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Bound to Be Mated [Rock Wood Pack] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t understand what her problem is. She keeps bumping into me and growling at me when I pass. It’s like I’ve got some horrid disease or something. I don’t, do I?” Charlotte asked, picking up a bowl of cheesy snacks and carrying them over to the couch.

  “What?” Micah had been so busy watching her tits bounce as she walked he hadn’t bothered listening.

  “Misty. She’s always pushing out at me. Do I have a nasty scent?”

  Guilt clawed at him. Misty had been the constant woman, one of the females of his pack who he’d used to release his energy into. This was before Charlotte had entered his life. Clearly, Misty felt she had a prior claim over him. He didn’t have the first clue what to say.

  “Maybe it’s that time of the month,” he suggested instead. He knew in his heart if he were to tell her why Misty was being such a bitch, it would break Charlotte’s heart. She hadn’t been with him long, and he wanted her dependent on him. Micah wanted her to be thinking about him. When it came to the pack, he wanted to be the one to handle them. Not her. He wanted her to remain the sweet woman he’d come to adore. Their mating was intended for life. Just because he’d had a sex life before she became his world didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt her. Especially with him being her first.

  “That can’t be it. Unless you’re telling me wolf women have a period three weeks in a row?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t care. I’ve got my woman on my lap feeding me food. I don’t want to think about another woman.”

  Charlotte giggled and began feeding him snacks one after the other. He’d have to talk to Misty and warn her about the consequence of upsetting his mate. Maybe he should see about transferring her to another pack.

  He shrugged it off. Misty would learn with time he wasn’t going to change his mind.

  She snuggled against him, and he loved the feel of her body around his. The movie began playing. He didn’t watch it. He was content with staring at her. The best movie he’d ever seen.

  * * * *

  Charlotte didn’t think about Misty or Micah’s response. She trusted him with her whole heart. He would never hurt her.

  She loved her family, but being with the pack was right for her. They always had something to talk about. The pack were like her children in many ways. They came to her with recipe suggestions and some of the men had brought her books from the town’s bookstore for her to read.

  The men thanked her as she picked up their bowls, filling the tray she held. Titania would be serving up the bowls of ice cream and fruit. The women still ignored her but thanked her for the food. She sent a smile toward Micah, who, she noted, had been staring at her ass.

  The desire to wiggle and send him a wink was strong, but she suppressed it. Their playtime would be reserved for the bedroom. She turned away and walked to the door leading to the kitchen.

  Misty barged past her again, forcing her to drop the tray of dishes. The table was filled with all members of the pack went silent.

  Charlotte went bright red and stared at the beauty of the other woman.

  “Well, aren’t you going to pick that up?” Misty demanded.

  Charlotte looked at the mess and then at Misty. She’d never been a fighting girl, but talking with Kim the other day about her problem had forced her to grow a backbone. Kim had warned her that being in a pack meant she had to learn to stick up for herself.

  “What is your problem?” she demanded, her voice rising. Charlotte knew the other pack members could hear her but refused to intervene. All the other times Misty had purposefully done this and forced her to clean up food, the other pack members would have heard it.

  Suddenly Charlotte wondered how many people hated her being with the alpha of their pack.

  “What did you say to me, human?”

  Misty stood closer, invading her space. Charlotte wanted to bow out, but knew if she did, she’d lose something among them.

  More than anything she wanted to run to Micah and have him make it better. Fucking hell, what was she turning into?

  “I said, what is your problem?” Charlotte thought about her sister and the force and attitude she used to give off during confrontations. She prayed this worked.

  “My problem?” Misty burst out laughing. Charlotte noted a few other women at the table smirking.

  “Yes,” she said, bringing her attention back to the woman in front of her.

  “My problem is a small little human comes in here and thinks she has the right to sit near my alpha. You were gone for over four years. You’ve got no right to him. No claim whatsoever. Where were you when he needed you? He rejected us because he was mated to you.”

  “That’s enough, Misty,” Micah demanded.

  “No. My queen asks, even though no human woman could ever be my queen. Before he mated with you, we were dealing with the alpha. Ask him who was warming his bed before you came along and when the full moon rose high in the night sky. Ask him, Charlotte.” Her voice grew louder until she was screaming. “I was the one dealing with all your jobs while you didn’t even know werewolves existed. I was fucking my alpha. Me.”

  Charlotte felt her whole world break apart. She turned her gaze onto Micah. “Is this true?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer her. He gazed down at the table, giving her all the answers she needed. She felt humiliated as the other women snickered at her. Even Cade looked guilty. He knew. They all knew why Misty had been beating on her, and none of them had warned her. Not even the man who claimed to love her.

  “Then by all means be the queen”—she gestured to the mess on the floor—“and clean this shit up.”

  With her head held high, Charlotte walked from the room careful to not look anywhere but in front of her. The blood pumped through her body, and each step was harder to take. Tears formed and fell silently down her cheeks. Charlotte moved from the dining room to the stairs. Every move she made felt like a chore. By the time she got to the third floor, she was gasping for the strength to carry on. The pain in her heart turned into a throbbing ache.

  She opened the door to their room, staring at the space surrounding the king-sized bed.

  Had he taken Misty on the bed? All of her happiness died in an instant. Not caring how it looked, she went straight for the wardrobe and grabbed a few of her clothes. She’d stay in one of the spare rooms until she could leave tomorrow. There was no way she would be staying after what had happened.

  Slamming her door at the end of the hall did nothing to ease her pain. The sound of the wood cracking against the doorframe did nothing but make her wince at the sound. Charlotte made sure to lock the door behind her.

  Only in the confined space, away from the wolves, did she finally break down. Charlotte knew they would probably be able to sense her anguish and scent her tears, but she wouldn’t have to look at them. Her next stop was to close the curtain. The view of the endless forest was not wanted.

  Collapsing on the bed and drowning inside herself, Charlotte allowed herself the pity she deserved.

  She felt like a little girl again after a bully had gotten the best of her. All she wanted to do was go and cry on mommy’s lap.

  Eventually, tired and exhausted, she drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  Sometime later Charlotte woke up to the sound of knocking on her door. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and gazed at the clock. She’d been asleep for about three hours. It was barely midnight.

  “Who is it?” she called.

  “You know who it is,” Micah answered from the other side.

  “I don’t want to talk to you.” Getting up from her place on the bed, she stood near the door to be able to hear him better.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what? Sorry for doing it or sorry you got caught?” she asked.


  Charlotte didn’t know whether she hated him a little more for his response.

  “Look, it happened before I even knew you. What did you expect me to do? Live like a monk?” he

  No, she didn’t expect him to live like a monk. She fucking hated his guts now.

  “Well, I’m sorry I didn’t know what kind of hold I had on you. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know about the women you fucked before me would still be living with you. You mated with me, remember? Now you can just un-fucking-mate me. I want nothing to do with you.” She slammed her fist into the door.

  She welcomed the pain in her hand as it took away some pain away from her heart.

  “Shit, you’ve fucking hurt yourself,” he said. “Let me in to have a look.”

  Charlotte glanced down at her wrist and frowned. Bright red dots appeared on her knuckles.

  The pain was minimal.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, wiping the blood on her shirt.

  “I don’t want to sleep alone,” he admitted through the door.

  Closing her eyes, she thought of his arms wrapped around her. She missed him but refused to give in. He’d hurt her, and she wanted away from the pain. Misty would be the first of many women, and it would be best for her to cut and run.

  “Get Misty,” she replied.

  “I don’t want Misty!” he shouted. “I want you.”

  “I don’t want you,” she lied.

  He continued to try and talk her around, trying the door handle a few times. She knew he could snap the lock in two if he chose. Charlotte was thankful that he didn’t.

  After a while he left, but several minutes later, Cade came knocking.

  “Go away, Cade. I want to be left alone.” She pressed the pillow over her head to drown out the noise.

  Eventually she drifted back into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Micah stared at the breakfast table. Mounds of burned pancakes and grilled mushrooms filled plates. All the other pack members had decided to eat cereal. A few people decided to give the burnt food a go.

  They sat around the table eating. It was the first time breakfast had been a quiet affair. Misty had tried to take Charlotte’s place at his side. He’d growled at Misty and ordered her to sit as far away from the seat reserved for his mate as possible.

  Charlotte was a fantastic cook, but the members of his pack, both men and women, needed a few lessons.

  “Did anyone wake my mate this morning?” he asked as the minutes wore on and she still did not appear.

  “Her door was still locked this morning,” Cade told him.

  Fisting his hand to contain his rage, he threw his plate against the wall.

  He roared. Two days were left to a full moon. The energy pounding through him forced the other pack member to stay on alert. He could bring about his change and theirs if he so desired.

  “Calm down, alpha,” Cade warned.

  Micah saw his fingers bow and change to claws. He bit his lip and brought the change under control

  Perfect timing. He scented his mate walking near.

  Getting up from his seat, he moved to the double doors and flung them open. Charlotte jumped, letting out a small yelp before she got herself back under control.

  Micah frowned. She carried two suitcases and a backpack.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “Home.” She made to walk right past him, but his hand shot out and caught her before she could leave.

  “What is this? I thought you’d join us for breakfast.”

  “No thanks,” she said, and pulled her arm from his grip.

  “I don’t understand.” Micah cupped her cheek, tilting her head back to look at him. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying the night before.

  He ran a thumb down her pale cheeks. Charlotte tore from his grasp and moved to the door.

  “There’s nothing to understand. I’m going home.”

  “I can take you to get more stuff,” he informed her, reaching for his coat.

  “No!” she shouted.

  He paused.

  “Don’t you get it? I’m done. We’re finished. Over. I’ve had enough. I don’t want this mate thing anymore. It’s over, Micah.”

  “I don’t accept that.”

  Micah had grabbed her in the hope his touch would stop her. “I’m a human. You’re a werewolf. Get your hands off me.” Charlotte stared at him with fire in her eyes.

  “You’re my mate.”

  “I’m nothing more than an inconvenience, and it’s time for me to leave.” She brushed past him.

  “Is that all this was? A little bit of fun for you?” he called after her. The wolves sat silent at the table. He didn’t care what they heard. The only thing he cared about was walking away from him.

  “How dare you?” She placed her cases on the floor and came charging back at him. Her little finger rose in the air. “I was engaged. I had a man who wanted to marry me. My life was fucking perfect until you came along and ruined it.”

  She pressed the tip of her finger against his chest. The tears streamed from her eyes.

  “Don’t go,” he said, the tears punching him in the gut.

  “I don’t understand why this hurts so much. I know you’ve been with other women. You’re older than me. I don’t know if I can deal with you sleeping with Misty and god knows how many other women you’ve slept with in this pack. I just can’t do it.” She shrugged, and she wiped at the tears falling from her eyes.

  “They mean nothing.”

  “Now they mean nothing. Now. What happens when you crave another wolf? A female wolf? I can’t do this, Micah. If you cared, you’d let me go.” Her tears turned to sobs. Micah stared back and saw Cade shatter the glass he was holding.

  “Let me take you. I want to make sure you’re safe.” She would refuse. Micah knew it in his gut. “Please.”

  Eventually she nodded, and he grabbed his jacket and car keys.

  The drive to her house didn’t take long. Micah tried to talk to her, but she wouldn’t say anything. She spent most of the journey looking out of the window. Her parents were standing waiting on the porch when he drove up.

  Charlotte got out and took her cases with her.

  Micah got out and watched as she went to her mother. His heart was breaking as he witnessed her breaking down in her mother’s arms, sobbing.

  Frank stared at him, murder in his eyes. Charlotte was pulled into the house until he could no longer see her. Micah stared at Frank for several more minutes.

  He didn’t care about the way her father looked at him. His only concern was to make sure Charlotte was safe. Some neighbors came out to see what was going on. None said a word. He waited. The sun rose in the sky to the highest peak and still he waited. A curtain twitched, and he stared into her eyes. Charlotte stood at the window looking down at him. She made no move, and in that moment, he knew he’d lost her.

  Turning away, he got into his car and drove away.

  He felt nothing.

  * * * *

  Charlotte watched Micah stand outside her door for all of three hours before he turned and left. Once the car was in the distance, she went up to her room. She stared at her suitcases. Her clothes were in there, but if she began to unpack, it would be accepting her time with Micah was over. She sat on the bed and waited until the call from her mother to announce dinner was ready. She was crying again, and when she went down to dinner, her parents refused to talk to her.

  The meal with her parents was a long and tiring process. She missed the hustle and bustle of the pack. Micah always sat at her side feeding her little morsels he thought she’d like. Even though she cooked the food and they ate casually, he always treated a meal like they were eating in a five-star restaurant.

  “I can’t believe you’d bring that man to my door again,” her father finally said.

  “I wasn’t responsible for bringing him the first time,” Charlotte argued. The first trip home was still fuzzy in her mind. Her fork moved the food around her plate. The appetite she had was now gone. Food tasted funny now anyway. Also, she didn’t like eating too much. She’d suddenly started to get sick in the mor

  “Yeah, well, I’ve had enough of him meddling in our lives. A waste of time, the lot of them.”

  “They put food on our table, Dad. They put it on everyone’s table by constantly making sure Rock Wood was protected,” Charlotte argued in defense of her pack. She was not defending the leader, but the rest of the pack didn’t deserve the hatred her father was spilling.

  “Can’t be that bad for you to be sticking up for him,” Frank told her. Charlotte looked down at her dinner. She didn’t want to talk about her feelings with her father.

  “Don’t start, Frank,” her mother intervened. “Charlotte, that man loves you. Loves the very ground you walk on. Please tell me what’s going on,” her mother said.

  Both women waited until Frank left the room in a huff.

  “He had other women, Mommy. One of the pack women has treated me like crap since I got there, and she told me in front of him how she’d have been his if it weren’t for me.” She sobbed.

  Doreen grabbed her and hugged her tight. Charlotte was grateful to her mom for allowing her the time to break down.

  Charlotte was usually the levelheaded one who never allowed her emotions to get in the way of what she had to do.

  “I want you to settle down, honey, and listen to me.”

  She nodded and dried her tears on the jumper she wore.

  “Over four years ago, I watched as that man, the alpha of the Rock Wood pack, carried you in and took you upstairs. Frank told me some time ago he simply laid you in bed and settled you down and watched you sleep for a few minutes. Since the night he chose to make you his mate, he’s been nothing but kind and sincere.” Doreen held her hand up as Charlotte was about to argue. “Hear me out, baby. I’m not finished.

  “These past four years you’ve never wanted for anything. Micah was there at your graduation ceremony. He paid for you to go to college.”

  “What?” Charlotte asked.

  “That’s right. Your dad got laid off from work, and we couldn’t afford to pay the other half of your tuition fees. Micah found out, and you all of a sudden became sponsored by the Rock Wood founding bar. Do you think your apartment really came with the money for graduating college?”


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