The Godson's Legacy
Page 18
Everything there, he found incredible, the wall frescoes, the starched linen, wine glasses of different shapes and sizes, the gold rimmed plates, stylish cutlery, and the padded chairs. He was amused to see that they even had a padded handbag chair for the ladies.
The food too was a culinary adventure for him, not much on a plate but amazingly and artistically presented.
Originally, he decided to have lobster, but soon changed his mind when he was invited to chose his own live one from the restaurant tanks.
However, determined to have fish from the Mediterranean, he chose a rock fish dish which he thoroughly enjoyed, but was amazed later to discover that it cost over a £100, just for his main course.
After the group had dined in the exquisite Michelin starred restaurant, Nadine led the party the short distance through a manicured square, with its gushing, elegantly lit water features, to the Casino.
Climbing the short flight of steps, they entered the lobby where people were patiently queuing to check in bags. The vigilant security guards, acknowledging Nadine by name, fast tracked them through into the Casino.
The complex was a labyrinth of gaming rooms, tastefully embellished with stained glass windows, sculptures, paintings and atmospheric lighting created by strategically placed bronze light fittings.
Populating most rooms, were suites of flashing slot machines. High stools carefully positioned in front of each encouraged the foolhardy gambler to stay longer than they’d intended to.
All around the room tourists were ceaselessly feeding money into the fruit machines; an occasional rattling of coins punctuated the silence as the odds briefly swung into the favour of a fortunate punter.
‘Attention,’ Nadine said, addressing the group like a tour guide, ‘I suggest we split up ‘ere and you can wander and do whatever you like.
Perhaps after you ’ave spent some money ere you would like to ’ave a wander around town. It is a lovely place, as you will see, and perfectly safe n’est ce pas? Zere is very little crime ‘ere. Indeed, it is reported that zere are two Policemen to every resident, so we are all well looked after.’
Andy had persuaded Rupert that he should come out with the group although he was clearly still in shock after witnessing the Carrie and Sue brawl.
Rupert had sought solace in phoning to check on Joanne, and all he really wanted to do was to get back to her bedside and hold her hand, - a love struck suitor pining for her company.
Tim, Carrie and Kay took Rupert under their wing and they stayed together, joining the other tourists in ‘fluttering’ on the slot machines.
To his annoyance, Tim was talked out of gambling on the spin of the roulette wheel.
‘Come on, I’m a millionaire, I can lose a few Euro,’ he pleaded.
‘You’re not a millionaire yet,’ Kay said, cautiously.
‘No Tim, don’t gamble it away before yee’ve even got it,’ Carrie added.
In spite of feeling less than a hundred percent, James had joined the group at the Casino.
It hadn’t changed much since his affluent days, when he’d won and lost fortunes here. It felt as if was only yesterday that he had frequented the place.
Ben stayed with James as they toured the complex. His wonderful adventure of how the other half live, provided him with a kaleidoscope of a world he believed only existed in films.
In spite of Andy’s apprehension at being ‘alone’ with her, he followed Nadine into an area which was only open to ‘vetted people; the high stakes exclusive club, where it was clear that Nadine was very well known.
Andy felt underdressed in the plush rooms in which they wandered. All the men wore white dinner jackets and bow ties. The women were all adorned in expensive, full length, low cut, evening gowns, similar to Nadine’s.
Several of Nadine’s bejewelled female acquaintances scrutinized Andy as they passed and made comments in French. Andy didn’t understand, but it was clearly about him and her. Nadine laughed at their remarks, grabbling Andy’s arm and pressing her perfumed body provocatively close to his, before leading him purposely away.
‘This is where the real Casino is working,’ she said, ‘away from all the tourists. As you noticed, we were checked in by security guards before we could enter. That way the Casino Management control who can afford to play and lose here, without having any debtor problems.
I usually play Punto Banco. You’d know it as Baccarat I expect. Do you wish to gamble too?’
‘No thanks. I don’t gamble. Never had the money.’
‘Well perhaps you will bring me luck at the table,’ she said, holding his arm and steering him to a couple of vacate chairs.
‘Um…if you don’t mind I’d…I’d like to…um, have a wander around town.’
‘Oh there is plenty of time to do that,’ she said. ‘The city doesn’t sleep. The sights will still be there after we have played.’
Andy was feeling very awkward. He didn’t want to upset his host, but on the other hand, he wanted to remove himself from the temptation of being so close to her.
The demons in his head were telling him that tonight could be a special night. The wine increasingly helped to persuade him to stay, as his stoical resolve crumbled.
‘Hell,’ he convinced himself, ‘I’m never likely to experience a night like this ever again. Let’s enjoy it while I can.’ This was a ‘one off’ opportunity to visit the Casino with a beautiful woman on his arm. It was a lifetime away from a night shift at the hospice.
As the night progressed, and Nadine continued to gamble, Andy struggled to keep awake, his alcoholically enhanced ambitions disappearing in a wave of sheer fatigue. For he’d only caught a few hours’ sleep after coming off a night shift at the hospice at 6 am before picking Ben up to catch the plane,
But Nadine had been on a winning streak and was reluctant to leave the Casino until the early hours.
Finally, after a brief tour around the city, they got back to the hotel at 4 am and Andy escorted Nadine to her room.
They stopped in the corridor outside. Andy was feeling very woozy. He had been drinking Red Bull cocktails all night to try to keep himself awake. But the alcohol was having the opposite effect.
‘Andee, I ’ave a gift for you,’ she said, holding his arm to steady him.
‘A gift, for me? Whatever for?’
‘For looking after me and ze girls, and for being there for my Geofferee.’
‘I did nothing. It was my job and…’
‘I zink you did more than just your job. Zank you,’ and she kissed him gently on the lips. Andy fought the desire to envelop her in his arms and kiss her back.
‘I must give it to you now,’ she said, pulling away. ‘Because I ’ave to go to a meeting early in the morning. Please come in and get it.’
Reluctantly Andy agreed. He was fighting the lustful desire that had been building all evening.
He didn’t know whether she was giving him the ‘come on’ by inviting him into her room or whether there really was a gift. He was about to be tested, big time.
Sue had heard their voices in the corridor as they discussed the invitation.
‘What’s going on out there?’ she said to herself, walking over to the door and peering through the door peephole.
She was just in time to see them heading into Nadine’s room. ‘Oh, now that is interesting! The nurse is going into her room. My, how the mighty have fallen. This is brilliant.’
Immediately she was thinking about how she could use his indiscretion to her advantage.
Nadine left Andy in the lounge area and went into her bedroom. Andy’s imagination was on fire. Was she going to ‘slip into something ‘more comfortable?
He sat down on the sofa and waited. He decided he would take the opportunity if it presented itself.
24th January
Andy followed Nadine into the bedroom where subtle lighting painted it with a warm pink luminosity. Gentle classical music enhanced the mood and
filled the silence.
She stopped suddenly and turned. ‘Andee, mon cher,’ she said, lifting her arms.
Andy walked into her embrace, her perfume seducing him, his breathing, heavy with desire, his heart beating madly, his head full of lust.
They cemented the embrace with a passionate kiss, Andy enfolding her, holding her tightly.
She responded, submitting herself to him as Andy’s hands stroked her sensuous back through the silk dress. Her warmth, her exquisite perfume and her softness lighting a fire in his loins. His head exploded with desire.
Unable to control his ardour any longer, his fingers explored the top of her elegant dress and found the zip fastener. Slowly, gently, he guided it down, hoping she wouldn’t notice and stop him revealing her exquisite body. Instead, to his delight she pushed her body further into his, encouraging him.
The fastener finally reached the end of its travel and his hands moved up, caressing the nakedness that he’d exposed.
He traced the line of her spine and brought his hands up to her petite shoulders. His fingers touched the soft gaping dress material and he gently lifted the edge and pulled it forward towards him. She responded by shrugging her shoulders to help with the removal process, releasing her embrace briefly, to slip one arm out at a time from the shoulder straps.
Finally the dress slipped from her body as she pulled back without reducing the intensity of their kiss. It cascaded over her breasts and puddled around her feet on the floor.
He pulled away and looked at her exquisite body, overwhelmed by her beauty. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the sofa. Gently laying her down, he feasted on her loveliness as he undressed himself. She watched as he cast off his clothes until he was naked. Then he lay down beside her.
24th January
James had been having a hard time of it, since coming off the booze. Fortunately, the temptations that had knocked Beth off the recovery plan had not come his way. although it was a hard and ongoing battle.
He hated all the anguish, the agonies and terrible symptoms of the withdrawal programme. The whole experience was galling, but he recognised that without it, he wouldn’t have survived much longer. The pill regime they had prescribed for him was a necessary evil to control the worst of his symptoms, the heavy sweating, the racing heart, the muscle tremors.
However, when he’d come away from the influence of the clinic he’d managed to stay dry. He had somehow found the strength to be mentally strong over the cravings.
Consequently, he became fanatical about anything that would lead him back into ‘temptation’. Having his drinks spiked by well-meaning people made him ultra cautious. So he always got his own soft drinks.
But he had not calculated for Sue’s evil and vindictive nature. She had already arranged for a vodka ‘spiked’ jug of water to be put in his fridge.
Unable to smell anything, James had been inadvertently causing himself harm by drinking the water to ease his symptoms. The more he drank, the more painful the reaction.
He thought nothing of the reasons for the pain, as he knew that his liver was pretty well ‘shot’ anyway and he was expecting to suffer due to years of self-abuse. Consequently, his nights were normally punctuated by long periods of sleeplessness, and his days, by tired confusion.
The Clinic consultant had told him that, sooner or later, his ailing liver would need to be replaced. He had duly included this in his future plans, - his ‘bucket list’ as he jokingly called it.
He laughed, to himself, at the irony of his own categorisation. For he knew, if he didn’t have it done, he would, without doubt, be ‘kicking the bucket’ anyway.
But an operation would only occur if that they could find a suitable living or dead donor with compatible matching blood and tissue types.
He found it amazing that some people were brave enough, to volunteer to have half their own healthy liver removed, to help save someone else’s life.
It was during the sleepless night at the hotel, that he wondered what he should do to resume a normal life, and capitalise on the opportunity Geoffery had given him.
Clearly, his new world would be constrained within the limitations of his abused body, for he had a realistic understanding of what he’d done to himself. Living only for the next bottle had given him a legacy of ill health for an unpredictable future.
He thought about Geoffery’s analogy that he was the Scarecrow in his OZ theme, looking for a brain. He might have been closer than he thought, for at the moment his head felt like it was actually stuffed with straw.
He had been well educated and come away from the private school with some excellent qualifications, But never bothered to take up his University place.
Instead, the playboy life style, fuelled by his late Father’s millions, had a greater allure. It also meant that he could pick and choose where he worked, or if he worked at all, the rest of his income coming from shrewd investments.
The trip back to his roots had again stirred up painful regrets, the Casino trip especially, for there had been a lot of faces that he recognised on their way into the exclusive ‘members only’ part.
He’d turned down Nadine’s invitation for her to take him in there. The memories would be too painful, he decided.
But he doubted that they would recognise him anyway. For his physical appearance had changed enormously since leaving his Monaco bachelor pad and losing all the trappings of wealth.
Living on the streets had taken its toll. Gone was the smart, self-confident, athletic, man about town. In spite of his new clothes, now he looked like a tramp with swarthy skin, hollow cheeked and hair that had started falling out.
No. He had to move on, but where?
Ben was a nice kid and he just hoped all the pressure of the various traumas going on his life wouldn’t send him off the rails too. What with the Police and his Mother and the threat of being taken into care, nobody could blame him if he did.
Perhaps that’s where he should focus his efforts. The kid needed a break. Perhaps with Geoffery’s money he could help him. Maybe send him to a good school…then again, thinking about it… he’d actually had a miserable school life himself.
Perhaps on the other hand, it would be better to support him in his cycling. Whatever, the kid deserved a lucky break. With that thought in his mind, he finally drifted off in to a pain free sleep.
24th January
Andy’s body clock woke him up just before 5:30 am, the alcoholic excesses and lack of sleep, giving him a pounding headache. Bleary eyed he looked around and it took him a few minutes to realise where he was.
‘Oh my god! What have I done? I’m in Nadine’s room.’
Nadine heard him moving and got up. She put on a filmy white silk dressing gown. She had a small parcel in her hand.
Awkwardly he addressed her. Looking in to her face for any hint of derision at what had happened. ‘Umm morning Nadine…um.’
‘Andee you are awake, Oh good. I didn’t want to disturb you.
‘No…um. I was awake.’
We had a good time last night, no?’
‘Umm…yes, from what I remember,’ he said, feeling guilty.
‘Anyway, ‘ere is zee present,’ she said, giving him the small box.’ I ‘ope you like it.’
‘Well thank you. I don’t know what to say. But thanks, I wasn’t expecting it.’
‘I don’t wish to hurry you, but I ’ave to shower and get dressed as I said I ’ave a meeting to go to in Nice at 8am.’
Nadine opened the door to an empty corridor and Andy stepped outside, pocketing the gift.
Sue heard the door open as they stepped out of Nadine’s room. She walked quickly to her door and looking through the peep hole saw them together in the corridor.
‘Au revoir Andee, perhaps this is zee last time I will see you. Merci beaucoup.’
Hoping to catch them in a compromising situation as they said their g
oodbyes, Sue opened the door and crept into the corridor, mobile phone in hand. Quickly she selected ‘record’ in the photo option and clandestinely videoed the pair.
Andy, barely awake, didn’t hear Sue creeping out of her room as he hugged Nadine’s scantily clad body, her perfume still tantalising his senses. ‘Nadine, thanks for last night. I really enjoyed it,’ Andy said, blearily.
‘My pleasure too Andee,’ she said, returning the embrace, kissing him briefly.
Sue crept back into her room unobserved. ‘I couldn’t have wished for anything better even if I’d arranged that,’ she said, smirking.
Andy heard the door close, but didn’t see which one, and, tiredly made his way back to his room.
24th January
Sue was now wide awake and feeling very pleased with herself, having caught Andy and Nadine in a clinch.
‘Oh yes,’ she said, kissing her mobile. ‘You are going to pay for this, big time.’
However her euphoria was short lived as the pain in her neck reminded her that she had not packed enough painkillers in her travel bag.
Fed up with already spending a protracted time in her room, she decided to go down to reception and get some pills rather than ringing for room service. Glad to get out of the room for a brief spell, she made her way slowly down the corridor.
Ben had barely slept either. He was still buzzing, not wanting to waste any opportunity of this magic holiday.
As soon as he knew the swimming pool was open, he was down there, having great fun in his borrowed trunks.
After an hour in the pool, Ben was feeling hungry and having agreed to meet the others for breakfast at eight, he decided to take the lift back to his room.
As the lift the doors were closing, Sue stepped in.
Ben’s heart skipped a beat and he immediately backed into the far corner of the lift.
Although still racking his brains to try to remember why she looked familiar, he couldn’t avoid the temptation of staring at her.