “I know what your cousin is like so he won’t hear it from me. But come on, spill the beans. What happened?”

  “But, if Jake’s already called you I don’t want to put you in an awkward position,” Amber replied.

  “Amber, think of me as Switzerland – neutral. Now come on, tell me your side.”

  Amber took the next ten minutes to tell Martha everything, even her hurtful comment to Jake

  “Yeah I know all about Jake’s mum,” Martha said. “And for him to tell you was a big thing, Amber. Apparently, he didn’t tell the guys until about three years after the band started.”


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