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Bound to Be Mated [Rock Wood Pack] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Both men tensed, and their attention went to the woman being called. Brandon emerged from the building, and he brandished a weapon. A knife glinted in the moonlight. His target was Charlotte.

  Micah started to run, but it would be too late. He watched as Titania noticed Brandon, threw Charlotte to the ground, and stopped him. Brandon struck out at her, but she wasn’t having any of it. She kicked out and sent him sprawling, a war cry breaking out as she snapped his head from his shoulders, decapitating him.

  Micah went to his mate while Cade took a now-screaming Titania away. He heard her whimpers. “He was going to kill my queen.”

  “You did what you had to do.” Cade hugged the hysterical woman.

  “She’ll have to answer to the wolves,” Jordan said, coming toward the three.

  “No, she won’t. Titania killed a wolf to protect her alpha’s mate. She won’t answer to anyone or anything,” Micah informed the other man. He walked the short distance with Charlotte in his arms. “You saved my woman, my queen. Anything you need, ever, let me know. I’m in your debt.”

  Titania nodded.

  “Come on. Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  A few weeks later at the next full moon...

  “Don’t run from me,” he warned.

  Charlotte stared at the full moon above her, the moonlight casting a glow all over her body. Even covered in her clothes, she knew her body drove her mate crazy. Micah looked so big and powerful looming above her. He took her breath away. To think she’d been mated to him all of these years and hadn’t been with him since the beginning.

  “My mate wants me,” he whispered.

  “Always,” she answered.

  Her heart leapt when he tore the shirt and jeans from his body. Watching him get naked made her melt.

  “I love you,” he said.

  Charlotte chuckled. Ever since he’d saved her from the cage Brandon had put her in, he’d spent every waking moment telling her he loved her. She relished hearing the words.

  “I love you, too.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. His tongue thrust inside her mouth, and she tasted him on her tongue.

  “I want you so much,” he said.

  “Then take what you want. I’m here, and I’m yours.”

  His teeth grazed her nipple, and she gasped with the sheer pleasure. Her pregnancy had brought about a huge change with her body, and every touch on her breasts created so much sensation. She could now climax with her breasts alone being sucked.

  “Are you sure? What about the baby?”

  They’d agreed that during the full moon she’d allow him to claim her in front of his wolves. For the past few weeks, Micah had been testing her body with his fingers and a few dildos, preparing her anus for his penetration.

  Charlotte was excited and frightened about what was about to happen. She loved Micah with her whole heart. No matter how many times she tried to deny it, she could not refuse her love for him.

  “The doctor has said I’m fine. Our baby is healthy, and we can still partake in sexual relations.”

  Micah smiled and kissed her. When she was with him, he made her forget about everything. He broke the kiss, and his look turned serious.

  “They’ll be around, but you won’t see them. This is about us, not them.” He talked about the rest of the pack. They had to be present while it happened, but she didn’t have to be in a crowded bedroom. “You are one amazing woman, and you’ll be a fabulous leader.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “What for, baby?”

  “For taking me that night and making me yours.”

  Micah pressed his lips to hers. He didn’t need to say any words. Charlotte moaned and wrapped her hands around his neck. She ignored the pack, who were somewhere near the surrounding trees, and kept her attention on her mate.

  “I want you so much,” he said.

  “Take me, Micah. Fuck me.”

  Micah took her at her word.

  His lips moved down her body, circling her breasts, spending extra attention on the large buds. He nibbled her nipples until she was thrashing underneath him in absolute pleasure.

  “I bet they’re wanking over you.”

  Charlotte paused. “Don’t talk about them.”

  “I can smell how wet your pussy is. I bet they’d love to be here.”

  Charlotte didn’t want to hear about the pack, but she couldn’t deny the rush of sensation at the thought of other men being turned on by her being with Micah. Did that make her slut?

  His fingers ran up her slit, and she no longer cared. Micah was the only man she wanted. No one else.

  “So wet and juicy.”

  Charlotte watched him travel down her body. He kissed her stomach and whispered soothing words before he went farther.

  She leaned back on her elbows she watched as he spread the lips of her pussy open wide. His tongue going to her clit. She loved him going down on her. Her cunt was already on fire, and she needed to be sated by his lips and tongue.

  His fingers fucked inside her while his tongue teased her little bud peeking out of its hood. He tormented her in little circles, creating a mass of sensation.

  The ground underneath her provided a lovely blanket for her to fall back onto. The scent of the forest and the earth, so much a part of her life, would now be a part of her. He stretched her pussy open, thrusting three fingers inside her. She felt each one as he pushed her so close to orgasm.

  “Come for me,” he ordered. His tongue never gave up, and within seconds, the heat inside her built until she exploded into a head-rushing orgasm. She grabbed the earth under her. A scream tore from her throat. Her cunt tightened around his fingers, which suddenly seemed too large inside her.

  Micah kissed his way up her body and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted her essence. Charlotte followed his lead, knowing this would be it. She would forever be his, and he would be hers.

  He helped her to her knees, and he settled behind her.

  Micah had brought some lubrication to help everything along. She heard him open the cap and the sound as he began to spread the stuff all over his cock.

  He’d shown her what he’d have to do to help her accept him inside her body. Micah had shown her how the lube would feel and what she should do to get him inside her.

  Next, his cool fingers pressed against the tight bud of her anus, and she squealed.

  “Relax and breathe,” he whispered. The deep sound of his voice gave away how turned on he was.

  She inhaled and forced her body to relax. A cool finger went inside her rectum, past the tight ring of muscles. The slow burn didn’t hurt, but teased her. The thoughts of having him push that large cock inside her filled her with fear. When they’d been experimenting in the bedroom, her climaxes had become more powerful with a finger or fake cock up her ass. She wanted him, and the only problem she had, was the fear of the length of his dick. Micah wasn’t known for being small.

  The tube of lube landed in front of her. He’d used all of it.

  Taking a breath, she waited while he pressed the tip around her anus, spreading the moisture and getting her excited to have more.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  The head pressed against the centre of her anus, and she took a breath and waited. He moved slowly, pushing the large erect head forward. She felt the pinch as her ass tightened. She relaxed, and the muscles eased. The head of his cock lodged inside her.

  “You’re so big, and it feels so good,” she said on a gasp.

  “Hold on, baby. There’s more to come.”

  Slowly, he fed the length of her cock inside her ass. Charlotte Griffin, a shy plump young woman, the mated queen of the Rock Wood alpha, had a cock up her ass.

  “You’ve got it all.”

  She let out a breath and held on to the grass, her fingers digging in the dirt. The feeling was tight, uncomfortab
le, but also unbearably pleasurable. Micah grabbed her hips and started off slowly. He pulled all the way out until only the head remained before slowly working back in.

  Charlotte panted for breath. The glow of the moon and the scent of the earth were all too much.

  “Please, harder.”

  Micah leaned over her and laid a kiss to her neck and back. The pace increased. He reached underneath her and teased her clit.

  She thought after one climax she wouldn’t be able to cope with a second. She was wrong. The second orgasm built inside her. With every thrust of his dick inside her ass, she pushed back, taking him all the way, enjoying the burn and relishing the fine line between pleasure and pain.

  Charlotte knew she wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Come for me, baby. I’m so close to letting go.”

  She opened up and let him take control. Her release washing over her, screams rent the air as he fucked her harder and faster than any other time before. He used her ass, and he growled as he pushed inside her one last time. Charlotte felt the explosive heat of his semen pulse inside her ass.

  The howls of the pack could be heard over their panting. Micah chuckled, and Charlotte went red with embarrassment. She’d forgotten about the pack.

  “The Rock Wood pack has a new queen,” he whispered. “Are you a bit sore?”

  “A little, but I’ll be all right.”

  “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Charlotte, you will own my entire heart, mind, and body for the rest of our lives.”

  Charlotte smiled and kissed him. Her body felt alive and her heart burst with love she had for this man.

  Who would have thought the unplanned trip four years before to this man’s bar would have resulted in her finding the one man she’d love for the rest of her life?

  Micah wrapped his arms around her, and they lay for the remainder of the night, cuddled on the forest floor.

  Neither of them wanted to move. Both were content and happy to be with each other.


  Cade stared at the head of the table where Charlotte was feeding her alpha. A warm glow spread through his body watching the two people he cared most about in the world. Micah was indeed a changed man.

  “We need more pancakes,” one of the men said, getting up from his seat.

  “Stay. I’ll go and get them.” Cade left the table and made the short distance to the kitchen. Four frying pans were on the go on the seven-burner gas stove. Titania stood flipping each one. He stopped and gazed at the most beautiful woman in the world. One of the lowest pack females, Titania wasn’t well known for her fighting ability. Even though she’d killed Brandon a few months before, she’d been driven half insane from the blood on her hands.

  A raised fist always sent her scampering away. As one of the highest members of his pack, the alpha’s second-in-command and personal bodyguard, he was expected to mate with a strong and fierce wolf. But his blood boiled over with lust whenever he saw her. Now, as he watched her flip another pancake, a hand on her full, rounded hip, his cock stirred, and he wanted inside her warm hot body.

  “Hi, Cade,” she said. She handed him a plate heaping with steaming pancakes, and she poured lots of syrup to get the pack started.

  Her voice was pleasing to listen to. He wanted to put the platter down and take hold of his woman and kiss her until she begged for more.

  His woman? She didn’t like the fights or the arguments he started or settled.

  “Was there anything else you wanted?”

  I want you.


  With a smile, she turned her back on him, making up some more batter for the mix. For a few more seconds, he admired the curve of her ass. She always wore a skirt, one of those long denim ones. This skirt molded to her hips and the generous handful of ass.

  Would she scream and shout rape if he got on his knees and bit her on the butt?

  “Hi, Titania.” Another lower-ranking member of the pack came in. Cade recognized him from one of their training sessions. He didn’t know all the wolves on sight. There were many of them living in the house at the same time.

  “Hi, David.” She turned and graced him with a warm smile.

  He didn’t like the easy way she and David interacted with one another. Should he stake a claim now?

  The other man circled his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek.

  “They’re starving out there,” he told her.

  “Wolves always are.”

  Cade was starving, but he was starving for the woman in another man’s arms. As a superior to this David in the pack, he could easily stake his claim. It was his right to do so.

  He took a step forward, intent on claiming what was his.




  Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got her first acceptance in 2011.

  She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she is not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories, the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

  For all titles by Sam Crescent, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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