Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)
Page 9
“I haven’t been able to get you off my mind, Onyx. It wouldn’t feel right to make this a quick fuck. Especially since there is much I want to try. Besides, I believed you paid for a dance that you never received. Am I right?”
I watched in silence as the hunger in his eyes became intrigue. We’ve had to wait until this moment to be alone and he was beginning to enjoy the plans I concocted for us.
“I have no pole here for you, love.” I knew his words weren’t meant to pose a true concern, they were meant to tease me. To place an obstacle in my path to see how I responded. I always got the impression that Onyx was testing me in some way, but I wasn’t sure why.
“I don’t need a pole to turn you on.”
A single finger slid back and forth across his lips arousing me immensely. It was the same move he did every time he thought intensely about something. He may not even realize that he did it, but it was one of the single sexiest things I had ever seen.
“What do you need then, love?”
“Turn down the lights, turn on something slow, and take a seat.”
“As you wish.” He walked away from me to comply with my requests, while I went on a hunt for anything around here that may make this even better.
My eyes scanned around the room but there was nothing I saw that would work. Something near the dark curtain that hid his bed caught my eye. I rushed to it without a second thought, and discarded without a care, was a simple white button up shirt and an all-black tie. It wasn’t much but it was exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to find.
I pulled off the oversized hoodie and my white shorts, leaving them in place of his clothes. My black G-string stayed on as I slid the white sleeves over my arms. The shirt was a couple sizes bigger than I was, but it was perfect. My curves were still visible beneath the fabric but enough was hidden to make him wait before he got to see all of me. I buttoned three buttons below my cleavage, and loosely tied the tie so it covered the remainder of my chest.
I was in my own world getting ready but I heard something that made me turn back toward the rest of the loft. The slow melodic beats that Onyx put on his surround sound stereo were followed by the low mesmerizing voice of my favorite musician, Beulah. Her song “Wanted” filled the space, and a soft blue glow was the only light I saw. Onyx pulled a chair in front of the windows we were pressed against just a few minutes prior.
Cocking his head to the side he sat down and twirled his wrists as a way to say the floor was all mine. I smiled inward as I made my way back towards him. I was in the zone.
I reached the space in front of Onyx and stopped, letting his eyes admire his shirt over me. That dark powerful stare held my body captive, slowly building my confidence to perform for him. I moved close enough for my hands to reach the arm rests. My knees dropped, letting my chest move over the bulge in his jeans, up his stomach and stopping when my cleavage was in his face. Onyx never moved his eyes from mine, but he moved his mouth forward to lightly lick my skin. The light scratch of his goatee and mustache sent goose bumps down to my already throbbing pussy.
Backing up to my feet I turned around, letting my body twist and lower until I was back on my knees in front of him. I didn’t pause as I pressed my weight into my palms and crawled away from him. Letting the shirt slide forward to give Onyx a front row view of my bare ass. I stopped, fanned my leg, and rolled my body into splits. I bounced my ass up and down while my hands ran over the front of my body. Across my chest, grazing my nipple, and down to my hips. My eyes closed as my mind gave in to the sensation. It wasn’t my hands I pictured but his. Those large hands with calloused fingers from a lifetime of strumming a guitar.
My nipples hardened against Onyx’s shirt. The lightest touch of the fabric against me was making my pussy dampen the thin panties rubbing between my throbbing lips. I wasn’t sure how much more of this dancing I could take. I have never needed anything as badly as I needed him. After twirling my hips, accentuating my curves, and delicately stroking the outside of my pussy just enough to make Onyx’s eyes go wild in his stoic expression.
I stood in front of him, slowly sliding the tie from my neck. Dropping it to the floor I took one long stride forward to stand between his knees of his slouched, widened posture. His elbows leaned on the armrests while his finger pressed on the middle of his lip.
“Did you enjoy your dance? Was it all you had hoped for?”
He made an indistinguishable noise without ever peeling his eyes from my face. It wasn’t until I reached up and took the button directly below my cleavage between my fingers. Onyx reached up and covered his hand over mine. My gaze flickered up to his and that deep sultry look made my heart stop.
“You’ve teased me enough, love. The time for fun is over. Now you need to let me tell you exactly what I thought of that dance.”
“Does that mean it lived up to your expectations?”
With a single tug he pulled the bottom of my shirt forward. His shoulder blades caught my fall as my hands pressed into him. Neither of us backed away and slowly Onyx pulled his hand off of mine. Before I even had a chance to miss the warmth of his skin he worked free the buttons. His deep penetrating eyes didn’t stray from the tunnel of sight we were lost in.
The last of the buttons were undone and my heart began beating faster than a hummingbird’s. Tenderly, Onyx grabbed the sides of the fabric, running his thumbs down over the sensitive flesh of my chest. Purposely his nail grazed over my nipples at the same time, causing my pussy to clench hard at the touch. It was almost unbelievable how affected and turned on my entire body was. Especially when I thought of just how little we had physically touched.
As Onyx reached the middle of my stomach with his thumbs he pulled open the shirt, revealing my bare chest to him for the first time. He inhaled a deep groan, letting his stoic expression slip into one of admiration.
“Immensely.” He finally answered. “But now I want to see how good those hips of yours can move when they are on my cock.”
A strangled moan pushed past my lips and despite my instinctual need to stay in control—I was losing it.
“That’s pretty forward of you. Can’t you at least ask nicely?” I teased.
For some insane reason I was fuckin’ nervous as hell around Onyx. Nervous jitters fluttered low in my stomach, my throat grew dry, and I felt the only way to keep my head on straight was to make jokes. It was almost embarrassing how childlike I was acting, but I only prayed Onyx found my nerves to be playful banter instead of rambling nonsense.
“I don’t ask for what I want, Alexandria.”
“If I want something—I take it.”
Just like that Onyx’s entire body lunged forward, his hands roamed freely against my back while his mouth took hold of my breast. I went into complete shock. After all the teasing and soft touches I naturally assumed he would take his time. I couldn’t have been more wrong. His tongue swirled around my throbbing bud while his soft lips massaged my breast. The rough scratches of his goatee, the gentle feel of his lips, and the ongoing attention to my nipple were taking me over the edge. My head dropped back. My hands grabbed hold of his shoulders as my fingers dug deep into his flesh.
The moans rippling through me were ceaseless. The erotic groans from Onyx that rumbled against my chest were making my legs ready to give way completely. My pussy was beyond wet and with every nip against my breast I continued to get wetter than I had ever been in my entire fucking life. Sex juices dripped between my thighs as my pleasure built relentlessly making me wonder if I was going to come without him ever touching.
One of Onyx’s hands glides up my back and wrapped around my waterfall of hair. He yanked my neck back, exposing every inch of my sensitive skin. With one final jerk of my nipple between his teeth, he moved his mouth to kiss directly in the middle of my breasts. My chest beat rapidly and I never seemed to be able to take in as much air as I was exhaling. His lips moved in a sinfully slow path up my chest until latching onto my ne
ck. I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling back into my head, or the sudden gasp from coming out.
“Onyx,” I moaned out, unsure of what I needed. I wanted him to stop, but then again I wanted his mouth to remain against my skin until the end of time. I needed him to hurry up and ram his cock deep into my aching pussy. But I also didn’t want to pass by a single moment of heavenly bliss he was lavishing on me.
The hand still against my back left for a moment, and seconds later his palm came down in a hard slap across my ass. The pain shot through me, mixed with the delicious onslaught of his mouth, and left me seconds away from what was sure to be the best damn orgasm ever. Before the sensations sent me over the edge, Onyx stopped everything he was doing and held me by my shoulders at arm’s length.
“Onyx, please let me come for fuck’s sake!”
A mischievous, sexy, and irritating as hell smile appeared upon his wet lips. I wanted to smack the smile off his face. Although, the other part of me wanted to shove my tongue down his throat because I desperately needed this man’s touch to make me breath again. Tension filled every limb of my body as I was hurting for the relief I’ve been seconds away from twice now.
“Not yet, love.”
“And why the fuck not?” I snarled out.
He reached his mouth forward, placing a simple kiss to the top of my neglected breast. I felt my body whimper as I set aside all possible shame for my begging.
“Because I felt what you were doing. I may not know you very well, but I can tell when you have the mentality from the club, and when you’re just you.”
“I’m always just me.” This was not the fucking time to discuss this shit. All Onyx had to do was fuck me as hard as he could until we both fell apart. Then we could go on our goddamn merry ways.
“That’s a lie.” The word slithered between Onyx’s teeth as if it were poison to say. “One minute you’ll be blushing, nervous, and even a little timid, and it’s so damn sexy. The next you are cold and hard, almost lifeless. I get so fucking hard just watching you but if I wanted to fuck that stripper from the club, I would have done it against that brick wall. When I brought you here I told you it was Alexandria I wanted—not Kandi. This is me reminding you that you are human, and whenever you are near me I need to see you.”
There was nothing I could say. Whether I was Kandi or Alexandria, I never talked about my feelings, and I had no intentions to start now. Yet, something about his words struck hard inside me. As Kandi, I was everyone’s fantasy except for Onyx. I wasn’t even sure how to simply be just Andie, but right now, for him, I was determined to try.
I focused on the features of his face for a long moment. His mouth was relaxed, the deep lines of his cheekbones kept him looking incredible for his age, but it was those eyes. Aside from the wild passion blazing in the dark color there was a hint of longing, too. For some unknown reason, he was dead serious in wanting the real me for tonight and now I knew I had no choice but to give it to him.
I threw my weight against his hold until our mouths were crushed together. My tongue circled his soft plump lips before plunging deep. His hands left my shoulders and wound around my back pulling me into him. I couldn’t keep waiting for whatever else could be planned before the main event. There was no way I could handle moving around the room to finish. This chair was going to have to do because I needed him inside me.
It all happened so fast. My hands pulled at the zipper of his pants pulling his cock free. Onyx reached down and ripped the soaking G-string completely off. My legs situated over him, his fingers spread wide against my hips, and as hard as I could, I dropped down onto his throbbing cock.
A scream ripped through my body as a stifled growl and tightening grip on my hips told me it was just as intense for Onyx. His thick shaft rubbed against my clit sending a chilling vibration through my aching walls causing Onyx to sink his teeth deep into the flesh of my breast. I yelled out from the pain but bounced my ass up and down over his pulsing erection heightening the pleasure.
My body stopped moving for only a minute for a chance to catch my breath, but Onyx couldn’t wait.
“Don’t you dare stop now, love. Ride me hard and fast. Show me just how good you really are.” I never liked feeling as though I had to prove myself but right now I wanted nothing more than to do just that.
My hands pressed into his toned and tensed forearms, and I began to move. I rolled my hips hard, making his dick sink into my drenched center at a rapid pace. He tried to keep his eyes on me but they kept rolling back into his head as the slick tension heightened every sense deep inside. As soon as I changed my pace from hard and fast to slowly taking in every delicious inch of him, he couldn’t focus anymore. His head rolled back as his hands moved around to cup under my ass.
“Oh God. That’s it just like that, baby.”
“Is that the way you like it?”
“Mmm…I like that so fucking much. Show me something else, love. What else can this delectable pussy of yours do?”
As if on command my hips stopped bouncing up and down and began swaying side to side. Every little stretch of my walls made it that much harder to show Onyx all I could do. He may have been just sitting beneath me but his thickness was bringing me almost to orgasm with the slightest movement. I dropped down hard onto him and once I was completely impaled by his cock, I moved my hips in a circular motion.
Our hands clenched into whatever we could reach of the other as I circled around once again.
“Holy fuck, baby. Your pussy is so fucking good. Don’t stop.”
I sped up my pattern of going up and down, side-to-side, and all the way around. My legs were burning like I had never worked out a day in my life, and it was becoming impossible to keep up the pace.
“Wrap your arms around me, love.” I did as he said. Holding on for dear life, I buried my face into his neck. In rapid thrusts, Onyx plunged in and out of me so hard the orgasm I had been on the verge of the entire time suddenly ripped through me.
The intense, pulsing shock my body experiencing was nothing I had ever had before. One sexual encounter had already topped sex with my previous partners, and with every thrust my orgasm became even more powerful. I hardly had a chance to come down from the euphoric bliss before the relentless pounding set off another orgasmic wave. This time Onyx plunged as deep as he could before shooting out his hot jet with a menacing growl, was single sexiest thing I’d ever heard.
A symphony of moans, groans, and sighs echoed around the loft as Onyx’s slow pulsing dick prolonged the final few seconds of pleasure. Finally, we stopped moving and clutched onto each other completely spent and breathless.
Everything about this evening had been out of this world incredible. And I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly made it that way. Was it so damn good tonight simply because I hadn’t had sex in a long while? Could it be because I had been fantasizing about Onyx day and night for over a week now—so it was going to be good regardless?
Or was it possible that this was like nothing I had ever experienced, because Onyx only wanted the real me? Would I even be able to give him that if I wasn’t even sure who I was anymore?
For now, no answer was probably best. Just as long as I could continue sitting here with his arms wrapped around me holding me tight. Making me feel for the first time in longer than I can remember—that I was safe.
After I finally untangled myself from Onyx’s body I escaped to his bathroom to freshen up. I flipped my head upside down to give my hair a little fluff up, slid my white shorts over my bare ass, and took one final look in the mirror. I didn’t know what I expected to see. It wasn’t like after one random fuck I was going to appear any different. But I knew that wasn’t true. Nothing about this was random and there was just something about this mysterious man that made me crave more. I had hoped with an intense all-consuming orgasmic release my need for him would be sated. The fire would be put out and I could get back to the things I needed to put my attention into. It didn’t happen that w
ay at all but at least we still had the rest of the night to silence the desire.
After rebuttoning enough buttons of Onyx’s white shirt to prevent me from letting my chest spill out, I took a deep breath and rejoined him. A soft jazzy sound poured from the surround sound system around the loft. My eyes trailed on him almost instantly as he sat at his massive L-shaped desk, fiddling with a very nice looking camera. He looked up with a smile when he saw me and stood from his chair.
“There she is.” Setting down the camera he closed the space between us. I had every intention to stand where I was to wait for him, but my legs had a mind of their own. I took off toward him, needing to be in his arms.
As if we had done this hundreds of times before, his arms slid around my waist. I stood on my tip toes in order to comfortably wrap mine around his shoulders. Onyx leaned his lips down onto mine, deepening the kiss with each passing moment. I shut my eyes, turned off my mind, and gave in to the overpowering sensation that flowed between us.
Onyx pulled his lips away and it took everything in me to not launch my mouth back onto his. Long fingers twisted leisurely into the loose curls in my hair. A smile never left his face as he watched me with a look that made me desperate to know what was in his thoughts.
“That, Alexandria, was pretty sensational. If I do say so myself.” My lips smirked up, my neck grew hot under his consistent gaze. I never had to think when it came to anything sexual, yet here I was, acting completely out of my norm.
I was giddy, needy, and there were even times when I felt myself grow almost nervous near him. My two personalities were battling for Onyx’s attention; it was exhausting and invigorating at the same time.
“It was enjoyable.” I replied.
Just when I thought the grin on his face couldn’t get it any wider, he proved me wrong. “As much as I like this very formal feel between us, how about we change it?”