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Counter-Hex (Covencraft Book 2)

Page 4

by Margarita Gakis

  He was no closer to figuring out the 'why' of it than he had been when he first found out.

  The other issue he was facing was that, somehow, word of the demon grimoires had gotten out, not only to his Coven, but to others. Paris had already denied several requests from other covens to examine the books. Demon magic, though taboo, was a bit of a fascination. People wanted to see them, to read them, to study them. Paris fought back a shudder at the thought of those books ever making it into the hands of the general witch populace. He'd only just begun to examine one himself and had no idea what he might find. Given the headaches he suffered while reading them, Paris could only assume the very pages themselves were imbued with magic and he could admit he was very afraid at what might happen if others started reading them. For now, he felt relatively safe knowing that he kept one book safe, at his house, while Jade had the other two. His very worry about Jade not having many friends and acquaintances was the same thing that made him believe the books were safe with her. She wouldn't be inviting people over and having them lying about. If the grimoires got out, if witches started trying their hand at demon magic, Paris didn't want to think about what could happen. While Jade was new with magic, he couldn't deny her affinity with the demon spells and the healthy dose of common sense and street smarts she possessed. He felt the books, and the magic, were safe with her.

  He had to push his thoughts aside once he was back in his Coven office. The demands of his job didn't leave much room for rumination and musing. Paris found the rest of his day eaten up by minutiae - responding to correspondence, a quick phone call with other Coven Leaders and then a follow up video conference with the werewolves to ensure they weren't experiencing any bleed-over magic like they had been when Jade first arrived at the Coven. Satisfied the werewolves were unaffected and stable, he continued on with his other coven business.

  A knock at his office door pulled him out of his thoughts. "Enter."

  "Is this area off limits now that I have my own coven?"

  Surprise flooded Paris and he stood up immediately. "Veronica, what are you doing here?" He hadn't seen Veronica in person in over a year and half. His eyes flickered down to his email quickly to see if he missed a message from her indicating she was coming by. She was Coven Leader at another Coven only a short drive away, perhaps a couple of hours. However, given how busy they both seemed to be, they didn't often get the chance to see one another in person. He thought their last email exchange had been a couple weeks ago and didn't recall anything about a visit then. She looked impeccable as always - well put together in a smart suit, her honey-blonde hair pulled away from her delicate features. She walked easily over the carpet in her heels, coming around his desk and giving him a hug. She felt like he remembered - soft, fragrant, and warm. He sometimes wondered why they'd ever stopped seeing each other.

  "I thought I'd come by and visit. I hear you've got a new witch and she's not coven-born. You had to know you'd draw attention." Veronica kissed him quickly on the cheek, brushing away a smudge of lipstick as she did. She pulled back and he ended up cupping her elbows slightly. Up close, her features seemed a bit pinched and tight - as though she hadn't been sleeping well. Paris supposed that was to be expected. Running a Coven was quite an undertaking and while Veronica certainly had the aptitude for it, her magic wasn't nearly as strong as most Coven Leaders. Veronica had always gotten things by hard work and tenacity - making up for what she lacked in magic.

  "It's always a welcome surprise to see you," Paris said. He gestured over to the Queen Anne chairs by the fireplace in his office. "Why don't you sit and I'll have some tea sent up. We can catch up a bit."

  Veronica's hand was warm and solid on his arm as she spoke. "That sounds lovely, Paris." She headed over to the chairs while Paris sent a quick message to his assistant, asking for a tray to be brought up before he joined Veronica at the hearth. She'd kicked her shoes off and tucked her feet up underneath her while still managing to sit straight up, appearing somewhat regal.

  "So, how long are you here for?" he asked.

  Veronica pushed a stray bit of hair back behind her ear. "Oh, you know I hadn't really firmed up any details. I thought I'd come by, see how your new witch was doing, get all the gossip. Maybe stay for your Coven Ball?"

  Paris nodded. "Of course. How are things at your Coven?"

  Veronica waived a hand in dismissal. "I'm sure it's the same all over. Every department wants more funds and each one has an argument why they are the most deserving."

  Paris huffed, nodding his head slightly in agreement. "That certainly sounds familiar."

  Veronica leaned forward a bit and tapped her hand on his arm. "Let's not talk about work. We get enough of it during the day. Tell me, how have you been?"

  "Rather the same, I suppose. I'm afraid I don't have much to talk about if we're taking business off the table." Running the Coven didn't leave him with much time for anything else.

  Veronica made a low sort of 'hmm'-ing sound. "And you've got a new witch, born outside a coven. That's certainly new."

  "Yes, her name is Jade," Paris said. "To be honest, getting her here and convincing her to stay was problematic." Paris had the quick, biting thought that if Jade were there, she would screech in outrage at his simple explanation.

  Veronica's perfectly groomed eyebrows went up. "Really? She was already using power before you located her, correct?" At Paris' nod, she continued. "I would have imagined she would have been thrilled to find an explanation and to be around other witches."

  "I think Jade is accustomed to being on her own. She wasn't quite ready to join in with a full Coven. Of course, there was also the business with Matthew."

  Veronica's eyes darkened and she nodded in sympathy, placing her hand back on Paris' arm and resting it there. "I heard. I'm so sorry about that. I can't imagine that breaking a witch's power, even one as relatively weak as Matthew, was an easy task."

  "No, certainly not." Paris took a breath in. "All that to say, it's been difficult getting Jade settled."

  They were momentarily interrupted by a knock on the door and Paris rose to answer it. He took the tray of tea from his assistant and brought it back over to the fireplace, handing Veronica her tea, plain, before adding a liberal amount of sugar to his.

  "Paris, I don't like to gossip, but I'm afraid I also heard another rumor," Veronica said, her voice low and quiet as she sipped her tea.

  "I'm almost afraid to ask. Nothing travels as fast, as far-"

  "-or as false as Coven gossip," Veronica finished the familiar saying for him, with a smile. Her smile faded and she settled her teacup and saucer in her lap. "I'm sorry if this crass or blunt, but if possible I like to dispel rumors. Certainly one of this size and nature." She paused and Paris had a feeling he knew what she was going to say before she spoke. "I've heard that your mother dealt in demon magic and, in fact, had several demon grimoires."

  There it was. It's not that Paris was a secret keeper by nature, but he was certainly circumspect. He had to admit there was a large part of him that hoped word of his mother's demon grimoires would never get out. But, as with most coven matters, it seemed that had been a foolhardy thought.

  "I'm afraid it's true. We did find some grimoires of hers that were hidden and they do contain demon magic." If Paris thought it would get easier to say with time, he was wrong. It did not. Veronica's face was a mask - as though she was hiding her true expression and he wondered what that meant.

  She swallowed another sip of tea before speaking. "I'm stunned," she said honestly. "I remember growing up here with your mother as Coven leader and I never felt anything in her magic that even hinted at using demon spells."

  "Nor I." Paris stared at the tea in his cup as if it were a scrying surface and could give him the answers that he needed.

  "What's in those books, Paris?" Veronica asked. "Are they dangerous?"

  "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure of their contents. I can't read them for very long. They cause headaches and
blurred vision. Jade is having better luck than I am."

  "Jade has seen the books?"

  "Yes. She's proved to be quite adept at using demon magic."

  "Really," Veronica said, her tone low and soft. "I assume you're keeping these grimoires safe?"

  "I've got one at my house, in the same spot all three remained for years undiscovered. I'm certain no one else can find them. The location was charmed by my mother to be a hiding spot for them and wouldn't be easy to find without someone knowing what they were looking for."

  Veronica made a low 'hmmm'ing sound. "And the other two?"

  "With Jade. She's able to work her way through them faster and has shown more of an interest in them than in other magic."

  Veronica frowned. "Paris, I admit that has me concerned. She's new and she's essentially unknown to us. Is it wise for her to have those books? To be using those books? Shouldn't you keep all three together, with you?"

  "I trust Jade," Paris said simply. It was the truth. He did trust her. While she certainly had an interest in the books and demon magic, Paris had never once gotten the sense from her that it was a malicious or cruel interest. It was more like watching someone figure out a new and complex toy. Jade liked poking things, and the demon books were her new shiny gizmo.

  "Well, I certainly have to make an effort to meet her if she's inspired such faith in you already." Veronica smiled over the rim of her teacup. She placed it down on the small side table next to one of the chairs. She brushed her hands together and smoothed her skirt before folding her hands in her lap. "Well, I should leave you to your work. I'm sure we'll have time to catch up while I'm here."

  Paris stood as Veronica did, reaching out to help her to her feet. She slid her cool fingers into his hand and gripped lightly, using him for a bit of balance as she got her shoes back on.

  "I'm afraid my trip was very ill-planned. I haven't even got a place to stay yet," Veronica said.

  "I can have my assistant book you a hotel room, if you like."

  Veronica smiled and again her face looked a little drawn and tight. He wondered if running her Coven was taking a bit more of a toll on her than he'd previously thought.

  "That would be lovely, thank you."


  Googling how to take care of a lizard had been a bust, mostly because Jade couldn't figure out what the heck Bruce was. He didn't match any of the pictures that she found. He looked most like a Bearded Dragon, but he was way too big and a bit more lemon-green than they appeared to be. He had a collar like an Australian Lizard, but again, he was just too big for that. The Collard Lizard was closest in color to Bruce, but too small. Other than alligators and crocodiles, she really couldn't find anything close to his size. Jade had made a dinner of some baked chicken and potatoes and despite her earlier assertion that she wouldn't feed Bruce, she'd felt bad and ended up giving him a fair portion of both. He seemed to enjoy it and was now looking content, sleeping in front of the fireplace while Jade worked on her computer. She eyeballed him and tried again to match up his appearance with something, anything on the web.


  Maybe she should give the herpetologist a call. But, that would entail admitting she had a seventy-pound, possibly contraband, lizard in her house. Feeling bored with her Google searches, she flipped her tabs over to Netflix and called up a season of a crime show she'd been meaning to watch. Turning off all the lights, she settled in to watch.

  Three hours into watching and Jade knew it was either time to go to bed or to declare it an official TV marathon and watch all of season 1 in one shot, tomorrow at work be damned. One in the morning - decision time. The room was dark except for the glowing of her laptop. She really should get one of those cords to hook it up to her TV. She couldn't keep acting like a college student and watch all her stuff on a tiny screen. Her finger was wavering on the button to start another episode when Bruce leapt up from his prone position on the floor. His claws skittered on the hardwood as he flipped up to his feet. His collar flushed out like a large fan, circling his head. He pointed his body toward the door and hissed - a low, drawn out sound that made the hair on the back of Jade's neck rise. He skittered over to the front door, stopping only once he was right in front of it. He hissed again and another sound came from his throat, a kind of growl.

  Did this mean he had to go out? Or had just gone totally feral? Maybe it hadn't been the brightest idea she'd ever had to let an unknown creature stay in her house without telling someone. She closed the lid of her laptop, finding the 'click' it made in the darkened room louder and sharper than usual.

  "Bruce?" she said quietly. "Do you want to go outside?"

  He hissed at the door again and Jade got slowly to her feet, nervous to approach him. He seemed bigger and meaner in the near-darkness. Jade gently touched one of the puncture marks that Bruce's claws had already left - stitched up by Gellar. She didn't think Bruce would hurt her, but she was still wary as she approached.

  She opened the front door and he shot out like a gun from a bullet - disappearing into the shrubbery around the house. With the winter approaching, the leaves had started to desiccate and fall off, making all of Bruce's footfalls loud and crunchy. There was a far amount of rustling from where he vanished into the dark. Jade squinted, trying to make anything out, crossing her arms over her chest to ward against the chill that moved into the doorway from outside.

  "Bruce?" she called quietly. The rustling stopped and Jade thought the silence that followed it was worse than the ruckus had been before.

  "Bruce?" she said again, this time a little lower, more like a hiss.

  There was a sharp rustle and he trotted out from the hedges, a mess of dead leaves coming with him. His tail swished as he walked, throwing up more debris as he came up the steps to the house, glanced once at her and then went back inside. He scuttled up the stairs and she rushed to lock the door and follow after him, not wanting him to jump all over her bed.

  Jade caught up with him just as he was fixing to jump up, back end wagging a bit as he moved to make the jump.

  "Hey! Not after you've been outside."

  He gave her an affronted look and then made a 'pfffft' sound, settling beside her bed.

  "What was that all about, buddy? Were you catching mice or was that a lizard potty break?"

  He blinked up at her, his pink tongue coming out like a dart to lick over his snout and then disappear back in his mouth.

  "Silence is golden, hey?" She sighed. "You better not wake me up at three to go back outside. The answer will be 'no'." It was time for her to go to bed anyway and it seemed he'd gotten his little run out of his system.

  Another 'pffft' sound escaped him and she felt like they understood one another.

  "All right, then. Goodnight."


  Jade slept hard that night. She woke up the next morning feeling every stretch and strain her muscles had gone through in the sewer the day before. In the in-between state where sleep and awake were simultaneous, her alarm confused her at first, making her wonder what the hell the sound was before she reached out a hand and slapped it off.

  She had a long, solid weight pressed up against her side. She cracked one eye open and spied Bruce stretched along the length of her, pressing against her like a wolf in the wild. She shimmied her hip a bit to disturb him, hoping to wiggle him off. His eyes slid open and immediately focused on her accusingly.

  "It's my bed."

  He didn't move except to close his eyes.

  Jade huffed and tossed the covers back, burying him underneath. He seemed clean enough. Given that he lived in a sewer for god only knows how long, he didn't have a stench about him. He must be light on his feet for his size because she didn't recall waking up in the night when he jumped on the bed.

  Jade still wasn't going to feed him. Mice or pellets or whatever he ate, Bruce was on his own.

  She scrounged up a running outfit, set the coffee up to brew so it would be ready when she got back, and was o
ut the door. She took the back alleys to an access point in the nature preserve close by. Sure enough, as she hopped over the token chain link fence with it's "Do Not Litter - Be like the forest! GREEN!" signage, she spied Daniel's car coming down the road. She dropped down from the fence and trotted over, catching up just as Daniel got out.

  Jade jerked her chin at him. He jerked his back. Morning greeting ritual complete. This early and before any coffee, it was all that could be hoped for.

  She pressed play on her iPod, firing up the playlist she made the night before. The grimace on Daniel's face as he heard the opening strains to Scissor Sisters was more than worth it.

  "I claim cruel and unusual punishment," he said, his voice low and gravelly from the early morning.

  "You 'rookied' me into going down into a sewer with an oversized magical lizard," Jade retorted back, falling easily into a light jog next to him. "You deserve this, the Village People, some remixed Barry Manilow and Shakira."

  Daniel groaned and lengthened his stride a bit as they hit the first tree on the path. "Why do you even have that music at all?"

  "It's a guilty pleasure."

  They fell into their usual routine of running with the only sound the pounding of feet on the pathway and the upbeat, peppy tunes coming from her iPod. Jade couldn't say she liked running. She didn't actively hate it, but she didn't exactly enjoy it either. It was a means to an end. It kept her fit and meant she could fit into her jeans on a regular basis, so she did it. She tried to let the rhythm calm her brain and get her to the 'sweet-spot' where she wasn't thinking about how much her legs were burning or how hard it was to breathe, but instead just focused on the sound of her inhaling and exhaling, the pulse of her feet and the feel of the air brushing by her face.


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