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Georgia On My Mind

Page 8

by Stokes Lee, Brenda

  “Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Will do!”


  Rashawn and Peaches enter the crowded club and stand on the outskirts of the dance floor surveying the action. The place is packed and the music is thumping so loud you could feel your heart beat. Several stray women walk by in an attempt to capture Rashawn's attention. Oblivious to their presence or their shameless advances he continued to scan the club for a table.

  Peaches however is well aware of their tactics. “These skinny bitches in here are tripping.”

  “What? What skinny bitches would those be?” He teased as he yelled over the music.

  “You think you funny! Stop acting like you don't see these tricks circling you like you're the last single man with a dick on the planet?”

  Rashawn laughed. “You got a fowl mouth! You know that, right?” He joked. “Hell I might just be!”

  “Oh no... she dumped you?”

  “Yeah, I guess you can say that.”

  “When did that happen?”

  “A little over a week or so ago. I thought we could work it out, but she’s unreasonable. I couldn’t deal with anymore.”

  “Peanut, I'm so sorry. Why didn’t you say something? Are you alright?” Peaches sympathized.

  “Yeah, I'm good. In fact I'm better than good!”

  “Alright, don't try to put on a brave little face for me. If you're hurting then say you're hurting.”

  “Did you just say, brave little face? Seriously? Whatever... I'm okay with it! It wasn’t going to work anyway. Alright look, I know you know what you're doing so let’s get at it.” Rashawn started to dance around Peaches.

  “Oh you know I know what I'm doing. The question is are you sure you know what you're doing?” She snickered.

  “You'd better know that I know exactly what I am doing. Baby, I was born to dance.” His sexy voice informed her as he grabbed her by the hand and led her onto the crowded dance floor.

  The two instantly get to it. Peaches watched as Rashawn's sexy, muscular body moved effortlessly to the rhythm of the music. For the first time in her life she saw him as a man, not the boy she used to baby sit. She saw him as Rashawn and not Peanut.

  She mumbled to herself as she watched him, enchanted by his swag. “I must be tripping. Damn! Peanut is sexier than a mofo!”

  Rashawn leaned closer and yelled over the music. “What did you say? I couldn't hear you. The music is too loud?”

  Peaches yelled back. “I said it's as hot as a mofo in here.” She lied.

  Rashawn smiled and nodded. “Good let's work up a sweat!”

  He didn’t have to tell Peaches twice. The two went at it as they seductively danced to the sexually suggestive lyrics. Rashawn smiled as they bumped and grind each other as they moved to rhythm of the heavy base. Attracted to each other, they occasionally exchanged glances. Rashawn knew Peaches was checking him out although she desperately tried to pretend she wasn’t. He had one shot and he was ready to take it.

  After dancing for what seemed like half past forever the hot and sweaty couple snagged a stool at the bar. “Here sit down. I don't have a clue how you can walk in those heels, let alone dance.” He chuckled as he offered Peaches the stool.

  “Oh dancing is easy. Standing and walking in these demons is a bitch!” She giggled.

  “Do you know you have an incredibly beautiful smile?” He whispered in her ear as they waited for the bartender.

  “Yeah, I've heard that a time or two.” She responded with a puzzled look on her face.

  “What's wrong?” He asked as he noticed her wrinkled brow. “Why your face all frowned up? Is my breath stanking or something? You can tell me!” He chuckled.

  “No, your breath’s fine! It's just that if I didn't know better I'd swear that you were hitting on me.”

  Rashawn laughed. “It wouldn't be the first damn time.”

  “So, are you?”

  “Am I what?” He played dumb.

  “Coming on to me?”

  He hesitated. “I don't know… What if I were?” Rashawn tested the waters.

  “If we'd been drinking I say that you were drunk.” Peaches laughed.

  “I’m the designated driver and I haven’t had a drop of alcohol all day. So, I'm definitely not drunk.”

  “Why?” She asked confused.

  “Probably because I can't get a bartender to look this way!” He joked.

  “You know what I'm talking about. Stop playing. Why are you flirting with me of all people?” She demanded.

  “Why not? You're sexy, single and beautiful and...” Rashawn hesitated mid-sentence.

  “And what?”

  “And I'm still attracted to you, Peaches. Nothing’s changed.”

  “Yeah except for the numbers on my scale.” She nervously laughed.

  “I don't give a damn about your scale or your dress size. I'm attracted to you… All of you! Plain and simple!”

  “Rashawn you just broke up with your girl and I was just dumped by a man that I was with for all of my life. It'd never work!”

  Rashawn looked puzzled. “You called me Rashawn.”

  Peaches quickly tried to hide the fact that her feelings for him had started to change. “What? No, I didn't, Big Head!”

  “Yeah, you did! I heard you! You know that's the very first time you've ever called me Rashawn.”

  “That can't be true!” She lied.

  “Yeah, it is. What's up?”

  “Nothing! So what? I called you Rashawn. Where is our bartender? I need a damn drink.” Peaches deflected as she looked away afraid to display her true feelings for him.

  Rashawn instantly realized what was going on. “You're probably right it wouldn't work... I mean double rebound... It'd be a total disaster! Wouldn't it?”

  Peaches looked at Rashawn and instantly lost her remaining resolve in his brown, expressive eyes. Unconsciously licking her lips she imagined all the things she could do with his soft lips. “It would be a fucking hot ass mess!” She mumbled.

  Chapter 18

  Less than thirty minutes later Rashawn and Peaches burst through the door of Peaches’ home. Their hungry lips were all over each other as the quickly began to rip each other’s clothes off. Peaches kicked her heels across the room as Rashawn grabbed her by her big round ass and squeezed a giant handful.

  “Fuck!” She groaned as the sensation made her pussy thump and her panties wet. It was then she realized that she had never wanted something so badly in her entire life.

  Releasing her ass, Rashawn sucked on her mouth as he ripped the buttons of his shirt open. Peaches eyes brighten as she ran her fingertips over his chiseled ab muscles before quickly pulling his wife beater T-shirt over his head.

  “What the fuck?” She breathed as his muscular chest and arms were completely revealed. “Sweet Moses! I think I just died and woke up in paradise.”

  A devilish grinned transformed Rashawn sexy smiles as he scooped Peaches up in his arms and smothered her with a sensuous, hard kiss. Hard as the Hope diamond encased in cement Rashawn nervously attempted to unzip Peaches dress so he could taste her cookies, but she stopped him.

  Looking into his eyes she pleaded with him. “Turn the lights out first.”

  “What? No! The lights are fine!” He protested.

  “Rashawn, I've never been with anyone except Charles. I don't want you to... Just, turn the light out, please!” She spoke softly as she hung her head in shame.

  Rashawn instantly knew that she was embarrassed by her weight. Lifting her chin, forcing her to look at him he assured her that her size didn’t matter. “Peaches, don't try to hide in the dark. I'm crazy about you just the way you are.”

  She stared in his eyes and found that he was sincere. “Okay, well then at least give me a chance to get sexy for you. It’ll only take a few minutes.” She bargained.

  “Peaches you're already sexy.”

  “I know, but give me a few minutes and then join me in the bedroom. Okay?” Her eyes met
his and pleaded for that one thing. He gave in.

  Rashawn sighed deeply, kissed Peaches on her forehead and then reluctantly released her from his embrace. “Okay, sure. Take all the time you need. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I just want to be with you.”

  “Thanks.” Peaches gently kissed his lips before disappearing into the bedroom.

  Rashawn, who was half naked impatiently paced outside of Peaches' bedroom door. He was apprehensive. Hoping and praying that Peaches hadn't changed her mind, he stopped pacing and rested his head on the door.

  Softly knocking on the door he asked, “Peaches, is everything okay?” There's no answer. “Look, we don't have to do this tonight if you're uncomfortable or are unsure about it. It's just that.... Peaches, I want to be with you... But if it's too soon.... Look, I can wait.” Hesitating, he drew a deep breath and feared the worst. “Peaches, I understand. If you've changed your mind it's okay. Just please come out so we can talk about it.”

  Rashawn’s heart stopped as he heard soft music playing in the bedroom. Seconds later the bedroom door cracked open and candle lite filtered out. He smiled as he slipped quietly into the candlelit room and gently closed the door behind him.

  Peaches moved with the grace and elegance of a beautiful swan as she neared Rashawn and escorted him to her bed. He was stunned by her beauty and arrested by her sensuality. She was all he had ever hoped to find in a woman and tonight she belonged to him and only him.

  “Tell me that this is not a dream.” He moaned as they neared the bed.

  “This is not a dream.” She softly responded as she climbed on the bed and pulled him with her. “This is real.”

  Without further discussion Rashawn quickly gathered her in his arms and tasted her lips. Lips he had longed to possess since he was ten years old. She was as sweet as honey and he craved more. Sucking her mouth into his he smothered her with a scorching hot kiss that snatched her breath form her lungs.

  His hands roamed freely over her body as their tongues danced to the slow sexy love song that permeated the room. Rashawn’s breath got caught in his throat as his strong hands roamed found her large breasts. He cupped one and squeezed it firmly as he watched it mold easily to the contours of his long fingers.

  Peaches was a full size woman with strong lines and beautiful curves. Her frame was covered with flawless, subtle, soft skin. She was voluptuously sexy and Rashawn loved every inch of her.

  “Take this off. I want to see just how beautiful your body really is.” Rashawn pleaded as he attempted to remove her black lace camisole.

  Peaches hesitated. “Okay, but blow out the candles first.”

  “What? No! Please don’t start this again.”

  “Just blow out the candles, Rashawn.”

  “No! I won’t be able to see you.”

  “That’s my point exactly.” Peaches nervously giggled. “I’m not ready for you to see me yet. I still have a lot of weight to lose and a ton of work to do in the gym.”

  “Oh Peaches... How many times do I have to tell you that none of that bullshit matters to me. I’m crazy about you just the way you are. You are just as beautiful to me as you were when you were sixteen years old and that’s the honest truth. Take off the top.”

  “Peanut I can’t. I know what you are saying, but I’m too self- conscious. Not this time... Okay? This is our first time and I want it to be perfect.”

  “It will be if you’d just take this damn top off and leave the lights alone.” He nervously chuckled as he realized this was a battle he could not win.

  Peaches leaned in and sampled his lips. Their eyes met briefly and her eyes begged him to let it go. Rashawn knew she had been damaged by Charles’ insensitive comments about her weight. He knew that now was not the time to press this particular issue. Besides he knew exactly how gorgeous she was. He just had to convince her that she was beautiful and worthy to be loved.

  Gathering her to him he kissed her hard sending ripples of anticipation through her love deprived body. Her back arched as she responded with a deep throaty groan of delight. “Yes!” She hissed as Rashawn kissed his way down her neck.

  Now, it had been a very long time since Charles had even attempted to make love to her, several months in fact. Peaches had attributed his distance to her weight. Paralyzed by her diminishing self- esteem, she was unable to lose a single damn pound. In fact, she actually gained weight which only made things worse. She was broken and damaged and frankly she could not believe that this extremely handsome man wanted to make love to her.

  Breaking their embrace abruptly she offered. “Peanut we don’t have to do this. I know we...”

  Rashawn quickly covered her mouth with another breath snatching kiss before answering. “Does this feel like I don’t want to do this?” He asked as he took her hand and gently rubbed it along the front of his pants. “There’s nothing I want to do more than to make love to you. So, stop making up excuses. Okay?”

  Peaches had never made love to anyone other than Charles. He was her first and until this very moment he was her last. The huge bulge in Rashawn’s pants let her know that he was so much larger and thicker than Charles. Her pussy thumped madly at the thought of that anaconda slithering between her thick thighs.

  There was no denying the fact that her body ached for Rashawn and she’d be damned if she allowed her relentless insecurity to cheat her out of an opportunity to have him. She silently nodded okay as she removed her top freeing her heavy full breast.

  “Woman you are absolutely breathtaking.” Rashawn unconsciously breathed before effortlessly flipping Peaches on her back to gain the top advantage.

  “Don’t say that… You’re just saying that, because...”

  Before she could finish her statement Rashawn sucked her nipple in his mouth causing her to quickly lose her train of thought. Spreading her legs with the weight of his body he grind his hardness against her pussy showing her how turned on he was by her beauty.

  Rashawn was like a kid in an ice cream parlor as he licked and sucked her breasts. Peaches and Cream was his favorite flavor. Unable to get his fill he alternated breasts as he continued to devour her with his hungry mouth. Peaches struggled to speak, but words simply would not come. Her desire quickly consumed her and abruptly snatched her breath away.

  She was overwhelmed and her body trembled with delight. It had been years since she felt this out of control. They had hardly begun to make love and she was already a cunt lick from a nuclear meltdown. Her need was palpable and Rashawn sensed it. His eyes met hers as he planted a trail of hot kisses along her midline. He paused briefly as he licked the hollow of her belly button.

  “Is it okay?” He asked as the tip of his tongue swirled around her navel.

  “Yes.” She groaned. “Oh God yes!”

  His eyes closed as he continued his slow decent to her love palace. Carefully removing her black lace panties he spotted his prize. His fingers traced the thin line of hair on her manicured mound. His eyes met her as a devious smile swept across his gorgeous face. Rashawn continued to hold her gaze as his finger gently rubbed her clit prompting it to protrude from its hood. A low primal moan of pleasure escaped Peaches lips indicating that she liked what he was doing. Her body instantly responded to his touch as her pussy swallowed hard in anticipation of what was next.

  Two of Rashawn’s long fingers dipped into her dripping sex. Cream oozed all over them. His eyes searched for hers in the dimly lit room. They made eye contact just as he sucked her goo off his fingers. A sinister grin transformed his face as he nodded with approval, indicating that she tasted good. Flattening his body he lifted her thick legs spreading them wide. Burrowing his head between her thighs Rashawn dived in and searched for Peaches’ nectar. Finding her sweetness quickly his tongue licked her wet slit as his thumb gently rubbed her swollen clit.

  Peaches’ ass lifted as her back created a perfect arc. His wet tongue felt incredible and her pussy craved more of its intimate caress. Rashawn anticipated her ne
ed and gave her exactly what her body longed for, a good hard pussy licking. The sensation was delicious. Her body threatened to come apart at the seams as he nibbled on her clit with his persistent mouth and finger fucked her with his precise hand. Every stroke and every lick was deliberate and each one was designed to drive Peaches insane with passion and lust.

  It had been almost a year since she’d had a hot tongue licking her wet pussy. Charles was lazy as hell when it came to giving head. Sure he loved to get his thimble dick sucked but he always had a half ass excuse when it was his turn to reciprocate.

  Oh, but not Rashawn, he was eating her pussy like it was his grandma’s peach cobbler. And everybody knew that Rashawn couldn’t get enough of his grandma’s peach cobbler. The sounds of his greedy mouth as he devoured her sex ignited her fuse. Peaches was officially a shaved cunt hair from total destruction.

  Her orgasm started with erratic, small twitches in her thighs and uncontrollable trembles in her legs. Soon, these involuntary muscle spasms quickly resonated throughout her body like a giant ripple after a rock is tossed in a big pond.

  Rahshawn held onto her thick thighs tight as he wish boned her legs, spreading her even wider. He knew she was close to completion and he wanted to be right there gobbling her goodies when she exploded. Prepared for the nuclear holocaust, he pulled her clit deep in his mouth and sucked on it like it was a plump cherry. Blowing on the swollen, red clit and then licking it hard three good times he ignited her short fuse. A split second later Peaches exploded into a zillion very satisfied pieces.

  Her body seized violently from pleasure she never knew existed, causing her toes to spread apart and then ball up in a tight knot. Screaming loudly she released harder then she’d ever come in her life.

  Sure Rashawn could have backed off and let her enjoy her orgasm in peace, but he was a man of completion. He knew she was sexually deprived, frustrated and backed up. It was his job to show her that all men weren’t lazy lack luster fucks like Charles. It was his job to demonstrate to her exactly what a proper fuck felt like and Rashawn always took his work seriously.


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