Book Read Free

Night Before

Page 8

by Dani Wyatt

  I turn her on the bench, reach down to grab her hands and pull her into me. The room hums with muffled conversation. The image of me in my tuxedo and Penny in her elf costume must be a sight, but I don’t care. She’s become my everything in such a short time, I would make a fool of myself in front of the entire world if it meant seeing her smile. Making things right.

  “Excuse us, please. I’m sorry, but I need a word with Penny. Then, I’m sure she will be back to delight you with more of her exquisite playing.”

  With that, I guide her through the cast of interested eyes and into a small office just down the hallway off the living room and close the door behind us.

  Penny turns and the doubt I see in her eyes feels like a fist to my stomach, knowing I’m the reason for the sadness she’s feeling.

  I raise my hand when her lips open to speak, cutting her off.

  “Let me go first. Please.” I lower a finger to her lips before I continue. “Everything you read in that newspaper article is correct.”

  I watch as her shoulders drop and her eyes well. She reaches up to pull my hand from her mouth.

  “I thought I knew you. I thought...” She pauses, looking up then back to my face, her eyes growing harder. “I can’t be with someone that doesn’t believe in Christmas. In joy. In the magic of it all. I’m sorry. I thought I loved you—”

  The words die on her lips as a tear from each eye spills over and stalls on the pink roundness of each little elf cheek.

  My heart breaks at the knowledge that I’ve made her cry, and yet all I can focus on is the last three words she’d spoken.

  “I do love you, Penny. There’s nothing I need to think about. And before you say anything else, I’ve already made an emergency executive board decision to reinstate the Christmas Villages. Even if I have to fund them myself, I will make sure that they will not close. And—” I wrap my arms around her shoulders to her back, pulling her into me, her tits soft and full against my chest. “From now on, there will be no charge for anyone to visit the Village. The full tour, everything. Free. To everyone.”

  Her eyes go wide, the remnants of tears sparkling as I lean down and kiss away the ones that have already fallen on her cheeks, then lower my hand to her ass and squeeze hard. Feeling her in my grip again sends my dick higher and cum threatens to ruin my trousers but I don’t care. If we were anywhere else, I’d be on my knees, her skirt covering my head as I bow down and worship the cunt that owns me.

  “Wow,” she speaks on a hitching breath as my fingers dig deeper into her soft flesh. “So, every store, every city? All free and none will close?”

  “Yes. Yes, and yes. It’s all because of you, Penny Evergreen. You’ve taught me something I’ve never known before I found you. It’s love, Penny. That’s what Christmas is about. And I didn’t understand the perfection of that until you. You’ve given me the greatest gift of them all. My heart.”

  “This has all happened so fast.”

  “If Santa can go all over the world delivering presents in one night, who’s to say two people can’t fall in love as fast as we did? Fuck, I think I knew I loved you from the first moment I saw you. Standing there in your elf costume, smiling and jingling as you strutted this amazing ass around Santa’s wonderland. I felt like the dirtiest old man in the world. But it didn’t stop me from coming back the next day. It didn’t stop me from taking what’s mine. And you are mine, Penny. You understand that, don’t you? You are mine. Forever.”

  My free hand comes up and I pinch under her chin as my grip on her ass holds her steady against me. Our eyes catch and hers light up with a thousand, Christmas lights.

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Now, let’s go back out there and give your new friends the joy of Christmas. A gift they will never forget. Your music.”

  “Then, we’ll go to your party?” Her eyes darken. “Oh no...I didn’t take anything from the store. I don’t have anything else to wear.”

  I lean down and kiss her, long and deep, my tongue taking its time to enjoy her taste before pulling back, both of us breathless.

  “No party.” I shake my head. “I’m taking you home. To my penthouse. I’ve already had everything you would need delivered there. I want you, Penny. And not just for tonight. Forever. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I didn’t even know what I wanted for Christmas, and I got it anyway. I got you.”

  “Without a doubt, my little elf. You have me. From this day forward, until death do us part.”

  The words hit me and for the first time in my life, I want to hear them said aloud in front of a room of our friends and family.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t realize it until now, but that’s what I want for Christmas, Penny. You, standing there, saying those words to me. Marry me, Penny Evergreen. Give me everything I’ve ever wanted for Christmas. Say you’ll marry me, please.”

  Those tears spring to her eyes again and I raise both hands to cup her cheeks, worried that I’ve gone too far, too fast. Then I see her expression change and a look of pure joy comes over her.

  “I’ll marry you. One on condition.” Her cheeks pink and her hands come up to rest flat on my chest.

  “Anything. I’ll give you anything.”

  “Keep the Christmas Villages open all year. Because Christmas isn’t about a single day. It’s about every day. Remembering what matters. Every day, not just once a year.”

  My heart swells three times its size as the grin spreads over my lips. “My perfect little Christmas elf. Your wish is my command.”

  E P I L O G U E


  “YOU’RE GOING TO WAKE the kids. They’ll come knocking thinking Santa is in here killing their mother.” Malcolm’s behind me as I scream an orgasm into our pillows.

  We spent the last three hours wrapping presents, then when we finally made it to the bedroom, neither of us could wait to get to our Christmas Eve tradition.

  Over the years, we’ve never not made love on Christmas Eve. No matter how tired the five kids made us, no matter what time of the night we finally got to bed after marathon gift wrapping sessions.

  It’s how we started. It’s our true anniversary, and our desire for each other has no waned in the ten years we’ve been together.

  “Good girl. I love the way your ass grabs my cock when you cum.”

  The waves of bliss slow as he begins to slip in and out of me again. Taking me this way, deep in my behind surprisingly is one of my favorite ways for him to fuck me.

  It took a couple of months of preparation way back, but when he finally sunk into but when he finally sunk into me, I found my new favorite position. I’ve been addicted to this naughty pleasure ever since. I’ve been addicted to this naughty pleasure ever since.

  His hips churn as I turn my head to the side, stifled moans now replacing the loud scream of pleasure from my climax. My pussy drips down the insides of my thighs. Malcolm is insatiable for my taste and rarely does a day go by that his mouth is not on me. When we got to the bedroom the first thing he did, as every Christmas Eve, he sat me down on the massive carved throne looking chair in our bedroom and replayed the night in the village where he ate me out for the first time.

  “Angel...fuck, you get better every year. I love you. You know that don’t you?”

  His fingers dig into my hips, and his words are deep and throaty.

  “Uh huh.” Is all I can manage as he slips a hand down around my hip and begins to strum my clit with two fingers pushing me almost immediately toward the edge of another release.

  “That’s my girl. Give it to me. Give me what I want.” He rubs harder, in circles while a churning deep inside me grows.

  His balls slap against my pussy as his cock stretches me and fingers play.

  I’m gone. I grab the pillow with both hands, bury my face into it to muffle my sounds. Malcolm’s roar fills the room as he empties himself into me.

  When we come down, we collapsed into each other’
s arms, breathless but curled together as we usually are every night when we go to sleep.

  “Ten years my angel. I wouldn’t trade a day.” He kisses the shell of my ear and shivers wrap up and down my damp flesh.

  Malcolm reaches down and whips the covers up and over us.

  “Me either. I love you. More every year.”

  As our breathing settles and a slight snore comes from my husband, my thoughts drift to everything that’s happened since that first night we spent in the Knight & Knight village.

  Unfortunately, mom and dad divorced. But, it was for the best. Dad now lives in a small cottage in the back of our property with a new lady friend that he met while doing some rehab for a new hip he got about five years back. Mom still lives in the house where I grew up. Alone. We keep in polite contact, but some relationships you have to realize are limited. Or the people in them are limited.

  She’s never gotten over the fact that I didn’t pursue my musical career. I came to realize, although after Christmas Day ten years ago when I played in front of the group at the foster family’s house, I could play in front of a crowd. But I had no real desire to make my art my career.

  I still play, don’t get me wrong. I play for free, for benefit concerts and for fun. And every day I play here at home. Two of the kids seem to have taken a shine to music, but it will always be their choice how far they want to go with their talents and dreams.

  We have five children. Theo is nine. Margaret is seven. The twins Eli and Evan are five, and our youngest, Melody is three.

  Raising our family has become my world. I never dreamed of becoming a mother before Malcolm, but once we were together and that first pregnancy test turned pink, it was like a light bulb went on and I found my real purpose in life.

  Being Malcolm’s wife and the mother of our children is my gift every day.

  Malcolm still runs the business, although he spends less and less time there every year. He’s on track to retire in a few years, and he’s been able to shift most of his work to here at the house.

  Randall is here as well as his sister, sleeping in the guest rooms as they’ve done every Christmas for the last nine years. Willomena has a new husband, Terry, and he’s wonderful. So nice to see them form a new family.

  Although we’ve moved from the city, we still have Malcolm’s penthouse there and use it about once a month or so. This place we bought just after our wedding which was exactly three months after we met.

  We have fifty acres here, it’s an hour drive into the city but Aaron is still as loyal to Malcolm as ever, and actually, we bought him a small house close by to keep him in service and thank him for all the years he’s been with Malcolm.

  The grandfather clock on the mail floor chimes softly three times. The sound drifting up the stairs and through the bedroom door. I smile, remembering the first night when we heard that same hour on the Grandfather clock in the village.

  What a way to start out but to us, it’s been perfect.

  We’ve had our ups and downs, but through it all, Malcolm has remained my rock. Even when I’m half-crazy from raising five kids, he’s there. Listening to my ranting and my threats and when I’m done, he kisses me, and we figure out a way through whatever has me up ended.

  He’s also been known to give me a good swat on the ass from time to time which I’ve come to enjoy and sometimes even need.

  We’ve also worked closely with the family where I played in their living room ten years ago. The Murphy’s have become some of our closest friends, and Malcolm and I set up a trust fund to make sure they had all the resources they needed to keep their family on the right track.

  As my eyes close, ten years of beautiful memories dance in my head. Malcolm pulls me closer to him even in his sleep, and the warmth of our bodies remind me of the warmth of our family. Of our love. Of the meaning and joy of Christmas.

  Tomorrow morning, as is tradition, I will be up in just a few hours with the kids. Wearing my original Knight & Knight elf costume and handing out presents in our living room. Fire roaring, the mess of wrapping paper everywhere, laughter and screeches from the children filling the room.

  Malcolm sighs into my ear, and I turn my head around to kiss his shoulder.

  “Love you, angel.” He mummers half asleep.

  “I love you too. Merry Christmas.”

  V A L E N T I N E ‘ S R O S E

  C H A P T E R O N E


  The last fifteen minutes of the hour-long drive to her flower shop my dick is diamond hard. Visions of her laying under me as I drive her into the bed taunt me as I try to steer.

  Her skin is the perfect shade of pink. I imagine her blonde tresses that usually hang down in waves to brush the swell of her amazing tits, turned into a wild, fresh-fucked mess in my mind. And all because of me.

  But unfortunately that’s all in my head. More than likely, it will always be in my head. Because there’s a damn good chance that my perfect woman will never speak to me and there’s no way in this life I will ever look at anyone else. It’s been a good six years since I touched a woman and until I can touch my Rose, it’s just me and my shower gel until they put me in the ground.

  Thinking of her makes the last few miles of winding mountain road even more treacherous. It divides my concentration so that these fucking hairpin turns become a deathtrap. They’re already a bitch to maneuver with the slush left on the road and the less than tight steering on my delivery truck.

  “Steady there, boss.” Norman, my part-time help at the greenhouses and full-time pain-in-the-ass, taunts me from the passenger seat.

  The fact that I can’t fight my hard on, even with a dude sitting next to me, tells you just how gone I am over this girl. A girl that’s barely spoken ten words to me in the last three months.

  “Shut up.” Ninety percent of the time when responding to anything Norman says those are my two go-to words.

  I’m fluent in the English language, but my need for it is minimal. The few people that attempt to converse with me usually take me for stupid or possibly lacking a tongue. I don’t care much what they think.

  “You got the whole lumberjack-no-one-understands-me thing going boss, but I know better. You’re up there chopping wood for that furnace and doting on those roses like each one sprang directly from your own loins. You’re not so tough. Maybe, you know...if you soften up a little, maybe she’ll toss a few words your way in return. Stop being so scary with your Grizzly Adams beard and fuck-y’all attitude. If I was that sweet gal I’d—“

  “Shut the fuck up.” My heart's already pounding. Just knowing I am heading to her shop today had me in knots all night.

  He’s right though. On the outside I’m all crunch. On the inside, at least when it comes to Rose, I’m the creamy center.

  “Fine. I’ll shut up.” He eyes me with playful disdain tapping his fingers on his knees. “But you’ll miss me when I’m gone. Who else gonna put up with your grunts and finger pointing? I need a raise.” He cracks himself up and looks out the window. The thick pine trees that line the narrow road are fading as the sun gives up the last rays for this evening.

  He doesn’t shut up though. He never does.

  But I have the ability to tune him out. Tune anyone out really. Except for her. The few words she’s graced my ears with play over and over in my head day and night. You’d have thought she offered to drop to her knees and suck my damn cock the way they make me hard in an instant.

  No, her words were simple, but they meant more to me than she could know.

  “Hi. I’m Rose.” That was the first thing she ever said to me and behind those three simple words I’ve lived an entire lifetime with her.

  “Bye. Thanks for the lift. I’ll get myself back to the greenhouse in a few hours. Good luck, lumber-grouch. I still think you’ve lost your damn mind with this crazy plan.” Norman shuts the door on the truck.

  I grunt in reply, watching as he walks up the steps to his mom’s place before I pull down aw
ay heading down Cypress Street to where Rose’s shop sits on the corner of Cypress and Main.

  Duncansville, Washington, population 4390. Not exactly the Mecca of anything much, but it’s home to the girl that I’m in love with, and it’s home to where my rare roses grow a few miles up into the mountains.

  I called yesterday to let her know I’m coming. Had to leave a message because I know her caller ID shows my number and she never answers. Her assistant will answer, of course, which chaps my ass as much as Rose not answering. But oh well. She can toss her silicone in my face all she wants, nothing will sway me from my single-minded focus. Which is Rose. She’ll be working today though, she always is. She lives and breathes that shop.

  And, it’s Valentine’s Day. Every florist in the world is working today.

  I know what’s going to happen. I walk in the shop. She’ll take one look at me, turn and swish that sweet ass into the back room.

  Thirty seconds later her employee, Kandi, will come flouncing out, twirling her hair, wearing a smile that sets my teeth on edge.

  But I live in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, today will be different. That maybe today is the day I’ll finally get Rose to see me.

  Really see me, the same way I see her.

  Because I have plans for her.

  I park and hop out the driver’s door. My worn black boots splash a little slush around in a spatter. My gray and black checked flannel matches the darkened sky. It’s February, and even during the day that means the sun has forsaken us. Now, as evening drops a desaturated landscape of Duncansville’s short Main Street sprawls in front of me.

  I squeeze a hand down the course hair that covers my face as I work my way to the back of the truck. Inside the back storage area there are six roses in a crystal vase. Not just the cheap glass ones 1-800-FLOWERS throws out there with every delivery. Nope. My roses deserve the finest Baccarat crystal and so does Rose.

  This is my gig with Rose and her shop. I drop off samples of my roses to her every thirteen days. Exactly thirteen. Don’t ask me why, except in my crazy head fourteen days was too long and anything less felt like I was stalking her. Which I am, she just doesn’t know it.


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