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Erebus Page 12

by Linda L Barton

  Miranda looked at her father and smiled, “You are right, Father. I know Millie would want us here.”

  Caleb walked behind them, never looking at the others, as they passed them. He knew they did not understand why they were there, and to be honest, neither did he. Why his family would treat Millie as though she was a member of the family was ridiculous. She was the hired help and nothing more.

  Janice led Elizabeth to the front of the church and then motioned for her to sit in the second row, “Please sit here.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind sitting further back,” Elizabeth hesitated, as she looked at Janice.

  “No, you were an important part of Millie’s life, and I know she would not want you to sit in the back of the church. So, please sit down, and I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Janice released her grip on Elizabeth then turned and walked away.

  Elizabeth paused a moment then turned and looked at Caleb, “Please come and sit by me.” She smiled, as she held out her hand for him.

  Caleb delighted in the look on his sister’s face. Their mother had always relied on Miranda during difficult times, but now she had turned to him. “Of course, Mother.”

  Miranda looked at her father and shook her head in disbelief. Why doesn’t Mother want my help anymore?


  The pastor had given a pleasant message of Millie’s life and the way she always put others before herself. The choir sang Amazing Grace, which caused several of the people in attendance to cry because it had always been Millie’s favorite hymn.

  When the pastor turned the service over to those who wanted to say what Millie had meant to them, the entire room took a collective gasp when Elizabeth stood, and walked to the podium.

  “I know how most of you don’t understand why I would want to be here today, but I could never forgive myself if I had not come to pay my respect to Millie. Over the years, I came to love Millie, as a faithful friend. She never put herself above others and was the first person to sacrifice, no matter the cost to her. We spent many hours sharing our unfulfilled hopes and dreams, and she told me of all the sacrifice’s she had made for those she loved. I bet most of you here have no idea how she wanted to be a pediatrician, do you? She told me how when her mother had died, the responsibility of raising her younger siblings had fallen to her and Janice. She would often cry how she felt trapped, but she knew until the day that her youngest sister was out of school, she had to put her dreams aside. I never did understand how such a large family could not have helped her more. She had saved her money to care for the little ones, and she kept very little if any, for herself.” Elizabeth ignored the murmuring from the crowd, who grew angrier with each passing moment.

  Miranda looked at Charles with a questioning look then whispered, “Maybe we should get Mother and leave.”

  Charles looked at the crowd and agreed it would be for the best. He began to stand, but Caleb stopped him. “I’ll get her, Father.” Caleb stood and walked toward his mother who stood there with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “How could you all allow her to give up on her dreams? She was a wonderful woman, and I will miss her.” Elizabeth reached a shaky hand up to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks. She then looked out at the shocked faces of those sitting in the pews. “You killed her dreams, so she killed herself! You destroyed her, so it’s your fault she’s dead!”

  Miranda looked at Charles with a worried expression on her face, but before he could stand, Caleb was already standing next to Elizabeth.

  “Mother, it’s time to go,” he held out his hand and smiled.

  Elizabeth smiled at Caleb and then stepped away from the microphone. Then taking Caleb’s offered hand, she held her head high and walked down the center aisle, ignoring the low murmurs and hate-filled stares.

  “How dare she come here and speak that way,” an elderly woman commented, as she watched Elizabeth walk past.

  “We all know what she thought of Mille,” another woman whispered while glaring at Elizabeth and Caleb.

  Charles and Miranda followed them outside before he finally spoke, “What were you thinking? You can’t attack her family and friends in such a manner.”

  Elizabeth turned and shot Charles a look of pure rage, “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth! None of them cared about Millie and for what was best for her! They only wanted her to take care of them! Come on, Caleb; walk with me to the car.”

  Caleb looked at his father and gave him a nervous smile, “Yes, Mother.”

  The drive home seemed to take forever, and once they arrived, Elizabeth rushed upstairs to her bedroom and locked the door.

  Miranda and Caleb walked into the house and stood at the base of the stairs, watching their father rush after Elizabeth.

  “Please unlock the door,” he begged, as he banged his fist on the door.

  “No, go away! I want to be alone!” she cried.

  “Please, sweetheart, I want to help you.” He felt utterly helpless as he rested his forehead against the door.

  “I don’t want, nor need your help, so please go away!” Elizabeth felt dizzy, so she decided to lie down.

  “Just go away, Charles. I need some time to myself.”

  The sound of her voice was like a dagger in his heart. “What is wrong with you, sweetheart?”

  He whispered through the door, but when she did not respond, he turned and walked away without saying another word.

  Miranda watched Charles walk down the stairs, and she could tell by the look on his face that he was in no mood to talk. He glanced up for a moment before he turned and walked to his study.

  “I don’t understand any of this,” the despair was apparent in Miranda’s voice.

  Caleb knew he must be careful, not to push his mother too hard because more was needed before this move was complete.

  “I’m sure she will be okay in a couple of days. It was difficult for her to lose Millie in such a terrible way and to be the person to have found her would upset anyone. Why don’t we go and start dinner.”

  Miranda looked at Caleb with a surprised expression on her face. “You want to help me with preparing dinner?”

  Caleb smiled and then took her by the hand. “Hey, I’m your brother and I love you, so that’s the least I can do. Oh yeah, when is that fiancé of yours due back from his business trip?”

  “Not until next week, and he does have a name, you know?” She laughed when she saw the grin appear on Caleb’s face.

  “I know he does, and I should be nicer to him,” he grinned at the surprised look on her face.

  Miranda smiled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze, “Thank you, Caleb. That means the world to me. Come on, little brother; let’s go see what we can prepare for dinner. Maybe there is something in the freezer that we can defrost.”


  “Caleb, would you mind adding some fresh garlic to the sauce,” Miranda grinned, watching him curl up his nose at her suggestion.

  “You want more garlic in there? What are you trying to do, scare off vampires?” Caleb rolled his eyes as he peeled another clove.

  “No, but I ‘ve always enjoyed a bit more in my spaghetti sauce than Millie did.” Miranda was glad that Millie had made a habit of cooking extra spaghetti sauce and then freezing it for future use because all they needed to do was warm it up and cook the noodles.

  Miranda was busy making the tossed salad when Charles entered the kitchen. “What smells so delicious in here?”

  Miranda looked at him and smiled, “Spaghetti, Father. I found some sauce in the freezer, so once I finish with the salad and the noodles are cooked; dinner will be ready. Do you think Mother will be joining us?”

  Charles looked at her with a look of sadness and concern in his eyes. “I don’t know. I went upstairs to check on her a few minutes ago, but the room was silent, so I assume she’s still resting.”

  Caleb turned when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye, “Oh, Mother, are you feeling b

  Elizabeth walked up to Charles and wrapped her arms around his waist then looked up into his eyes, “I’m sorry for how I acted earlier. I have no idea what came over me, please forgive me.”

  Charles took her in his arms and hugged her tightly. “I’m just glad you are feeling better. Maybe the pressure, of going to the funeral, was too much for you?”

  “Mother, are you hungry?” Miranda was relieved to hear her mother was feeling better. After what had happened at the church, she was afraid of the worst.

  She put the plates on the table and turned to Caleb. “Is the sauce ready?”

  “Yes, but I hope everyone is prepared to smell like garlic tonight. Miranda felt it needed some more,” he laughed, as he poured the sauce into a serving bowl then set it on the table.


  The meal was pleasant, and everyone enjoyed the spaghetti, even though, the garlic was indeed a bit strong.

  Charles spread some sauce over his noodles, swirled them around his fork, and then took a bite. “This is delicious, Miranda. Your addition is perfect.”

  Elizabeth laughed, as she watched the forced smile on Charles’ face, “Yes, the extra garlic is exquisite, besides it has many health benefits.”

  Caleb looked at his mother and shook his head, “Yeah if you want to keep everyone at arm’s length. You don’t have to worry about catching someone’s cold that way.”

  “Caleb is right; we all should be cold-free for the next few weeks,” Charles smiled at the surprised looks on everyone’s face.

  It was nice to sit and enjoy an evening meal as a family. The conversation was light and playful, with no mention of the events of the past couple of days. Caleb sat and watched as his parents laughed with each other and spoke of happy times long ago.

  Miranda grinned, watching the love that shone in their eyes, and how her father would reach out and gently touch the hand of the woman he had loved with an undying passion for so many years.

  It was a perfect evening for all involved, but after tomorrow, everything will change, Caleb thought to himself.

  Chapter 16

  Miranda was up early and in the kitchen preparing the morning coffee when Caleb wandered past his parent’s bedroom and heard them talking and laughing from behind the door. Enjoy this time together, for today will be your last.


  “Good morning, Caleb. Would you care for a cup of coffee? I know I’m ready for one,” Miranda yawned, as she reached for a coffee cup.

  Caleb sat at the table, “I would love one.”

  Miranda poured him a cup and set it in front of him then she sat in the chair next to him. “Did you hear if Mother and Father are awake yet?”

  Caleb took a sip of the hot coffee and then winked. “Oh yes, they’re awake, but it may be a while before they come downstairs if you know what I mean.”

  Miranda looked at Caleb and saw the knowing grin on his face. “Oh, I understand,” she giggled, as she dropped a sugar cube into her coffee.

  “I guess I’ll hold off making breakfast for a while.”

  Caleb had to smile at how his sister’s face flushed at the thought of their parents upstairs having sex. She’s about to be a married woman. You would think it wouldn’t embarrass her, unless…

  Caleb had always known that his sister was not the type to run around. Oh, Miranda, are you still a virgin? You should not have been such a good girl because if everything goes as planned when your precious Gerald returns, you will never discover the joys of the flesh with him.

  “What are you grinning about?” Convinced that she knew what he was thinking, she had to agree that it was nice to see her parents still shared a great passion, after all, these years.

  “I hope when Gerald and I are their age, we share a passionate love as they do.”

  “I’m sure you will. I ‘ve seen how you two look at each other,” Caleb snickered, and then rolled his eyes.

  “Good morning! What are you two laughing about?” Charles grinned, as he walked into the kitchen with Elizabeth following him.

  Elizabeth looked at her two giggling children then walked up to Charles, and seductively slid her arms around his waist. “They are simply happy to see their parents are still in love.”

  Charles laughed, as he took Elizabeth in his arms and kissed her passionately.

  Miranda cleared her throat, while she covered her eyes, “Come on you two, you don’t want to traumatize Caleb with all of that; now do you?”

  Caleb looked at Miranda and laughed while pointing at her. “Me? You’re the one who’s blushing!”

  Elizabeth pulled back from Charles and grinned, “We should behave ourselves in front of the children.”

  “Children, they are hardly children. Miranda will soon be a bride, and Caleb is nearly a man. I think it’s healthy for them to know their parents still find each other desirable, but I’ll control myself. At least, for now,” he laughed, then patted Elizabeth on her bottom causing her to giggle with delight.

  Miranda stood and walked to the refrigerator, “Are you ready for breakfast? I can make us something to eat?”

  Charles reached out and took Miranda by the hand. “I have a better idea. Why don’t I take everyone out for a nice brunch at the Country Club? Do you feel up to going out, my dear?”

  Elizabeth looked at Charles and smiled, “I would love to go; it would give Miranda a break from cooking.”

  “I don’t mind,” Miranda chimed in, but she was glad, not to have to do the dishes.

  Charles knew Miranda wanted to help, but he never expected her to take on all the household duties until they replaced Millie.

  “Come on, let’s all get dressed; besides I’m starving,” Charles chuckled when he caught the playful look on Elizabeth’s face. “After the night with your mother, a man needs a good meal to regain his strength.”

  “Oh, Charles,” Elizabeth giggled, as she followed him out of the kitchen door, and back upstairs to their bedroom.

  Miranda could not help but smile, as she watched her parents leave the kitchen like a pair of lovesick teenagers. “Well, we had better go get dressed as well.”

  “Yeah, but I’m sure we will have plenty of time the way those two were acting. How about we finish the rest of our coffee first?”


  “How nice to see you all again. Will you be dining with us today?” The host smiled. “Will it be the four of you?” The host called for a server to show them to their table.

  “Yes, and we want a table out on the terrace. It’s much too beautiful today to eat inside.” Charles put his hand on the small of Elizabeth’s back and guided her as they followed the young woman to their table.

  “What an excellent idea, Charles. I’m so glad you thought to bring us today. It has been far too long.”

  Caleb followed everyone to the table and wondered how he was going to set up the next step in his move with this sudden change of events. While he understood the reason his father had decided to take the family out to eat, it had put an unforeseen twist in his plans.

  “What are you thinking about?” Miranda noticed a serious look on his face. “Are you feeling all right?”

  Caleb looked at her and smiled, trying not to destroy the festive mood, “I’m all right, I’m just hungry. After I drank all that coffee, I could use something on my stomach.”

  Once at the table, he sat in his chair and took the menu from the server, hoping that she believed him.

  Miranda looked at him, and then laughed, “I know what you mean. I’m a bit shaky myself. You know, I think I’m going to have the Eggs Benedict.”


  After they had finished their meal, they decided to relax and enjoy a cup of espresso. The conversation had been light and cheerful, with no mention of the funeral or Millie.

  Charles set his cup down, cleared his throat, and looked at Elizabeth before he spoke.

  “Dear, I hate to bring this up, but we must make plans to hire new help,” he held his breath,
waiting for her response.

  Elizabeth agreed because it was not fair to Miranda and besides she was getting married soon. “I know we do, but we need to have Millie’s things removed from her room first.” Elizabeth dreaded the idea of interviewing someone new, but she also knew it had to be done.

  “Mother, I can do it today once we get home. I can pack up her things, and then take it all to Janice, if you’d like?” Miranda wanted to spare her mother the pain of packing Millie’s things, but the look on Elizabeth’s face told her otherwise.

  “Thank you, dear, but I can’t allow you to carry that burden alone. Why don’t we do it together when we get home? We both loved her, so I think it would only be fitting to do it together.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind, really,” Miranda forced a smile, but she was relieved to have company for such an emotional job.

  “I’m positive. I need to do this. I need to put Millie to rest in my mind, once and for all,” she smiled, then reached out and took Miranda’s hand in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Come on; let’s go fix our lipstick after this delicious meal.” She looked over to Charles and winked, “We will be right back.”

  Both women stood, and walked toward the Ladies Room, hand in hand and giggling like a couple of schoolgirls.

  “I love those two,” Charles whispered under his breath.

  “I know you do, father, as do I,” Caleb watched the two women as they walked away, memorizing their every detail. He knew that after today, his life would change forever. For this reason, he wanted the image of them together tucked away in his mind forever.

  “How nice to see you here today, Charles, I see you’ve brought your family with you.”

  Mr. Robert Blackstone was a member of the charitable foundation with Charles. He was an honest and caring man who always had a smile on his face. “Where is that lovely wife and daughter of yours?” he laughed while looking for Elizabeth and Miranda.

  Charles smiled, “You know how women are; they have gone to freshen their makeup.”

  Robert turned and smiled at Caleb, “Look at this handsome, young man. How old are you now, Caleb?”


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