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by Peter Bleksley

  I was once told of a plot to murder a detective and his girlfriend over their involvement in the theft of £200,000 drugs money by other serving officers. I was never able to verify it and have consequently remained silent, though it troubles me from time to time. I was also told of a high-society drug-dealer allegedly supplying cocaine to a member of the Royal Family. A proposed undercover operation was abandoned in its very early stages. Because I cannot know whether such an allegation was true or simply one of the myriad unfounded pieces of information that are channelled into the police every day, I mention it only in passing.

  In early 1999 I came to terms with the fact that the police force held no future for me in any capacity. It came to a head after I had been posted to Orpington police station. I was soon to be Mr Plod back in uniform, the glory days long gone and future prospects bleak. I thought I could fight back but the sniping of my new so-called colleagues, the sniggering behind my back, finally made me decide enough was enough and I handed in my ticket. It was all over for detective constable Peter Bleksley, the undercover cop who got in too deep for his own good. The fight for damages continued for a full five years until April 2000 when it was finally settled out of court. Just £10,000. My lawyers had said to look forward to a six-figure sum. But it was an enormous relief all round in many ways. I am well, I have a lovely wife and two sons and an opportunity to look to new horizons as plain Mr Bleksley. The real Peter Bleksley.


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  ePub ISBN 978 1 85782 978 5

  Mobi ISBN 978 1 85782 978 2

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  First published in paperback in 2002. This edition published in 2012

  ISBN: 978–1–84358–951–8

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