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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

Page 15

by Lanford, K. W.

  Rianna looked at Tollis and smiled. "This isn’t scratching the surface of his depravity. The last girl that caught his attention ended up dead when his seed took root in her belly. It was probably this fool that killed her."

  The assassin strained against his ropes, sneering yet again. "The prince warned her to shed the thing, but she refused. She got what she deserved. Where is my associate?"

  Aram chuckled. "You will be reunited with him as soon as we get the answers we want. I hope the two of you rehearsed your stories. I would hate to see you castrated for trying to lie to us. He seems to think it was your fault the two of you weren’t paid for the farmer. Tell me your side of the story, starting with why Stolly wanted him dead."

  The assassin looked at Aram and began, "There is a small community that was ignoring the prince’s wishes. So he had their crops burned and forbade anyone from offering them aid. This Browman fool was taking them grain, so we were sent to prevent it from reaching them. I caved in the spokes of one of the wheels as he was making a turn along a gorge and he went over the side, wagon and all. I was told we only had to prevent the shipment, but the prince refused payment because we didn’t have proof of who it was."

  Rix leaned in. "So Stolly didn’t know who the farmer was, just that he was delivering forbidden goods and you killed him?" The assassin nodded. Rix turned to leave and then spun suddenly, producing a dagger from the sleeve of his robe and neatly slicing the man’s throat. "When you get to your associate, tell him Rix Browman said howdy."

  Rix turned to Aram, trembling slightly. "We have found the ox. Can we go to bed now? I am tired and have a lot of studying to do tomorrow."

  Tollis looked confused. "Ox? What ox? Why are the two of you even here? Not that I am ungrateful that you showed up when you did, but . . ."

  Rix sighed, patted Tollis on the shoulder, looked into his eyes and said. "I am sorry my friend; if only I knew how to speak oxen, then you would be able to understand me better." Rianna chuckled lightly.

  Aram stepped up. "What our colorfully speaking friend is saying Tollis; is that your mother sent us to find you. It is because of her we arrived when we did. I can take us back to Blackenwood manor with a portal and you must go to your mother. She didn’t say anything to us, but I fear she had a premonition and was worried for your safety."

  Tollis smiled. "That sounds perfect; she needs to meet her daughter-in-law anyway." Tollis beamed with pride and wrapped an arm around Rianna. "Aram, cousin, you have saved our lives on our wedding night!"

  Aram smiled and hugged them both. "Congratulations! I am truly happy for the both of you!" He kissed Rianna on the forehead. "Welcome to the family."

  Rianna beamed and Rix cleared his throat. "I’m still tired over here."

  Aram turned to Rix and pulled him into a great hug. He whispered into Rix’s ear. "I love you brother. Know that I am here for you anytime you need me."

  Rix hugged him back quickly and then pushed him away. "Yes, yes, love and fuzzy bunnies; now let’s go get some sleep."

  Aram opened a portal to his room in Blackenwood manor and they left the dead assassin tied to the chair.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Aram awoke the next morning a little groggy. He had spent a few hours reading the journal before finally going to sleep. The first entries in the journal were mostly just thoughts of how the kingdom was run and what could be better. They were the thoughts of a young man the same age as Aram.

  He had gotten far enough into it to read how his father had felt the first time he laid eyes on Mayla. He was smitten from the very first moment and wrote of her constantly. Aram felt he knew his mother better than he knew himself by the time he went to sleep. His father had even mentioned Yantis and how he had worked extra hard to gain Yantis’ approval before approaching Mayla.

  Aram headed for the great hall to see about breakfast as he pondered all that had transpired the night before. He knew Rix had to be hurting inside, but would never admit it even to himself. He entered the hall and saw Rix and Mayla sitting off to the side, heads together and speaking quietly. He decided to let them have their privacy. This was something they must endure together.

  Tollis was speaking to his father by the fireplace. Both of them were grinning about something that had been said. Rianna was sitting at the table all alone. Aram could have sworn Sandra was with her when he entered . . . Sandra slammed into him with one of those patented Blackenwood hugs."Thank you, Aram. You will never know until you have children of your own what you have done for me." She kissed him all over his face a bazillion times, crying the whole while. Aram was struggling to gently release her grip when he spotted Rianna laughing at his predicament.

  Aram was rescued by Jerald himself, gently pulling Sandra off of him. "Let him breathe Sandra. I think he understands both of our gratitude."

  Aram gave Jerald a small smile of thanks, then walked over to sit across from Rianna. "I swear; it’s a good thing you have spent so much time at a forge. The hugs in this family are hazardous!"

  Rianna laughed even more. "They are only robust because they are deeply felt. That’s one of the things that attracted me to Tollis so quickly and it seems to run deep in his family. The ability to love so completely is rare. I have learned much about you just from listening to Tollis. I fear his love for you would make most women jealous. And I’m not just talking about the love of a cousin. I can promise you as sure as I sit here that he loved you the same before you both knew of your relation."

  Aram smiled and looked over at Tollis. "The feeling is mutual. It was strange indeed that my two best friends turned out to be related. In my years at the Order I had several 'good' friends. During all of those years when it came time for them to leave, none affected me as much as the thought of losing those two. I hate to ask a question that is more pertinent to you and Tollis, but I would truly like to know if you would share." Aram looked into her eyes and waited.

  "I can only assume you want to know what connection I have with Stolly," Rianna guessed. Aram shrugged. "There isn’t much to tell really. He apparently took a fancy to me and tried to get me to see him. I refused. Shortly after that, I was accused of being a traitor to the throne. I didn’t need to be a soothsayer to figure out why. Then the little snake has the audacity to come to me and say that if I would just spend one night with him, the troubles would go away. It got better for five years while he was away at the Order, but it appears he hasn’t forgotten."

  Aram thought it over for a bit. "Unfortunately that sounds a lot like the Stolly we enjoyed at the order for those five years."

  About that time, Tollis dropped down into a chair beside Rianna and put his arm around her shoulder. He got a serious look in his eyes and stared hard at Aram. "I love you like a brother, cousin and I will share anything I have with you except my new bride!" Then he let out a huge laugh. "At least until the nagging which my father assures me is coming begins." Then he laughed even louder and even Aram and Rianna got caught up in it.

  A somber looking Rix came and sat next to Aram. "Seems I have chosen the right table; I could use a laugh right now."

  Tollis grinned and without missing a beat replied. "You know Rix, if you’re looking for a good laugh, my mother has a full length mirror in her chambers."

  Rianna looked mortified! She knew Rix had received some heartbreaking news last night and was shocked that Tollis would be that callous. What she didn’t know was that these three young men knew each other well. Aram smiled a smile that turned into a grin when he saw the horror and shock on her face. Rix sat there for a moment searching his mind for a good reply, then gave up and laughed. "Good one Ape, good one. I knew this was the right table."

  After breakfast, Rix opened a portal to the room he trained in with Yantis. Aram, Mayla and Jerald decided to stay a few days at the Blackenwood manor. There wouldn’t be any more troops arriving for a few more days and no one could think of anything pressing that would require their attention. So Rix was goin
g alone back to the Order. Yantis appeared at the portal when it opened and Aram told him to use the ring if anyone was needed. Yantis agreed. As Rix was about to step through; Aram caught his arm. "Please tell Arlaina I will be by her office tonight and I miss her."

  Rix laughed. "I’ll add a little more flare to the wording, but she will be expecting you." Then he stepped through the portal and it closed behind him.

  Aram was standing there with a half horrified, half amused look on his face when he heard Rianna laugh. "I will be your witness if one is needed."

  Aram shrugged. "She will either be expecting a proposal or an apology when I get there. I had better be prepared for either!"

  Chapter Fifteen


  Stolly paced across the floor of his room. Maddox knew he was in one of his tantrums so he just remained still and silent, off to the side of the room. Stolly was muttering incoherently to himself and then suddenly stopped to scream at the wall. "You are the idiot father! I try to tell you something is amiss at the Order and you turn on me as if it were my fault."

  Stolly paced a few more circuits around the room and then looked at Maddox. "Where are those two idiot assassins I sent after that girl? How long does it take to kill one snobby whore these days?" Maddox didn't reply; he knew it was a rhetorical question and just part of Stolly’s ranting. Maddox was one of the few people Stolly could actually call a friend. He wasn't one of the stoolies his father paid to follow him around.

  It was at times like this that Maddox wondered why he even liked the temperamental fool. Perhaps it was because when Stolly wasn't feeling sorry for himself, they had a good time. Maddox came from a poor family and his friendship with the prince allowed him to do and have, more than he could afford otherwise.

  Before Stolly had left for the Order, Maddox had been afforded a modicum of respect from Stolly. More than once in their younger years, Maddox had given Stolly a good thrashing for getting too out of hand. Maddox wasn't sure if he would still be able to win. The best thing to do was make sure they never had to find out.

  Stolly looked at Maddox with an evil grin. "How would you like to go to the Order for training?"

  Maddox had never considered it. There was no way his parents could afford it. Order-trained swordsmen could get paid well out in the world. If he could go to the Order, he wouldn't have to rely on his friendship with Stolly ever again. "You know I would love to. But the fact remains that my parents can't afford it."

  Stolly smiled. "I think they may have just gotten the money." Stolly walked over to a small chest in his room and pulled out a pen. "This was a present from my father. It was made by a mage. Anything written with it will be gibberish to anyone not wearing these." He pulled out a pair of normal-looking spectacles. "I will pay your tuition into the Order. In exchange, you will be my eyes and ears and send me reports using this pen."

  Maddox grinned and nodded his acceptance. "When do I leave? I need to tell my folks."

  Stolly smiled. "Go and say your farewells, then ride out first thing tomorrow. By the time you reach the Order, I will have made all your arrangements and paid your tuition. Besides, having an Order-trained swordsman beside me can't ever hurt." Maddox bowed to Stolly and then left in a rush to tell his parents about his great fortune.

  A few days later, Maddox arrived at the Order. The complex was massive, but more utilitarian than he had expected. There were also far more guards and men-at-arms than he would have expected. He stabled his horse and asked the stable hand where he was supposed to go to check in. About that time, a seemingly frail man, perhaps late 40s, walked up to greet him. "You must be Maddox. All your arrangements have been made. Did you have an older sibling attend here? Your parents seemed to know exactly what was needed."

  Maddox swallowed hard. He had just arrived and Stolly had already drawn him undue attention. Perhaps he was the idiot the king claimed him to be. "No Master."

  The gaunt man smiled; a smile that wasn't reflected in his eyes. "I am Master Camen, master of the Order. Shall I show you to your new home?" Maddox nodded and the two of them went inside.

  Maddox followed along and then finally asked. "Are there always this many men-at-arms here?"

  Victor gave him a quick glance and could tell he was more interested in the soldiers than he should have been. "We train lots of people; sometimes one lord or another will send whole battalions to be trained. It is expensive, but well worth the cost should trouble arrive at your door."

  Maddox nodded as if it made sense, but Victor made a mental note to keep an eye on him. He took him to a small room and knocked on the door. A rather plump boy answered. Victor introduced them. "William, this is Maddox; he will be your new roommate. I hope you will take the time to acquaint him with our rules and such." William nodded and stepped aside, gesturing for Maddox to enter. "One last thing." Victor said. "You will probably want to write home and let your parents know you arrived safely. There is a courier set to leave today. I will hold him until you have had a chance to pen your letter. William will show you the drop box. Welcome to the Order new Apprentice."

  With that, Victor turned and left the two apprentices. Victor thought to himself that he should have a look at Maddox's letter home. It wasn’t long before the courier knocked on Victor’s door. He handed Victor the letter from Maddox and waited patiently. Victor unfolded the paper and saw nothing but gibberish. Surely if the boy couldn't write, he would have dictated it to someone that could. He thought it over for a moment and then turned to the courier. "Would you be so kind as to ask Master Yantis to meet me here? I will bring the letter to you when we are done with it."

  The courier bowed quickly, turned and left. An hour later there was a knock on Victor’s door. He knew it would be Yantis, so he yelled. "Enter!"

  Yantis walked into the office and took a seat at the desk opposite Victor. "You asked to see me?"

  Victor was still trying to make some sense out of the writing and nodded distractedly. "There is something peculiar about this letter. I was hoping you could figure it out."

  Yantis leaned over and looked at the letter. A small smile spread across his face. "Well, I can tell you who it is meant for without any tricks at all." Victor looked at him expectantly. "Several years ago, I was in the capital city trying to find some answers for Mayla. The king summoned me to his court. I almost didn't go for fear he knew of my inquiries. Turned out, he wanted a present for his child to teach him the importance of secrecy. What you are looking at is a product of my creation. This letter is intended for none other than Prince Stolly."

  Victor shook his head. "Can you translate it?"

  Yantis smiled. "Not only can I translate it, but I could make you a pen to match. Then we could send the king whatever information we deem fit. You will have your new pen and spectacles within the hour." Yantis stood and left the room.

  Victor knew this could be a powerful tool. Misinformation should never be discounted as an asset. He would need to share this with the others so they might plan on how best to use it.

  Victor’s decision to put Maddox in the dorm with William wasn’t a fluke. Conner and William were from a noble family that had close ties to the Blackenwoods. Victor made himself a note to have William summoned after lunch. The two of them needed to have a little heart-to-heart.

  Victor busied himself with reports and schedules while he waited for Yantis to return. Time passed quickly, as it usually does when one is busy and a knock came against the door. "Enter."

  It wasn’t Yantis as he had hoped, but Dimsey. "Good morning, Victor. With the help of Yantis, I have identified and removed all of the marked coins in the vault and placed them in a safe spot."

  Victor was finishing up some paperwork and grunted. "Good. That’s one less problem to worry about." Victor suddenly looked up as a thought crossed his mind. He smiled grandly at Dimsey, stood up and pointed to a chair. "Please, dear friend, have a seat."

  Dimsey looked at him suspiciously. Whenever Victor got that look in his
eye he wanted something. "Thank you, but I think I’d rather get this news standing, if it’s all the same."

  Victor chuckled. "You know me too well. This time however, the task I have in mind is neither dangerous, nor is its morality questionable." Dimsey sighed and took the seat.

  Victor rubbed his hands together in excitement. "We have gotten a new student today that may have been sent here to spy. I only ask you to do what you usually do. Walk the hallways unseen; just walk the ones nearer to the new apprentice Maddox."

  It was Dimsey’s turn to chuckle. "Just when I wonder, do I get to be too old to be spying on spies?"

  Victor gave a huge grin. "I would say in about four more years, when this new apprentice graduates."

  Dimsey sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "If that is what you wish of me, it shall be done."

  Victor barked a laugh. "You don’t fool me one bit Dimsey. I know you like to have a task and this one may prove vital."

  Dimsey was about to get up when Victor held out a hand. "Wait awhile longer. I was going to send for you anyway as soon as Yantis returned." Victor was about to start explaining the letter and pen, when there was a knock yet again upon the door. This time it was Yantis.

  Yantis entered the room and without flourish, handed over the spectacles and the pen. Victor looked thrilled. "Before I read this letter, do you think you could use that marvelous ring of yours to summon Aram and the others? I would like us to all be privy to these dealings to keep everyone in the loop." Yantis nodded his agreement and then turned his ring a half turn.

  Aram, Mayla, Jerald, Tollis, Rianna and Arlaina were all in the great hall of Blackenwood manor. They were discussing the possibility of returning to the Order that morning to see what had transpired the last few days. Aram had brought Arlaina in that morning to have breakfast with him, but she was due back. She still had a class to teach. They had all decided to make the trip and just before Aram opened a portal, his ring started to vibrate.


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