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Love, Unexpected

Page 7

by Ra'Chael Ohara

  “Go out with me.” He breathes against my lips.

  “No,” I answer between deep breaths. I smile when Kulani groans and plops his back down in the mud.

  “Why not?”

  I don’t really know how to answer that, so I just shrug while I stand up and get ready to make my way back to the group. I start walking and assume that Kulani will eventually follow.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” he says. I stop walking, instantly intrigued.

  I look at him with a raised eyebrow. “I’m listening.”

  “If I can teach you to surf in one day, you have to go out with me, any place I choose. And you have to actually try. ” He smirks. I suck at anything sports related, so I’m confident he’s about to lose this bet.


  Chapter Nine

  The Bet

  “Kulani! I’ve been here for an hour and I haven’t even been in the water yet!” I whine for the millionth time, then glare at Layla and Pika, who are in the water and have not stopped laughing since we arrived at the ocean.

  “You have to learn the basics before getting in the water, Rocky,” Kulani reminds me with a smile.

  “And the best way to learn that is in the sand, where I lay on a board and swim through the air?” I ask, irritated with this whole day. The sun is beating down on me, I’m sweating, my arms and legs are tired, and I just want to get in the damn water that I’ve been staring at for an hour.

  “Actually, yes. This is the best way to learn it.”

  “This sucks.”

  “I’m quite enjoying it.” I turn my head behind me to see what Kulani is up to, suspicious of the tone in his voice. His eyes are glued to my ass. Not for the first time today, I curse Layla for giving me what I suspect is the skimpiest bikini she owns.

  This bikini is the most revealing item of clothing I’ve ever worn. When Layla first handed it to me, I thought she was kidding. The only part of the bikini I’m comfortable with is the red color. The triangles are just barely big enough to fit over my breasts and I’m shocked that I’m not picking these bottoms out of my ass every other minute. All of that is why it took Layla twenty minutes to get me to come out of the bathroom.

  I’m comfortable in my body. I know I’m lucky to not struggle with weight issues. I’m just not used to showing this much skin. But I sucked it up, and now I’m here, catching Kulani staring at me for the umpteenth time today with nothing less than appreciation. I swear, when I first walked on the beach, Kulani couldn’t pull his eyes away. I’m not ashamed to admit that I like his attention, mostly because I also stare at Kulani every day at work. It doesn’t help that his uniform is a pair of board shorts and that’s it.

  “Ya mind?” I snap. Now, the natural reaction for any guy who was just caught checking out a girl’s ass is to remove their eyes and apologize. I should have known that wouldn’t be Kulani’s reaction. His eyes never leave my ass and his smile only grows.

  “I don’t mind at all.”

  “Maiale,” I hiss. Pig. As hard as I try, I can’t keep the smirk off my face.

  I stand up, grab the board I’ve been lying on, and start wading out in the water.

  “Where are you going?” Kulani asks in alarm.

  “I’m going to surf,” I say matter of factly.

  “You haven’t even learned the basics, Aria!” he yells over the sounds of the waves.

  “Well, I figured we were done going over the basics, since you were more focused on my assets.”

  I look over my shoulder and giggle when I see Kulani look heavenward, then scrub his hand down his face. “You can’t expect a guy not to look when you show up wearing that with the kind of ‘assets’ you have.”

  I look at Layla and stick out my tongue when she starts laughing. “Well, since you’re so distracted, I’ll just have to teach myself.”

  “You should pull your head out of your ass, bro. From what I understand, you have a lot riding on this bet, and I don’t think it counts if she teaches herself,” Pika yells to Kulani.

  The smile wipes off of Kulani’s face at the reminder. “Come on, baby. I’ll be serious this time, I promise.”

  I ignore the butterflies that take flight when he calls me ‘baby’ and climb on my board once the water reaches my waist. “Teach me out here.”

  “You’re not ready for out there.”

  “Yes, I am,” I argue stubbornly.

  Kulani doesn’t say anything to me, just glares from his place in the sand. I’m not changing my mind. He can teach me in the water or I can teach myself. Now that I’m in the water, sitting on the board, I’m really getting into it. I really want to learn. I know that the only way that’s going to happen is if he gives in, so I will sit on this board all damn day if I have to.

  It’s no longer about the bet because let’s be honest, Kulani isn’t going to stop asking, and I’m not going to be able to say no for too much longer. The man is just too hard to resist, and why would I want to? There’s so much to him, and all of it is good, all of it the exact opposite of my papi.

  “Fine!” Kulani huffs and starts walking into the water. “But if we’re doing it out there, you have to make sure you’re listening.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes just as Kulani reaches my board. My eyes are instantly drawn to the drops of water on his tan abs, but Kulani pulls my focus back when he grabs the front of my board. I let out a pathetic squeak when he pulls my board through the water until I’m right in front of him.

  He leans in until his lips are a hair’s breadth away from mine. I gulp. His lips aren’t just any lips. These are lips that I constantly think about when I’m awake, lips that I dream about when I’m asleep.

  It’s driving me completely mad how my thoughts always seem to end up leading to Kulani—not just his lips, but him. It’s been just shy of a month since I’ve been in Hawaii and I feel my whole being is changing.

  Before Hawaii, my thoughts revolved around how to survive. I was often consumed with sadness, convinced that I was destined to live the kind of life my momma lived, doomed to never have happy ending of my own.

  I wake up now and my days are brighter. Ever since I decided I was going to put my past behind me and embrace my future, I feel lighter. I thought by embracing my future I was forgetting about her, but I swear I can feel her right here next to me, urging me on and wishing for me to be happy.

  That’s what he does for me. Kulani makes me happy, so I ignore all the warnings of heartbreak. How can anything that makes me feel so free be bad?

  It’s not just Kulani. It’s Layla and Camille, the friends I’ve made at the resort. It’s Hawaii. I’ve never felt so complete. When I wake up here, I feel whole.

  I know every day won’t be like this. The pain I feel from losing my mother is still raw and will be for a while, maybe forever. I know the rest of my life won’t be free of pain, but I’m hopeful if I always have friends like this, I may just survive the heartbreak.

  “Aria?” Kulani asks quietly, dragging me from my thoughts. He’s still as close as ever.

  “Yeah?” I whisper as my eyes move from his lips to his eyes. As soon as my eyes connect with his, they’re glued there. Whatever his mouth is saying, his eyes are portraying something different. He wants this kiss as badly as I do.

  Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me!

  He doesn’t. Instead, the corner of his lip tips up into a sexy smirk. “Did you hear what I said?”

  Shit. What did he say? I rack my brain fast until I come up with an answer. “It would be easier to focus if your mouth wasn’t so close to mine,” I point out before I can think better of it.

  I inhale a shaky breath when Kulani moves away, but my breath comes out in a ‘whoosh’ when his lips go to my ears. “That’s a problem, then, isn’t it? Because I can’t seem to stop thinking about your lips or wanting to taste them again. In fact, it’s the only thing I’ve thought about since I got my first taste. Hell, it’s the only thing I’ve thought about since I firs
t met you.”

  He pauses. I feel relief when I think he’s done talking, but the relief goes away as quickly as it came when he starts talking again. “By the way you’re breathing, I have no doubts that you’re thinking the same thing.”

  I hate and love how easy it was for him to read my body language. I would deny it, but I mean, really, what’s the point? He knows it, I know it.

  “Hold on!” Kulani commands, then wraps his arms around me just as a huge wave swallows us both. I can feel the wave pushing and pulling at me relentlessly, but Kulani never lets go.

  The wave moves on and we’re both left sputtering and coughing. Once I catch my breath, I look at Kulani to see him wiping the water from his face. I steal a quick glance at Pika and Layla to make sure they’re okay and see them sucking face. Guess they’re good.

  “Ready?” Kulani asks once I look back to him.



  I break through the top of the water and take a big gulp of air. “It’s useless, Kulani, I will never surf!” I sputter between coughs.

  “You almost had it that time! I swear, anytime now, you’re going to ride a wave.”

  “You’ve been saying that for the past hour. I’ve spent more time spitting out water than on the actual friggin’ board. I’m done!” I start swimming to shore to join Pika and Layla, who left the water ages ago and are now laying out on their towels.

  I just barely swim past Kulani when he grabs my ankle and pulls me to him. He pulls my front to his, then reaches down in the water, grabs the back of my thighs, and wraps my legs around his narrow waist. I whimper when I feel the undeniable bulge in his board shorts.

  “What are you doing?” I ask slowly.

  “Taking you back to your board. I have a bet with you, and I’m not about to lose after being this close to spending a night, alone, with you.”

  We reach my board by the time he’s done talking. Without another word, I climb on.

  “On your belly, baby,” he instructs through a grin. “Okay. When I say go, start paddling. Ready?”

  With a deep breath, I nod. He looks behind me. All too soon, he’s yelling, “Paddle.”

  I do as instructed, even though every movement feels like torture because my arms are so tired from the millions of other times I’ve attempted this today.

  When Kulani yells, “Stand,” I try something different. Instead of freaking out and worrying about falling off, drowning, and losing my life, I jump up on the board. Once I steady my feet, my eyes squeeze close and I hold my breath.

  I couldn’t have been standing up for more than a few seconds before the sound of cheering grabs my attention. My eyes pop back open. That’s when I realize what I’m doing.

  “I’m surfing!” I say as excitedly as I can without breaking my concentration.

  “You’re fucking surfing, baby!” Kulani cheers. I look at the shore to see Pika clapping and Layla jumping around, saying something that’s being drowned out by the sound of the waves.

  My excitement is short lived. Seconds later, a smaller wave sweeps in and rocks my board. I lose my balance and, fortunately, I’m able to take in a big breath before I’m thrown off my board and plunged into the water.

  When I fall in the water this time, I keep my eyes open and am amazed at what I see. Before this, the only water I ever swam in was a dirty, mudded lake—so dirty, in fact, if I was ever brave enough to open my eyes under water, I’m sure my vision would’ve been too clouded by dirt to see much of anything.

  This water is the complete opposite. It’s so crystal clear. I can see so far ahead of me. I can see all the vivid and bright colors, all the different kinds of fish. I’m so mesmerized that I forget I’m under water, which is why I scream when I feel someone grab my leg and drag me above the surface.

  I barely take in a breath when I hear Kulani yell, “What the fuck, Aria? I thought you were dead!”

  I can see how worried he is, so I try my best not to laugh. “I’m sorry. It was just so pretty.”

  Kulani’s face softens at my words and, for the second time today, he reaches out and pulls me to him. “Do you mind if next time you decide to go sight-seeing underwater, you could give me a heads up and have an oxygen tank strapped to your back?”

  “Deal.” I giggle.

  “Ah, speaking of deal. I believe my girl just surfed. That means you’re mine…tonight.”

  Oh boy!

  Chapter Ten

  The Date

  Why am I so fucking nervous? It’s just a date. My first date, but just a date, nonetheless. Kulani dropped me off only an hour ago, and my stomach has been in butterflies ever since. It didn’t help that as soon as Layla and I walked through the front door, Layla announced to Camille that I was going on a date with Kulani. They’ve spent the past hour primping me. I could barely get a word out before Layla was finishing up my make-up and Camille was done straightening my hair. The longer they fussed, the more nervous I became.

  The only thing I managed to do on my own is pick out my outfit. After the whole bathing suit incident, there’s no way I’m letting Layla pick out an outfit for me any time soon.

  Since I have no idea where Kulani’s taking me—even though I tried to get him to talk—I decided to dress casual. Kulani doesn’t seem like the fancy type, at least I hope not. After spending an entire day on the water, I’m not really in the mood to dress up.

  I decided on a pair of white shorts with a loose fitting, bright pink tank top that has a picture of an anchor and the words Refuse to Sink written in teal on the front. I was going to wear flip flops, but changed my mind at the last minute and put on my black Converse tennis shoes in case we do a lot of walking.

  With nothing else to do but wait, and Pika and Layla looking about a half a second away from doing it on her bed in front of me, I grab my purse and head out to sit on the front porch swing.

  I’m not sure how long I sat on the swing, listening to the waves and lost in thought, but my attention comes back to the here and now when I hear the front door open, then watch Camille step out.

  She gives me a soft smile before sitting on the swing next to me. We swing in silence for a bit before Camille says, “I’m glad you’re going out and having some fun, Aria. Kulani is a good guy. He’ll take care of you.”

  Since I’m not really sure how to respond to that, I settle for smiling back.

  “I know your mom would be happy to see you trying new things, and to see you being happy in spite of the heartache.”

  “How did you know about my mom?” I ask, confused.

  “Mark told me. I don’t think he would have felt comfortable leaving you here without anyone knowing the true story.” I nod in understanding. “You can trust me too, Aria. I would never replace your mom, but I’m here if you need to talk, if you need anything.”

  I’m taken aback by Camille’s kind words. I’ve never been outright rude or cold to her, but I haven’t exactly let her in. I assumed that she’d want to keep her distance as well.

  I’m saved from having to say anything when I see Kulani pull up in front of the house.

  “Have fun tonight, hon,” Camille says as she stands and walks to the front door.

  I stop, mid-step, and turn back to Camille. “Camille,” I call right before she walks inside. When our eyes connect, I give her a watery smile. “Thanks. For everything.”

  I receive another kind smile before she disappears inside, but that smile showed me that she understood exactly what I was thanking her for.

  “My lady,” Kulani says as he opens the door to his van and gives a half bow. I laugh and climb in.

  Once we’re on the road and headed to our unknown destination, I ask, “Wanna tell me where we’re going?”

  Kulani smirks and shakes his head. “Nope. I told you, Rocky, it’s a surprise.”

  It’s the answer I knew I was going to get, but that doesn’t stop me from releasing a loud, dramatic sigh and earning a chuckle from Kulani.

y stomach does that flip thing again when Kulani grabs my hand. I watch him bring the back of my hand to his lips and softly kiss it.

  “Just in case I forget to tell you later, you look beautiful tonight.”

  Sigh. I’m in love. Just kidding…sort of.

  “Thanks,” I say through my dry throat. Kulani chuckles again and turns on his radio. We listen to nineties music—the best music—for another twenty minutes before we drive down a long, dirt path and park in front of an old, run-down shack.

  Kulani gets right out. I, on the other hand, do not. I spend a few seconds reminding myself this is Kulani and he didn’t bring me here, to this shack in the middle of the woods, to kill me and then dispose of my body in the ocean behind the shack.

  I jump when Kulani opens my passenger door. I’m sure he sees the worry on my face because his eyes narrow. “Put your fists away, Rocky. I’m not about to murder you.”

  “I didn’t say that,” I mumble pathetically and jump out of the van.

  “You were thinking it,” he says to my back. I can hear the smile in his voice, which only annoys me more, mainly because he’s right.


  Kulani jogs to catch up to me. When he’s at my side, he throws his arm around my shoulder and gives me a hard kiss on the side of my head. My annoyance vanishes. The nervousness comes back when he whispers in my ear, “There are a lot of things I want to do to you, a great number of them involving your sexy as hell body, but killing you is not on the list.”

  An involuntary shiver runs through my body as wetness floods my panties. I’m surprised when my first instinct isn’t to shy away. In fact, what I want most is to find out the things that Kulani could do to my body.

  My erotic thoughts come to a stop when Kulani’s arm disappears and he jogs the rest of the way to the front door of the shack. He tries to push it open, but the wooden door doesn’t budge.

  He uses his right shoulder to plow through the door. This time, the door does open, but it also sends dust falling from the ceiling. That’s the first hint I get that maybe this shack should be condemned.


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