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27 Dates_The St. Patrick's Date

Page 4

by B. N. Hale

  Other students entered the class and it quickly filled as the hour approached. Then the professor entered and greeted them on her way to her desk. There was still five minutes to class and she liked to review her lesson prior to beginning. Accustomed to her schedule, the other students finished retrieving their books and sending last minute texts before pocketing their phones.

  Then another person entered the room. Dressed in a full cloak and pointed hat, he wore nice clothes and an orange and red scarf around his neck. A smattering of laughter drew Reed from his thoughts and he turned to watch the newcomer walk to the front of the classroom.

  The resemblance to Harry Potter was uncanny, eliciting titters and stifled laughter. He even had a wand in his hand. Smiling and nodding to the students, he made his way to the front, finally drawing the professor’s attention.

  “Young man,” she asked. “Is there something you need?”

  “No, thank you professor,” he said in a British accent

  He reached the front of the room and withdrew a pole and a black cloth, which he hung on top of the white board. More laughter ensued as the students glanced between the confused professor and the wizard. She rose to her feet, her voice gaining an edge.

  “This is my classroom,” she said. “And you are interrupting.”

  He glanced at the clock. “Not for three minutes, professor. I’ll be done by then.” Without waiting for a response, he turned to the class and spoke like they were at a show. “I come to deliver a message, but it is to one, rather than all. I trust the chosen one will understand its meaning.” He then pointed his wand at the cloth hanging over the board.

  “Wordium Revealium!”

  With a stylish flourish he ripped the cloth down from the board, revealing the letters now written there. At no point had he touched the board or put a hand behind the cloth—nevertheless, the text was there in bold lettering.

  Any magic you can do, I can do better.

  March 29th



  Reed laughed, the sound tinged with admiration. The wizard gave a bow amidst applause and whistles and then departed. Many glances were cast about as Reed’s classmates sought to identify who was the intended recipient. Reed just sat in his seat, staring at the letters until the annoyed professor erased them.

  As the professor droned on about brain chemistry and behavior, he couldn’t extinguish the smile on his face. He still didn’t know what to do with Kate, but the prospect of another date sent excitement burning in his chest. She’d sent the invitation.

  And he would answer.


  To continue to Volume 4, you can find 27 Dates: The Magic Date on Amazon here.

  Author Bio

  Originally from Utah, Ben has grown up with a passion for learning. While still young, he practiced various sports, became an Eagle Scout, and taught himself to play the piano. As a teenager he began creative dating and continued the practice into college, where he took a break to do volunteer work in Brazil. After school, he launched his first series, The Chronicles of Lumineia, and has since published over 20 titles across multiple genres. He loves to snowboard, build tree houses, and play board games, especially with his family. His greatest support and inspiration comes from his wonderful wife and six beautiful children. Currently he resides in Missouri while working on his Masters in Professional Writing.

  To contact the author, discover more about 27 Dates, or find out about the upcoming sequels, check out his website at You can also follow the author on twitter @27Dates or Facebook.




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