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Outlaw's Second Chance

Page 8

by Bella Drake

  “Can you fix it?!” she shouted back.

  “Yeah, no problem!”

  “Great, I guess I’ll feed you then!”

  After retrieving a ladder and a socket set, I fixed the problem in about five minutes. I was done at the same time Lucy finished making the salad.

  “How’s it going?” she asked as I tightened the last bolt.

  “All set.”


  “Yep, these bolts just came loose or were never tightened properly.”

  “Wow, thanks.”

  “My pleasure ma’am.”

  “Oh God, please,” she said laughing.

  “Hardly a trade for lasagna, but it’s fixed.”

  “Oh, totally worth it.”

  We ate by the water. I ate way too much lasagna and by the look on Lucy’s face, it made her happy.

  “So, you didn’t like it then?” She teased.

  “Not really, but I didn’t want to be rude,” I answered back with the same tone. We both laughed. “That cabin sure looks small from over here.”

  “Yeah, not to mention I’m used to seeing that cute guy sitting by his little fire drinking beer. Oh, and listening to Led Zeppelin.”

  “Best band ever,” I said.

  “You won’t get an argument from me.”

  “You like Zeppelin?”

  “Let’s just say that when I was in high school I wrote a letter to them begging them to get back together. I mean, c’mon, get a new drummer. Drummers die all the time, right?”

  “Well, John Bonham wasn’t just any drummer… but yeah, I get it.”

  “Well, from one Zeppelin fan to another, cheers.”


  “I have to say, it feels so good to hang with someone who isn’t such a stuffed shirt.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. So tell me something, Lucy.”

  “Oh no, sounds personal.”

  “Well it is, I guess.”

  “Okay, if I answer one then you have to answer one.”

  “Never mind, I don’t really care that much.”

  “Oh c’mon, it will be fun.”

  “Forced sharing, sounds great,” I said laughing.

  “No, we can call it getting to know you.”

  “Uh, still sounds like forced sharing.”

  “I know, let’s make it a drinking game.”

  I smiled. “Oh, now you’re talking.”

  “Okay. You ask me and if I don’t tell you the truth, you drink.”

  “Isn’t there a game like that called ‘I never’?”

  “Yes, but this is different.”

  “Oh yeah, how?”

  “Well, we aren’t teenagers and… well, we aren’t teenagers.” We both laughed hard. “Okay, so ask.”

  “Alright, fine. Lucy?”

  “Yes, Matt?”

  “You seem like a cool chick. You like rock music and riding Harleys. Why all the fancy shit and the khaki, polo shirt-wearing husbands?”

  “Wow! Okay, okay… so, I can answer that.” She sipped her wine.

  “You don’t have to drink now.”

  “But I want to drink.”

  “Fine, you can drink if you want. This isn’t a very good drinking game,” I said.

  “No, it’s not, but that’s okay. Basically, I was scared and wanted security. I was a gold digger… I was a fraud.

  “Wow, she shoots she scores with honesty.”

  “Yep, this is me being me. I am honest and tell it like it is.”

  “A fraud huh?” I asked.



  “Oh, you want details!”

  “Well, I want to know who my neighbor is. You know you can’t be too careful these days,” I said laughing.

  “Oh yeah, this neighborhood has gone downhill for sure. Okay, you want details you get details. So it’s pretty simple. I grew up broke and I hated seeing my mom struggle to put food on the table. All I could think about was how I didn’t want to be poor. I did everything to find guys that either already had money or had potential to have money. My first husband was a genius nerd and made millions selling a program to Microsoft.”

  “So, your plan worked.”

  “Well yes and no. Turns out my best friend had my same plan, but she was on the fast-track program and decided to do a hostile take-over.”

  “Oh shit, she didn’t.”

  “Yup, she stole my man,” Lucy said, swigging her beer. “Would you believe she still wants to be friends?”


  “Yeah, wow. So after that, I met Jeremy on a rebound and well, he swept me off my feet, wining and dining me until he decided to fuck the entire world.”

  “Wow, the world huh?”

  “Yep, the whole world on his cock.”

  We laughed.

  “So, what about Mom and Dad?” I asked.

  “Well, it’s my turn but okay. Dad passed when I was six.”


  “Yeah, I miss him. Your folks still around?” she asked.

  “Nope, gone.”

  “Wow, we’re just a couple of orphans,” Lucy said.

  “Wait, your mom is dead too?” I asked.

  “Not exactly, just to me,” Lucy said.

  “That good, huh?”

  “Yeah, apparently it was my fault for wanting some ice cream. It was my fault that my dad got hit by a drunk driver on his way home from the market.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Yeah, exactly. She’s in Florida I think. Who knows, who cares. How did your folks die?”

  “Dad crashed his bike and mom fell off a cruise ship.”

  “Shut up!”

  “True story.”

  “Oh my god, that’s crazy.”

  “Eh, she wasn’t around much, so when it happened I almost felt nothing and still don’t. Dad, on the other hand, still stings.”

  We sat quietly for a few moments. Both of us thinking about our dead, or “dead to me,” loved ones.

  “Okay my turn,” Lucy said.

  “Oh no.”

  “You can’t back out now.”

  “Fine, fine. Go.”

  “Okay, so how come you suck at swimming?”

  “Oh, really funny,” I said.

  “Ha! Just kidding, but you really should swim some laps.”

  “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.”

  “Okay, I got a real one,” Lucy said, holding her hand up as if she was in class. “Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend or your ex?”

  “Can I just say no?” I said laughing.

  “No! I want the truth and I won’t judge you.”

  “Yeah right.”

  “No really, I won’t,” she insisted.

  “Oh man, okay. Well, I would say yes and no.”

  “Yes and no, how is that possible?”

  “Well, when we first started dating we weren’t exactly exclusive. After a couple dates we really hit it off and she asked me if I was dating anyone else. I said no but actually, just the night before, I went to a party in the town over from us and had sex with this rocker chick I had my eye on for a while. I should have told her, but I thought it might ruin things before they even started so I said no.”

  “I guess that’s not so bad. Is that it?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Oh God, here it comes,” Lucy said.

  “So after she cheated on me with the good doctor and before we were divorced, I was with a few chicks. Technically… I was still married.”

  “A few chicks, huh? How many is a few?”

  “Well, I would say maybe ten.”

  “Wow! That’s definitely not a few. Talk about sewing your oats.”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “You must have done some hook-up dating site.”

  “No, nothing like that. I just met them at rallies and parties.”


  “Yeah, like bike events. You know, like Sturgis.”

nbsp; “You’ve been to Sturgis?!”

  “Yeah, just last year actually.”

  “I am so jealous, that sounds like a blast!”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “Okay, so these girls were like biker babes?”

  “I guess you could call them that, some more than others.”

  “Well, I can see why it was so easy for you.”

  “Oh yeah, why is that?”

  “Because you’re very easy on the eyes.”

  “Well, I could say the same about you.”

  Our eyes locked in the moment in which we both learned that we were attracted to each other. Lucy broke the stare with another question. “Okay, have you ever hit a woman?”

  “Wait, isn’t it my turn?” I said, holding my hand up in protest.

  “You can have two next time.”

  “Man, these are hard hitting questions. I feel like I am getting interrogated by the police.”

  “You kind of are.”

  “Oh great. Fine, yes. I have hit a woman,” I admitted.

  “What?! Seriously?” Her brow furrowed.

  “Yeah, yeah but listen, it was not on purpose.”

  Lucy seriously looked disappointed at my answer. “Okay, tell me how you accidentally hit a woman.”

  “When I was about seventeen I found out my friend, well ex-friend junkie, got a really good friend of mine, Sarah hooked on smack.”

  “Go on.”

  “I went looking for him in a mad rage to kick his ass. Well, I found him and in the rush, I forgot my contacts. By the way, I’m legally blind in my left eye.”

  “Uh, okay...”

  “Anyway, we fought and I pretty much kicked his ass but he wanted more. He came over to my car. I opened the door and was about to hit him when Sarah came up behind him to pull him away. Her head was right next to his and well… with my one bad eye my depth perception is really bad and instead of hitting him, I knocked her right out.”

  “No! Oh my god, you didn’t!” Lucy said, her hand covering her mouth, aghast.

  “Yep, flat out on the ground, KO’d”

  “What did you do?”

  “I picked her up, put her in my car and drove her to my house. She was alright, except for that big shiner.”

  “Was she mad?”

  “No. She knew I would never intentionally hit a woman. However, the next day at school, the entire student body thought I hit her on purpose. I got called into the Principle's office and had to explain the entire story.”

  “Geez, sounds like a nightmare.”

  “Yeah, it wasn’t great.”

  “So where is she now?”

  “Oh man, hmm… the last time I saw her she was still strung out and living with some dealer pretending to be an artist.”

  “That’s so sad.”

  “Yeah, I’ve had plenty of friends either die or get some god-awful disease from bullshit drugs.”

  “What about you?”

  “Nope, I like my beers and maybe a little weed now and then, but nothing strong.”

  “That’s good. I know, since we are kind of playing a truth game let’s say we add some dares into the mix.”

  “Dares, you mean like ‘truth or dare’?” I said laughing.

  “Yeah c’mon, it might be fun.”

  “What next, spin the bottle?”

  “No, you need at least three people to play that.”

  “Oh yeah, of course,” I said laughing. “Oh man. Fine, fine. Okay, it’s my turn then, huh?”

  “Yeah, it’s your turn.”

  “Hmm… okay, so let me think.”

  “Are you asking me a truth or a dare?” she asked.

  “Now that we have dares, I’m going dare. Truths are boring.”

  “Uh, that depends on the truth.”

  “Okay, got it. I dare you to do a cannonball off the dock naked.”

  “Oh, I knew it! I knew it! You are a pervert.”

  “What?! I’m not a pervert… well, not exactly,” I said laughing.

  “Of course, I’m the one getting naked,” Lucy said.

  “Hey, it’s your game, not mine.”

  “Ugh, this is true.”

  “Not to mention, if I’m such a pervert then what was your dare for me going to be?” I asked.

  Lucy laughed. “The same thing.”

  “Oh, I see,” I said standing up. “You’re a pervert too. I can’t believe this… calling me a pervert when you’ve been perving out on me all along.”

  “Okay, okay. Guilty. I’m a pervert,” Lucy said. “So, what now?”

  “Well, I dared you first.”

  I smiled at Lucy and nodded my head. Lucy looked up at me, and she gave me a look I have seen before. It meant this is going to happen. Some people call them bedroom eyes but I prefer “get over here and fuck me eyes.”

  “Fine!” Lucy said, standing up.

  She walked down to the dock that was illuminated by the full moon. She stopped. Her back was towards me and she looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. She turned slightly toward me, just enough that I could glimpse her slowly pulling off her tank top and tossing it aside. When she did, her medium sized tear drop tits jiggled to the side. I sucked in my breath.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said, taking a deep breath.

  “I can,” I said laughing.

  “Shut up Matt!” She turned her back to me again and unbuttoned her jeans. Taking another deep breath as if she was going underwater, she pushed them down over her hips and then over her round ass. Her jeans dropped to her ankles. Her body was amazing and it got my cock’s attention for sure. I started clapping. “Oh my god, are you clapping for my ass?!”

  “Yes, yes I am. Is that okay?”

  “Well, I guess it’s a compliment.”

  “Hell yeah, it is.”

  “Okay, your turn,” she said looking over her shoulder at me, her breasts were now covered with her hands like a bra.

  “You didn’t jump in.”

  “I just thought we would do it together.” Lucy took one more deep breath, turned around and dropped her hands, revealing her whole self to me. I looked her up and down and clapped again. “My god, you with your clapping.”

  “What?!” I was already hard when she started walking towards me. I pulled my shirt off and just as I started to unbutton my pants, she appeared at my feet. She grabbed my hand, stopping me.

  “Let me do that,” she said.


  She was looking into my eyes with a devilish smirk on her face. She looked so fucking hot. One by one she pulled my Levi’s buttons open. When the last one popped my pants fell to the ground and my cock literally flung up and hit her hands.

  “Oh, hello.” It had startled her and she pulled her hands away.

  She looked down and gazed at my hard cock. I was so turned on it was throbbing just from that slight touch. She looked at me again and placed her hands slowly around it. My body jerked as she touched me. I gently caressed her, starting from her shoulders down each side and circling her hips, then up again. Her skin was so smooth and she smelled so good.

  Our eyes locked and she came close. I dropped my head towards hers until my forehead rested on hers. Her hands were still working on my cock and now she cupped my engorged balls, juggling them with her other hand. It felt amazing. We pushed our faces together until, finally, our lips touched. First slowly, but then our tongues found each other and we explored. As our kiss grew more passionate she wrapped her hands around my back and we embraced. Our bodies were now fully connected and rubbing together. I grabbed her ass in my hands and pulled her against me hard. I squeezed her ass fully and with little effort, I lifted her up off the ground. She wrapped her legs around me and her arms held on over my shoulders and around her neck. My rock-hard cock slid against her wet pussy. She moaned as I ground against her, lifting her up and down.

  “I want you inside me now. I can’t wait,” she said. I lifted her up high and carefully lowered her dow
n. She slid down slowly until I could feel the tip of my cock touch her lips. She moaned again, wanting it.

  I didn’t rush. I knew she was ready and if I wanted, I could plunge her down onto my cock, going deep inside, but I waited. I let her down just enough until the tip went in about an inch or two, and then I pulled her high up, again. She kissed me with abandon, biting my lip and sucking my tongue as if I was nourishing to her. “I want you,” she said again. I resisted and let her slide down again, teasing her with my cock by letting the tip slip in a little deeper. She kicked her feet trying to get deeper, but I pulled her up again. “Oh God, you asshole,” she said laughed breathlessly.

  I grinned. “Okay, are you ready?”

  “Yes, yes. I’m ready.”

  I held her tight and tensed my grip on her. I could tell she knew I was going all the way in because she fully relaxed as I slid her down to me. First, the tip like before, stopping for a moment, but only for a moment before I let her slide all the way onto my cock that reached deep inside her.

  Lucy moaned loudly as she hung on my cock. I could feel her pussy clinch against my cock and it caused my mind to swim. I lifted her up and down in quick succession until we composed a rhythmic motion together. She was a good fit and from her whimpering, I knew she was enjoying me as well. The faster I pounded her the more she moaned. Lucy started to dig her nails into my back, making little squeaking sounds. She was going to come and soon. I held her ass with one hand and my other wrapped her, cradling her back against me tight and secure.

  My throbbing grew into a building of pleasure until I started to moan along with her. Soon our sounds were desperate and it wasn’t long until our moans became frantic. Lucy’s nails drew blood. She screamed out and at that moment, I filled her fully. I came so hard, I almost buckled over but I held her up with my knees bent. I was out of breath and Lucy was now making an almost cry/laughing sound that I knew was a good thing. I held her with my cock still inside and started walking. She didn’t notice at first but as I started moving a little faster, she lifted her head up to look at me.

  “Matt, Matt! What are you doing?”

  Lucy’s eyes were big as I sprinted down the dock. Our bodies drenched in sweat, I yelled: “Cannon Ball!” right as I got to the end of the dock, throwing both of us into the black water of the lake. The water felt amazing on my naked body after that quick power-packed workout I just had. It was still about eighty-five degrees out. It was no wonder that both of our dares were to jump in the lake. Even though we took a little detour, with a splash we completed our dare together.


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