Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1)) Page 6

by Burns, Rachel

  That got me to thinking that what I had to say to the Pastor today about no one from my side coming. Tears filled my eyes and I hung my head.

  “Amelia, could I have a private word with you in my office?” He was already standing up and helping me with my chair. I stood and he took my hand. His hands were so warm and strong. I wished that this was all real, a real happy family.

  He sat me down in a chair facing his desk. I still couldn't look at him. He leaned back against his desk. “Amelia, tell me what is wrong.” His voice had that same strict tone to it but it was filled with sadness too. He had never sounded so sad before. It made me look up at him. His eyes were sad too.

  “I'm sorry,” I whispered.

  He nodded without saying anything. He went around and sat behind his desk. He slumped down. I hung my head again. The silence surrounded us and suffocated me.

  He got up again and came back to me. He laid his hand over my folded ones on my lap.

  “I'm being a baby, aren't I?” I looked at him to see if he was losing his patience.

  “I need you to tell me exactly what is bothering you.” He looked somehow happy. Was he so sure that he could help? He couldn't. My problems burdened my shoulders and not his.

  “I'm sure it's just nerves.” I wiped away the tears that had collected in my eyes again.

  “Tell me everything. I've got plenty of time.” He knelt down in front of me and looked at me with so much concern. His care for me brought even more tears to my eyes. He swooped me up in his arms and carried me behind his desk. He sat down with me on his lap. I laughed a little at that.

  He smiled at me too. “Can you tell me now?”

  I laid my hand on his chest. He was so strong. He had so easily picked me up. “I'm sorry you can't have the wedding that someone like you should have, because of me. A wedding should be a such a happy time and now because of me you feel you can't invite your friends and family just because I don't have any.” Everything spilled out in one breath. I sobbed onto his chest.

  He held me tight and patted my back like you do with a baby. “The only thing I want out of our wedding is you.” I believed him. He loved me so much.

  “We should get married in Vegas. A no questions asked wedding might be better.”

  That had him chuckling again. He seemed to think I was cute.

  “You deserve a better wife.”

  “No, sweetheart, it's you who deserves a better husband. Look how selfish I am.” He held me with one arm while he opened a drawer. He pulled out two empty silver picture frames. “One is for this desk here and one is for my desk at work. I was going to put our wedding picture in them. I think I have spent too much time getting everything ready for the wedding that I forgot to get you ready for it too. My lack of attention appears to make you feel unwanted or you wouldn't be worrying about such nonsense.” He held me even closer.

  “Why is it, that you always worry about me, Amelia? Do you ever think about yourself?” he asked, smiling.

  “I don't understand. Why is having a frame for wedding pictures make you a bad husband?”

  “I envisioned the picture of us in it. The perfect church wedding, you in a beautiful white dress, me in a tux.” He smiled at me. “I realize that guys don't often dream about weddings but I have become obsessed with making things up to you. I wanted to start with the perfect wedding.”

  He pulled me even closer to him. His lap was the most comfortable place in the whole world.

  “I need to spend time with you too. What do you want to do tonight? A date?” He was laughing at me.

  That's when I realized that he had made me completely forget why I was upset. The trick hadn't worked long. I pushed away from him and stood up. “I'm sure you have more important things to do.”

  “What was it? What did I say that pushed you away? Tell me. I'll never do it again.” He got up and came to stand in front of me.

  I had to lift my head up high to see him. He looked like he was filled with regret.

  I smiled at him. I wanted to reach out and touch him. My hand started to reach up to his face but I was too shy. I slowly pulled it back. “You didn't do anything. I realized it was a trick to make me forget why I was sad. It was very nice of you. I'll just go to bed early tonight.”


  I looked at him surprised.

  “You may not go to bed now. I know you would lay awake and worry about all that and whatever else you can think to worry about. We will watch a movie tonight. Eat popcorn and get lost in whatever world the silver-screen shows us. I insist, sweetheart.” He held out a hand to me.

  I tried so hard not to smile. I wanted to give in but I was pretty sure that he didn't have time for something like that. “I know you don't have that kind of time. My father worked all the time too. I'm fine but thanks for the offer.”

  “Amelia, I have already warned you about back-talking me. Don't start with anything like that. I know your father took very bad care of you but I'm your daddy now and I will take very good care of my little girl. Come with me. I have a surprise for you.”

  I took his hand. I couldn't take a scolding. I felt so ashamed of myself.

  He pulled me out of his office.

  Nanny had been waiting on a bench outside.

  “Nanny, we are going on a date.” He grinned as he informed her. “We won't be needing you for a couple of hours. I will bring her to your room afterwards.” He pulled me up the stairs.

  Nanny looked surprised too.

  “Don't worry Nanny, the movie theater is in the house with plenty of servants. I'm sure that I will behave myself.” His mood was incredibly good.

  We went up lots and lots of stairs. There was really a movie theater at the top. I had only seen the first two floors when he showed me the house. He turned on a computer and servants came racing up the stairs. Lights were being turned on. The smell of popcorn started to fill the air.

  “Sweetheart, come here. What kind of movie do you want to see?”

  I shrugged. “I've never been to a movie, you choose.”

  At first he looked surprised and then he shrugged. “I think we should watch a comedy.” He typed into his computer and then he stood up. A servant took his place at the computer. He took me by my elbow and led the way to the snack counter.

  “Two popcorns, please.” He was really playing this up. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Water, please.” I smiled and played along too.

  “Don't you want a soda?” He looked amused with me again.

  “No, I don't like that either. That gives me a tummy ache too,” I apologized.

  “That's a new one. I have never met anyone who doesn't like soda but it explains the perfect teeth.” He was still smiling at me.

  I licked over my teeth sensitive about them immediately.

  “They are perfect,” he assured me. “Do you want something sweet, sweetheart?” His eyes were positively dancing.

  I shook my head and raised my shoulders. I didn't know what was what.

  “Let's start with something simple. Milk chocolate?”

  I nodded, he remembered what I had said about that. He turned around and led me into the theater. It had several huge cushiony chairs. There were three rolls of seats. He led me to a sofa seat. I felt unsure what to do. He waited for me to sit down. Then he joined me. Servants brought in our things.

  There were little tables to put the popcorn and drinks on. The servants did that for us and then they left. The theater darkened and little floor lights came on. Then the curtains opened a screen appeared. The movie started. It was a kid's movie about an old couple and balloons.

  Brian moved over to me and laid his arm around me. We laughed together even though it wasn't for our age. This was something like we would watch at school around Christmastime. The movie had me laughing and then crying. He got me a tissue when the wife died. He held me even closer.

  I hardly ate anything. I was so nervous and I was afraid of an upset stomach.
br />   As the movie ended I sighed, a happy sigh. He pulled me to my feet and walked me down to Nanny's room. He was beaming as he knocked on her door. She opened it quickly, holding it open wide for me to come in.

  “Thank you. I had a lovely time.” I turned to look at him before I walked in. He still looked very pleased.

  Nanny stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind her. I took the chance to go to the bathroom all by myself. I was already in my pajamas with my teeth brushed when she came in.

  She smiled at me nicely too. “Let's get you oiled and then you can go off to bed.”

  My jaw dropped. I had been in such a good mood. That was over with. “Oh.”

  “Yes, oh. I know it embarrasses you but it needs to be done.”

  I nodded in defeat and she started unbuttoning my pajamas. I felt so ashamed.

  “Amelia, I wish you would have had a nanny when you were a child. You seem to be so ashamed of yourself. You don't need to be. You are a very well behaved and smart girl. I think you did a wonderful job taking care of yourself. How you managed without a mother or a nanny impresses me but there are things a person can't guess at. You can lean on me. I will take care of you in every way. You are in no way disgusting or an unattractive girl. You should be happy about that. It was your beauty that caught his eye but it was your sweet innocence that caught his heart. He loves you so much. He wants you to be happy.” As she spoke she went about her task. I fell into her ams afterwards and sobbed until Brian came in to see what was wrong. He stayed behind the closed bathroom door as he spoke with Nanny.

  Nanny explained that I had clung to her after a scolding. She helped me into a robe.

  “What did you scold her for?”

  “Not thinking she was worth all the attention that she gets.”

  He came in and took me out of Nanny's arms. He carried me to bed. Nanny pulled back the blankets and he laid me in bed so gently. He kissed my forehead and then sat down on the bed. I don't remember what happened next. I must have fallen asleep.

  The next day Nanny kept me busy at my desk. I figured they thought it would be better to keep me busy. Nanny said she wanted to test me in the different areas. She was very pleased that I did well in all the areas. She told me the test usually took two days. We finished up after lunch. She gave me embroidery to do. I worked quietly at my window seat. My nerves had settled down a lot. I kept thinking about Brian, about how he was there for me when I needed him. I had a good feeling about our marriage now. He really did seem to like me.

  Nanny checked on me before supper. She sat down next to me and looked at what I had done. She looked surprised. “Have you done this before?”

  “Yes, I think it was the fifth grade we made butterflies but it was different. We had to made x's.”

  “That was cross stitch this is different. This you have never done before?”

  “No, Nanny. Aren't I doing it right.” Was she scolding me again? After yesterday she might be worried that I would break down again.

  “Not at all. I'm praising you. You are a very gifted child. Nanny is very pleased with you.”

  I smiled at her. I was happy to have pleased her.

  “Let's go eat, my dear.”

  Nanny bragged about my accomplishments of the day. Brian had looked so worried when we came in but he started to relax as I began eating normally. Nanny told him that my aptitude tests were over. I had passed everything very quickly. He raised an eyebrow about that. I was always surprising him.

  “Tomorrow at this time we will be married.” He announced. He appeared to be a bit nervous but he smiled brightly.

  “I figured that he might be having second thoughts. I smiled at him.

  He seemed a bit antsy but not nervous.

  “Do you still have a lot to do? Maybe I could help?” I offered.

  “All that is left to do, is to worry that everything will go off without a hitch. Everything else is finished. You can worry with me,” he joked.

  I wanted to apologize for all the work I was causing him but then I thought about the wedding night and couldn't speak anymore. Tomorrow at this time everything wouldn't be over. He was probably looking forward to that part. I wasn't.

  I was still praying that everything would be alright. I was even playing make-believe that my mother in heaven had sent him to save me. Maybe she wasn't mad at me. Maybe she really didn't see it as being my fault.

  We ate and everyone pretended that I hadn't had a nervous break-down yesterday. After we ate Nanny had grooming plans for me. Brian smiled at her. “But she is already so beautiful, Nanny. Whatever you are planning it can't take long.” He was teasing me. He was trying very hard to keep the mood light. Nanny wanted to get started and to get finished. She was worried about me getting enough sleep.

  “Don't worry Nanny she will sleep just fine.” He looked so sure. I wondered about that.

  In the end Nanny won and she got me into the bathroom very quickly. By the time she was done my pores were clean, my fingernails and toenails were painted and my skin was soft everywhere. She brought me to bed and read a chapter out of the book she read every night.

  Brian came in and gave me a kiss good night. He had a glass of water with him. He wanted me to drink it. I was pretty sure he had put something in it so I could sleep. I knew it but I drank it anyway. I didn't want to lie awake all night either so I drank it and hoped for the best.

  He was very pleased when I gave him the empty glass back. “I won't get to see you until tomorrow at church.” He looked so sad, like he would miss me.

  I reached out to touch his face. This time I didn't chicken out. He leaned into my hand and gave me a gentle kiss on the inside of my palm before he laid me down on my pillow. I fell asleep a couple of seconds later.

  Chapter 6 The Wedding

  “Nanny Prim, I am trusting you to do your part with her. Getting her to church on time, ready to go is the most important thing. Avoid any scolding. She will probably get cold feet. She is so little yet, and I think she has been very brave.” Brian hoped that Nanny would be a help and not a hindrance to him. After yesterday he wasn't so sure.

  “She is truly a very good girl. Guiding her will be very easy. She is a very gifted learner. There seems to be nothing that she can't do. I have never had a charge with her aptitude. If she would have had a different childhood she would probably be planning her trip to Harvard and not planning a wedding.”

  Brian didn't say anything. Imagining a world where she wouldn't be his wife tomorrow was unbearable.

  “She has no idea what a jewel she is. Little things hurt her so deeply. Her father really isn't coming is he.”

  “I sent him an invitation but he hasn't responded. After what she said I did increase the number of guests. My brother and wife will be coming tomorrow too. Their marriage is somewhat similar to what ours will be. A couple of old friends are also going to be there. We will be having toasts. I hope it doesn't drag on too long. She is very nervous about the wedding night. Getting that over with will be good for her.”

  He sat down on the bed next to her. “I hope, I will deserve her. I still have to ask myself if she is only here because she has nowhere else to go.”

  “That may be the case, but I know that she likes you.” Nanny smiled at him. “She seems to automatically do as told. I think that is why she is here. I fear, your problems will continue once you are married. Now she fears you will change your mind. Once you are married I imagine she will latch on to you. She will be extra good so you keep her. Her self-esteem is just so low. Maybe the school I recommended would be good for her. She must long to have a friend. She hasn't realized that she is locked up in here yet. I can't imagine how a child with her intelligence will react to that.”

  “Maybe I won't have to do it.” Brian mused. “She never questions anything. She even seems to prefer the same things that I do, like the rule about wearing dresses. What does her wedding dress look like?”

  “It is very simple, almost to the point
of being plain. It will accent the flowers that she will be carrying and not the other way around. She loves it. She calls the style, southern belle.”

  “Oh, now I'm even more curious. Let her sleep in as long as she can tomorrow.” He looked at her one last time as she slept in her soft pink bed. The sedative, that he had mixed into her water, was working beautifully.

  He got up and left. He was still very worried that she would back out. He was so sure she was going to yesterday. He wanted her to be his more than he had every wanted anything. He liked his life better since she had been in it. He had always wanted his own little girl to care for. She suited his needs so perfectly.

  When he had thought she wanted to leave him yesterday, it had hurt him so deeply. She had said that she was worried that he would lose interest in her. She interested him more and more every day. He would do anything for her. Even if it meant giving up his prestigious job.

  He had more than enough money to relocate the two of them to a country where, what a man did within his own house, wouldn't be anyone else's business. He would do everything necessary to keep her.


  I woke up later than I had wanted to. Nanny looked relieved when I finally did. She had me in the tub scrubbing me before I even had the sand out of my eyes. A breakfast tray had been brought up. I ate breakfast in the bathtub. I got a kick out of that. Nanny tried to look like she disapproved but she was grinning too.

  “He wants you to eat everything you can. He said it is easier to treat someone being sick for nerves than treating someone who passed out because they didn't eat anything.”

  I was way more relaxed than Nanny was. I just kept concentrating on finally getting to wear that beautiful dress again. After the bath and showering off which I was getting used to, Nanny helped me into my special underwear for under the dress. The corset was very tight but the dress just looked so much better with it on. Matching white underwear, stockings and a garter belt finished up the look. I looked so sexy, so unlike me.


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