Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids: Why Being a Great Parent Is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think

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Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids: Why Being a Great Parent Is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think Page 25

by Bryan Caplan

values and

  Behavioral parent training

  Birth, benefits of every

  Birth control

  Boxer Rebellion

  “A Boy Named Sue” (Cash)

  Brooks, Arthur

  Brown, Louise

  Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Crime Victimization Survey

  Carbon tax

  Cash, Johnny

  Cash bonuses, for children

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  Character, nature vs. nurture and

  Childbearing, nature vs. nurture and


  enjoyment of


  reviewing tasks of

  technological improvements and

  time spent in


  activities of

  appreciation of parents

  effect of upbringing on future of

  encouraging independence of

  financial benefits of

  funding parental retirement and

  grading parents’ performance

  inflated price of

  influence of parents on character of

  influence of parents on conscientiousness or agreeableness of

  influence of parents on criminal behavior of

  influence of parents on education of

  influence of parents on family values of

  influence of parents on fertility of

  influence of parents on happiness of influence of parents on health of

  influence of parents on intelligence of

  influence of parents on politics of

  influence of parents on religion of

  influence of parents on sexual initiation of

  influence of parents on sexual orientation of

  influence of parents on success of

  influence of parents on traditionalism/modernism of

  influence of parents on traits of

  influence of parents on values of

  long-term benefits of

  mortality of

  nonfinancial benefits of

  optimum number in family

  payments for chores

  protecting from secondhand stress

  raising with kindness and respect

  reasons to have

  short-term costs of

  sleep and

  supervision of

  Child safety

  improvements in since 1950

  kidnapping and

  mortality statistics

  safety-conscious parenting and

  violent crime and

  Choices, population and increased

  Chores, payment for

  Church attendance, parents and children’s

  Clinton, Hillary


  twinning vs.

  Colorado Adoption Project

  Commercial surrogates

  Computers, children’s use of

  Conscientiousness, nature vs. nurture and

  Consumer Expenditure Survey

  Consumerism, having more children and

  Cornell University, Reproductive Endocrine Laboratory

  Cosby, Bill


  of children in short-term

  of reproductive technologies

  Council on Bioethics

  Criminal behavior, nature vs. nurture and

  Customer satisfaction

  Daily activities, enjoyment of

  Deaths, children’s

  causes of


  Department of Justice

  Designer babies

  Determinism, genetic vs. parental

  DeVito, Danny

  Direct effects


  behavioral parent training and

  Disease, as cause of children’s deaths

  Divorce, nature vs. nurture and

  Do I Want to Be a Mom? (Dell & Erem)

  Donor eggs

  Drinking habits, parental effect on

  Drug problems, parental effect on

  Dutch Twin Registry

  Economist (magazine)

  Edison, Thomas

  Education, nature vs. nurture and

  Educational attainment, parents’ influence on

  Educational success, parents’ influence on


  direct vs. indirect

  measuring nature and nurture

  Egg donation

  Egg donors

  Ehrlich, Paul

  Electronic babysitters

  Elite Donors



  nurture and

  population effects on




  Exposure therapy


  antisocial behavior and

  income and

  intelligence and

  religion and

  Fairfax Cryobank

  Falconer’s formula

  Family planning

  foresight and

  global fertility decline

  hindsight bias and

  Family size

  changes in idea of optimum

  changes in self-imposed rules and

  changes in values and

  decline in

  foresight and


  increasing own

  parental happiness and

  personal decisions regarding

  reasons for declining

  reasons to increase

  self-interest and

  Family vacations

  Family values, nature vs. nurture and


  children grading performance of

  time spent taking care of children

  Ferber method


  effect on environment

  foresight and

  government policy rewarding increased

  nature vs. nurture and

  retirement systems and

  self-interest and decline in

  Fertility drugs

  Fertility tourism

  Fifties, child safety and

  Finnish Twin Cohort Study

  First World families, as focus of twin and adoption studies


  changes in family size and

  fertility and

  grandchildren and



  Free-Range Kids (Skenazy)

  Free will, behavioral genetics and

  Friedman, David

  Friedman, Milton

  Friedman, Patri

  Frost, Jo

  Galinsky, Ellen

  Gallup polls

  on parental satisfaction

  on perception of incidence of crime

  Games, supervising content of

  Gans, Joshua

  Gates, Bill

  General Social Survey

  on American church-going habits

  on happiness of richer parents

  on number of siblings and their family size

  on parental happiness

  Genetic determinism, parental determinism vs.

  Genetic engineering

  Genetics. See Nature vs. nurture

  Genetic screening

  Gilbert, Daniel

  Girls, parents and sexual initiation of

  Global fertility decline

  Goldblum, Jeff

  Government policies, rewarding fertility


  Graham, Robert


  foresight and

  good in-law behavior and increased chances of

  government policies favoring

  having more children to increase prospect of

  rewarding children for grandchildren

  Gross National Happiness (Brooks)



  of children

  of parents


  Happiness set point

  Harris, Judith

  Health, nature vs. nurture and

  Height, determination of

  High foresight

  Hindsight bias

  Holt, Bertha

  Holt, Harry

  Homicide, as cause of children’s deaths

  Ideas, progress and new


  environmental problems and

  government, to have more children



  fertility and increased

  nature vs. nurture and

  India, commercial surrogacy in

  Indirect effects

  Individualism, having more children and

  Infertility, solutions for See also Reproductive technology

  In-law behavior, to encourage grandchildren

  Intelligence, nature vs. nurture and



  In vitro fertilization (IVF)

  genetic screening and

  It’s a Bird (Seagle)

  IVF. See In vitro fertilization (IVF)

  Japan, population and retirement in

  Jolie, Angelina

  Jurassic Park (film)

  Kahneman, Daniel

  Khoury, Alfred

  Kidnapping, child

  Kindness, raising children with

  King of the Hill (cartoon)

  Kolb, Richard

  “Korea and Vietnam” (Kolb)

  Korean War

  Labor, price of

  Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (television program)

  Leave It to Beaver (television program)

  Life expectancy, parental effect on

  Life satisfaction, parents and level of

  Liu, Hung-Ching

  Loehlin, John

  Lucas, Robert


  Marital satisfaction, nature vs. nurture and

  Marriage, nature vs. nurture and

  Mate selection

  Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart

  Minnesota Twin Family Registry

  Minnesota Twin Family Study

  Minnesota Twin Registry

  Minnesota Twin Study

  Moderate foresight

  Modernism, nature vs. nurture and


  rewarding children for grandchildren with

  using to make parenting easier

  See also Income

  Mortality statistics, for children



  children grading performance of

  enjoyment of childcare and

  time spent taking care of children

  The Myth of the Rational Voter (Caplan)



  Natalism, privatizing


  National Center for Health Statistics

  National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

  National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

  National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)

  National Vital Statistics Reports

  National Vital Statistics System


  distinguishing from nurture

  measuring effects of

  See also Nature vs. nurture

  Nature-nurture effect sizes

  Nature vs. nurture

  appreciation and

  character and

  fade-out and

  happiness and

  health and

  intelligence and

  success and

  values and

  NCVS. See National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

  Newsday (newspaper)

  Niebuhr, Reinhold

  NLSY. See National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY)

  Nobel sperm bank

  Nonshared environment


  distinguishing from nature

  environment and

  measuring effects of

  See also Nature vs. nurture; Parenting

  The Nurture Assumption (Harris)

  Obesity, genetics and

  Openness, upbringing and

  Operation Enduring Freedom

  Operation Iraqi Freedom


  Parental determinism, genetic determinism vs.

  Parental leave, paid


  disagreement over effects of

  diverse styles of

  happiness and

  with kindness and respect

  peer pressure and

  power of

  reality vs. dream of



  short-run vs. long-run effects of

  using money to make easier

  See also Nurture; Parents

  Parentonomics (Gans)


  anger management and

  bigger families and happiness of

  children’s activities and

  children’s appreciation of

  discipline and

  effect of upbringing on children’s future


  exposure therapy and child safety fears

  fading effects of

  happiness of

  illusion of control and

  implications of behavioral genetics for

  improving life of

  improving sleep deprivation and

  influence on children’s adult sexual behavior

  influence on children’s character

  influence on children’s conscientiousness or agreeableness

  influence on children’s criminal behavior

  influence on children’s education


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