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Page 8

by Linda L Barton

  Tom hated the idea of returning to John’s house. The last time he had been there was the night Kathy died. When they pulled up in the driveway, Tom took a deep breath then opened his door. “Well, let’s get this over with.”

  “May I help you?” The young woman asked as she stood at the front door.

  “Good morning, my name is Captain Riggs of the Philadelphia Police Department, and I need to look inside that statue over there by the roses if you don’t mind.”

  “Inside the statue, I’m sorry; I don’t understand.” The woman could not imagine what they needed with the statue.

  “I’m a friend of the last owner, and he needs me to retrieve something for him. Do you mind? I assure you, this is a matter of life or death.” Tom stepped closer to the front porch and held out his badge for her to see.

  “Ah, yes, of course. I never knew that the statue had anything inside of it. I kept it where it was because it was so unusual.” She smiled, and then stepped off the porch and followed Tom and Mac over to the statue.

  The statue was a little boy sitting on a mushroom, reading a book. Tom leaned down, reached for the book and then carefully lifted the top of the book up to expose the hidden object, “A key?”

  “Oh great, he’s playing with us! It’s probably a key left behind by John,” Mac groaned.

  “No, it’s not a house key. It’s a key to a post office box. Hold on, there’s something under it.” Tom took his pocket knife and carefully lifted the corner of another picture hidden beneath the key.

  “What is it?” Mac held her breath, anxiously awaiting the answer.

  Tom held up the picture and looked at it. “Damn, it’s the post office a couple of blocks from here.”

  “Well, then let’s go.” Mac did not wait for a response, as she walked back to Tom’s car.

  Tom looked at the confused young woman and smiled, “Thank you; you have been a great help.”

  As he backed out of the driveway, Tom glanced over at the young woman still standing by the statue with a confused look on her face. “I wonder if she’ll keep that statue now,” Tom grinned.

  They were glad it was Sunday so no one would be at the post office when they opened the mailbox. “You know that it’s almost noon, don’t you?” Mac shifted nervously, as they stood in front of the small, glass door on the mailbox.

  “Yeah, I know. Let’s hope this clue won’t be another waste of time.” Tom took a deep breath, then put the key in the lock, and slowly opened the door.

  “Well, at least we know he didn’t want to blow us up,” he looked at Mac and winked.

  Mac smiled, “Well, it’s still early. You haven’t pulled out what he left for us yet.”

  Tom reached for the small rectangular box and slowly pulled it out. “Okay, let’s see what you have for us this time.”

  They both walked to the counter along the back wall then Tom set the box down. Neither of them moved for several moments as they looked at the box with nothing, but an address label and the necessary postage stamps on it. Tom took his pocketknife, cut the tape along the side of the box, and then slowly lifted the top.

  “What the hell?” He reached into the box and pulled out two envelopes. One addressed to him and the other to Mac.

  Mac took the one with her name, opened it, and then pulled out a typed letter.

  Dear Lucinda,

  I’m sure you’re wondering why I have written this to you. You see, I have a special job for you to do, as well as one for Tom. For you to save John, you will have to split up to find the next clue.

  You will be going to the convenience store three blocks west of the post office. Once there, you are to go to the women’s restroom and find the envelope taped to the back of the toilet bowl tank. Once you’ve retrieved the envelope, follow the instructions precisely. Now, hurry because time is running out for John.

  “Damn it,” Mac growled. She knew it was not a good idea to separate, but what choice did they have. She looked at Tom, who had finished reading his letter. “We have no choice, do we?”

  “Mac, I don’t like this. It doesn’t feel right. You know he wants to separate us because he knows it will get us off balance. He told me to let you take my car, and to call for a patrol car for myself,” Tom groaned, folded his letter, and then put it in his shirt pocket.

  He took his cell phone and called the department, requesting a squad car to pick him up.

  “Erebus said not to have you followed because he would know. Damn, this is a bad idea, but he is right, we are running out of time to save John. Come on, let’s get this over with.”


  Mac pulled into the parking lot of the convenience store then rushed inside to the women’s restroom. Once inside, she locked the door behind her and was relieved that the envelope was exactly where Erebus had told her it would be. She pulled the duct tape loose and opened the envelope, but what she found inside surprised her. “What are you up to now, Erebus?”


  Tom was not sure if he did the right thing by letting Mac leave alone. The patrol officer arrived about fifteen minutes after she left, and for a brief moment, Tom thought of following her. However, he knew Erebus would harm John if he did not follow his instructions to the letter.

  “Captain, is everything all right?” Officer McCleary asked while he waited as Tom secures his seatbelt.

  “Yes, I’m just fine; just get me to the Department as quick as possible.” Tom knew his calling for a ride would look strange, but he had no choice.


  When they pulled into the parking lot at the department, Tom’s cell phone began to ring, “Hello.”

  “Tom, you need to come home now!” Marge cried breathlessly.

  “What’s wrong, are you all right?” Tom knew she would never call unless it were an emergency.

  “A package was left by the door, and… Oh, Tom, please come home,” Marge cried.

  “I’m coming! Take me home, now!” Tom demanded with a look of fear in his eyes. The officer turned the car around and headed back out onto the street.

  Marge met Tom in the driveway. Her eyes were red and swollen, and she could barely speak. “Oh, it’s terrible,” she fell into Tom’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

  “What is terrible? You said that something was left by the door?” Tom could not imagine there would be any deliveries today unless it were from him.


  Mac looked at the picture of her, sitting at her own kitchen table. “What does this have to do with John?”

  She held the picture up to the light when she suddenly noticed something strange about it. “What’s that?”

  The picture seemed to be a double exposure, and what she saw sent a chill down her spine. As she strained to see, a skull with what appeared to be a phone number written across it appeared in the picture.

  “Tricky, tricky, Erebus, but I’m on to your game.” She dialed the number, and on the second ring, he picked up.

  “I knew you would find the telephone number, very good, Lucinda.”

  “Did you think you could fool me that easily?” Mac shot back, trying control her frustration.

  “Not for a moment. So, are you ready for the next move?” He had been anticipating this moment.

  “Not really, but I don’t have a choice if I want to save John, do I?”

  Mac hated this back and forth with him; all she wanted was to end this game and save John.

  “True, but I must admit how disappointed I am that you don’t enjoy our time together. I must confess that I always look forward to it.” Erebus knew she was on the edge, so he had to be careful to take it slow with her.

  “Okay, so what am I supposed to do next?”

  “Very well, go back out to the car and wait for ten minutes. I will call you with further instructions.

  “Wait, why did you leave the picture of me in my apartment?” Mac hated to think back to when he had watched her every move.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I just l
ove the way you look in it. Now, get yourself back out to the car and wait for my call.” He ended the call.

  “Damn, I hate him!” she growled while walking out of the restroom. Mac decided to get herself something cold drink, so she walked to the cooler and grabbed a bottle of soda.

  “Is that everything for you today?” the clerk asked, after taking the bottle of soda and scanning it.

  “Yeah,” Mac glanced up at the cigarette display. Why did I ever quit smoking?

  She paid for her drink, and then walked out to the car and waited for the call from Erebus.

  She looked at her wristwatch, “He should call again in about five minutes.”

  Mac had opened the soda and taken a long swallow when she heard a tapping on the driver’s side window. She turned and saw a man in his mid-thirties, smiling at her.

  “Excuse me, are you from around here?” he asked, motioning for her to roll down the window.

  “What?” Mac was unable to hear what he said, “Hold on.” She rolled down the window. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “Oh, I wanted to know if you’re from around here. I seem lost, and the cashier wasn’t much help,” the man frowned.

  “No, I not, I’m sorry.” Mac noticed the look of dismay on the man’s face, “Where are you headed?”

  “I’m expected at a meeting for a property my company is interested in purchasing, but I seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. If I don’t get there soon, I’ll miss out on this chance, and my employer won’t be happy with me,” the man grinned nervously.

  She could tell he was upset by the urgency in his voice. “Have you tried to call them?”

  “Yes I did, but I don’t have any signal here and the cashier won’t let me use his telephone, so I am stuck. Would you happen to have a cell phone that I can borrow for a second?” He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

  Normally, Mac would not let someone use her cell phone, but this man seemed as if he was in a pinch. “Sure, let me get it out of my purse.”

  Mac never felt the needle when it entered her neck, and as she slipped into unconsciousness, she heard the familiar words, “Hello, Lucinda.”

  Chapter 11

  Tom felt a cold chill move through his body, as he stared at the contents of the box. “So, you didn’t see who left this by the door?”

  “No, I had decided to come home and get some things done before you and Mac returned, and it was sitting there.”

  Marge knew she should never have opened the box, but she had never expected to find what she did. “I’m sorry; I should have left it where it was. I hope I didn’t destroy any evidence you need.”

  “No, how could you have known what was in it.” Tom wished he could tell Marge more of what they were up against, but she was already frightened enough.

  “What’s this supposed to mean, Tom?”

  Inside the box was a copy of their wedding picture with the words “Until Death Do You Part” written across the image in bold red letters. Then lying on the picture was the pearl necklace he had given her for their twentieth wedding anniversary. He knew this was a message from Erebus telling him that the game had taken a new and dangerous turn.

  “I’ll have to take this to the department, so they can check it for fingerprints. I’m sorry, but I promise you’ll get your pearls back as soon as possible.

  Marge looked at Tom, her eyes wet with tears. “I understand. Tom, are we in danger?”

  He wanted to lie and say that everything was fine, but he could not bring himself to do it.

  “Honey, the man who has John is a very dangerous person. He has decided to drag me into his sick game because of my relationship with John, and Mac. I promise that I will do everything I can to protect you, and get John back safe. You have to promise me that you will stay home and not open the door to anyone you do not know. Do you understand?”

  Marge wiped the tears from her eyes and forced a smile. “Yes, I understand.”

  Tom heard a knock at the front door. “Good that must be them.”

  He opened the door and welcomed the crew from the Criminal Investigation Division or CID.

  “Come on in, we need to do a complete sweep of the house for any hidden recording devices, and you need to do it as quick as possible. I also need this box and its contents examined for fingerprints. Come on, Marge, let’s go to the kitchen, and have some coffee. We need to stay out of their way and let them work.”

  Tom glanced down at his wristwatch, “Damn, we are running out of time.”

  Marge looked at Tom. “What did you say? Why are we running out of time?”

  “Oh nothing, let’s go have a cup of coffee, and try to relax.”

  Tom knew time was running out for John, but he did not know what was expected of him next. Surely, Erebus would contact him soon with another clue, unless…, “Shit, this was a diversion!”

  A horrifying feeling washed over Tom, Mac, where are you? He reached for his cell phone and dialed her number. After several rings, it went to her voicemail. “Crap, this can’t be good.”

  “What isn’t good? What’s wrong; is Mac all right?” Marge looked at Tom, and she could see the concern on his face. Once she had started a pot of coffee, she sat next to him at the table.

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll give her a couple of minutes to return my call before I begin to worry.”

  Tom knew he had to try to remain calm for Marge’s sake. She was not used to this type of thing because he had always sheltered her from the darker side of his work.

  “Honey, would you mind making me a sandwich? I’m a bit hungry.”

  “Sure, but how can you eat at a time like this?” Marge knew he had faced these types of things before in his career, but her stomach was in knots.

  “There’s some leftover roast, how about an opened faced sandwich?”

  “That sounds wonderful,” he looked at his wristwatch and decided to call Mac again.

  Tom had tried calling Mac twice while he ate his lunch, but there was still no answer. He knew she would always return a call as soon as she could, so there had to be something wrong. “Damn it, why don’t you answer?”

  “Sir, you need to see this,” the investigative detective interrupted, as he stood in the doorway.

  Tom looked at Marge and motioned for her to stay, and then he followed the investigator to his office.

  “We found this,” he pointed to a small recording device hidden in a silk plant on one of the shelves behind Tom’s desk. “This is quite a sophisticated model, so whoever put it there knew what they were doing.”

  “How much more do you have to do?” Tom was sick at the idea of Erebus in their house, and going through their things.

  “We’ve finished the lower floor, so now we are going through all the rooms upstairs. We should finish shortly. Sir, do you have any idea who would do this?”

  “I precisely know who did this, and if I don’t stop him soon, a dear friend is going to die.”

  Tom looked at his wristwatch again, “Damn it, Mac, where are you? We’re running out of time!”


  The room was dark. Mac struggled to make out her surroundings when she heard a familiar voice.

  “Ah, you’re finally waking up. I was getting concerned that I may have given you too much, and you would be out for hours like John.”

  Erebus was thrilled to have Mac under his complete control, and he planned to enjoy their time together to the fullest.

  “Where am I? Why can’t I move?” Mac struggled, as her mind began to clear.

  “You can’t move because I know you would never willingly stay here with me. Let’s just say that you’ve joined the party with our mutual friend, John.”

  Erebus smiled, as he watched her struggle to free herself from the ropes holding her to the large, wooden chair. He had always appreciated her spirit, and unwillingness to surrender, so that hold her captive was a treat.

  “Mac, are you all right?” John heard her grunts as she
fought to free herself.

  “John, is that you? Oh, thank God, you’re still alive! Are you hurt?” Mac was thrilled to hear his voice but concerned because she could not see him.

  “I’m okay, but how are you? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” John fought to see her, as he strained to free himself.

  Erebus smiled. “My word, but are you two untrusting. No, I haven’t hurt either one of you, not yet at least. Now, I want you both to behave while I make a phone call.”


  Tom stared at the microphone found in the guest bedroom. “Damn, how did he know she would come?” Unfortunately, he knew the answer. It was Erebus they were dealing with, and he always managed to be one-step ahead of them. “Bag it up with the other one and take them with you to the station. I can’t leave yet, but I’ll come in as soon as I can.”

  “Yes sir, if you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask,” the investigator forced a smile while putting the microphone into an evidence bag.

  “Thank you, but this is something I have to handle myself.”

  Tom knew he should have followed standard procedure, but John’s life depended on him playing by the rules of the game. “Thank you for being so thorough, I appreciate it.”

  Once the CID crew had left, Tom decided to go to his office and call Mac again.

  “Please answer this time, it’s almost two o’clock.” He was sitting at his desk when his cell phone began to ring, “Maybe that’s her?”

  He lifted that cellphone to his ear,” Hello.”

  “Good afternoon, Tom. I see that you’ve found my little devices. I also hope your wife enjoyed the package I left for her at the front door?”

  Erebus enjoyed toying with Tom while setting the next move in motion.

  “You bastard, how did you get into my house and why would you do such a thing? You scared my wife half to death!” Tom felt the blood boil in his veins, while he visualized his hands around Erebus’ neck, squeezing the life out of him.

  “I’m sorry it upset her, but it was a necessary move in the game.”

  “Don’t bullshit me. You’re not sorry at all, as a matter of fact, you’re enjoying every moment of this, aren’t you?”


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