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First Crush (Dark Falkon Book 1)

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by J. O Mantel


  Copyright 2016 J.O Mantel

  Published by J.O Mantel at

  Kindle Edition

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, events and scenarios are a product of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events or organisations is purely coincidental.

  Cover by Sabre, Gray & Bane Cover Studio

  Cover Model: David Wills

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  For Ria,

  Without you this would never have happened.

  “How was band practice?” Sienna asked, raising her head from the sofa that she had been lying on for the past three hours.

  “Same as always,” Jake replied, walking through the door and placing his keys on the kitchen bench. He grabbed his guitar and headed for the bedroom, closing the door shut. Sienna got up off the sofa and walked over to his room, she could hear the gentle strumming of Jake’s guitar through the walls as she knocked on the door.

  “Yeah?” she heard Jake call from within. She slowly pressed against the door and opened it. Jake was sitting on the bed, he had removed his shirt and his guitar strap rested across his bare back as Sienna walked over to him. “Are you alright?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” Jake asked, not making eye contact with her.

  “Exactly what I asked. Jake, you haven’t been yourself lately, what’s going on?” he continued to strum on his guitar, trying to avoid Sienna’s question.

  “Nothing is going on.” He removed the guitar from around his neck, walked over to the closet and grabbed the first shirt he could find. He still hadn’t looked at Sienna the whole time she had been in the room.

  “Ok, Fine! Well, whatever it is that has got you in this mood, you need to get out of it. I’m going to make a start on dinner. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.” She turned and walked out the door, leaving Jake alone with his thoughts.

  Jake and Sienna had been best friends since they were kids. They were practically brother and sister, and they shared everything together. Being a manager in Real Estate, Sienna had found a beautiful, cheap place to rent and the two of them decided to move in together.

  Jake is the lead guitarist in his local band, Lightning Ridge, and they were currently working on their debut album. With the two of them working long days and late nights, they rarely got to spend much time together.

  Sienna had definitely had her fair share of boyfriends, she had an amazing personality and killer looks. Her long, wavy, blonde hair hung below her shoulders. She kept herself fit, with regular early morning visits to the gym and clean eating, she maintained the physique of an athlete. Jake had seen her in a crop top before, many times. Often enough, it was hard to stop his eyes from wandering to the sweat that would drip down her chest and into her perfectly sized tits, she was at least an F cup.

  Jake had only ever looked at Sienna like a younger sister. But recently that had changed. Aside from staring at her breasts, there were times when he couldn't help but stare longingly at her beautiful, slim ass. He also couldn't deny the fact that she had the most gorgeous smile that made his cock twitch.

  Sienna was completely oblivious to this. Jake made it a point to never let things get awkward whenever they were in the same room, well, tried to at least. Sienna had no problem walking around the house in nothing but her negligee. She'd known Jake for over twenty years, heck, she'd seen his cock several times on her way in and out of the bathroom.

  They were both usually comfortable around each other and often shared their secrets. There were times, however, when Jake would blush every time she would walk into the room and he had his top off. This was one of those times and his feelings for her, were one secret that he wasn't ready to share...yet!

  He sat down on the bed again, placed the guitar around his neck and began playing the new tune he had just written with the band. Lightning Ridge consisted of four band members; lead singer, Tori, second guitarist, Ryan, Lance on drums and Jake on lead guitar and vocals. The guitar was slightly out of tune, he fiddled around with the stings and fine-tuned his instrument before beginning the tune again. He began humming the tune softly and stood up continuing to play his guitar.

  He walked around the room, humming, he could hear the sounds of the stereo echoing through the walls from the living room. Sienna had put on her new Dark Falkon album, she had been obsessed with the band since they formed two years ago. She had been to every single one of their concerts, some with her best friend, Ivy, who she meet when Jake and her first moved to New York some three years earlier.

  Sometimes, Jake would came home from band practice and Sienna would have the volume on high and be singing at the top of her lungs, while dancing around the living room. Dark Falkon were a rock band and their music was similar to that of Jake’s band, although, he'd never heard them sing live before.

  Sienna's bedroom was covered, wall to wall, with posters of the band's lead singer, Lukas Dark. She always spoke about how perfect he was, and she was always telling Jake how she would do anything to meet him in person. Apparently, it wasn't enough that she was always in the front row, flashing her tits and throwing her bra at him. She wanted more, she wanted to touch him.

  He couldn't believe it, the thought of Sienna even thinking about another man actually made him jealous. “This is nuts,” he said, frustrated, removing the guitar and placing it gently down on the bed. “She's my best friend. She can date whoever she wants, even if it is just a fantasy. He's a rock star, she doesn't stand a chance with him, does she?” Once again, the thought of seeing Sienna with another man drove him crazy.

  It wasn’t that long ago that Jake realized his feelings for Sienna had developed into more than just friendship. It all started when she and Ivy went to their first concert. At first he was in complete denial, he brushed off his feelings and simply tried to ignore them. But recently, Sienna and Ivy had started meeting up after work regularly, for drinks with guys.

  Jake had no reason to be jealous, Sienna was single and very much available. He hadn't given her any indication that he was interested in her.

  Frustrated with his feelings, he lay down on the bed with his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. “Dinner's ready!” Jake opened his eyes some time later and heard Sienna call from the kitchen, he must have dozed off. He got off th
e bed and made his way into the kitchen, sitting down at the table.

  “I'm sorry about earlier,” Jake told Sienna, “It's just been a busy couple of weeks. I know it's no excuse, I'm sorry.”

  “You don't have to apologize. I know how hard you and the band have been working, it's a stressful time for you all. I have those moments with work too, it all just creeps up and gets the better of you at times.” Sienna placed their meals on the table, sat down and poured them both some wine.

  “You've been playing this album nonstop for weeks now,” Jake said, eating his dinner.

  “I love this album, I think it's their best one yet.”

  “You say that about all their albums and it's only their third one.”

  “Yeah, but each album gets better and better,” Sienna replied, sipping her wine.

  “So, any news on their next tour?” Jake asked, not that he was the slightest bit interested.

  “Yep! April fifteen. I already have my tickets.”

  “Let me guess, front row, center?” Jake asked, sarcastically.

  “Obviously! Would you expect anything less?” There was some brief silence for a couple of minutes as they enjoyed their meals and wine.

  “You know, personally, I don't know what you see in the guy,” Jake spoke, with a mouth full of food.

  “You're a guy, you wouldn't get it. He doesn't have tits or a pussy.”

  “No! He certainly doesn't!” Jake whispered under his breath.

  “What?” Sienna asked.

  “Nothing,” he replied, quickly finishing his meal.

  “So! That tune you were humming earlier, your new song?”

  “You heard that, over all this noise?”

  “You'd be surprised the things I hear coming out of your room, Jake.”

  Jake was slightly embarrassed. He wondered what exactly she had heard and prayed that she had never heard him call out her name in the middle of his sleep.

  “Yeah, it's a new song. We just finished writing it, tonight.” He couldn't answer her question more quickly as he tried to ease the awkwardness that he suddenly felt.

  “Can I hear it?”

  “Um, when it's recorded, yes.”



  “You're such a tease. That's so not fair.”

  “You know me by now, Sienna. I never deliver an unfinished product, I have a rep to protect,” he replied with sarcasm.

  “Oh god!”

  Sienna cleared the dishes and poured them both some more wine and the two of them headed for the sofa. Jake sat in his usual position, he always had the right side of the sofa. Sienna usually preferred the arm chair, but tonight for some unknown reason, she decided to sit on the sofa, next to Jake.

  Jake gulped and then cleared his throat as his eyes began to wander towards her. Sienna changed out of her work clothes and into a loose shirt which she always wore to bed. It hung loosely over her breasts and stopped just on her thighs, barely covering her ass and pussy. While Jake slept in just his boxers, Sienna was more comfortable sleeping totally naked. He'd seen her naked many times but seeing her practically naked next to him right now, didn't help his growing attraction towards her. He casually shifted himself on the sofa, as his cock stiffened.

  “Everything alright?” Sienna asked, sipping more wine.

  “Ye-yep!” Jake stuttered crossing one leg over the other. His eyes roaming from her vagina to her breasts, he tried to look discreet, hoping that she hadn't noticed.

  “Oh my god! I fucking love this song,” Sienna suddenly blurted out, standing up and cranking up the volume on the stereo. Dark Falkon's number one single, Way Back Home, blasted through the living room. Sienna belted out the lyrics at the top of her lungs, while Jake sat there and watched, smirking at her. Surprisingly enough, Sienna actually had an amazing singing voice. He asked her many times if she would ever consider doing the lead vocals in his band. She would always look at him and laugh before quickly changing the subject.

  Jake couldn't help himself, his foot started to move in time with the music. He stood up off the sofa and walked over to the stereo. The microphone was lying next to the stereo, he plugged it in, turned up the volume even louder and he too started singing, Way Back Home.

  The two of them finished the wine and sang out loud with the microphone. They were having so much fun and Sienna hadn't noticed that the shirt she was wearing had come undone, revealing her perfectly smooth, tanned, naked body beneath.

  Jake noticed, but quickly turned his eyes away before Sienna caught him looking at her.

  “SIENNA,” he yelled.

  “Huh?” She replied, looking at him.

  Jake turned down the stereo and looked at her again.

  “Um...,” he said, eyeing her up and down.

  “Oh! It's just as well it's only you here. And besides, it's not like it's anything you haven't seen before.” She said it so casually as if it was no big deal as she buttoned up her shirt.

  “I'm going to take a shower,” Jake said quickly, as he headed for the bathroom. He locked the door and stared into the mirror. He stood there for a few minutes, not saying a word, just staring at his reflection which was staring right back at him.

  “She's your best friend, you can't let things get awkward,” he whispered to himself. He stripped out of his clothes and jumped into the shower.

  Jake walked out into the living room, Sienna was sitting on the sofa watching something on the television. After throwing his clothes into the washing machine, he made himself comfortable on the armchair next to the sofa. He looked up at the television and saw Lukas Dark center stage, as Sienna watched their last concert on DVD.

  “How many times have you watched this now?” Jake asked, although he didn't care in the slightest.

  “Not enough,” Sienna replied.

  “I really can't work out what women see in him.”

  “Like I said earlier, Jake, he doesn't have tits or a pussy. You just wouldn't get it.”

  “Is that what you think I am really like?”

  “You're a guy, aren't you?”

  “Yeah, but it's not all about tits and a pussy. I do have some morals.”

  Sienna burst into laughter, almost spilling the glass of water that she was holding in her hand.

  “Are you drunk? Seriously, Jake. I'm not saying you don't have morals, all I'm saying is, you're a male. If there's no tits, ass or pussy most men are completely blind at what's in front of them.”

  “I can't believe you just said that.”


  “Sienna, you and I have been friends for how long now? Years! Never in all that time have I ever given you reason to think that I am a womanizing, chauvinistic pig. I'm actually insulted.” He turned and walked to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. In anger, he kicked the amplifier which was lying under his bed.

  “Fuck!” He yelled in pain, rubbing his toe.

  “Jake?” he heard Sienna call out from outside his room.

  “Get lost!” he yelled, still nursing his toe.

  “Jake, I’m sorry. Really I am. That was a stupid, dumb ass thing to say.”

  “You think? Just go away please, Sienna.”

  Sienna was about to knock on the door again, but she knew not to press her luck. Jake was one to hold a grudge for a very long time. She smacked her head against the door in frustration, turned and walked back over to the sofa and finished watching the DVD.

  It was a couple of hours later when Jake finally came out of his room. The television was switched off and there was no sign of Sienna. He took a glimpse at her bedroom door, it was wide open and her bed, unslept in. He slowly crept over to the living room, and as he approached he could see Sienna lying peacefully on the sofa, she was sound asleep.

  He stood there, watching over her as if she was some precious and delicate flower. Her hair was frizzy and it covered her face, he looked down at her thighs, the shirt she was wearing had ridden up, exposing her bare pussy. He cou
ld feel his cock spring to life under his shorts, slowly, he reached down her thigh with his hand. He could see her opening, it was only inches away, he reached down lower and Sienna let out a slight moan as she rolled over, he couldn’t remove his hand fast enough as he jumped back, almost falling over the coffee table.

  Jake quickly walked to his room, slowly closing the door behind him. He lay down on the bed, he sighed in frustration, staring up at the ceiling.

  “That was fucking close. Too close. The last thing I need is to make things awkward between the two of us, if Sienna found out how I ever felt about her, she’d probably hate me for the rest of my life.


  Jake had the most restless night’s sleep he had ever had in a very long time. All he could think about was Sienna and her nakedness, he couldn’t shake the images of her out of his head. As he lay there staring out his bedroom window, he could hear footsteps outside his room.

  “Jake, I’m making bacon and eggs, do you want any?” Sienna yelled.

  “Yeah, thanks,” he yelled back. He lay there for a few more minutes, gathering his thoughts and feelings. Lightning Ridge had their first ever concert tonight, they were performing in front of a sold out crowd for a charity benefit in Queens. He had given Sienna two free tickets and she had decided to bring her best friend, Ivy. They were going to commute to the concert by train, while he was going to travel with the band.

  After he showered, Jake stood in the bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Standing at six feet, five inches with jet black hair and blue eyes, he was in excellent shape. Sporting a ripped stomach with six pack abs, every girl wanted him, and all men wanted to be him. He had been on dates before, plenty, in fact and after many “flings,” he just never met the right one. Even now, living with Sienna, there were moments where he just wanted to throw her down on the bed and pound her pussy hard, but he couldn’t. Jake was practically invisible to Sienna, there was no sexual tension, well, on her part anyway and all he wanted to do, was to tell Sienna how he truly felt about her. But at the same time, he was terrified of losing his best friend.


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