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Outlaw's Second Chance

Page 15

by Bella Drake

  Chapter 18


  Oh God, this is a disaster, I thought. She hates me, she hates my house. Fuck! I so wanted Matt's sister to like me. I looked up from the entry of the cabin and shook my head. It is way too big, I thought. I remember when we first planned it we were going to build a small comfortable two-story cabin. Then, after visiting Jeremy’s friend's cabin that is four times this one, the plans grew and grew. Now, our once love-nest of a cabin has turned into a monster eye-sore for Matt's sister Laura.

  Knock, Knock, Knock. The sound at the door startled me. Who the hell could that be? I wondered. I walked over to the front door and looked through the peephole. Oh God, it's Laura –She probably wants to chew me out or something. I opened the door.

  “Hey!” I said, trying to act like nothing happened over at her place.

  “Lucy, right?”


  “Look, I really want to apologize for the way I treated you over there. I had no…”

  “No, no. It's fine. I totally understand. I would be shocked to see this place too. It is way too big.”

  “No, it's... God, it's beautiful,” Laura said, poking her head inside and looking up.

  “Do you want to come in?”

  “Can I?”

  “Of course. Please, come in.”

  “Your place is amazing.”

  “Well it's something,” I said, not sure if at this point I would say amazing. I showed Laura around the house and we went upstairs to the master bedroom.

  “Look at this view. Oh, our little cabin looks tiny from way up here.”

  “I love your cabin,” I said.

  “Oh, come on,” Laura said.

  “No really, that’s the first thing I said to Matt when I met him. How much the cabin felt romantic and more of a home that a family would spend time in. Not a trophy, like this place.”

  “God Lucy, I don’t know if I agree with you. Want to trade?” she laughed.

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” I smiled.

  “Oh my, that shower is incredible,” Laura said, walking across the room.

  “It's all marble. My ex had it delivered from Italy.”

  “Wow, it's stunning.”

  I could tell Matt’s sister looked at the bed that looked like, well... it looked like two people were making love in it. She looked down and picked up a large T-shirt off the floor.

  “Oh, sorry about that,” I said, taking it from her hand.

  “Is that Matt's?” she asked.

  “Um, well... yes,” I said, worried she was going to chew me out again for sleeping with her brother.

  “So, Matt said you guys are pretty close.”

  “Oh, uh… well, yeah... you could say that.” I blushed.

  “Wow, you really like him?” I looked at Laura and didn’t know what to say. I panicked and for some reason, she scared the shit out of me. “Oh God, you love him?” Laura said, smiling big at me. I sat down on the bed. “You do, you love him,” Laura said, now sitting down next to me.

  I looked over at her. “I do. I am so in love with him. He is wonderful and gentle and he’s everything I want in a man. I just don’t know if he loves me.”

  “Oh girl, I haven’t seen him like this since... well, since...”

  “Since Cassie’s mom?”


  “I heard about that bitch.”

  “Yeah, I always thought she was too stuck up for Matt, but the heart wants what the heart wants.”

  “I'll say,” I said. “Just so you know, I’m not stuck up. I mean, I own all this, but I really don’t care about it. I just, well... I used to be that kind of girl, but now I don’t care about any of it.”

  “Sounds like you’ve been through the ringer.” I told Laura about my exes and I even told her about Matt and how we saved each other. “Wow, that is an amazing story... and to think that all just happened in such a short time.”

  “It's been a whirlwind and pretty crazy I know, but I feel in my heart that your brother is my soulmate. I know it deep inside.”

  “You know that Matt is a little rough around the edges, right?”

  “I do. I love that he doesn’t own a shirt that you can't pull over your head and that all his jeans have at least one hole in them. I love that he’s kind and generous and I love that even though Cassie is gone he still talks to her like she is standing right beside him. His heart is so big.”

  “Wow, you got it bad.”

  “Yeah, I do. I really do.”

  “Well, if I know my brother, the fact that he wanted you to meet me says pretty much everything.”

  “You think?”

  “I know. That man... well, to be blunt, after his wife left him let's just say that his choices in women were less than savory.”

  “You mean biker babes?”

  “Exactly,” Laura giggled. “Wait! Is that a fucking Birkin Bag?!” Laura screeched while running over to the closet and picking up my prized Birkin bag that Jeremy bought me on our trip to New York.

  “It’s the real deal,” I said.

  “Oh my, these cost a fortune. Oh, I’m sorry. You obviously can afford it, I just haven’t ever seen one up close.”

  “No, it's fine.” I was just thinking about when I got it from my ex. I just had to have it.” I shook my head. “God, you were so lost then,” I whispered to myself.

  “Are you alright Lucy?”

  “Oh sorry,” I said as I stood up and walked over to Laura, who was still holding the bag. “You know what? It's yours.”

  “What?! No. No way. Are you crazy?”

  “That’s up for debate but if you don’t take it, it will probably end up in the burn pile outside.”

  “You were going to burn this bag! a Birkin bag? Your ex must be a total douche.”

  “Unless you save it,” I said, smiling at her. “And yes, he is a total douche.

  “You're serious, aren’t you?”


  “I don’t know what to say except thank you.”

  “No, thank you for sending me your brother.”

  “Ha! I would trade him for a Birkin bag any day.” We both laughed and Laura hugged me. It took me a moment, but I hugged her back. I teared up and Laura could tell. She squeezed me and held me until I let go.

  “I’m sorry I…”

  “No, you don’t need to explain. You're looking at a pregnant woman and my emotions are off the Richter scale. So, trust me when I say that I understand.”

  “You're pregnant?!”

  “Yep, just found out.”

  “Oh God, that is great news. Did you tell Matt?”

  “Yeah, I just did. He is ecstatic.”

  “I am so happy for you.”

  “Thanks, I am too.”

  I looked at Laura, realizing she was my height and at least for now, almost my same build. “Hey, what size do you wear?” I asked her.

  “Like in clothing?”

  “Yeah. you’re a six, right?”

  “Oh God, on a good day.”

  “Hmmm. Let me see,” I said, walking over to my closet.

  “Yes, yes and yes,” I said, pulling a few dresses from my closet and holding one up to Laura to see if it would fit. “Here, try this on.”

  “Is that a Chanel dress?”

  “Yes. It was custom made for me. You can't even buy it. And I think it would look pretty amazing on you.”

  Laura hadn’t let go of the Birkin bag and was clutching it to her chest as if it was a life vest. Her eyes were salivating while looking at the Chanel dress. I started laughing.

  “What?” Laura said.

  “You look like a kid in a candy store.”

  “Well, I just haven’t seen or would ever imagine literally trying on a dress like that.”

  “Go on, try it on.”



  Laura put the bag down carefully and took the dress from me.

  “God, it's beautiful.”
  “Can you believe I only wore it once?”

  “Geez, why?”

  “I don’t know. I have so many it just didn’t make the rotation.”

  “Oh brother, if I only had that problem. So many fancy dresses and so little time,” Laura said in her best British rich person voice.

  “Something like that.”

  Laura slipped out of her jeans and black T-shirt. She slipped on the dress carefully, as if it was made of crepe paper.

  “Here, let me zip you up.”


  “Up! We need shoes, are you a six-six and a half?”

  “I am.” Laura’s excitement grew as she caressed the material of the dress she was wearing.

  “How about these?” I said, handing her a brand-new pair of Jimmy Choo’s.

  “Oh my, those are so cute and strappy.”

  “Yeah, never worn once.”

  “Really! Now that is criminal.”

  “I know, I know.”

  She pulled the shoes on and with a little wobble, walked over to the mirror.

  “It's been a while since I wore heels.”

  “You’re looking good Laura. That dress fits you perfectly.”

  “You think?” she said, looking back at me and then back into the mirror with eager eyes.

  I was happy for her. The fact of the matter was, I hated all these dresses. Sure, I could see the beauty in the material, but the label whore I used to be was gone. Each dress, bag, and shoe reminded me of Jeremy and the person I used to be. A person I never, ever wanted to become again.


  “Yes?” she said as she twirled back and forth in the dress like a little girl playing dress-up.

  “How would you feel if I said I wanted you to have all my clothes?” Laura laughed. “No, I’m serious.”

  Laura stopped in mid-twirl and turned to look at me, she wasn’t smiling anymore. Her expression changed to one of concern. “Why would you do that, who does that?”

  I explained to her where my head was at and how every piece was a bad memory. “I’m not crazy Laura. In fact, I haven’t been saner in my life. I know I just met you, but I want you to think of it as helping me become the person I want to be. The person I was before I met Jeremy. It's important that all these things go, and I would be extremely happy if they went to you. Besides... we are the same size.” Laura was speechless as she looked at the Dolce and Gabbana and Armani dresses I laid on the bed before glancing over at my closet that was filled with two dozen couture dresses and various bags and shoes. “The only thing I want is this dress and these shoes.” I went over to the closet and pulled out an old dress and pair of shoes from the 1940’s. “These were my Grandmother’s.”

  “Lucy, I just don’t know what to say. You are so generous. I don’t feel right.”

  “I get it. Why is the crazy lady who built a mansion across the lake giving me all her fancy clothes?”

  “Yeah, that’s about right.”

  “I don’t know, call it crazy then. Let's just pretend I was having a garage sale and you scored all this stuff.”

  “That would be some garage sale,” Laura laughed.

  “I know, right? So what do you say?”

  “Hell yes, in that case. Lucy, I will take all your clothes and cherish them.”

  “Good,” I said smiling. “You look really great.”

  Laura looked back in the mirror. “God, it is so beautiful. He really made it custom for you?”




  “Would you say I was a horrible person if just for a moment, I wished I wasn’t pregnant so I could wear all these dresses?” We both laughed.

  “No, I think that would make you human.”

  “Oh God, it's going to be torture watching my belly grow and looking at these dresses in my closet. But thank you so much, Lucy.”

  “Trust me, it’s my pleasure.”

  “I don’t know about that, but okay.”

  “I wish I could offer you a drink, but you are now on the clock with that bun in the oven.”

  “It's too bad Dolce and Gabbana don’t make maternity clothes.”

  “Yeah right. What’s up with that?!”

  Laura looked at me. “Besides the dresses, I think I’m really going to like you, Lucy.”

  “I think I am going to like you too.”

  We hugged again.

  “I should get back to Matt and let him know that all is good,” Laura said.

  “What about your husband? Is he really going to freak about the house?”

  “Oh, he’ll freak out alright, but he loves me and to be honest, now that your house is here, it gives me ammunition put a second story on our place,” Laura winked.

  “Well, glad I can help.”

  We packed up my entire couture collection and placed into Laura’s car. She put the Birkin bag in the front seat and made a joke by attempting to put a seatbelt on it.

  “You are funny,” I said.

  “Until this baby pops out that there bag is my baby. I wonder how many diapers I can fit in it! Well, I guess I better get back to my lovely abode.

  “It was really great meeting you Laura and I hope I see you again soon.”

  “Me too Lucy.”

  We hugged, and I watched her drive away. She was just up at the cabin to check on things and was driving back this afternoon. I tried to tell her she should stay the night. I thought maybe if she did then it would put off the trip that Matt and I needed to take. I thought maybe he might change his mind about it. I knew that the wristband meant everything to him, but I had to try. Laura had to get back to work though, so that was that.

  I felt amazing like a heavy weight had been lifted off me or almost as if a tumor had been removed from my soul. Laura turned out to be sweet and she was so excited about the things I gave her. I knew she would appreciate them, unlike me. It was freeing to let go of my materialistic past. Even though I didn’t care about them at all, deep down I was glad I didn’t burn them. Especially the Birkin bag.

  I walked back upstairs and looked at my empty closet and it felt great. It was like I had shed my skin like a snake reborn, renewed. I picked up Matt's shirt and smelled it. I laid on the bed and thought about when we were here making love. I smelled his shirt again. I got horny thinking about him and soon I was touching my breast, lightly caressing my nipple. It was sore from Matt twisting it and biting it. I was gentle though and it felt good. I smelled his shirt once more and thought about his cock teasing me and then going deep inside me. I laid my head down, using his shirt as a pillow, and my other hand wandered down and slid beneath the leggings I was wearing. My fingers found their way to my tender clit. I was wet and I dipped my finger in between my lips to moisten them. I made little gentle circles. I breathed in, smelling Matt's shirt, I twisted and circled, building myself up until the crescendo exploded into a powerful orgasm. I was so sore it hurt, but it was a pleasurable pain. Just the smell of him made me crazy and I had to touch myself. My orgasm felt wonderful but after experiencing Matt's Dragon's Tail, nothing, and I mean nothing, would ever compare. It was next level and I wanted to stay there with him.

  I began thinking about our upcoming adventure. In just a few short hours, Matt and I would be going on a mission, a dangerous mission, to recover Lucy’s wristband. I was scared and from what Matt told me about these guys, I had a right to be scared. I couldn’t let him go alone. I had to do what I could to keep him safe. Cassie was counting on me. Matt was a wonderful man and he didn’t deserve any of this. He is going to be an uncle and there’s no way I was going to let anything happen to him. “I promised Cassie,” I told myself.

  Chapter 19


  It seems my sister is taking forever over at Lucy’s. Maybe that’s a good sign though, I thought to myself, but with women who knows? I heard her pull up as I was unscrewing some light switch covers inside and getting ready to paint.

sis,” I said, as she came inside.

  “Oh God, it still smells musty.”

  “I don’t smell anything.”

  “That’s because you’re a stinky boy.”

  “I’m a what?”

  “You’re a stinky boy?” she said, laughing.

  “What does that mean?” I chuckled.

  “Look, guys stink and you can't smell your own stink.”

  “Uh okay, sis.”

  “No, it's true. If you brought ten guys in here and then ten women, the guys wouldn't smell a thing and the girls would all say, 'What’s that smell?' Just like skunks, guys can't smell their own stink.”

  “Sounds like a well thought out theory,” I said.

  “Well, it’s the truth.”

  “Don’t worry. Once I rip out this carpet and paint the walls, this place will smell like new.”

  “Okay, good. I think my senses are heightened from being pregnant. Just last night, I told Greg I could smell something dead. He couldn’t smell anything and it was driving me crazy. Finally, he went outside and sure enough, way in the back of the yard with his flashlight, he found a dead mouse rotting. He removed it and the smell went away.”

  “Wow, that's some pretty scientific shit, sis.”

  “Oh, shut up.”

  “No, maybe you can get a job with the police department finding lost kids.”

  “Very funny.”

  “...Or maybe the gas company will hire you to find small gas leaks.”

  “Okay, that’s enough.”

  “So how did it go at Lucy’s?”

  “That place is incredible and Greg will just need to get over it because Lucy and I are for sure going to be friends.”

  “Oh good, I knew you guys would hit it off.”

  “Hit it off? That woman just gave me her entire collection of couture dresses, shoes, and bags. She gave me a Birkin bag! Matt, a Birkin bag!”

  “Well, that’s cool?”

  “I don’t think you understand. It’s a Birkin Bag. It's like the holy grail of bags.”


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