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First Crush (Dark Falkon Book 1)

Page 4

by J. O Mantel

  “Thank you! See, I told you it looked hot. You have to buy it now or you will hurt this girl’s feelings.”

  “I don’t know-”

  “Oh for fuck sakes, give it here.” Sienna grabbed the dress out of her arms and placed it on the counter with hers. “Both of those please,” she said, looking up at the attendant.

  She finalized their purchase and thanked them, Sienna handed Ivy her bag, “You’re welcome,” she said, before Ivy had the chance to open her mouth.

  The girls had been shopping on Broadway for hours and their hands were full of bags with dresses, shoes, make up and handbags.

  “I need a coffee,” Sienna moaned.

  “There’s a Starbucks ahead,” Ivy said, speeding up the pace.

  They grabbed a seat outside and placed their bags beside them. Ordering two cappuccinos and a muffin each, Sienna fumbled through her shopping and pulled out her brand new Louis Vuitton handbag.

  “Don't you have enough handbags already?” Ivy asked, admiring the dress that Sienna had bought for her.

  “You of all people should know Ivy, a girl can never have too any handbags.”

  “Yes, that's true,” Ivy smiled.

  A short time later their coffees arrived. Biting into her muffin and taking a sip of her cappuccino, Sienna sighed, “Ahhhhhhh, that's exactly what I needed.”

  “So, have you heard from Jesse again?”

  “He's called a couple of times, but to be honest, I'm really not that interested. He was just a fling for me. And before you say it, I realize exactly how that sounds.”

  “I didn't say a word,” Ivy smirked.

  “You didn't have to, it's written all over your face. Besides, I'd rather much talk about you and Jake,” a grin on her face as she sipped her coffee.

  “There is no me and Jake, Sienna, there's nothing going on between us. You know that.”

  “Yet! Nothing yet!”

  “Are we really going to have this discussion again?” Ivy asked.

  “I'm just saying. Isn't that what girl talk is all about, men, sex and handbags,” she picked up her handbag again, caressing the leather coating on the outside.

  “Who needs a man anyway? You seem to be doing alright with Mr. Louis Vuitton right there,” Ivy joked.

  “It's leather, and it feels so good.” She held the bag up to her nose and took a sniff, “Hmmm, smells good too.”

  She put the bag away and the two of them finished their coffees. They paid for their order and headed back to Sienna's car.

  “Hey, what are you doing tonight?” Sienna asked.

  “Nothing much, why? Is Jake performing again?” Ivy asked in excitement.

  “And you're telling me that I need a man.”

  “Shut up,” Ivy replied.

  “No! I think he said he was heading out of town for the weekend. I was going to ask if you wanted to spend the weekend over at my place. We could have a girl’s weekend.”

  Ivy contemplated the idea and looked at Sienna, “You mean, chocolate, pajamas, Love Actually and maybe some Chris Hemsworth? All that sort of stuff?”

  Sienna laughed while watching the road ahead; “Actually I was thinking more along the lines of wine, maybe some chocolate, pajamas, Dark Falkon and Lukas Dark.”

  Ivy gave her that look, it was the look she always gave her whenever she disapproved on something. She would put a big frown on her face, squint her eyes and force a closed smile.

  “Don't look at me with that tone,” Sienna said, noticing her as she continued driving.

  “I can't believe you expect me to sit through an entire weekend watching Dark Falkon DVD's and listening to their music. That's not really how I imagined spending my weekend.”

  “I never said that's what we would be doing. Dark Falkon are performing on an Ellen music special tonight. She's doing an exclusive up close and personal segment with them, the whole band together, live on her show.”

  “Really?” Ivy asked, slightly intrigued.

  “Yes! It's their first ever interview and television appearance.”

  “But haven't they been around for two years?” Ivy asked.

  “They have! But not everyone gets their big break straight away, Ivy.”

  “Yeah I know that. But they've released three albums, and only now they manage to get themselves on television?”

  “You have to realize though, they've been writing songs and planning their world tour. They’ve only ever performed in the States, this is the first time they will be touring the world. That can take them out of the spotlight for months.”

  “You have a point. So when is this concert, again?”

  “April fifteen at MGM Grand.”

  “Right,” Ivy sighed.

  “I've already got our tickets.”

  “Front row, center, I know. You told me the day you bought them.”

  “What's your problem?” Sienna asked, slightly annoyed.

  “Nothing! Sorry I'm just still thinking about that kiss. It meant something, I know it did.”

  “Hun, I know that's what you want to believe, but Jake’s already said that it was an accident and he didn't mean for it to happen.”

  “But he didn't say that he didn't want it to happen.”

  “It's the same thing.”

  “No it isn't, actually. We took each other totally off guard, so we both kind of went weird when it happened. Maybe I need to talk to him, just to explain to him that I'm cool with it and don't feel weird at all.”

  Sienna slowed the car down and turned into her street.

  “Maybe that's not such a great idea,” Sienna said.

  “What? Why not?”

  “I just think you need to give Jake some time. I know he's under a lot of stress with the band at the moment, maybe he's just not ready for a relationship. Oh, and I kinda of told him that you liked him,” Sienna pulled into the drive and turned off the engine.

  “You what?” Ivy replied, slamming the door.

  “Well, he came home and barely said a word all night. He was moping around the house and he was in the filthiest mood. After he told me that the two of you had kissed, I just told him how you felt.” After grabbing their bags from the trunk, Ivy and Sienna headed inside.

  “No wonder the guy's being all weird. Thanks a lot, Sienna. You should have just kept your mouth shut.”

  “Don't get your fucking panties in a twist, I thought I was doing you a favor. See, this is what I meant, he isn't your type.”

  Ivy stood there not saying a word, Sienna could tell that she was pissed off.

  “Babe, look! I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean for this to happen.” Sienna walked over to Ivy and gave her a hug, Ivy hesitated for a moment before rolling her eyes and wrapped her arms around Sienna.

  “I'm sorry for the way I reacted, I know you were just trying to help.”

  “Yeah I am. But I'll know better than to intervene in your love life. Besides, Jake has always been weird when it comes to dating.”

  After helping Sienna with her bags, Ivy grabbed her own handbag and headed for the door.

  “I'm going to go home and pack some stuff for the weekend. I'll be back later, around six thirty?”

  “That's perfect. The show starts at seven thirty p.m. and dinner should be ready by the time you get here.”

  She waved and walked out the door and Sienna made a start on dinner.


  True to her word, at six thirty p.m. Ivy knocked on the front door. Sporting casual track pants, a sweat top and holding a box of chocolates, Ivy walked inside.


  “Hi,” Sienna replied, closing the door.

  Ivy placed the chocolate on the bench and put her bag on the sofa.

  “You can sleep in Jake’s room.”


  “He won’t be back until Tuesday, no use sleeping on the sofa. You may as well get a good night’s sleep.

  “Are you sure he wouldn’t mind?”

  “You’ve st
ayed in his bed before Ivy, why should this time be any different?”

  “After everything that’s happened, do you really think it’s a great idea?”

  “I thought we were over all that?” Sienna asked.

  Without saying another word, Ivy grabbed her bag and put it on the bed in Jake’s room. She had been in his room many times before, but she never got sick of snooping around. His walls were covered with posters of him and the band. Ivy stood there and stared into his eyes, mesmerized by the hottest shade of blue that they possessed.

  “Lose something?” Sienna asked, suddenly entering the room.

  “Actually, I think I found something. Man! He is so photogenic.”

  “I have to admit, he actually does look hot in these photos.”

  “Hey, where did that come from?” Ivy asked, nudging Sienna on the shoulder.

  “Oh come off it, Ivy. I said I’d never date the guy, that doesn’t mean I can’t find him attractive.”

  After unpacking her belongings, Ivy made her way out into the living room. Sienna had finished preparing the dinner and the two of them sat at the table.

  “So, Jake must be doing pretty well for himself, then.” Ivy asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I mean, he must be making enough money with the band doing gigs and stuff to be able to afford the rent and pay the bills.”

  They sunk into their beef casserole as Sienna poured some wine, “Yeah they are doing pretty well, financially. And Jake does get some extra money on the side with his guitar and singing lessons.”

  Nodding her head in acknowledgement, Ivy drank her wine and the two of them remained silent as they finished their meals.

  After changing into their pajamas, Sienna heated up some popcorn and made her way to the sofa with Ivy. Switching on the television, Sienna flicked the channels until she stopped on the Ellen DeGeneres show. She sat down next to Ivy and their eyes fixated on the television.

  As Ellen announced her guests, Sienna was overjoyed with excitement as she stared at the television. Dark Falkon appeared on the screen, the live studio audience cheered as the lights dimmed and a spotlight lit up the center of the stage. Lukas Dark came into frame, the lights reflecting off his golden blonde hair as he strapped the guitar around his chest. He was wearing a denim jacket, jeans and black boots.

  “I really don’t know what you see in this guy,” Ivy suddenly said.

  “Shhhh!” Sienna hissed, throwing a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

  Ivy could do nothing but sit there as the band performed their new single, Way Back Home. With her mouth full of popcorn, Sienna sang along with the band, Ivy rolled her eyes, trying desperately not to laugh at Sienna. She had to admit though, Sienna did have a great singing voice.

  When the band finished performing, there was a roar of cheers from the audience and the band made their way over to the sofa beside Ellen. Greeting them all with a hug, they sat down next to each other.

  “Who’s that?” Ivy asked, looking at the drummer sitting to the right of Lukas.

  “Oh! That’s Dave, he’s the drummer.”

  “He’s cute,” Ivy said.

  “The guy on Lukas’s left is Tyler, he plays the piano and the guy next to him is Matt Wills, he’s the second guitarist.”

  Sienna finished introducing the band and the two of them went quiet as Ellen began her interview.

  “Dark Falkon, thank you all so much for joining us. That was awesome. Now, this is actually your first ever interview, right?”

  “Yes,” the band said all at once.

  “And how do you feel coming on live television for the first time?”

  “We were actually excited about it. When our management told us that your producers had been in contact with them, we were stoked. At first we were nervous because we’ve never done anything like this before. We’ve been busy recording in the studio and just released our third album, we are also about to start our first ever world tour. We are kicking it off at the MGM Grand in April,” Lukas said.

  There was another roar of cheers from the audience, as Ellen continued with her interview.

  “So, perhaps you could introduce us to the rest of the band. How did you guys all meet?” Ellen asked.

  “Lukas and I were in the same class in high school. I was at a wedding that Dave had attended and we got talking. He told me that he had been playing the drums since he was twelve years old. And Tyler was actually on tour with his local band and we heard them perform at a gig in Vegas. The three of us approached him and asked if he would be interested in joining our band. And as they say the rest was history,” Matt explained.

  “You mentioned a world tour, when does that kick off?” Ellen asked.

  “We start our world tour on April, fifteen at MGM Grand in Vegas, and from there we will head to Europe, then Asia and finishing up in Australia,” Lukas said.

  “Why haven’t you ever done a world tour before?

  “We wanted to get a fan base here in the States first, and once that was built, then concentrate on building one overseas. Now that we have achieved both, we decided that it was time for a world tour, not just one Stateside.” Lukas answered.

  “So, I think the question on everyone’s mind is, any girlfriends?”

  “I’m engaged, to my stunning fiancé, Marie,” Dave said.

  “I have a beautiful wife, Natasha and a gorgeous daughter, Mariah,” Tyler added.

  “Yes, I have a girlfriend, my wonderful partner, Diane,” Matt said.

  “Lukas, what about you?” Ellen asked.

  “Well, I’m actually single and looking for love,” Lukas said.

  “You hear that ladies? Lukas is single.”

  There was a roar of cheer from the audience and a slight gasp from Sienna.

  “He’s single? I still have a chance then, fuck he is so hot. I’d love to just sit on his cock and ride him all day.”


  “WHAT? I so would.”

  “He’s not that great, seriously.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t just go there?”

  “Sorry, but like I said, he does nothing for me.”

  Ellen finished her interview with Dark Falkon. She gave them all a hug and as the audience cheered, she went to a commercial break.

  “I can’t wait to see them in concert, it’s going to be great.”

  “You’ve been to their concerts before, Sienna.”

  “I know that’s why I’m looking forward to it. Somehow, every concert seems to be better than the previous one.”

  Ivy shrugged her shoulders and poured the last of the wine into their glasses. Grabbing the box of chocolates that she had bought over from the kitchen, she placed the box on the table and shuffled through Sienna’s DVD collection.

  “So, what are we going to watch now? And NO! Not a Dark Falkon concert,” Ivy added.

  “I was actually going to suggest The Notebook, fancy a bit of Ryan Gosling?”

  “Sure.” Sienna got up and grabbed the DVD from her book case, after pressing play on the remote, she heated up a fresh batch of popcorn and the two of them cuddled up on the sofa.

  Ivy sat at her desk, a mountain of paperwork by her side. As she sat there typing away on the keyboard there was a knock on her office door, “Come in,” she said, not acknowledging the person.

  “Hi, Ivy,” she recognized the voice at once.

  “Jake?” She looked up from the screen, giving him her full attention.

  “Sorry, have I come at a bad time?”

  “, actually I could do with a break. What's up?” She removed her glasses.

  “I was just wondering, are you free for lunch today?”

  “Well, I usually have lunch with Sienna, but I can call her and tell her that I'm busy.”

  “Would you mind? There's just something that I really want to talk to you about. I don't want to put it off any longer, that's all.”

  Ivy acknowledged him with a smile, but deep dow
n, she was curious to know what was so important.

  Jake never asked to speak to Ivy alone, usually the three of them were always together.

  “Ok, sure. Let me call Sienna and I can meet you back here say, at one p.m.?” she asked, looking at her watch.

  “Perfect, I'll see you then.” He turned and vanished, leaving Ivy completely dumbfounded.

  By the time one p.m. arrived, Ivy was actually quite nervous and a little anxious about meeting Jake.

  Ivy had phoned Sienna and cancelled their lunch date, she hated that she had to lie to her but clearly what Jake had to say was important. She sat at her desk and waited for him.

  There was a knock on her door, she looked up and saw Jake standing there.

  “Hey, ready to go?” He asked.

  “Yep!” Ivy grabbed her purse and phone, and headed outside with Jake.

  They walked two blocks before agreeing on a cafe for lunch. They ordered their meals and the two of them sat there in silence for a few seconds. Ivy felt just as awkward as she had the night she kissed Jake, she didn't want to say anything in case she embarrassed herself in front of him.

  The waiter arrived with their drinks, and placed them on the table, Jake grabbed his beer and took a sip out of the bottle. Ivy turned and looked at him, hypnotized by his eyes once more.

  “Busy day?” Jake asked.

  “Yeah, very. What about you?”

  “I had a rehearsal with the band this morning and finished up early, that's why I thought it would be good to catch up.”

  After placing their meals on the table, the waiter went back inside, leaving Jake and Ivy alone.

  “So, there was something you wanted to talk about?” Ivy asked, digging into her salad.

  “Yeah. Ivy, you and I are friends, right? You know that I care about you just as much as I do Sienna?”

  “I guess so,” she replied, unsure how to really respond.

  “Ivy, you're a great girl. You're talented and beautiful and one day you’re going to make some guy, very happy.” Oh oh, Ivy had heard this speech way too many times before.

  “Thanks, Jake. What are you getting at, exactly?”

  “Ivy, I don't want things to be weird between us?”

  “Weird? Why on earth would things be weird between us?”


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