A Master for Matthew (The Dungeon Book 6)

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A Master for Matthew (The Dungeon Book 6) Page 3

by Aimee Brissay

  Finally, the dossier moved on to his kinks, preferences and boundaries. Despite having read this part carefully before, Hugh went through it again, just in case he’d missed something.

  Chapter 3

  Fuck, I’m in over my head. Hugh couldn’t remember the last time he’d thought that. Maybe at his first encounter with the kink scene. There were butterflies in his stomach and a strange fluttering to his heart that he debated having checked out by a doctor, and this time it was all over a person and not over new experiences between the sheets. Though, he wouldn’t say no to that part either. Oh boy, he needed to get his head straight. So to speak.

  Matthew, no matter how gorgeous and sensitive and perfect he was, was just a client. Nothing more, nothing less.

  And yet, he couldn’t get the man out of his head. And to make matters worse, he knew nothing about Matthew except what was in his file at the club and his reactions to Hugh. While that might have been enough for someone else, he wanted to know everything there was to know about him.

  Hugh glanced again at his schedule for the day, though he knew the bloody thing by heart. Six more hours until Matthew’s appointment, and three different subs before then. God, that felt like an eternity.

  He sighed, slumping as he leaned over the table in his room at The Dungeon. Taking a moment to compose himself, he closed his eyes and emptied his mind. There were subs who needed his complete attention, and by God, they were going to get it. When was ready, he pushed himself to a standing position.


  Excitement and fear battled inside Matthew as he drove to the club. For the first time ever, there was a perfect Master at The Dungeon, so now he lived in fear that Sir Spencer would somehow go away. Maybe Sir Brentwood would change his mind and assign him to someone else. Or maybe Sir Spencer would change his mind and ask not to handle Matthew anymore. Fuck, there were so many unknowns, and each of them fed the fire of his anxiety.

  Hitting the wheel with his open palm, Matthew swore under his breath.

  What if something changed and Sir Spencer moved? It wasn’t as if Matthew could do anything to change that. It wasn’t as if he knew where the man lived or how to contact him, and even if he did, what made him think his opinion would matter? It did him no good to stress over it, but here he was, doing exactly that.

  But how could he not? Everything about Sir was perfect. To Matthew, anyway. From his posture to the way he could hold Matthew in mental bondage with a turn of phrase. Just by opening his mouth, he made Matthew want to obey his every wish.

  And mental bondage wasn’t easy to achieve. It took great skill from the Master to inspire that in the sub, and Sir Spencer managed to do just that. A single word from him and Matthew would bend over backwards.

  A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth at the thought. Sir Spencer was hot enough that Matthew wouldn’t mind bending forward for him too. The smile faded, his lips thinning. But why would someone like Sir Spencer give him the time of the day? Matthew was nothing more than a client, and surely Sir Spencer could have anyone he wanted. He wouldn’t look at Matthew that way. But he could dream of it, could he not?


  “On your knees.”

  Matthew knelt elegantly, legs slightly spread, spine straight, head held high. There was a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, his face the perfect picture of calm. The butterflies started up again in his stomach as he took in the image Matthew presented.

  It was their fourth session together and the pressure was not easing off. In fact, Hugh was more and more nervous each time. The good kind of nervous. The kind where his stomach squeezed and he kept glancing at the clock, willing it to go faster and at the same time dreading it. Every time he thought of Matthew, his heart did a double take. He waited for their sessions, while fearing each would not be as good as the previous ones. But they were.

  By now, he was getting to know Matthew and was able to force some of his reactions. He loved the little gasp Matthew made when taken by surprise, or the way he worried at his lower lip when bracing for an impending hit. Which made it difficult for Hugh to stay with a single means of torture.

  Fingers tingled with the need to caress the round of Matthew’s shoulder or the nape of his neck. Hugh made a fist and walked over to the toy table. His hand hovered over the crops and paddles, but after a glance, Hugh decided against them. They didn’t seem to fit his current mood. He discarded the floggers and the whips as well, before stopping at the canes. Yes, that was it. Fingers itching, he picked one. It was the middle width and one of his favorites to start off. Not too thin, not too thick—perfect for a warm-up or for getting used to a sub’s reactions.

  Returning to Matthew, Hugh pursed his lips. The position, albeit perfect, wasn’t suitable for what he had in mind.

  “On your feet. I want you bent over the horse.” Hugh pointed at the wooden padded table on the other side of the room.

  Matthew rose and walked over to take up position.

  “Brace yourself.” Hugh kept the command open on purpose, leaving it up to Matthew to chose the way.

  Matthew wiggled until he settled with his hands against the legs braces on one side, while bending over the other side.

  “Spread your legs.”

  More wiggling and he settled himself into position. Hugh walked up to him, swinging the cane softly in the air. Slapping it slightly against his palm, he weighed it in his hand. Happy with its balance, he positioned himself at Matthew’s side and slightly behind him. Slowly, he swung the cane. It connected evenly, just as he’d intended. A red welt appeared in its wake, which slowly turned white. Matthew gasped, his muscles tightening in response. A small pang of excitement shot through Hugh at the sight and he had to force himself to take a long, steadying breath.

  Clenching his jaws, Hugh swung again, harder this time, making sure to catch the blow right above the first. The cheek wiggled under the force of the blow. Matthew rose on his feet in reflex.


  When there was no response from the sub, Hugh hit him again. Hard.

  “Was that clear?” He marked the question mark with a fresh blow, set precisely over the previous one.

  Matthew moaned. “Yes, Sir.”

  Satisfied with the answer, Hugh let the cane fly again. He hit Matthew’s ass in rapid succession, each welt perfectly placed half an inch apart. Matthew moaned, jerking forward before sliding back into position. The welts turned white, the flesh around them burning a furious pink, and Hugh had to bite back a moan of his own.

  “You look so beautiful.” The words were out before Hugh could think them through, and once they were, he wished he could take them back. Not that they weren’t true, but there was no place for them in a paid session. Or was there? Damn it. Would he ever get the hang of this job?

  To cover up his faux-pas, he let rip with the cane again. He put a little more force into the stroke, both to make himself feel better and to test Matthew’s pain tolerance. Matthew let out a gasp, the muscles in his neck straining, his struggle to remain still obvious.

  After two more strokes, Hugh paused, running his palm over Matthew’s heated buttocks. Matthew shivered, breaking out in goosebumps and swaying. He made for such a pretty picture, Hugh had to bite his lip to stop himself from saying it out loud.

  A low, continuous moan poured out of Matthew, his sway breaking. Hugh turned the handle of the cane in his hand, balancing it again, before bringing it down. Matthew jumped at the sudden gesture, but his movements were slower.

  Hugh hit him again and again, spacing the strokes further and further apart. Matthew’s jerks slowed until he stopped completely. His breath evened, and Hugh let him ride it out. He caressed Matthew’s shoulders and back, carefully observing him. Silently, he took in the serenity on Matthew’s face: lips curved, slightly parted.

  Wrapped up in himself like that, Matthew seemed very young and vulnerable. The image called out to Hugh on a deep level, going beyond the Master to the man inside. He longed
to reach out and touch him, to cradle Matthew in his arms. His own lips tingled with the need to touch Matthew’s, to taste him, to savor him. Then he remembered where he was.

  God damn it, he was starting to hate this job.

  Chapter 4

  “So, what can I help you with?”

  Hugh glanced at his friend. “Why would you ask that?”

  Lucas took a swig of his beer. Hugh tightened his hold around his own bottle. What the hell was he doing here, talking with Luke? It was like putting the cart before the horse, but at the same time, he couldn’t stop himself. Just as he couldn’t help fantasizing about how it would be to actually date Matthew.

  “You brought me here for a beer, but you’ve spent the entire time with your head hanging and a huge frown on your face. So, you’re either trying to find a way to tell me you’re quitting or you want something from me. And something tells me it’s the latter.”

  Sighing, Hugh set down the bottle he’d been nervously turning between his hands and looked up at Lucas. “Is dating allowed between the staff and the customers? I read the internal guidelines and it doesn’t say anything about that.”

  The last of Hugh’s words died down under Lucas’s booming laughter.

  “Ha! I knew it.”

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  Lucas’s grin widened and he wiggled his eyebrows. “It’s a gift.” He shook his head, amusement twinkling in his eyes. “I feel like I’m running a dating service, not a kink club. So, Matthew, huh?”

  Hugh frowned. For a second, he wanted to argue, but his pride didn’t allow it.

  “Yeah.” He returned to twirling the bottle in his hand. “You knew this would happen, didn’t you? That’s why you called me in the first place.”

  Lucas shook his head. “No, not for sure. I hoped you two would hit it off, but I can’t say I knew. I figured the worst thing that could happen was I gained a Master. As you saw, Matthew is not our only slave, and most of our Tops swing toward the more sedate tastes.”

  “I can understand that. So?”

  “So? Oh, the rules. You know, you’re the first one to ask me that?”

  “How come? There are quite a few couples involving a staff member.”

  “I know. But as long as they’re not causing any trouble and the relationship is mutually consensual, who am I to oppose it?”

  “Would that apply to me?” Hugh pressed.

  Lucas frowned, pursing his lips. “That’s a good question.” The humor was gone from his face and the club owner had replaced Hugh’s friend.

  Hugh could understand Lucas’s hesitation. A relationship like the one he, and perhaps Matthew, was seeking would go beyond any of the others at the club.

  “Yeah, I guess it’s fine.”

  Hugh let out a long breath, but the relief he felt at the approval slowly turned into anxiety. Now there was no excuse not to date Matthew, the pressure was on. What if they weren’t a good fit? How would that affect Matthew? Would he still want to attend the club if they broke up? And why the hell was he thinking about breaking up when they hadn’t even had a first date yet?

  Trying to think of something else, Hugh took a swig of his beer, only to find Lucas smirking at him. “What?”

  “Don’t over think it.” He paused, shaking his head. “Come on, admit it. You’re already worrying about the end of it. Right?” Hugh’s scowl only made Lucas grin wider. “I know you too well.”

  “I’m trying not to.”

  “You do that.”

  Lucas raised his glass and silently toasted Hugh. Hugh responded in kind and downed a good third of his beer.

  Hugh went home in a slightly better mood. Of course, having Lucas’s approval wasn’t everything. Hugh still had to get Matthew to go out with him. For days, he pondered the best way to do it. Sure, they saw each other at the club every other week, but Hugh didn’t want to ask him out during a session. It might be perceived as a demand, rather than what it really was. So he had to find another opportunity.

  For once, the file The Dungeon had on Matthew felt incomplete. There were no details regarding his hobbies, his habits. How was Hugh supposed to meet him somewhere outside the club when he didn’t know where Matthew went? He couldn’t walk the entire town in the hope of stumbling into Matthew, and he couldn’t bring himself to ask for Lucas’s help. Somehow that felt wrong.

  At least the file mentioned Matthew’s place of employment, so Hugh could start there.


  Matthew jogged the last steps to the back entrance of the restaurant, glancing up at the dark clouds gathering overhead. He hurried inside, his jacket billowing around him, caught by a gust of wind.

  “This is gonna be a bad one.”

  “Tell me about it.” Amanda, the morning-shift manager rolled her eyes at the window. “I had plans with the kids at the park this afternoon. I guess I’ll have to find something for them to do indoors.”

  After shucking off his jacket, Matthew grabbed his apron from the hook and tied it over his midsection. “Oh, that sucks.”

  “Tell me about it.” She put on her coat and checked her umbrella. “Robert is already here,” she informed Matthew as she headed out.

  Groaning to himself, Matthew added an extra knot to his apron. He hated his boss. The weeks he had to work the early shift were the greatest. Amanda was nice and she ran a tight ship. Unlike Robert, who managed to get on everyone’s nerves.

  Once set, he washed his hands, grabbed the little electronic pad and pencil and headed to the main floor for the start of his shift.


  Robert grunted something in return and pointed somewhere over Matthew’s shoulder. Matthew’s gaze followed the gesture to find Sir Spencer seated at a table. In his section, no less. He stared at the man for a full ten seconds, waiting for the Master to disappear. He almost turned to Robert, to ask him what Sir Spencer was doing there, but it would serve no purpose and might arouse Robert’s suspicion. Then Matthew would have to come up with an explanation as to who Sir Spencer was and how they’d met. He choked on his increasing anxiety. What if Sir Spencer came here to out him?

  Still staring, Matthew fought to gather himself. He hated Robert, but he loved this restaurant and the owner and he didn’t want to lose them. Crap. Steeling himself, hand fisted around the little pad, Matthew strolled over, ready for a confrontation.

  Sir Spencer looked up, his eyes warming when he caught sight of Matthew, which made Matthew miss a step. Upon reaching the table, Matthew halted, mouth opening and closing, but unable to utter a single sound.

  “Hello, Matthew.”

  Stomach fluttering at the sound of that British accent, Matthew fought the need to lower his gaze. “What are you doing here, Sir?”

  “No hello? I’m hurt.” Sir Spencer looked offended, but it was mellowed by a little smile playing at the corners of his lips.

  Heat rose to Matthew’s cheeks at the chastisement, and he mumbled a soft greeting. Through hooded eyes, he saw Sir pursing his lips, and he cringed, waiting for the punishment. Then he remembered where they were and his anxiety of being outed returned in full force. Shuffling, Matthew struggled to find the best way forward.

  But Sir Spencer offered him a comforting smile. “I’m sorry to barge in on your place unannounced.”

  Matthew held his breath, waiting for the but.

  “But I wanted to talk with you outside the club.”

  At mention of the club, Matthew’s heart skipped a beat and he glanced around in panic. When he realized they were alone, he let out the breath he’d been holding and returned his gaze to Sir Spencer. “Why?”

  “I wanted to ask you out.”

  Matthew blinked rapidly. He knew all the words, but somehow, when put together, they made no sense.


  “Yes. As in a date.”

  Eyes widening, Matthew stared. Then his heart started hammering against his ribs. “A date? With me?”

  “Yes. I’d be hono
red if you’d join me for dinner and a movie this Thursday night. I’m sorry it’s midweek, but I’m working Friday to Sunday.”

  Matthew stared some more, trying to make heads or tails of what Sir Spencer was saying.



  The smile never left Sir’s face, nor the warmth his gaze. “So, would you like to accompany me to dinner and a movie of your choosing?”

  Finally, the words started making sense, and Matthew jumped at the opportunity. “Yes.”

  The smile on Sir’s face widened. “Thank you. Would you mind if I called you tonight with the details? Maybe around nine?”

  “No. I mean, my shift ends at eleven, so I won’t be home until twelve.”

  “I understand. Would you like me to call you then, or do you prefer to wait until morning?”

  “Midnight is fine.”


  When Sir didn’t get up and leave, Matthew stared at him. “Would it bother you if I stayed for lunch?”

  “Lunch?” God, he sounded like an idiot. He really needed to focus better before Sir ran away screaming.

  “Yes.” Sir held up his menu. “Your clam chowder soup sounds interesting.”

  “Oh.” Going for his pad and electronic pencil, Matthew slipped back into his routine. “Yes, it is good. Would you like some wine to go with that?”

  “No. I’m driving, so I’d rather not drink. Maybe some sparkling water, if you have it?”

  “Sure. Right away.”


  Hugh watched Matthew go. Idly, he played with his paper napkin. It wasn’t a nervous tick—he would have trained himself out of it if it were—but he found that keeping his hands busy helped him think better.

  He’d noticed Matthew’s shock and distress at seeing him here, and the way he’d looked around to make sure they wouldn’t be overheard. Clearly, Matthew wasn’t out at work. Not that Hugh could blame him. The BDSM community still carried a certain stigma. But maybe Matthew hadn’t come out as gay either. That was the whole reason he’d ordered lunch: to spare Matthew the need to come up with an excuse for his manager.


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