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Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

Page 20

by Ashton, Nikki

“I love her, Thelma. I miss her so much it makes my bloody guts ache. I’ve only got through the last months because I had Abbie to concentrate on.”

  Thelma put her mug down, stood up and started pacing up and down the lounge. “If I tell you where to find her, you have to promise me something,” Thelma finally said as she stopped in front of Jake.

  He looked up at her. “Anything,” he replied.

  “You hear her out and you listen to her explanation.”

  Jake looked perplexed. “Well yeah I will, but what would she need to explain about?”

  “Just listen to her, Jake.” Thelma moved over to a sideboard and opened a drawer. She took out a pad and pen, and scribbled something down. She turned to Jake and held out the piece of paper.

  “Right, this is her work address…”

  “Thank you so much,” Jake interrupted, snatching it out of her hand.

  Thelma shook her head. “Wait, there’s a condition. She won’t be there now, so I want you to stay here tonight, and go over in the morning.”

  “Just give me her home address then,” Jake said, standing to face Thelma. “I’ll go there now.”

  “No, Jake. She needs a good night’s sleep, and so do you. I want you to sleep on it and be sure it’s what you want before you go over there. I won’t have her heart broken again.”

  “Christ Thelma, I’ve slept on this for bloody months. I want her to come home.”

  “So, another few hours won’t hurt. Her work address is the best you’re going to get darlin’, so it’s your choice.”

  Jake linked his hands behind his neck and stared up at the ceiling. “Okay,” he said. “I don’t like it, but I don’t have much choice do I?”

  “Good lad,” Thelma said, patting his back. “Now, sit down and I’ll make you some dinner.”

  Jake smiled and flopped back into the chair. He was so close to having her back in his arms, and he wasn’t going to mess it up now.

  Chapter 33

  Thelma made Jake eat a full cooked breakfast before she would give him back the car keys that he hadn’t even realised she had hidden. Jake had never scoffed down a plate of food so quickly. He was desperate to get to Amber, and was frustrated at the sausage and bacon that stood in his way.

  As he pulled up on the hotel car park, Jake’s stomach flipped. He hoped it was nerves and not the half a pig that Thelma had served up. He looked up at the façade and sighed. It had definitely seen better days; the paint on the windows was peeling, and the wooden sign displaying the name Regina Hotel, which swung to and fro in the breeze, looked as though it was rotten. He just hoped that the inside was better, and that Freckles wasn’t working in a flea pit of a boarding house.

  With a deep breath, Jake got out of the car and walked to the front of the hotel. Looking through the revolving doors, he could see the reception desk. Behind it stood a uniformed brunette woman who was talking animatedly to an elderly guest.

  As he started to push the door open, anxiety gripped him. What if Freckles wasn’t there, or worse, what if she didn’t want to see him? Jake could feel the hammering thud of his heart and knew that what happened in the next few minutes could either break him or turn him into a grinning fool. Determined, he pushed forward into the reception, adamant that he would not leave until she’d forgiven him.

  The brunette was still busy with the guest, and was apparently trying to explain the intricacies of the Broadstairs area train timetable; so Jake took the opportunity to look around. The inside of the hotel was an infinite improvement on its exterior. It was obviously dated, with its wood panelling and blue and gold patterned carpet, but it was clean, well kept, and smelled of lavender and furniture polish. Finally, the elderly lady, still staring in some confusion at the train timetable in her hand, moved away towards the lifts, and Jake walked over to the desk.

  When Jake stopped in front of her, Steph almost fainted on the spot. Excitement pumped up from her lungs and manifested itself as a squeal that was so high pitched it must have sent all the dogs within a five mile radius into spasms of furious barking.

  Jake grimaced and stuck a finger in his ear. “Wow, they’re some pipes you’ve got there,” he said.

  “Oh. My. God,” Steph gasped. “You’re here. In Margate.”

  Jake smiled and suddenly wondered whether he should have just waited outside until Freckles left work. “Hi,” he replied. Then he paused and looked at Steph intently. She seemed familiar, but he couldn’t quite place her.

  Steph’s mouth opened and shut as she put a shaking hand to her chest.

  “Are you okay?” Jake asked.

  Steph nodded, her mouth still open.

  “Oookay,” he said, not really sure she was. “Well, I’m here to see Amber Mahoney, is she around?”

  Steph gulped and gripped hold of the desk. “Amber,” she repeated.

  Jake nodded. “Yeah, Amber. She is working today isn’t she?”

  “Yes.” Steph’s reply was breathy as her eyes gazed up and down Jake. “You’re Jake Hughes.”

  “Yes I am. Look…” Jake peered at her name badge. “Stephanie, I don’t want to appear rude, but is there any chance that you can get her for me?”

  Steph nodded but didn’t move and continued to stare open mouthed at Jake.

  “Stephanie,” Jake waved his hand in front of her face. “Can you get her, like, now?”

  Steph nodded and picked up the phone and pressed a button. “Can you come to reception?” she asked after a few seconds. “Thanks.” Robotically she replaced the receiver and stared at Jake.

  Jake smiled warmly at her. He had seen fans react like this before, which if he had to be honest, was preferable to those that threw their knickers at him or stuffed their bras down his shirt. He thrust his hands into his pockets, stood back and waited. When the door behind the reception desk finally flew open, the blonde that pushed through it wasn’t the one that he was expecting. This was one was taller and a lot more well-endowed on top.

  Marnie stopped suddenly as she saw Jake, before her head swivelled to a gawping Steph. “Oh,” she gasped.

  Jake couldn’t help but laugh, more from frustration than humour. “This isn’t Amber,” he said. “Is she here, because if she isn’t then can you just tell me when she will be?”

  Marnie, not as affected by the appearance of Jake as Steph, smiled and nodded. “Yes, she is here, is she expecting you?”

  “No, she isn’t.” Jake turned to look at Steph. “Is your friend okay, only she looks a bit, erm…?”

  “Gormless,” Marnie replied as she turned and shoved Steph. “Steph, pull yourself together. Sorry,” she said turning back to Jake. “She’s a big fan.”

  “No problem. Like I told her, I don’t want to come across as a rude or anything, but can you just get Amber for me, please?”

  Marnie smiled, wondering what on earth Jake Hughes wanted Amber for. It appeared that he knew her, but Amber had never said. Suddenly realisation dawned – Amber Mahoney, she must be related to Luke Mahoney. Then Marnie remembered afternoon tea at The Ritz and how Amber had quickly disappeared at the mention of Jake being there. Jake Hughes might want to see Amber, but she wasn’t sure Amber wanted to see him.

  “She’s just popped out,” she said to Jake. “I’ll text her and find out when she’s back. Would you like to take a seat?” She nodded towards a wing backed chair next to a huge, potted palm.

  Jake looked at the chair and then with a deep sigh nodded.

  As he sat down, Marnie moved over to Steph, who was still statue-like staring at Jake.

  “Steph,” she hissed. “Where’s Amber?” Marnie had been helping Mr Hedges, the hotel manager, with some admin’ when Steph had called her.

  “Toilet,” Steph replied, finally turning her eyes away from Jake who was tapping away on his phone. “What do you think he wants her for?” she asked.

  “No idea.” Marnie chewed at the corner of her bottom lip and pulled her mobile out of her jacket pocket.

�s been gone a while, she should be back soon.” Steph flopped down into a chair. “Shit, Jake Hughes,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Yeah, and I have a feeling Amber won’t want to see him.” Her thumbs flashed across the screen of her phone, as Marnie typed out a text to Amber.

  Marnie: Can’t believe this but Jake Hughes in reception for you – aaaah!!

  A few seconds later, a text came back. Marnie glanced at Jake and smiled as he looked up, alerted by the beeping of Marnie’s phone.

  Amber: I’m in the loo. Tell him I don’t work here anymore

  Marnie: Sorry already told him you popped out. You didn’t say you knew him!!!

  Amber: Long story. Can’t see him. Send him away – PLEASE!

  Amber sank down onto the closed toilet seat and held her head in her hands. What the hell was Jake doing here, and how had he found her? It could only have been her mother, and if it was she would never forgive her. Amber felt the grip of anxiety tighten around her chest. “Shit,” she hissed. “What am I going to do?”

  Just then her phone beeped again.

  Marnie: I’m struggling to put him off. He is pacing up and down and insisting on seeing Mr Hedges if you don’t get here soon!!

  “Damn stupid, arrogant, prick,” Amber huffed as yet another text came in.

  Marnie: Seriously you need to come out. He looks upset and Steph is pretty much catatonic and no help at all. You can explain later about how you know him!!

  Amber stared at her phone, wondering what to do. She knew it wasn’t fair on Marnie to leave her to deal with Jake, especially if Steph had gone all ‘fan girl’ on her. But the thought of seeing him make her feel sick. She had missed him so much, wanted him more than she had wanted anything in the world, but he had Abbie Sinclair and Amber didn’t think she could handle that. The mere thought of it enveloped her in a shroud of grief. Then of course there was the baby. Once he saw her and her pregnant stomach, what would he say? He might assume it was Daniel’s, but Amber knew she wouldn’t let him think that. Daniel didn’t deserve that accolade of providing her with something so precious. So, with a deep sigh, Amber pushed her phone back into her pocket, and hauled herself up to go and face Jake.

  In reception, Jake was indeed pacing a furrow in the carpet. He had tried to insist that Marnie call the hotel manager, Mr Hedges. As far as Jake was concerned, if Amber wouldn’t come to him, then he would go to her, and the manager could take him. Marnie had explained that Amber was out, but Jake knew that she was lying. He had seen her frantically tapping at her phone and had heard texts come in, so guessed it was probably Freckles refusing to see him. Jake, however, was nothing if determined and was not about to give up.

  “Look, I’ll wait here all day if I have to,” he said leaning against the desk. “I have nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  “He’s here.” Steph who had been silently staring at Jake, suddenly stirred and turned to Marnie. “Jake Hughes is here.”

  Marnie groaned and rubbed a hand down her face. What on earth had he done to upset Amber so much? While she was sympathetic to her friend’s obvious desire to avoid Jake, Marnie knew that if she didn’t come out soon Jake would probably go looking for her, with or without Mr Hedges consent. Plus Steph was acting all weird and possibly needed a slap across the face to bring her out of the state she was in.

  “Listen,” Marnie cried. “I can’t make her get here any quicker. So, as much as I like to ensure our guests requirements are met, I can’t help you. It’s not as though you’re a guest anyway.”

  “Okay,” Jake said putting his mobile on the desk and reaching into the back pocket of his jeans for his wallet. “How much is it for a room? Whatever you’ve got is fine.” He pulled out his credit card and slapped it down.

  “You can’t buy me, Jake.” Amber’s voice stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

  Jake took a sharp intake of breath, Marnie sighed and Steph said, “Jake Hughes is here.”

  “Freckles.” Jake’s gaze was pinned to Amber’s face as she moved forward. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  Amber coughed nervously and wrapped her arms around herself; as best she could with a huge baby bump.

  As she did Jake’s eyes moved down from her face and stopped as they reached her stomach. He took a step back and ran a hand through his hair.

  “What the..?”

  “Hi Jake,” she replied as her hand instinctively went to her bulge. “I suppose we need to talk.”

  Jake shook his head. “You’re not kidding. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Amber took in a deep breath as she tried to push back the tears that were threatening to spring. “Come through,” she said, and lifted up the flap on the reception desk.

  With his eyes fixed to Amber’s stomach, Jake moved forward. His hands were shaking and his breath was fast and shallow as he tried to take in what he was seeing. This was the last thing that he was expecting, and wondered why she had kept it from him. The way Amber was looking at him warily, Jake had no doubt that the baby she was carrying was his. That, and the feeling in his gut. She was too pregnant for it to be anyone else’s and he knew that she would never have cheated on him when they were together. He followed Amber through a door and down a corridor. Eventually they stopped at the door to the staff room.

  “Come in,” Amber said, holding the door open with one hand, while the other rubbed at her back.

  Amber walked over to an armchair and slowly lowered herself into it. Jake watched her carefully, his excitement at seeing her overtaken by astonishment. Once she was seated, Jake sat at the table next to her. For a couple of minutes neither of them spoke, but just stared at each other. Amber was the first one to drop her gaze.

  “What the hell, Freckles,” Jake said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Amber gave a small smile, conscious that it really hadn’t occurred to him that the child wasn’t his. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved that he trusted her, or to think he was an egotistical idiot for not even considering that she hadn’t met someone else.

  “Well?” Jake’s eyes widened, pleading with Amber to answer.

  “I did what I thought was best. By the time I found out you’d gone back to L.A.”

  “You could’ve called me,” Jake replied, his eyes firmly fixed to Amber’s bump. Suddenly he looked up. “Did Luke or Martha know?”

  Amber shook her head. “No, no one did, except my mum. I didn’t want you to think I wanted or needed your money.” Amber dropped her head, not wanting to see the disappointment in Jake’s eyes. She knotted her fingers together on her lap. She hadn’t expected being in the same room with him again to be so painful. Despite some dark circles around his eyes, he was as gorgeous as ever, but while his aquamarine eyes were still bright there was a sadness behind them too.

  “How are you?” he asked. “I mean you’re not ill or anything?”

  Amber gave a soft laugh. “No Jake, just pregnant.”

  “Shit, Freckles. I can’t believe this. How could you not tell me?”

  Jake ran a hand through his hair and sat back in his chair to look at her. His brain just couldn’t compute what was happening. He was going to be a father, pretty soon by the look of it, and if he hadn’t come looking for Freckles he would be none the wiser. Hot and furious blood started to pump inside him.

  “I’m going to be a dad,” he cried, “and you weren’t even going to tell me. What sort of screwed up idea is that?”

  “You have Abbie Sinclair. I didn’t want to spoil that for you,” Amber retaliated, only half telling the truth. She didn’t want to spoil it for him, but she didn’t want to have to watch on the side-lines while he lived the perfect life with his beautiful new wife either.

  “Abbie and I are not together; she’s my sister.” Jake stood up and stalked towards Amber. He knelt down in front of her. “If you hadn’t run away you’d have known that.”

  Amber flinched, as if the words had a physical
impact on her. “What?” She frowned. “So why didn’t you tell me? I heard you on the phone calling someone sweetheart. So, was that Abbie?”

  Jake nodded. “Yeah, so why didn’t you ask me about it instead of running away and letting me think you were with Armstrong?

  “I was hurt, Jake. I thought you had someone else and I had my pride.” Amber’s voice broke.

  “What sort of person did you think I was, Amber? After you told me what happened with him, you thought I would do the same thing. You really don’t know me at all do you?”

  Amber bit on her bottom lip and stared up at Jake. Her heart was beating double time, pounding loudly in her ears.

  “What did you expect me to think? You said we were having fun, and then I heard the phone call, so I put two and two together.”

  “Yeah and made fucking fifty,” Jake spat. “And let’s be clear about this, you were the one who said we were just having fun. I only agreed because it was what you wanted. It doesn’t mean that my feelings were the same.”

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have kept this from you and I understand why you’re mad. But, look at it from my point of view, Jake.”

  Jake clutched at his hair, and looked up at the ceiling. “You ran away, Amber. You didn’t give me an opportunity to explain anything.”

  Amber dropped her head and sighed. Jake wasn’t saying anything that her mum hadn’t already said. In fact he wasn’t saying anything that she herself hadn’t already thought. She should have stayed and asked him about the phone call; or at least contacted him about the baby.

  “I know,” she whispered. “And I am so sorry.”

  Jake took a step towards Amber before stopping in front of her. He looked around the room as he tried to calm himself. “I thought at least you had someone taking care of you, but you were on your own. I could have been looking after you, making sure that you had everything you needed,” he said softly.

  Amber’s eyes blazed. “That’s exactly what I didn’t want. I didn’t want you to feel obligated.”


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