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Coming Home

Page 33

by Priscilla Glenn

  Her heart was thundering in her chest, and her body felt too small to contain the emotions reeling through it at breakneck speed.

  “I am so completely and utterly in love with you,” she whispered, her voice measured, wanting him to feel the magnitude behind the simple, inadequate words.

  He smiled down at her. “Then you know exactly how I feel.”

  Her eyes fell closed as she dropped her forehead to his chest and slid her arms around his back, and Leah felt him press his lips against the crown of her head.

  “Are you ready to go to bed?” he asked, and she nodded gently.

  Danny ran his hand over the back of her hair before he released her, and Leah turned to the coffee table, grabbing their empty wine glasses. Danny took them from her, and a few seconds later, she heard the sounds of him putting them in the dishwasher as she made her way back over to the table, blowing out the candles and collecting their dirty dishes. She brought them into the kitchen and rinsed them before loading them in behind the wine glasses, and by the time she made her way back to her bedroom, Danny was already there, lighting the last of several candles he had lined up along her bedside tables.

  Leah leaned against the doorframe. “You thought of everything.”

  He looked over his shoulder and smiled. “I tried,” he said before he blew out the match, and Leah pushed off the door as she walked toward him.

  Danny turned, his expression growing serious as she closed the distance between them. As soon as she reached him, she slid her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers.

  Their lips parted and met over and over in soft, worshipful kisses, and he splayed his hands over her back, pulling her with him as he backed them toward the bed.

  Danny broke the kiss as he sat down on the mattress, and Leah immediately crawled onto his lap and straddled his thighs, cradling the back of his head as she leaned down to kiss him. Danny groaned softly as his hands slid under her sweater, running them up the length of her back.

  She reached down and grabbed the hem of his shirt, and he removed his mouth from hers just long enough to allow her to pull it up and over his head. And then her hands were everywhere, memorizing the contours of his body. His skin was warm and smooth, the hard muscles flexing and contracting as he moved, and her hands slid along the tops of his shoulders and down over his biceps. They bulged beneath her touch as he gripped the hem of her sweater and started tugging it upward.

  As soon as it was off, he brought one hand to the back of her head and wrapped his other arm securely around her lower back, twisting his body and laying her down on the bed before positioning himself above her.

  And then he ground his hips into hers, and Leah gasped as she dug her nails into his back. All at once their hands grew frantic, undoing buttons and zippers and clasps as they pulled clothes from each other’s bodies. The movement of Danny’s hips became more urgent with every inch of skin they exposed, fueling the fire growing between them and working Leah into a frenzy.

  “I need you,” Leah murmured against his lips, and he pulled his mouth from hers with a grunt, holding his weight up in one arm as he reached for her nightstand.

  She took his chin in her hand and turned his face toward her. “No,” she said through heavy breaths.

  “No?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

  She slid her hands behind his shoulders and pulled him back down so that his chest was flush with hers.

  “Just you and me, remember?”

  Danny looked down at her, a little crease between his brow.

  “Nothing between us,” she whispered.

  He stared at her for a second before understanding swept over his face, and she watched his throat bob as he swallowed hard.

  “Just you and me,” she repeated softly.

  There were several emotions flitting over his face, and Leah watched and absorbed and memorized every single one until finally he dropped his weight to his elbows, cradling her face in his hands as he positioned himself between her legs.

  It took him a few moments to move, and when she felt him pushing into her, she forced her eyes to remain open, watching him as he joined their bodies inch by inch. As soon as he was fully inside her, a pleasant chill ran through her body, prickling her skin with goose bumps.

  She was completely overwhelmed with the gravity of the moment: the feel of him inside her, the weight of his body on hers, the candlelight flickering on his face, his eyes looking down at her with adoration. And when her chin began to quiver, Leah let her eyes fall closed.

  Danny lowered his head, bringing his lips to hers. “I know, baby. I know,” he said against her mouth before kissing her softly.

  She ran her fingertips up and down his back, and the tears building behind her eyes transitioned into tears of elation as he began moving, setting a perfect, unhurried pace.

  His breaths were heavy against Leah’s lips, and after a while, she could feel the muscles in his back trembling beneath her hands. She slid them around to the front of his shoulders as she shifted beneath him, pushing him onto his back and swinging her leg over his hips. His hands came to her waist, holding her as she lowered herself onto him, and he sat up immediately, burying his face in the side of her neck.

  His grip on her waist tightened, and she remained perfectly still until she felt his hands begin to relax; they slipped down the sides of her hips and over the tops of her thighs before settling on her calves. Danny unfolded her legs and guided them around his hips so that she was sitting on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist.

  The shift in her weight caused their connection to deepen, and she sucked in a sharp breath, wrapping her arms around him. His face was still pressed against the side of her neck, and he began kissing it softly, causing her to rock her hips imperceptibly against him. Danny splayed one hand across the small of her back as the other came up to the nape of her neck, holding her against his body.

  She began to move against him with more insistence, and he lifted his head then, kissing her deeply. Leah could feel his arm muscles flex around her as he pulled her against his body.

  “God, it’s like I can’t get close enough,” he breathed against her lips, and she moaned softly, tightening her legs around him.

  They continued moving together, their pace steady and passionate and more intimate than anything Leah had ever experienced. When her body began to tremble, she closed her eyes.

  “Open your eyes, Leah,” he whispered.

  She did as he asked, bringing her hands to the sides of his face as she dropped her forehead to his. Their lips were parted and centimeters away from touching, but rather than close that distance, they stayed that way, their lips ghosting over each other’s with each movement.

  Danny’s hand on her lower back pressed her more firmly against him, and with one last roll of her hips, the tension in Leah’s belly shattered as a sated cry fell from her lips. Seconds later she felt his fingertips digging into the flesh of her back, and then he was groaning as he followed her over.

  She had never been with anyone else this way before—and the fact that she could feel his release only amplified her own. Leah clutched at him, trying to keep herself grounded as her body broke apart over and over before it slowly pieced itself back together. They continued to sigh and pant into each other’s mouths until both of their movements wound down and eventually stopped.

  Leah felt him start to lie back, and she unhooked her legs from behind him, bringing her knees to rest on either side of his waist as he pulled her down onto his chest. Her body rose and fell with his labored breath, and his hand came to her hair, holding her against his heart.

  After a minute he rolled them gently so they were lying on their sides, and Leah reached down and found his hand, intertwining their fingers. Danny brought their joined hands to his mouth, kissing hers before he brought them back to the bed and began playing with her fingers.

  “Do I get birthday cake in bed now?” she asked, and he laughed softly.

nbsp; “As soon as I can move.”

  Leah smiled before she snuggled closer. “Don’t move yet.”

  Danny hummed contentedly. “As you wish,” he murmured, and she grinned before closing her eyes with a gratified sigh.

  They stayed that way for hours, alternating making love with talking quietly as Danny gently trailed his fingertips over her skin. She wanted to stay awake as long as she could, wanted every last minute with him that she was entitled to. But as the night crept on, her traitor eyelids grew heavy until finally, she couldn’t keep them open anymore.

  She had no idea how much time had passed before her eyes flew open in the darkness, and she turned quickly in a panic, clutching air until she felt his arms wrap around her.

  “Shh,” he whispered into her hair. “Shh, I’m right here.”

  She turned her face into him, nuzzling his chest as she tried to slow her breathing and her racing heart. “Danny,” she murmured.

  “I’m right here,” he repeated against the crown of her head, his voice a strained whisper.

  “Okay,” she said sleepily, and it wasn’t long before the rhythmic beating of his heart and the familiar scent of his skin lulled her back to sleep.

  Seconds or minutes or hours later, she gasped loudly as she threw her arms out in search of him, relaxing with a small whimper as her body came in contact with his.

  His arms tightened around her. “Baby,” he crooned softly. “I’m here.”

  This time she was lucid enough to hear how broken his voice sounded, and she exhaled softly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he said gently, running his fingers through her hair. “Try to sleep.”

  “You’re not sleeping,” she pointed out, moving closer to him.

  He said nothing as he continued to stroke her hair gently. Leah fought with all her might to remain awake after that, but as soon as he realized what she was doing, he began to sing softly. His low, throaty voice filled the room, his chest vibrating gently against her cheek, and she teetered on the edge of consciousness, hearing bits and pieces of the song.

  The last thing she remembered was the feel of his fingers slowly working their way through her hair as he sang, “You’ll look at me, with eyes that see, and we’ll melt into each other’s arms…”


  She knew it before she even opened her eyes, and Leah felt her heart drop into her stomach.

  She could feel Danny pressed up against her back, his arm draped over her waist and his breath fluttering her hair. She opened her eyes slowly, and it took a second for them to focus on the clock.

  It was five after seven. The alarm was set for eight, but she knew there was no way she’d be able to go back to sleep now.

  Leah rolled slowly under his arm, careful not to jostle him as she turned to face him. He always looked so beautiful when he slept—so peaceful—and she found herself fighting the urge to touch his face, his lips, his jaw.

  And then suddenly, an image of Danny sleeping on a tiny cot in a cell flashed in her mind, and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying desperately to rid the image from her head.

  But the floodgates had opened.

  Image after image of Danny in prison flashed before her eyes: Danny wearing some type of prison jumpsuit, walking through a corridor in handcuffs. Danny at a table in some sort of cafeteria, eating what looked like a pathetic school lunch off a plastic tray. Danny sitting in a bare room with a bed, a toilet, and zero privacy.

  She opened her eyes quickly, not wanting to see any more, and she was greeted with his beautiful face, innocent and untroubled in sleep.

  She felt her composure slipping rapidly, and Leah struggled to get out of bed as quickly as possible without disturbing him. She pressed her lips together as her vision blurred, and just as she slunk out from beneath his arm, she felt the first round of tears spill over.

  Leah padded over to the bathroom quickly, shutting the door softly behind her before she ran to turn the water on in the shower. As soon as the sound of rushing water filled the room, she slumped to the floor, burying her mouth against the crook of her elbow as she burst into tears.

  Violent sobs racked her body, and she curled in on herself, gasping for air as she tried with all her might to keep the sounds muffled against her arm. She couldn’t let him hear this. She had told him she was strong enough to take care of herself, that he didn’t need to worry about her.

  She wanted so badly for that to be true.

  When Leah gained some semblance of control—when the ferocious sobbing subsided into pathetic little hiccups and sighs, she stood up and climbed into the shower, standing under the stream with her eyes closed as she replayed every beautiful moment from the night before in an effort to calm herself down. Every word, every touch, every smile. And then she remembered waking frantically several times throughout the night, reaching out for him in a panic, and her heart sank.

  It killed him, seeing her suffer because of him. She knew it did. She’d heard it in his voice. And she couldn’t allow him to see that level of weakness again. She would not let him carry that burden.

  And just like that, Leah felt her resolve click into place.

  She opened her eyes, allowing the last of her tears to run down her face with the water, and then she tilted her head back, letting the warm stream wash the remnants of salt from her cheeks.

  She would not cry again. Not today.

  Today she would be strong for him. He needed to see that she was okay. He needed to leave knowing everything back home would be fine.

  Leah finished her shower, stepping out onto the bath mat and wrapping herself in a towel before she walked to the mirror and swiped her hand across it, erasing the fog.

  “Shit,” she whispered as her face was revealed in the glass. Her eyes were bloodshot and extremely swollen; there was no way this would go unnoticed.

  She ran the cold water full blast, grabbing a washcloth and tossing it into the sink. Once it was saturated, she tilted her head back and laid the freezing cloth over her eyes.

  After a few minutes, she tossed the rag back into the sink and sifted through her makeup case until she found some eye drops, blinking quickly as they stung her tender eyes.

  Once her vision had cleared, she leaned close to the mirror, checking her reflection again.

  Better, but still not great.


  Danny’s voice came through the door and she jumped slightly.


  “You okay?”

  She cleared her throat gently. “Yep, just drying off,” she said, keeping her voice as smooth as possible. “I’ll be out in a second.”

  Leah grabbed her brush and ran it through her wet hair before securing the towel around her body and taking one last look in the mirror.

  It was as good as it was going to get.

  She took a deep breath before she turned and opened the door, walking back toward the bedroom.

  He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down, and when he heard her come into the room, he lifted his head and smiled.

  “I didn’t expect you to be up,” he said as he stood and walked toward her. Leah watched his smile fade as he got closer, finally noticing her eyes.

  “I know, I look like hell,” she said, forcing a tiny laugh as she rolled her eyes and gestured toward herself. “This is what happens when I don’t get a full night’s sleep.”

  “Leah,” he said, and she unraveled her towel, bringing it to her hair as she squeezed it dry.

  It was a cheap move, and she knew it, but she was desperate.

  His expression smoothed as his eyes dropped to take in her now naked body, and Leah turned and walked toward her dresser, sifting though one of her drawers for a bra and underwear.

  “Do you want me to make you banana pancakes for breakfast?” she asked, turning to look back over her shoulder.

  “Hmm?” he asked, peeling his eyes from her body and bringing them to her face.

>   She smiled softly. “I said, do you want me to make you banana pancakes for breakfast?”

  “I can just grab something easy. You don’t have to cook.”

  Leah fastened her bra behind her back as she walked over to him. “I want to,” she said, going up on her toes and kissing his mouth before she said, “Go take a shower. They’ll be ready by the time you’re done.”

  Leah turned from the room then, and as soon as she made it into the kitchen, she gripped the edge of the counter and bowed her head, exhaling a trembling breath.

  After a few seconds, she took a deep breath and straightened, gathering the things she’d need to make him breakfast. By the time Danny came into the kitchen, she was setting a plate full of pancakes on the table.

  “It smells amazing in here,” he said, kissing her cheek before he took a seat at the table. “Oh, and Leah?”

  “Yeah?” she asked as she sat across from him.

  “I won’t ask you about this morning. You can get dressed now.”

  Her eyes flashed to his, and the corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “Very well played, though. I can’t deny you that.”

  Leah stared at him, and as his dimples grew more defined, she felt the corners of her own mouth turn up.

  They ate breakfast slowly and in relative silence, both of them seemingly lost in their own thoughts, and after cleaning up, they went back to Leah’s bedroom to get dressed.

  Leah zipped up the black pencil skirt she had paired with a green capped-sleeve silk blouse. Just as she was checking herself in the mirror, Danny stepped out of the bathroom wearing his suit. He stood next to her, looking in the mirror as he adjusted his tie, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  It was the first time she’d seen him dressed up like that, and it killed her that it was under these circumstances. He looked so incredibly handsome, and she wanted to be celebrating something with him—holding him and laughing with him and posing for pictures.

  Not fighting tears as the nausea rolled through her.


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