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Page 11

by Linda L Barton

  “Ah, I’m sorry; my mind wandered for a moment. I was only remembering how Millie would laugh at the silliest of things.” Caleb smiled. Damn, I need to stay focused, or I’ll jeopardize my next move.

  Miranda laughed and nodded her head in agreement, “Do you remember the time she found the snake in the basket of peaches? I thought she was going to jump through the ceiling when it came wiggling out onto the countertop.”

  “Yeah, then she grabbed the butcher knife and tried to kill it, but only managed to knock the basket of peaches to the floor.” Caleb laughed, as he remembered the crazed look on Millie’s face.

  “It was a good thing that Mr. Chen was here doing the yard work, or that snake would still be in this house. To be honest, I believe the snake was more afraid of her than she was of it,” Miranda laughed, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Millie never did bring another one of those baskets into the house. Do you remember how she would always take a large bowl out on the back porch, and one by one put the produce into the bowl before she would bring it into the house? I’m going to miss that about her,” Miranda said with tears from laughter now replaced with tears of sorrow.


  “Good morning, how long have you two been out of bed?” It surprised Charles to hear all the laughter when he walked into the kitchen. “I thought I would take your mother a cup of coffee before I go into town. I hate to leave, but I have a meeting I must attend. You both will be staying home today, won’t you?”

  “Here Father, let me take it up to her. I know you need to get going, and besides I would like to spend some time with her.” Caleb poured a cup of coffee and then placed it on a tray with some creamer and a small bowl of sugar cubes.

  “Thank you, I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to see you this morning. It was a rather difficult night for her. She tossed and turned the entire night, crying out in her sleep.”

  Charles turned to Miranda, “Please keep an eye on her, and let me know if you need me to come home early.”

  “I will, Father.” Miranda knew he did not want to leave, but there was nothing he could do for her.


  Once Caleb had walked to the top of the stairs, he reached into his pocket and took out three small pills then dropped them into the cup of hot coffee. This should help prepare you for this move, Mother. He stopped in front of her bedroom door and knocked softly.

  “Come in,” her voice was weak from crying all night. “Oh, Caleb, that was sweet of you to bring the coffee. I gather your father has already left for his meeting?”

  Elizabeth wished that Charles would have stayed home, but she understood the importance of this meeting.

  “Please come and sit by me,” she smiled, patting her hand next to her on the bed.

  Caleb walked to the bed and set the tray on the end table then he sat next to her. He marveled how she could look so beautiful after the night spent full of tears and sadness.

  He reached up and gently touched her cheek, then smiled, “Mother, I hope you feel better today.”

  “I do; I just need to come to grips with it all.” Elizabeth reached for the creamer and poured some in her coffee then added two sugar cubes.

  Caleb watched her stir the mixture until it was a light, creamy color then take a sip, and he was relieved when she took another one. “Is the coffee to your liking, Mother? I made it myself.”

  “You did? Yes, it’s perfect, thank you. What’s Miranda doing? Is she out of bed yet?” Elizabeth lifted the cup to her lips and took another sip.

  “She’s in the kitchen. I think she’s going to make some breakfast though I don’t think it will be as good as…,” he caught himself before he continued.

  “As good as Millie’s; I know she will be difficult to replace.” Elizabeth tried to hide the sadness in her voice, but the tears that streamed down her cheeks gave her away.

  “Mother, do you feel okay?” he asked with mocked concern.

  “I’m not sure; suddenly I’m quite dizzy.”

  Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. She knew she was emotionally drained, but she could not seem to focus on Caleb’s face any longer.

  “Maybe you need to lie down for a little longer. Here let me take that.” Caleb stood and took the empty cup away from her, and set it on the tray.

  “You may be right. I don’t know what has come over me. Thank you for taking such good care of me. I love you, sweetheart.”

  Elizabeth laid her head down on the overstuffed pillow and closed her eyes. “Please don’t let me sleep too long, okay?”

  “I’ll come back upstairs and check on you in an hour. I love you too, Mother. I hope you feel better soon.”

  Caleb picked up the tray and left the room. He knew that he needed to wash her cup to remove all trace of the drug, but mostly he wanted to see what Miranda was doing.

  “Where’s mother? Is she coming down for breakfast?” Miranda looked up at Caleb, as she spread some butter on the toast.

  “I wasn’t sure what to prepare, so I made some poached eggs on toast. Does Mother want to eat in her room?”

  “No, she’s not feeling well, so she decided to lie back down for a short nap. I told her that I’d go back upstairs and check on her in an hour.” Caleb knew that Miranda must not find their mother in that condition, or she would panic, and call their father.

  “Well, I guess I can’t blame her. This has taken a toll on me as well. Janice called while you were upstairs and said the funeral is tomorrow. I hope Mother is up to going because I know she would never forgive herself if she missed paying her final respects to Millie.”

  Miranda wondered how Millie’s family would take to them showing up at the funeral since she had taken her life in their house. Would they blame them for her suicide?

  Even though, Millie had been an important part of their family, she doubted that her family would welcome them there.

  “I’m sure that she will be fine by then. She just needs her rest.” Caleb smiled. He then sat at the table and reached for the salt and pepper shaker. He then sprinkled some on his poached egg. “This looks delicious.”

  “Thank you. I hope you’re right, but I’m also worried what people are going to say. You know how people love to talk. Will they blame us for causing her to take her life?” Miranda set her plate of food on the table and then sat next to Caleb.

  It always amazed Miranda how people loved to spread rumors, and she had to admit that the suicide of the maid of a prominent family would be a great topic of conversation. “I can’t eat. I think I’ll go upstairs and check on Mother.”

  “Are you sure? I’m confident she’s still sleeping.” Caleb did not want anything to ruin his plans, so he needed a reason for Miranda to stay downstairs, and away from their mother.

  “You want her rested, so she can go to Millie’s funeral tomorrow, don’t you?”

  Miranda knew he was right, but she felt completely helpless. “Okay, but if she’s not up in an hour, I’m going up there.”

  “When do you think Mother and Father are going to hire a new maid?” Caleb almost laughed at the shocked look on his sister’s face.

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about it, but we’ll need someone to help Mother around the house once I get married and move out. You know that mother will be in no condition to interview for maids anytime soon, so I guess I should do that for her.”

  The thought of someone else handling the house affairs was painful for Miranda. She had grown accustomed to Millie, and her way of doing things, so the idea, of welcoming a stranger into their home, did not set well with her.

  “I wonder what time Father will be home?” Caleb was relieved his father went to work as he would only be in the way for this move in the game.

  “I don’t know, but I know he plans to be home as soon as possible. I’m sure he was disappointed that he had to leave today, but it was unavoidable.”

  “I know, but Mother seemed upset that he didn’t stay home for he
r today. You know how much she leans on him, and the look of disappointment in her eyes, when I went upstairs, was heartbreaking.” He frowned, knowing this would plant a seed of a growing discord between their parents in his sister’s mind.

  “Oh, how terrible, but she knows he would have stayed home if she had asked him to, doesn’t she?” Miranda looked at Caleb with tears in her eyes.

  Feeling overwhelmed by this conversation, Miranda decided to change its direction. “I need to call the florist and order some flowers to be delivered to the funeral home for Millie. I feel terrible for her family. I can’t imagine the pain they must be going through.”


  The rest of the day went along uneventful. Elizabeth was quiet and withdrawn, and had slept off and on most of the day. Miranda had asked her if she wanted to stay home from the funeral, but she insisted that she would not miss it for the world. “Millie was my friend, and I owe it to her to go pay my respects.”

  Charles had returned home about six o’clock, in time to join the family for the evening meal. Miranda had prepared a small pan of a chicken with pasta casserole and a tossed green salad, but no one seemed to have much of an appetite.

  “I’m sorry the dinner wasn’t better,” Miranda sighed, as she looked at the uneaten food.

  “Oh no, it was fine, my dear. I’m just not very hungry this evening,” Charles smiled, as he folded his napkin and placed it on the table.

  Caleb had watched his mother the entire time since she had come downstairs. He could tell she was not acting herself, and he wondered if the medicine would push her to the edge of insanity the way it had the last time she had taken it.

  “It was delicious, Miranda. You out did yourself,” Elizabeth forced a smile, as she placed her fork down on the table.

  “Thank you, you both are very kind. Mother, would you care for something else to eat? You have barely eaten a thing today,” Miranda looked into her mother’s empty eyes and worried that she was slipping away.

  “Sweetheart, are you feeling all right? You don’t seem yourself this evening,” Charles asked, but no sooner had the words left his mouth than he knew he had made a mistake.

  “I’m fine! Why does everyone keep asking me how I’m feeling? Millie killed herself, and all you two seem to worry about is whether I’m eating some stupid meal! I’m angry; that’s how I am feeling! Why can’t you understand that, and leave me alone the way Caleb does? He hasn’t been questioning my every move; he’s not pushing me to forget Millie!” Elizabeth stood and stormed out of the dining room, leaving everyone, but Caleb shocked by her strange behavior.

  “My word, what was all that about?” Charles asked as he heard the door to their bedroom slam shut.

  “I have no idea, but she has been acting strange the entire day.” The look in her mother’s eyes frightened Miranda. She had seen this look once before, and she prayed her mother was not slipping back into that dark place again.

  Chapter 15

  The sun had begun to peek over the horizon when Miranda walked to the kitchen to start the morning coffee. She had not slept much the night before, but she knew it was up to her to prepare breakfast for the family. She had pushed the power button on the coffee pot when something caught her attention. “Mother, what are you doing?”

  “I’m waiting to go to Millie’s funeral,” she answered flatly.

  “I see, but why are you sitting at the table like that?” Miranda was not sure of the look in her mother’s eyes. She wore a black dress with her hair and makeup done to perfection, but there was something off about her.”

  Elizabeth did not appreciate to have her motives questioned. Why did it matter if she had decided to get ready early for Millie’s funeral? Besides, this was her house so she would do anything she wanted to do.

  “Ah, there you are,” Charles smiled nervously, as he walked through the kitchen door. “I was wondering where you had gone so early this morning. I was worried about you.”

  Elizabeth gave Charles a stern look. “Why are you worried? I’m feeling fine, or as fine as someone does on the day of a treasured friend’s funeral.”

  “Is Caleb awake yet?” Miranda asked, attempting to change the subject.

  “The door to his bedroom was closed when I came downstairs,” Charles said, as he sat at the table next to Elizabeth. “I would love a cup of that coffee if you don’t mind.”

  Miranda poured him a cup and then set it on the table in front of him. “Are you hungry? I can make us something for breakfast before we leave for the funeral.”

  “I’m not hungry,” Elizabeth said while holding her gaze down so as not to make eye contact.

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind.” Miranda knew her mother had not eaten a proper meal since Millie had died. “I don’t mind to…,” but before she could continue, Elizabeth cut her off.

  “I told you that I am not hungry! How hard is that for you to understand? I’m so sick of you asking me the same question repeatedly. I’ll be upstairs in my room. Call me when it is time to leave.” Elizabeth gave each of them a stern look then stood, and stormed out of the room.

  Miranda looked at her father with tears in her eyes, “What’s wrong with her?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m beginning to get worried. I would hate to think she’s having a problem again.” Charles knew she was upset about Millie, but her behavior was unacceptable.

  Caleb walked into the kitchen with a concerned look on his face. “What’s wrong with Mother? She stormed past me, demanding that I bring her up a cup of coffee.”

  Miranda stood, and walked to the coffee pot. “I’ll take it to her.”

  “No, she said she wanted me to bring it up to her, and as upset as she is, I think I better do as told.”

  Caleb retrieved the tray he had used the last time, put the creamer pitcher, a bowl of sugar cubes, and then a cup of hot coffee on it. “I need to hurry and get this up to her.”

  Once he had everything in its place, he walked toward the kitchen door.

  “Caleb, please tell mother that I never meant to upset her,” Miranda forced a smile, as a single tear flowed down her cheek.

  He smiled and then walked out the door to the long staircase that led up to his parent’s bedroom.


  “Mother, I have your coffee,” he whispered through the door.

  “Come in, dear. Oh, thank you for bringing this up to me. I just couldn’t handle it down there any longer.”

  Elizabeth was sitting at the small Tea Table her motherin-law had given her for a wedding gift. It had been in the family for nearly one hundred years, and it had seen many an afternoon tea.

  Elizabeth chuckled when she thought of how horrified her motherin-law would be that she would be drinking coffee at this table.

  Caleb set the tray down and stepped back to look at his mother. He wondered how the two pills he had put into her coffee would affect her today because he did not want her to sleep as she had the day before. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Mother?”

  “Please sit and visit with me for a while.” Elizabeth poured some creamer into the cup then added two of the sugar cubes.

  “I really don’t want to go today, but I owe it to Millie. She was there for me whenever I needed her, so the least I can do is to be there for her. I have been going over everything in my head, and for the life of me, I can’t remember her ever acting depressed. Did you see any signs of depression?”

  “No. Not at all, she always seems to be cheerful. I remember how she would sing in the kitchen while she was cooking the meals, or when she was cleaning the house. There were no signs to make me worry about her.” Caleb always enjoyed planting seeds of doubt into the minds of the unknowing participants in his games.

  “I wish I could know what pushed her to the point of taking her life. Why didn’t she come to me? I would have helped her with any problem she had.” Elizabeth took a sip of the coffee and then looked at Caleb through teary eyes.

  “I miss her. The
house seems empty without her. When you and your sister were away at school, she was so much company for me. I love your father, but he is not much for idle conversation. I’m sure many of my so-called friends at the Country Club would think I was crazy, but she was my best friend.”

  Caleb had known his mother cared for Millie, but he could never understand why her feelings ran so deep. “Mother, I know you are sad now, but please remember that I am here for you. I love you, and only want your happiness.”

  She looked at him and smiled, “I know you do, and I love you too. Why don’t you go get ready while I freshen up, and I’ll meet you downstairs? I don’t want to be late.”

  Caleb leaned over and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, and then turned to leave the room. Today should be an interesting day, and the beginning of the end for you, Mother.


  When Charles pulled into the church parking lot, several of Millie’s family members glared with disapproving looks and whispered amongst themselves.

  “Why are they here?” Millie’s Aunt asked as she watched the large, black car pull into a parking place in the back row of the parking lot.

  “Probably guilt for how they treated Millie,” her cousin commented, with sarcasm in her voice.

  “Stop it, all of you! Millie loved the entire family, and they always treated her with respect,” Janice shot them all a disapproving look. She walked toward Elizabeth who was now getting out of the car. “I’m so happy that you came. Millie told me how close the two of you were. Please, come with me.” Janice took Elizabeth by the arm and led the way to the front door of the church.

  Miranda walked next to her father, following Janice and Elizabeth. “I don’t think they appreciate us being here, Father. Look at their faces.” Miranda looked at a small group gathered around the door and smiled, but no one returned her friendly gesture.

  Charles took Miranda by the hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “Don’t worry, my dear. They are grieving their loss, as are we. So, hold your head high and remember why we’re here.”


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