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Unimaginable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 3)

Page 11

by Rosalie Redd

  Sheri tapped on the brake pedal and a high-pitched squeal pierced her ear. She flinched. The car needed new brakes. With her odd hours and busy schedule, she hadn’t had time to deal with the issue. She’d do that before she left for Seattle.


  After shoving the gearshift into park, she relaxed in the seat and leaned against the headrest. A new job, a new life, a chance to start over. A feeling of weightlessness lifted her spirits, and she couldn’t suppress the smile that tugged at her lips.

  When she’d given her notice, Matt had reacted better than she thought he would. One more shift was all he’d asked of her. To ease her conscience, she’d stayed late to help him clean the break room. It was dark now, but if she hurried, she could make dinner and start packing before she called it a night. She got out of the car and with an extra bounce in her step, headed up the small walkway to her front door.

  The moon peeking through the clouds cast strange shadows along the ground, turning the tree tops into long pointy claws. As she flipped through her keys, the slippery bunch fell to the ground. With a groan, she bent over to pick them up. From inside the house, a small thump echoed.

  “Oh, Coop, what are you doing in there, boy?” She couldn’t wait to see her pet.

  A strange silence emanated from the house. Why didn’t he greet her?

  She tensed.

  Goosebumps rose along her arm.


  She remained in her crouched position, and she tightened her fingers around her keys. The wind in the trees and her own heartbeat were the only sounds.

  After several seconds, she shook her head. Maybe she’d imagined the noise and Coop was still asleep in his bed. Still, her hand shook as she placed the key in the lock. With a quick turn of the handle, she opened the door and stepped inside.

  The bitter tang of rubbing alcohol assailed her nose. She flicked on the light.

  Her home was in shambles. A broken chair leg protruded from under the love seat. White stuffing sprung from gashes in the overturned cushions. Books and papers were strewn across the floor.

  Coop’s still form lay partially hidden behind the upended coffee table.

  She gasped. Her keys slipped from her fingers. They jangled as they bounced on the carpet.

  A torrent of fear rippled over her skin. Oh, Coop!

  Something moved, catching her attention. A scream bottled up in her throat.

  She took a tentative step toward the door, her legs nearly giving out underneath her.

  “Stop.” A woman’s rough voice ground Sheri to the spot.

  She held her breath, her muscles aching with tension.

  “Where’s the stone?” Dressed in a short skirt and tight blouse, a woman emerged from the kitchen. She sauntered into the room as if she owned the place. Tall, with long blonde hair, she was beautiful—until an unearthly grin spread across her face. “Give me the stone and I’ll let you live.”

  “S…stone?” Sheri shook her head, taking another step toward the door.

  The woman eased closer, her hands loose at her sides. “Of course, the stone. I’m sure Tanen must’ve mentioned it to you.”

  Sheri’s heart skipped a beat. “Tanen? Where is he? Is he okay?”

  The woman’s forehead creased. “Don’t play games with me, little girl. I could crush you in my palm.” She curled her hand into a fist.

  A rush of adrenaline coursed through Sheri’s veins. An unfamiliar need welled inside—to fight this female, rip at her hair, kick and tussle until one of them was victorious. Although this woman was taller and bigger, Sheri wasn’t a waif, her own frame large and strong.

  The woman smiled. “Jakar, please, join us.”

  She has a partner. Great.

  A man emerged from the hallway leading to Sheri’s bedroom. He was bald, his head as hairless as a newborn babe, but his most noticeable feature were his black, inhuman eyes.

  Her throat constricted, cutting off her scream. She bolted for the open door.

  He crushed her against the wall, slamming the door shut before she could escape. The clammy skin on his arms rubbed against her, and the sharp astringent scent intensified. She gagged.

  “Were you leaving? No, I don’t think so.” His deep voice resonated into her chest, chilling her.

  He grabbed her wrists and yanked them behind her back. Pain radiated up her arms and she cried out, but he only snickered. With a quick pull, he flipped her around to face him.

  His breath reeked of alcohol, bitter and tangy, adding to his awful smell. Except for his dark eyes, he seemed human, that was, until he smiled. Serrated teeth gleamed white in the entryway light.

  Her adrenaline spiked. This time, her scream tore from her throat, continuing on and on until she ran out of breath.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you done?”

  “Jakar, bring her here.”

  “As you wish, Mauree.”

  Twisting and turning in his grasp, Sheri couldn’t break his hold. Before she knew what had happened, she was face to face with the woman. Her blue eyes flickered with madness.

  “So, this is what a human female looks like.” Mauree’s gaze raked over her face and down her body. “You’re not much different in appearance, but the word “weak” comes to mind.”

  “What did you do to my dog?” Sheri blurted the words before she could stop herself.

  Mauree gripped the front of Sheri’s shirt. “He got in the way…attacked Jakar. He’s only unconscious, for now. So, where is the stone?” Face to face, Sheri stared into this crazed woman’s eyes. Gold flecks swam in her irises, reminding Sheri of Tanen.

  “I…I don’t know…” A memory flashed before Sheri’s eyes. Tanen had gripped the stone to his chest during his fever. It must still be in the bedroom.

  “Tanen’s been here. I can smell him.” Mauree’s lips drew into a thin line. “Knowing that weasel as I do, I’m sure he would’ve gloated over his bauble. Such a pretty blue stone—now, tell me. Where. Is. It.”

  With her hands behind her back, Sheri didn’t have any leverage. Jakar’s grip was firm, and his fingernails bit into her skin. She could only shake her head.

  Mauree yanked Sheri free of her captor. Sheri’s hands landed on Mauree’s biceps. The skin on skin contact lit up the sensitive nerves in her fingertips. Hot and powerful, anger roiled in Sheri’s gut, building, growing until a strong tingle rippled down her arm. A short, intense spark radiated from her fingers.

  “Ow!” Mauree shoved Sheri aside. Her eyes widened for a moment before her focus narrowed once again.

  “You seem…attached to your little pet.” Mauree smiled and gold flecks danced in her eyes. “If you don’t give me the stone, I’ll kill your dog.”

  “No!” Sheri’s legs shook, yet a part of her wanted to strangle Mauree for threatening Coop. Her fingers curled into a fist, and her warm palm itched.

  “Jakar.” Mauree nodded toward Coop. “Take care of that animal.”

  Jakar turned toward Sheri’s little companion, and her chest clenched. “Wait. I…think I know where the stone is.”

  Mauree licked her lips and took a step forward. “Ah, much better…and where would that be?”

  “In my bedroom, on the floor or under the bed.” Sheri hated herself for giving into their demands, but she wouldn’t let them hurt Coop.

  Mauree motioned to Jakar and he raced down the hall. Moments later he returned, the blue sunstone wedged between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Give it to me.” Mauree held out her hand.

  Jakar hesitated ever so slightly, but then handed the gem to his companion.

  Sheri edged toward Coop, putting more distance between herself and these two intruders.

  “Well, looks like we’re through here. We’ll be going now.” Mauree headed for the door, then stopped. With exaggerated flair, she placed her finger along the side her chin. “Oh, wait. One last thing… Jakar, change her. Turn her into a Gossum. We could use the extra help.”

He snickered. “I can’t.”

  “Why not? She’s human.”

  “Females don’t survive the transition to Gossum.”

  Sheri’s mind spun. She didn’t understand their words, but the intent behind them was clear. If she stayed, she was dead. She sprinted for the door.

  Mauree grabbed her arm, but Sheri slipped through her fingers only to trip and land on her hands and knees. Skidding on the carpet, the rug burned into her skin.

  Mauree gripped a fistful of Sheri’s hair, using it as leverage to haul Sheri to her feet. Her scalp burned.

  “I’m afraid you’ve seen too much, my dear.” Mauree shoved Sheri toward Jakar. “Kill her.”

  As Jakar’s grip tightened around her waist, Sheri’s chest clenched and she couldn’t breathe.

  Outside, loud footsteps approached on the walkway. The ground shook from the force. Before she could blink, the front door burst open, slamming against the wall. A large figure loomed in the doorway. Tanen…


  Tanen stepped over the threshold and into Sheri’s home, his dagger gripped in his palm. An acrid, astringent scent filled his nose. He scanned the room and his vision pinpointed on Sheri. Jakar held her in front of him, his hand wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. His free hand was at her throat, claws extended.

  Tanen froze.

  Mauree’s laughter bubbled into the air, thick with acid. She smiled, her once beautiful features morphing into something dark, something evil. Tanen’s gut twisted.

  “My, my, Tanen. Your timing,” she waved her hand in the air, “…is perfect, shall we say.”

  A low growl emitted from his throat, his beast pounding against his will, eager to attack and fight against the threat. He preparing to strike, the muscles in his arms and legs tensed.

  “Don’t move…that wouldn’t be a wise choice.” Mauree’s low tone skated over his nerves, pinning him in place. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek and dripped onto the carpet.

  “Tanen…” Sheri’s voice quivered.

  He glanced at her and his chest constricted. All of this was his fault. Sheri was caught in the consequences, the undertow of his choices. His grip tightened around his dagger. “Let. Her. Go.”

  Mauree tittered then her features hardened. “Silly Tanen, you are in no position to make demands. Jakar, we have what we came here for. Kill her and be done with it.”

  “Noooo!” Tanen launched himself toward Jakar.

  Time seemed to slow.

  Flashes of light pulsed from Sheri’s fingers. Static electricity sparked in the air.

  Jakar flinched, releasing his hold on Sheri. She slipped through his fingers.

  Tanen tackled his enemy and they rolled across the carpet. Jakar’s back slammed into the wall and a picture frame fell, nailing him in the face. His tongue lashed out, barely missing Tanen’s ear.

  Tanen thrust his dagger at Jakar’s chest, but the wily creature squirmed under Tanen’s weight. The weapon missed its mark, embedding into the Gossum’s shoulder. He hissed.

  Mauree approached Sheri, her blue eyes flecked with gold.

  A sour taste formed at the back of Tanen’s throat. He ripped the dagger from the creature’s shoulder.

  Jakar’s tongue snaked from between his serrated teeth, the barbed end connecting with Tanen’s wrist. The venom worked into his hand, numbing his fingers, and he couldn’t maintain his grip. The dagger slipped to the carpet.

  With his free hand, he clawed the scales at the back of Jakar’s neck—the Gossum’s weak spot. Jakar screamed, his shrill screech piercing the air. The evil creature writhed beneath him.

  “Tanen!” Sheri’s shriek pulled his attention to her.

  Mauree wrapped her hands around Sheri’s throat.

  Sheri scraped at Mauree’s fingers, her face reddening.

  A surge of adrenaline coursed through Tanen’s veins. Sheri! He pushed away from Jakar and rose to his feet.

  A bright blue flare burst from Sheri’s fingers. Mauree screamed, releasing her hold. She stared wide-eyed at her hands. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room.

  Tanen tensed. What just happened?

  Mauree punched Sheri in the jaw. She fell to the floor—lifeless.

  His chest constricted so tight he couldn’t breathe, his scream of rage bottled up in his throat. Sheri… He raced toward her.

  Before he could get there, a heavy weight landed on his back. Claws tore into his shoulders.

  He lost his balance. One knee crashed to the ground.

  Jakar’s teeth snapped at Tanen’s neck.

  Tanen couldn’t take his eyes off Sheri. She lay on her back, motionless. Her blank stare bore into him.

  The scream he’d held on to burst from his lips, morphing into a howl. His beast took over, pumping blood through his veins, fueling his anger, his need for retribution.

  He lashed out at Jakar with his uninjured hand, punching the creature in the face, again, and again. The hair on his arms grew long and thick, and his bones cracked as they expanded.

  A deep growl rumbled in his chest.

  His beast was loose. Tanen couldn’t stop the change now. A moment later, he was eight and a half feet tall. His clothes disappeared under a thick pelt of fur covering his bulging muscles. Tusks burst from his mouth, the ends sharp as a razor. The need to kill welled inside, and he poured all his aggression into his attack, his focus solely on the Gossum behind him.

  He reached over his shoulder and grabbed Jakar by the nape. With a quick jerk, he tore the evil creature from his back, and threw him against the wall. At the impact, a grunt burst from Jakar’s chest. He shook his head and glared at Tanen, spittle dripping from his mouth.

  Tanen roared. His beast couldn’t wait to rip into the enemy.

  Movement out of the corner of his eye caught Tanen’s attention. As he turned, the bottom of a high-heeled shoe, the tip missing, slammed into his face. Mauree…

  Pain blurred his vision. Blood trickled from his nose. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

  “Hurry, Jakar! Let’s go. We have the sunstone.” Mauree’s voice floated through the fog in Tanen’s brain. “Now that I have the blue sunstone of legend, I’ll have my revenge on Noeh. Thank you, dear Tanen, for your contribution.”

  The sunstone…Noeh. Tanen’s breath caught in his throat. With his beast in control, the need to protect his king drove him forward.

  As the two disappeared through the doorway, he raced after them. Before he crossed the threshold, he stilled. He turned toward the female sprawled on the floor. Mine… His beast’s declaration reverberated through Tanen’s mind, the truth in the words settling into him. He released a low, baleful roar.

  He rushed to her side. Was she alive? He couldn’t swallow, his mouth suddenly dry. With as much care as he could muster in his beast form, he wiped a few stray strands of hair away from her face. She didn’t stir, but her soft breaths against the back of his hand tingled his skin.

  She was alive.

  His shoulders slumped, and the weight on his chest lightened. The beast sat and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping her in his embrace. Her dark lashes caressed her cheek, and her lips were rosy from her fight. A few cuts marred her skin along with a red spot on her chin, but he didn’t see any other wounds. As he cradled her against him, his beast growled softly. A possessiveness he’d never experienced before washed over him. Her soothing breaths calmed him, relaxing him.

  He rocked her until the beast slept.


  A short canine whine filled the air, and something warm and wet nuzzled Tanen’s cheek. As he woke, a headache pounded behind his eyes. Coop barked, and his tail beat against the carpet. Fogged memories flooded Tanen’s mind—Mauree, Jakar, the fight—Sheri. He tensed. Sheri…

  Awareness of her weight in his arms and the warmth of her skin brought him fully awake. He was in his human state, his sweat pants and shirt clinging to his body. I must’ve transitioned back to human while I sl
ept. He didn’t want to think about how that happened, his concern for Sheri forefront in his mind. As he cradled her close, her magnificent hair covered her face, hiding her features from him. The fine tresses tickled his arm, and her soft skin tingled his nerves. His need to touch her, hold her, protect her, burned a bright flame in his chest. He swallowed, and his throat constricted.

  “Sheri,” he whispered.

  She didn’t rouse.

  Coop whined. He stood and barked, again, and again.


  With a soft caress, Tanen wiped a few stray hairs away from her cheek, uncovering her gorgeous features. Long, luscious lashes graced her skin, and soft, even breaths escaped between her parted lips. He longed to kiss her, the pull so strong, his chest ached. Instead, he trailed a finger down the side of her cheek to her jaw. A couple of cuts and a small gash, inflamed and red with a dried spot of blood, was the only indication she’d been injured.

  He glanced around the room, assessing the damage. Magazines and papers from the overturned coffee table were strewn across the carpet. The sofa cushions and pillows lay haphazardly over the couch, the floor, the chairs. In the corner, tilted at an odd angle was the bookcase, its contents scattered across the rug, as if a giant wave had taken the books out to sea.

  At least Mauree and Jakar were long gone. He curled and uncurled his fist. His rage, his need to protect Sheri had brought his inner beast to the surface. The beast had elected to stay with Sheri instead of pursuing his enemies. He was protecting his mate.

  Tanen returned his attention to the beautiful female in his arms. With a gentle nudge, he rocked her in his embrace, rousing her. “Sheri, wake up.”

  A soft moan eased from her mouth.

  Coop barked, the loud noise piercing Tanen’s ears.

  Sheri’s eyelids fluttered. She peered at him. The tension in his chest released, and he let loose a slow exhale. He couldn’t help but smile. “Sheri.”

  Her brow scrunched together. “Tanen?”

  She sat up, pulling away from his embrace. Her gaze darted around the room. She tensed, the muscles in her legs and arms instantly rigid. “What…oh, no!” A high pitched scream emerged from her lips and she scrambled out of his arms. “Where…where are they? Are they gone?”


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