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Playing Dirty

Page 12

by G. A. Hauser

  “Who do you sleep with?” Carl kept ranting, “Well, if you sleep with him you can’t act. Oh? You sleep with her? Here’s the part. You can act.”

  “Stop torturing yourself.” Keith tugged Carl into the elevator with him.

  Carl dug his fists into his hair and growled in complete frustration. “You’re right. I can’t have Cole handling my career anymore.”

  “I’ll call Adam.” Keith took out his mobile phone. “How long is your contract?”

  “Three years.”

  “We’ll ask Jack how to break it. He’ll figure out a way.”

  “Why? How would Jack know?” Carl exited the elevator walking to the underground garage.

  “He’s a lawyer.”

  “Oh. Good.”

  After they were on the road, Keith dialed. Carl was so angry and preoccupied, he felt as if he couldn’t get focused enough to do his scenes at the studio. Things just kept falling on top of them. Carl couldn’t understand why the fact that he and Keith were lovers had complicated their lives to such extreme. It was agony.

  “Adam? Keith. Look, Carl’s agent, Cole Rossi suddenly decided to go all homophobic on poor Carl.”

  Rubbing his jaw stubble, Carl felt sick. I’m like some outcaste from society. Shunned by my own goddamn agent. And I’m paying that fucker?

  “Three years, Adam. Can’t Jack break it for irreconcilable differences?”

  “It’s not a divorce, Keith.”

  Laughing, Keith said, “Adam just said the same thing.”

  Carl had to smile. Having Adam Lewis represent him was substantially better than Cole. Adam was supportive. Carl only hoped he never learned of their upcoming tryst with the scrumptious Mark Richfield.

  Landmines. I’m laying the ground with landmines.

  “Right. A copy of his contract. Yes. Oh? A statement of what he said? Really?” Keith cupped the phone. “Adam wants you to write a statement of your conversation this morning.”

  “I can barely remember it.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  Carl glanced over at Keith, the man with the photographic memory. It came in handy.

  “Contract, statement…got it.” Keith nodded. “Yes. He was really abusive, Adam. I only heard Carl’s end but it sounded like he was forcing Carl to admit if he was gay or straight. I don’t see what the hell difference it should make to Cole or the offers Carl gets. Adam? Aren’t all the agents around here used to gay and bi clients? What’s the deal?”

  Carl showed his ID to the security guard at the studio gate. The man knew him by heart and always waved him through before he flashed it. Carl did it because it was the right thing to do. I’m a decent human being. I don’t commit crimes. I don’t abuse anyone. I’m loving, conscientious. I give to charities, I support human rights. I’m not a vile creature to be treated like crap and denied parts I’m right for.

  “Thanks, Adam. Okay. We’ll get it to you by tomorrow, FedEx or something. You want it home or at work?”

  Carl parked and shut off the engine.

  He had been so happy when Cole accepted him as his client. Carl remembered the celebration he had with his parents in Seattle. After so many rejections, Cole had taken a chance on him, an unknown. Carl moved to LA. He and Cole shared a bottle of champagne when he got the part on Forever Young. They popped the cork and Carl danced around the office. Cole kept assuring Carl he was going to be a big star. The producers and director of the brand new cable drama were top notch. The show was a guaranteed hit.

  “You okay?”

  Snapping out of his daydream, Carl took Keith’s outstretched hand. “Yes. What did Adam say? Will he have me?”

  “Are you joking?” Keith narrowed his eyes at him. “He just needs Jack to get you out of your contract.”

  “I have a feeling that will be easier than we think. Cole would be happy to see the back of me.”

  “That’s my favorite view as well.”

  Seeing Keith’s wicked smile, Carl pecked him quickly. “I love you.”

  “You too. Don’t worry. Come on. We have a long day ahead of us.”

  Climbing out of the Vette, walking to their studio, Keith brushed against Carl’s side. Carl knew it was for support. And he loved him for it.


  They had barely walked through the door when Charlotte flagged them down.

  “I am so damn tired of this,” Carl growled.

  Keith touched his wrist to calm him.

  “How are you this morning?”

  “Fine.” Keith waited. He knew there had to be more than that on her mind.

  “Have you given any thought to our conversation?”

  “Yes.” Keith looked over at Carl. It appeared Carl was too worn out from earlier to deal with it. So Keith said, “We won’t appear in public with Holly and Jade again.”

  Her face lit up as if he’d told her she’d won the lottery. She jumped and embraced them both. “I just love you guys! I knew the show meant a lot to you. Look…” She stepped back, reaching for both their hands. “I want to reward you. I know you’re both antsy about your careers and the aftermath of Forever Young. Tell me…do you want to learn behind the scenes? Direct an episode?”

  Carl perked up.

  Keith didn’t have the desire.

  “Carl?” Charlotte asked.



  “Uh. No, not really.”

  “What do you want?” Charlotte released Carl’s hand and gripped Keith’s in both of hers. “Tell me. More creative input? More dialogue?”

  “More sex!” Keith announced wickedly. “Get dirty, Charlotte.”

  “More sex?” She laughed loudly. “I don’t know how much more I can do without the censors closing us down.”

  “How about a three-way?”

  “Keith…” Carl chided, but he was laughing as he did.

  “Oh? Any star you have in mind?” Charlotte’s eyes glimmered.

  “He’s not a star, but he should be one.”

  “Keith!” Carl choked on his gasp. “You’re not thinking of Mark are you?”

  “Mark?” Charlotte appeared to be a vulture on the scent of blood. “Mark who? Who’s Mark?”

  “Charlotte,” Keith began, gripping her hands and swooning dramatically, “he is the most unbelievable fucker I have ever seen.”

  “Who’s his agent?”

  “He isn’t an actor. He isn’t represented.”

  “How can I get him then?”

  “Keith, he’d never agree to it.” Carl kept laughing.

  “Wanna bet? The guy has a huge ego. Come on, Carl.”

  “Tell me. Tell me how to get him?” Charlotte rubbed her hands together.

  “I’ll talk to him. He’s a good friend of Adam Lewis.”

  “Well, if Adam represents him, we’ll give it a shot.” Charlotte cupped Keith’s cheeks. “You are so naughty! You’ve come a long way from the shy young man who couldn’t even stand the idea of taking off his clothing for a shot.”

  “Charlotte,” Carl sighed, “you have no idea. He’s the exact opposite of that shy babe in the woods.”

  “Good! Good!” Her eyes were on fire. “Go to the set. We’ll have a speed through first. Keith? When you get this Mark-god interested, tell me, and I’ll see what we can do.”

  As she scurried off, Carl kept chuckling under his breath. “Steve is going to kill you.”

  “Why?” Keith walked with him to the set. “I bet Mark wants to do it.”

  “You really think that man is going to want to be involved in a sex orgy on this show?”

  “Wouldn’t you?” Keith asked in amazement.

  Carl just shook his head, seemingly unable to wipe the smile from his face.

  By late afternoon they had finished the speed through where the cast just read from their parts as Charlotte made notes. After the read they did the blocking. It was the same routine weekly, and by the next day they would already be doing camera and dress rehearsals. Weekly
series meant speed. But Carl loved it. He didn’t want to do anything else. That part in the action movie? It was crap. He was glad they pulled out. Sort of. In reality, he wished he could have been the one to say no.


  “Yes?” He snapped out of his thoughts.

  “When you approach Dennis in this scene, think anger, betrayal.”

  “Okay.” Carl winked at Keith as he waited nearby.

  “Smack him hard. Get him to recoil and hit the bed. Then I want you to pin him back to it. You know.”

  “I do.”

  “Another slap?” Keith moaned playfully. “You know how hard he hits?”

  Charlotte laughed. “Would you rather have him spank your naked butt?”

  Keith pointed at Carl in accusation, “You did that once! Remember? Totally unscripted while you pretended to screw me.”

  “I remember,” Charlotte answered for Carl. “Did you like it, cutie?”

  “I’m not getting my rump smacked on television.”

  Carl was having a hard time not laughing hysterically. Turning his back to them, covering his mouth, the recollection of spanking Keith on national TV was lighting Carl up.

  “Oh, Carl?” Charlotte sang.

  Forcing his expression to straighten out, Carl faced her. “Yes?”

  “Slap his face or bottom. You choose.”

  “Oh, God!” Carl roared with laughter, doubling over and holding his stomach.

  “Carl!” Keith choked in embarrassment. “My face!”

  “His butt!” Carl was dying. “Please! Let me spank his ass.”

  “Okie dokie!” Charlotte gave Keith a smug glance.

  “You’re going to spank my bare ass?”

  “God yes!” Carl dabbed at his teary eyes.

  “I’m glad my father no longer watches this show.” Obviously Carl’s laughter was contagious because Charlotte was bursting with it and Keith couldn’t help but join in.

  Some of the cameramen and assistance were chuckling, trying to stifle their amusement as they overheard.

  “I’ll get you for this, Carl Bronson,” Keith warned.

  “Fine.” Charlotte walked over to Carl. “When you enter the room instead of smacking him right off, toss him down on the bed and strip his slacks down. Then…” She shrugged. “I’d take him over your lap and have at it.”

  “People!” Keith’s cheeks were beet red.

  “Just don’t get so wild you forget your dialogue. It is still a verbal fight between you two.”

  Controlling his hilarity, Carl kept dabbing at the corner of his eyes. “And from there? Just proceed into the love scene?”

  “Yes. I would think that would be pretty easy after all that good discipline.” Charlotte’s eyes gleamed with demonic pleasure.

  “No paddles!” Keith wagged his finger. “No leather straps. I know you, Charlotte. Once you get going…”

  “Don’t worry, Keith. I can’t repeat that again. As they say, been there, done that.” Charlotte walked out of the scene. “Give it a walk through. You don’t have to bare Keith’s gorgeous backside just yet.”

  Carl craned his finger at Keith. Hunched over from the embarrassment, Keith approached.

  “You’re the one who thinks gay porn is a snap,” Carl warned. “So prove you can do it. Chicken.”

  “I’m not chicken. And this isn’t a gay porno set. You see any fluffers?”

  “What the hell’s a fluffer?” Carl tilted his head.

  “Tell ya later.” Keith winked.

  “Gentlemen? Any day now.”

  Carl inhaled a deep breath, trying to get into character. When he did, he spun around to glare at Keith.

  “Don’t look at me like that!” Keith shouted.

  “Like what, Dennis?” Carl stalked him.

  “Like you’re going to kill me.”

  “You think you’re funny? Humiliating me?” Carl grabbed Keith by the arm.

  “I didn’t mean to. You took it the wrong way, Troy.”

  Carl dragged Keith to the bed and sat down forcing Keith over his lap. The laughing fit was threatening to break free again.

  “What are you doing?” Keith yelled.

  Carl mimed tearing his slacks down his ass. “You deserve this.” Biting his lip, Carl was about to break up with laughter.

  “Troy! I didn’t do it!”

  Carl let go a slap to Keith’s bottom. It was very light but still made Keith jump. He hit him again, imagining the sound when it was bare skin.

  “Troy! Stop it!”

  Carl couldn’t hold it any longer. He started laughing, bending over to hide his face in Keith’s butt. As he shook with it, Keith did as well and they couldn’t stop.

  Charlotte tried to get them to stop giggling, but her own was adding to the fire.

  Smoothing his hand over Keith’s wonderful bottom, Carl chuckled, “I cannot wait to do this.”

  In response, Keith wriggled on his lap.

  “Christ, I just hope I can do it with a straight face.”

  “Let’s go,” Charlotte urged. “Pretend you got a few good slaps in. Go from there.”

  Carl nudged Keith off, mimed opening his own pants, grabbed Keith’s hips and pretended to screw him from behind. “I’m the man in this relationship, sweetheart. Not you. Never forget that.”

  “Ah! Yes, Troy.”

  “You listen to my advice, Dennis. You hear me? It’s the best for both of us.”

  “Yes! Yes, Troy. I know. I’m sorry.”

  Carl wrapped his arms around Keith’s hips and raised Keith’s body off the bed to meet his own closing his eyes and envisioning his dick deep inside Keith’s ass. As he did, he unintentionally clutched Keith’s crotch. Under Keith’s pants he was rock hard. For a split second, Carl went wild from the excitement. Clenching his teeth, slowing his pulse down, Carl opened his eyes. Everyone behind the scenes was gaping at him in awe. Releasing his hold on Keith, Carl stepped back.

  Keith spun around to say the last lines of the scene. “I love you. I know you’re only looking out for us. I’m sorry, Troy.”

  “Well done! I can’t wait to see it in the first camera rehearsal tomorrow.”

  Climbing off the bed, Keith whispered, “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Carl struggled to slow his panting. “Christ, Keith, I just lost myself for a minute.”

  “Did you?” Keith purred. Twisting back to Charlotte, he shouted, “Are we done, boss?”

  “See you tomorrow!” She waved, busy writing notes.

  Keith hooked Carl at the elbow and led him out of the studio. “You hot fucker!” Keith hurried them to Carl’s car. “What are you going to do when you’re really slapping my bare ass?”

  “Come?” Carl laughed, unlocking the car with his remote key fob.

  As Carl ignited the engine, Keith tugged open the button on Carl’s jeans.

  “What are you doing? Keith, let me at least get off the studio lot.”

  Keith sat facing forward until they passed the gate. Once they did he twisted in his seat and unzipped Carl’s pants, hunting for him.

  Gulping the air, Carl tried to drive while Keith exposed his cock from his clothing. Splitting his attention between the road and Keith’s head bobbing up and down on his lap, Carl was going nuts. The rushing to his loins was overwhelming. “I can’t drive and come.”

  Keith didn’t answer, speeding up his sucking, taking Carl down to his balls.

  “I have to pull over.” Carl searched for a good spot. “Oh, my God.” Another first. A blowjob behind the wheel. It just kept getting better and better.

  Carl pulled off the road and set the parking brake. Closing his eyes, he didn’t care where they were. He was in Keith’s mouth. That’s all he cared about.

  His legs stretched under the pedals, Carl couldn’t believe how deep Keith was sucking. It felt as if all of him was being engulfed by that dexterous tongue and boiling hot mouth. Keith wrapped both his hands around the base of Carl’s cock and squeezed in time with his dr
awing lips. Carl arched his body, pressing into the bucket seat and came, biting back his whimpering baying, like a hound yowling at the moon.

  “Keith…” Carl battled for more oxygen into his labored lungs.

  Sitting up, looking around, Keith cupped his hand over Carl’s stiff blushing dick to hide it.

  “I love you…” Carl choked up with emotion. “No one ever did to me the things you do. God, I love you so much.”

  Gazing out at the passing throng, Keith warned, “You better get soft, Carl. I can’t tuck your big dick in if you’re not.”

  Carl gently touched Keith under his jaw. The urge to kiss him was like pain. But they were exposed. The blowjob was a big risk as it was. Insanity. How could Carl prevent the devotion they felt? How?

  As a tear ran down Carl’s cheek at the injustice of their lives, Keith tucked him in and zipped him up.

  “Home, James.” Keith positioned himself correctly in the seat.

  Carl placed the car in drive, released the brake, and merged back into traffic. The roller coaster of emotions he was dealing with was making him crazy.

  Reaching for Keith’s hand, Carl gripped it tight. When he could, he snuck a kiss at Keith’s knuckles.

  Hearing Keith’s satisfied sigh, Carl began to grow resentful of all the ignorant bastards in the world. It was a personal affront. He took it to heart and grew irate.

  Chapter Eleven

  Keith slid a copy of Carl’s contract into an envelope. They had worked on his statement last night and between the two of them, they remembered enough of Cole’s ignorant comments to make a case of discrimination against him. It should allow Carl out of the contract. Carl thought Cole would be only too eager to dump him. But the man was still making money off each of Carl’s paychecks. So it paid to do it right, with Jack Larsen behind them.

  Keith licked the flap and sealed it. “We should FedEx it.”

  “Let’s just drop it by Adam’s office.”

  “On the way to work?”

  Carl checked the time. “On the way home?”

  Keith removed his cell phone as they headed to the car from their condo unit. “It’s too early. No one’s in his office.”

  “Leave a message.”


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