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Before the Shattered Gates of Heaven Part 4: Sacrificial Altars (Shattered Gates Volume 1 Part 4)

Page 9

by Bryan S. Glosemeyer

  The debris tentacles sparked wildly in the void, as if vast swarms of electric insects converged on a massive, spherical hive. Putting the fragments together in her mind, Sabira thought the structure’s surface must have originally been composed of thousands of pyramids, each encasing a single, giant eye. Massive, zigzagging bolts of electricity danced from eye to shattered eye, briefly illuminating the blood-red nebula clouds in erratic flashes of light.

  “Each and every one of those pieces,” said Orion, “from the smallest pebble to the most massive megalithic slab, is highly refined Q-El. You guys call it gods bones. Enough there to power hundreds of fleets. Not only is that a staggering amount of wealth, but it’s also the key to one day connecting all the peoples of the galaxy.”

  “Should you find yourself before the Shattered Gates of Heaven . . .” murmured Zonte.

  “Orion, once you’re all set, take us in,” said Gabriel. “Time to go home.”

  Excited and fearful and surrounded by her free brood, Sabira tried to grasp that they were about to travel farther than any khvazol had before them, at least since their ancestors were first brought through the Gates. She remembered lying next to her brood-sister, looking up at the warren’s ancient ceiling and dreaming of the skies above. Remembered the nameless girl she had been, who fought and killed and bled for a chance to see those stars. Remembered how she had prayed for Heaven to look down in return, to be seen by the Gods for her bravery and faith. How many millions more would follow her down that shaft, killing and dying for the glory of cruel, distant Masters and Gods who never were?

  She rubbed at the old scar over her heart. None of it seemed just, none at all. There was no reason why that girl should live, get to be free. No reason why she should have this opportunity to leave conquest and destruction behind, while Maia and Rain lay dead and millions of others remained enslaved. No reason at all.

  And yet, reason or not, that unseen, nameless girl now stood before the Shattered Gates of Heaven, beholding its incomprehensible size and power with her own eyes.

  That girl was a woman now. She was named, she was seen. She was free. She was Sabira Stargazer va Nahgohn-Za, and she had been given the chance to choose her own fate.

  She chose the universe.


  Sabira’s adventures will continue in

  Beyond the Shattered Gates

  (Shattered Gates Volume 2)


  IF YOU’RE READYING this, then very likely you’ve read all four novellas. Which I’m hoping means you liked it enough to keep going this far. Thank you so very much for giving me the opportunity and time to tell you Sabira’s story. Please let the world know what you think about it by leaving an honest review here on the Amazon book page. Even a short review means a ton to new and experienced authors alike.

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  Thank you and hang in there.


  SPECIAL THANKS TO September C. Fawkes for her insightful edits and Dan Van Oss at Covermint Designs for making such eye catching covers. You were both wonderful to work with and I’m looking forward to future projects together. Special thanks also goes to Orion Harbour for the amazing Void Forms Media logo.

  I would like to thank Julia Glosemeyer, my loving wife and first reader, Mary Glosemeyer (love you, Mom!), and Dale Wilson, for getting me writing again. Particular thanks to Katie Harp, Elizabeth “Izanami” Vaughn, and Stephen Crone—your beta-read feedback was invaluable. Thanks to Andre Polk (you are missed, sorry you didn’t get to read this, my friend), Jarad Coates, Astra Price, Tatiana and Buzzy Brennan, Samuel Peterson,, Johnathan Clayborn, and the Space Opera: Writers Facebook group.

  Additional thanks to following podcasts, for many hours of inspiration, instruction, and distraction, that helped make this book what it is: The Sword and Laser, The Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Writing Excuses, The Story Grid, The Creative Penn, and The Psychedelic Salon.


  BRYAN S. GLOSEMEYER lives in San Francisco, CA, where he works in tech support, drinks too much coffee, and wanders the bustling streets with his wife. He has previously published a flash fiction piece in the Question of the Day anthology from Clayborn Press.

  Copyright Pt 4 3

  Dedication 4

  Part 4: Sacrificial Altars 6

  38. 7

  39. 14

  40. 21

  41. 29

  42. 36

  43. 43

  44. 49

  45. 58

  46. 62

  47. 69

  48. 77

  49. 90

  Afterword 102

  Acknowledgements 103

  About the Author 104

  Table of Contents 105



















  About the Author

  Table of Contents




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