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Bound to Be Mated [Rock Wood Pack] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  * * * *

  Micah drummed his fingers on the armrest. He was growing impatient to get out of the metal can and onto the ground. His dick was fucking killing him where it was pushing against the zipper of his jeans. He wanted the ground, a warm bed, and privacy so he could finally take his mate. The first full moon was in a few weeks, and he wanted to have sated himself enough inside her body to know he’d not hurt her if he couldn’t find a safe place for her to hide. He was conscious of all the men’s sniggers. They’d be able to scent his impatience and his growing need for the woman at his side.

  “I forgot how pretty Rock Wood could be,” he heard Charlotte whisper at his side.

  One bonus for them, at least she liked parts of Rock Wood. It would be the place she’d be staying in for some time.

  “Once we get settled, I’ll take you to Frank and Doreen,” he told her, upset she didn’t have any lasting effects from their time in the bedroom.

  “Thank you. Talking on the phone and writing is never the same as seeing them face-to-face. I guess I’ll be seeing more of them now since I’m back home.”

  “Providing you’re escorted at all times. You’ll be seeing them regularly,” he confirmed.

  She wanted to argue. He could see it, but she nodded and went back to looking at the view.

  Why wouldn’t she give him more than thirty seconds of her time?

  The plane couldn’t land fast enough.

  Micah owned a runway just outside of Rock Wood. It was a ten minute drive away from the bar and about a thirty minute drive from the large house. The house was owned by him for all the wolves to live in the countryside. It was a perfect setting as it was surrounded by green fields and a mass of trees. The place was locked away and secret. Only a few people knew of its location. Usually they could be reached through the bar and, with a swift telephone call, be at the bar or house within minutes.

  No one greeted them at the airport. That was how he liked it, to know his wolves were busy.

  They got into their cars, Cade driving Micah and Charlotte.

  “This is like VIP stuff.” She giggled.

  “In Rock Wood, you are the important person.” Micah chuckled when she blushed. He wanted to take her in his arms and show her how much she meant to him.

  The men in his family weren’t very vocal about their feelings for their mates, but more times than not, he wanted to reach out and show her what he felt for her.

  Thirty minutes later, they pulled up outside his house. The large building housed more than a hundred wolves from his pack but not all of them at once. When they had guests from packs passing through, the place would be teeming.


  Chapter Ten

  Micah saw everyone stop and glance at his car. Some of the females looked ready to kill, and for a split second, he questioned his decision to bring her here.

  He was alpha and the other members of the pack would do as they were told.

  Cade opened his door, and Micah got out. He reached in to offer a hand. Charlotte gazed outside and shook her head.

  “I think I’m more comfortable here,” she told him.

  “Charlotte, you can’t stay in there forever,” he said, trying to reason with her.

  “Take me to my mom and dad’s place. I’ll be much better there.”

  “Charlotte. You are my mate. They’ll accept you because of this. Take my hand.” She hesitated and began nibbling on her bottom lip. After a few seconds, she gave him her hand. He helped her across the seats and out into the open.

  Some of the wolves were trying to get a better view of the human who had caused so much trouble. Micah watched Misty slam down her bucket of cleaning water and storm away. That would be a problem.

  Cade shrugged at him. There was nothing he could do about his stupid mistakes other than pray they wouldn’t bite him in the ass.

  “My mate has returned,” he called out to the rest of his pack.

  Some of the men nodded toward her, and she smiled. Others turned their backs and carried on working.

  Micah didn’t like their reactions. He just wanted to get her inside so he could have his wicked way with her.

  He spoke to a few men, keeping Charlotte locked closely to his side, not giving her an opportunity to escape.

  As soon as he got her home and slammed the door on the wolves—his signal to stay the fuck away—he pressed Charlotte against the wall.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Micah showed her. Pushing his fingers in her hair, he combed out the thick strands from the elastic band. He plundered her mouth. She opened, welcoming his kiss.

  Driven half-crazy by her scent next to him for the last ten hours, Micah was drugged on the need to take her.

  He wanted to have her legs wrapped around his waist while he fucked her cunt.

  “I’ve got to have you now,” he moaned.

  Her blouse lasted seconds before her tore it from her body, followed by the jeans she wore.

  “Slow down,” she ordered. Micah growled and lifted her in his arms. “I don’t know you.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time to get to know each other,” Micah said. He ran up the stairs and found his bedroom in quick time. He crashed through the door and slammed it shut.

  “You’re not giving me time,” she complained.

  “Feel me, Charlotte. In your heart you know you want me. Your body already knows its master. Give into it, Charlotte. Take me, accept me. I can give you everything,” he whispered.

  She stood before him in her underwear. Micah stepped back and gazed at the beauty of her body.

  “Do you hate what you see?”

  “I love what I see.” He took her hand and brought her against his own. He roughly pulled at his clothes until they tore or were yanked free.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. Charlotte giggled.

  “This is insane. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “And you’ll only ever do this with me. No other man will have you. Never.” Micah yanked the bra from her body, her large tits spilling free. His cock was so fucking hard. Pre-cum already leaked from the tip.

  The need to gain control over the fiery lust pulsing through his veins was vital before he tipped her back and fucked her hard and rough for the first time. Lips and tongue sucked her nipples and played with her breasts. His other hand went between her legs and ripped the fabric of her panties in half. He threw them away, replacing his hand on her mound. A small amount of hair outlined her pussy lips, making him harder.

  Micah ran a finger through the moist slit and cursed at her wetness. The scent of her need permeated the room.

  Sucking in a breath and turning from her, Micah got his beast under control. He wouldn’t ruin her first time by being an animal.

  No one had ever told him how powerful he’d feel having his mate close by. Charlotte meant the world to him.

  “Are you all right?” she asked. He heard her moving, and then her hand lay lightly on his shoulder.

  “I need to make sure I won’t hurt you.” He turned back to her and watched her gasp. One of her hands covered her mouth.

  “Your eyes are different. Your eyes have gone black where they’re usually gray.” Seeing her reaction made him gain the control to pull his beast back and stop him from unleashing the monster within.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s who you are.” She cupped his face and brought him up for a kiss. She knelt on the bed, and Micah tumbled her back down. His body covered hers.

  Her glorious honey smell tempted him like no other. He knew he wanted to take her on one of the nights of the full moon. To see her body writhe in pleasure, soaked in the moonlight.

  Micah worked her body, kissing her lips and creating a path downward until he reached her lovely-smelling cunt.

  She cried out when he used his fingers to spread her wide. Her tiny clit was peeking out from the hood, red and swollen. He licked up her sl
it, smelling her own exquisite scent.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded on a moan.

  Micah smiled. His little maid didn’t know the true carnal pleasures that awaited her.

  “Lay back, baby. Enjoy.” He used his tongue to bring her to the height of pleasure. His hands moved up her body and began to play with the swollen red nipples. Charlotte thrashed beneath him, crying out for him to stop and then to carry on. He chuckled, loving her reaction. Micah wanted her dripping wet with her own natural lubricant before he tried to fuck her with his large cock.

  She was panting and screaming for a release she didn’t understand. Micah finally heard her submit to the pleasure he was giving her. He licked her clit until she cried out and convulsed in orgasm. He didn’t want to hurt her. She was coming down from her high, he grasped his cock. The tip and head covered in his pre-cum, he aligned his cock with her pussy entrance. In one smooth thrust, he penetrated her virgin cunt and claimed Charlotte Griffin as his own.

  Her tight pussy fluttered around his hard shaft. He’d taken her innocence in the first thrust, but his cock wasn’t all the way in. Compared to his body, she was so tiny and small. Tears shone in her eyes, and he knew, even with her climax, he’d hurt her.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  “Please don’t move anymore,” she requested.

  “I’ve got to. I’m not all the way in.”

  “It hurts,” she cried out.

  Micah didn’t move at all. Instead, he grabbed her waist, running his hands over her hips and grasping her butt. He laid kisses on her shoulder, loving her body with his touch. Never in his life would he want to hurt her.

  He cursed his body and the instinct of the wolf. If he didn’t claim her soon, he’d be driven insane by the vision of being with her. If he didn’t get himself under control he risked killing her in the process.

  After some time, her pelvis began to move, and he knew the pain would have lessened, and her body was starting to crave for more.

  “Can I move?” He didn’t want to hurt her, and if it meant waiting for her, he’d wait as long as his beast would allow.

  “Will it hurt?”

  “I don’t think so. That pain is gone. Only pleasure is left.” He crossed his fingers, hoping he was right.

  “Okay, we’ll try it.”

  Micah took her lips and brought her lower body under his. His mate would like the loving of his body.

  He’d make sure of it.

  Taking hold of her hip, he pulled a small amount of the way out of her and then fucked back inside. Charlotte didn’t cry out in pain but in pleasure.

  With every push inside her body, she took more of him until he was fucking her with his whole cock.

  She moved with him, lifting up as he pushed inside. Together they created a rhythm.

  “Fuck, you feel so good,” he cried out. Her body squeezed him, the tightness of her pussy making it harder for him to hold off his release.

  He buckled, and she cried out. Micah reached down and fingered her clit. He wanted to feel her cunt come around his dick.

  The hard and swollen rod, waited to release his seed inside her body.

  “Oh my god!” she screamed, as within seconds of him playing with her clit, she climaxed a second time.

  The flutters of her pussy around his shaft sent him off. He exploded inside her body, washing her womb with his seed. Micah collapsed against her. In the last four years, he’d never been so happy and sated.

  Chapter Eleven

  Micah collapsed on top of her, and Charlotte enjoyed the weight of him pressed against her. She cradled his head against her breast where he lay. A sheen of perspiration covered their bodies. Her body hummed from the sudden lovemaking. She moved to try to get a bit more comfortable and found her previously unused body sore in many places.

  A wince broke from her, and Micah sat up. He gazed down at her.

  “Are you sore?”

  “A little.”

  Understatement. You fucking hurt.

  Charlotte didn’t want him to feel bad. After all, it wasn’t his fault she hadn’t been with a guy before.

  “Wait here,” he said, softly.

  She watched him leave and made sure his back was turned before she looked down her body. No apparent bruises marked her flesh or between her thighs. She couldn’t see anything from this angle. She didn’t want to move for fear of causing more damage to her body.

  Some women said it hurt the first time, like a pinprick. They must have never known a giant pinprick.

  Micah came back a few minutes later and scooped her up into his arms. The sudden jolt of her body had her crying out.

  “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just a little sore from the strength of an alpha,” she joked.

  “Shit. I forgot to take care of you after taking you. I should get a doctor to look over you. I’m such a fucking asshole. Not only is it your first time, but at that last stage feeling your cunt tighten around me, I didn’t have any control. Shit, baby, are you hurt?”

  With his outburst, Charlotte didn’t know whether to be embarrassed, blush, laugh, or cry.

  “I don’t think we need a doctor.”

  “Can I take a look just to make sure?” He looked panicked.

  “Do you have to?”

  “I’m not risking it.”

  Charlotte nodded, and he led her into the bathroom, placing her on the edge of the bath.

  “I want you to lean back a little.”

  Charlotte held on to the edge and watched as Micah placed his large hands on each thigh and spread her open. The cool air soothed her used flesh.

  He grabbed a cloth and began wiping away his seed and her cream, and he spoke constantly to her.

  A thorough inspection later, he placed her in the bathtub where nice warm water and bubbles encased her.

  Micah joined her, easing in behind her. A hand on her stomach brought her back pressed against him.

  “Was there any damage?”

  “No. A little blood, but that’s from your innocence. I’ll take a look in a few hours. If there’s more blood, I’ll call the doctor in.”

  He held her hands out in front. He placed his palm against her palm. “You’re such a tiny woman.”

  Charlotte burst out laughing. “You’re the first person to consider me tiny.”

  “I’m so much bigger than you.” He nuzzled her neck. She loved the easy banter between them. Being together for the first time had cut through the tension. Charlotte felt safe with him.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “That I feel safe with you and happy.”

  “You sound surprised.” They entwined their fingers, and Micah brought her hands to his mouth and kissed every finger in turn.

  “It’s not every day you learn you’re the mate of an alpha werewolf, and this burning need inside has been growing brighter ever since that day you told me to trust you.” Charlotte had come to the realization on the last part of the journey on the plane. She was able to recall the time Brandon threatened her life. She thought about how Micah had affected her then.

  She felt the call of Micah, and she loved looking into his eyes. Even then she trusted him with her life, as if some part of her had known it was what she needed.

  “Did I say to trust me?”

  “You asked me my name, and then you asked me to trust you.”

  Micah nodded and brought his arms around her. Her breasts lay against his arm.

  “Did you?”

  “Did I what?”

  “Trust me.”

  “I came to you. I’ll always trust you, Micah.” She answered him honestly.

  “Even though I’ve mated you to me for life? I’ve got to warn you. I’m a possessive bastard, and I won’t let another man touch you. You’re mine.” He kissed her neck on the spot he’d bitten her both times.

  “What about when I grow old? Will you still want me then?”

n we finally claim each other in front of the pack on the full moon, you’ll stop aging,” he whispered against her ear, making her shiver.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  Claim? Pack?

  I hope that isn’t what I think it is.

  “You’re my mate in every sense of the word, but to make it final, the claiming must be done in front of the pack. I’ll take you and make you mine.”

  “Okay, I don’t like the sound of this. By taking or claiming, you mean sex, right?”

  He stayed silent.

  “Micah, I’ve been home less than twenty-four hours. The full moon is… what? In four weeks? I’m not having sex in front of all your pack people. That’s not fair. I don’t want to do it.” She pulled out of his arms and turned to stare at him. “Why?”

  “Because you’re the one I want. You’re the one my beast wants. Throughout all of our time, only one woman can answer the true beasts call. I can feel your call. Once the final claiming has taken place, my beast will calm down. We’ll be connected. We were destined to be together, whether we were supposed to meet on that night four years ago or at another time. The fact still remains we were supposed to meet, Charlotte. Don’t you feel it?” He took one of her hands and pressed it over his heart.

  The rapid beat of his pulse brought a well of tears to her eyes. Did he know how beautiful his words sounded?

  “You think we’re destined to be together?”

  “Always. I never doubt it in my mind.”

  Charlotte lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

  His words, his possession, were everything she wanted. Everything she dreamed about. She wanted to be so totally desired and loved by a man that the man couldn’t bear for another man to be near his woman.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Micah laughed. After some time, they washed each other, growing aroused with every touch. He brought her over his lap, a leg on either side, and showed her how to take him. In the bathtub, she eased down on his large, wide cock and watched in amazement as it sank into her pussy.

  Each time her cunt tightened around him, he’d groan and grasp her full hips in his hands. Charlotte loved the reaction he got from her body. He seemed to be totally taken with her in every sense of the word. He thumbed her nipples or flicked her clit.


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