Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1)) Page 7

by Burns, Rachel

  Over that, I wore a bathrobe. The hairdresser and a make-up artist showed up next. They both worked on me at the same time and Nanny paced up and down trying to memorize the schedule for the day. She went to change then, leaving me alone with the two strange ladies who were making me pretty. I stayed very quiet. They talked to each other and gave me complements. I was too shy to say much.

  Nanny came back with yet another woman. She had a big box of flowers with her. All white roses just like I had wanted.

  “It's time for the dress,” Nanny announced.

  When she got it out I got the feeling that the others were disappointed. They all helped me get in it, careful of my hair and make-up. They all got to see me in my underwear while we did that. They had me sit down very carefully so the florist and the hairdresser could put the roses in my hair. When that was finished the florist laid the roses in my arms. I had wanted them to lay on my forearm with long white ribbons flowing down. I dared to turn and look in the mirror. I looked just like I had wanted, even better.

  The others smiled now too. “I need pictures of you for my catalog. This is all about the flowers. They stand out so beautifully.”

  “The flowers and her face,” the make-up artist corrected her.

  “The thick dark hair with the roses in it looks just dreamy. I'll also need a picture to show my customers.”

  “There will be no pictures for you. It can't be allowed. I'm sorry but it's about her safety. She will be of great importance. No one should know what she really looks like. You understand.” Nanny stopped them in their tracks. She already had tears in her eyes. Her phone rang. “Hello sir. . . Yes, everything is going very well here, in fact we are finished. We will be leaving for the church now.” She was sobbing into the phone.

  The other women found it to be completely normal for me to have a nanny. I supposed in these circles it was really normal. I waited for Nanny to hang up. “Nanny, I need shoes.” I smiled. Now that my dream come true wedding dress was on I was in an even better mood.

  She sniffled and got the shoes out. The other women were also starting to cry too. I slipped my shoes on and smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked more like a garden fairy. The only thing I was missing were wings.

  “Nanny, do you think he will like it?”

  “He'll love it,” they all answered at the same time and then everyone laughed.

  The mood was light as we went down to limo. Today that car made a lot of sense. It was full because the women had been hired for the day in case of make-up and hair touches. The florist was going to play flower girl while we waited for the Pastor to say go. She would be spreading white rose petals on the green carpeted aisle.

  When we arrived at the church a bodyguard opened the door to help us out. I saw several others. I was once again reminded what my father had said about influential families. I had to wonder who had all been invited to the wedding. From the look of all this security it could be the President.

  The bodyguard talked into his head phone. We had to wait a minute for Brian to go out the back door of the church so we could come in without him seeing me.

  I was glad to hear that he was here too. He hadn't change his mind. I had a feeling that he wasn't going to. This could go off without a hitch, just like he wanted.

  The Pastor greeted us and brought us to an extra room. There was a large mirror and it had a bathroom. When I was nervous I had to go a lot so I put it to good use.

  There was a knock on the door. Nanny moved to get it. Everyone was worried that it was him.

  It wasn't, a woman in a white dress came in. Around her waist were green and white ribbons and a white rose. The florist had gotten to her too. She walked right up to me and held out her hand. “My name is Nancy. I'm your sister-in-law. Well, I will be soon. I'm your maid of honor.”

  “Hello, it's very nice to meet you. Thank you for helping out today.” I smiled at her and shook her hand back, wanting to make a good impression.

  She was so beautiful. Her blond hair was tied up in a very smart and mature twist. She was tall and thin. She held herself so nobly too. I had to go out after her. I hoped Brian wouldn't be disappointed.

  I was staring at her but she was staring at me too. I wondered what she had all heard about me. Brian would have had to explain why no one from my side was here.

  “You look breathtaking. I want to hug you but I am afraid that I could mess you up.” She said it with tears in her eyes.

  “You can hug her. That's what we are here for,” the hairdresser told her.

  Nancy stepped forward and gave me a tight hug. She whispered, “Welcome to the family.”

  I started to cry and the women stepped forward to fix me so quickly that I had to laugh.

  Another knock. This time it was the Pastor. It was time already. I could hear music. Nanny had to go to her place and the other women went to watch the ceremony too. My sister-in-law took her flowers; which were the same as mine but with only a fourth of the flowers.

  We stepped out of the door and a lady I didn't know told us were to stand. Nancy smiled back at me when the lady told her to go. She walked off slowly and very concentrated.

  The strange lady gave me a quick once over and smiled. The music changed and I heard everyone stand up. I felt a moment of panic. The lady moved her hands in the motions of taking a deep breath. I breathed along with her, smiling at how silly I was. She stepped aside so I could walk. I had to walk straight and then turn into the middle aisle and then down the aisle to Brian.

  He was waiting there for me, right? He had to be or they wouldn't have started the music, I reasoned with myself. I reached the middle aisle and turned. He was standing there. He was so far away that I couldn't make out his face. I moved nice and slow just like Nanny had practiced with me.

  I was getting closer to him. He looked awe-struck. He stared at me. I kept moving to him slowly until I was able to take his hand. He looked perfect.

  The Pastor blest us and welcomed everyone to his church. He talked a little about losing sight of what a blessing a marriage could be. He wanted everyone to pray with us that we didn't fall into a pattern of taking each other for granted.

  It was time for our vows. I gave my flowers to Nancy. Brian took my hands again and smiled at me and looked me in the eyes as he promised to love and cherish me forever.

  It was my turn to promise him the same. I did it a lot quieter than he did. It was also the moment when I found out what my new last name would be. It was of course a name that I had heard before.

  My father had been new money. Brian's family was old American money. It explained why all the bodyguards were here but I just registered that in the back of my mind. Holding onto his hands and staying on my feet where top priority.

  He held me tight and I smiled at him. He had to let go of me to get my ring. He gave me a questioning look before he did. He was worried I would fall without his help. I nodded but he hurried anyway. He smiled as he slid the ring onto my finger.

  His brother gave me a ring too. I concentrated on not dropping it. I held Brian's hand in mine as I slipped the ring on his finger. I spoke so quietly as I did but he heard me.

  We knelt down and the Pastor blessed us. We stood as he delivered a sermon that I couldn't pay attention to. I was busy looking at my Brian. He belonged to me now and I was his. I couldn't believe it. This was too good to be true.

  Then it was over and the Pastor told Brian he could kiss me. My first kiss on the lips and an audience was watching. I forgot the others the minute his lips touched mine. I got weak in the knees again. Brian looked pleased as punch. He turned and thanked the Pastor and shook his hand.

  Nancy gave me my flowers back. Brian took my elbow and led us to the end of the church where we stood waiting for everyone to line up and congratulate us. His brother and sister-in-law were the first they also joined the line and said hello to our guests. None of whom I knew.

  The photographer had us go back up to the alter and take more pictures.
He did one where I had my head on Brian's chest with my ring hand over his heart. He held me close. This would be the one for his silver picture frames, I thought.

  We took some outside to but the body guards had us circled in so that it was difficult to get a good picture. They acted like they thought that something was going to happen. Brian didn't seem nervous so I relaxed and smiled.

  After we left church we went to a hotel. There, in a private hall, we ate with our guests. It had been decorated in the colors white and green. White roses were everywhere. When the guests praised the flowers Brian always said that I had picked them out. That wasn't actually true. I just picked out that I wanted white roses.

  I even chatted a bit. It was already four o'clock by the time we started eating. The cake cutting came after two hours of eating and talking. We cut the cake together. And then fed each other. I carefully placed the cake in his mouth. He licked my fingers. I blushed red and everyone laughed. He fed me very carefully too. We gave all of our guests their cake personally. Brian seemed so happy and it was so contagious. Everyone was in a good mood.

  Music started and Brian took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor.

  “I don't know how to dance.”

  He laughed. “Nanny, I finally found something that she can't do.” He called out over his shoulder. Everyone laughed again.

  To me he said, “Don't worry. I've got you. It is my job to lead you and make you look good.” He held me in a firm grip and then he twirled me around the dance floor. He brought me back to the table where we sat and had an evening meal. Time was going by so fast.

  I was getting tired. Brian had one of his arms around me anyway. I leaned into his chest and closed my eyes. He pulled me in closer and let me.

  A few minutes later his brother stood up and toasted us and wished us lots of luck.

  An hour later, I was fighting to stay awake. Brian and I said good night to everyone. He brought me out to the limo.

  I fell asleep on his chest on the way home.

  “Amelia, wake up, we're home.” The limo was parked outside of the mansion. I looked at him and then at the house. Our home. He swooped me up into his arms. He was going to carry me over the threshold. I had to laugh at that.

  The door opened as we approached it. “Congratulations.” The butler bowed to us.

  Brian thanked him and carried me up the stairs. He brought me into his bedroom. It was huge. Six or seven times larger than my bedroom. It was a lot more fancy too. The main colors were light creamy browns. My room was just right through the door but it seemed to be so far away. This was a big girl's room. It was time for me to be a woman. Nanny had been clear that he wouldn't tolerate any nonsense.

  He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He had already removed his jacket and unbutton a couple of the buttons on his shirt. His tie was hanging open around his neck. He looked so good.

  “You looked so amazing today. I have never seen a more beautiful bride.” He was unzipping my dress in the back. That was the drawback of such a simple dress. It could be very easily removed.

  I thought about what I was wearing underneath. I was completely covered but the clothes I had on just screamed sex. Nanny had gotten me other pajamas too, also in white. It was laying on the bed. Would he make me change? Would he want to watch me changing?

  I started to shake as my dress fell into a satin heap around my feet. He kissed my shoulder. He went about it very relaxed and he was taking his time. He still had his arms wrapped around me. I had laid my hands on top of his.

  He let go of me and stepped back. I could hear him chuckling a little. “Did Nanny pick this outfit out for you.”

  I peeked back at him and nodded. He was looking me up and down.

  “Turn around please.”

  I turned until I could look at him completely. He stepped forward again and took me in his arms. “I am going to be very gentle and very careful with you. I will be careful to hurt you as little as possible. I love my little girl so much.” He held me for a while until I was so used to being in his arms that the shaking stopped.

  “Sit down on the bed sweetheart. Let's get your shoes off.” He smiled at me, like he thought I was so cute that he could eat me with a spoon. “I really don't like fancy things like this but it looks cute on you. I prefer more simple things.” He knelt down next to the bed and removed my shoes and set them aside.

  I started shaking again. His hands moved up my legs. They kept moving up, sending a shiver down my spine. His hands stopped at the top of my stockings. He unfastened them and rolled them down, one leg after the other.

  He laughed again. He was nervous too. “I think you will have to stand up so I can figure out how to get the rest of the stuff off of you.”

  I must have paled at that thought because he said, “Hey, it's alright. If you want I can take a turn now.” He stood up and walked over to a chair against the wall. He sat down and undid his shoelaces. He took them off and then his socks. He set everything neatly to the side. He stood up and unbuttoned the rest of his buttons. He removed his shirt. I was trying not to stare at him but I couldn't look away either. He was brown there too, all brown and warm looking. His chest was hairless and smooth just as I had hoped. It was thick with muscles. How could he be so strong when he sat at a desk all day?

  I blushed and then looked away from him.

  He came closer to me. “I think I need you to turn around. It opens at the back right?”

  I nodded without meeting his eye. I turned so he could unhook all the tiny hooks.

  “You are packed in safer than Fort Knox,” he joked but he continued very determined. He made a satisfied noise when he was finished. He laid the corset to the side. I heard him pick up my wedding dress and move it too. The material rustled as he held it in his hands and laid it down. He then picked up the stocking and shoes and put them to the side too. I stood still where he had left me. I had my arms folded over my breasts as I stood there in my underwear and the garter belt. I jumped a little when his hands touched me trying to figure out how to open it.

  “I'm going to need help with this. How did they get it on you?” He sounded amused.

  “It opens in the front.” My hands flew to open it so he wouldn't walk around and see my breasts. At the same time he grabbed my hips to turn me. My breasts bounced right in front of him.

  He took a sharp intake of breath. He forgot the garter belt and his hands stroked my breasts. “You are so beautiful, sweetheart.” He fondled them for a long time. Then he brought his mouth to my nipple. He took it in his mouth and suckled on it for a while. With his other hand he played with the other one.

  I was still shaking but I was also finding it difficult to breathe. I felt the butterflies in my stomach that everyone always talks about. I even noticed it when my back arched in an odd way so that my breasts thrust up to him.

  He groaned when I did that. I laid my hands on his arms. I had a feeling like my knees could give in at any second. I somehow wanted more. But I didn't know what more was.

  He let go of my breasts and brought his hands down over my belly to my garter belt. He removed it easily and then he knelt down in front of me again. He had his hands on my hips. He took another deep breath and then he hooked his fingers in my underwear and pulled them down.

  I was shaking terribly as I stepped out of my underwear. He stayed knelt on the floor, looking at me down there. I was suddenly very thankful to Nanny for all the attention she had given that area.

  “You are more than beautiful. You are perfect.” He let his hand glide over to the juncture in between my legs. He let a finger go in between the lips down there and he touched me high up there.

  The feeling was so intense that I jerked away.

  “I'm sorry, that was my fault. I will be more gentle, sweetheart.” His voice was so soft and light. He stood up and turned away from me. My arms instantly covered up my private parts. He opened a drawer and pulled out a folded white cloth. He unfolded it as he wa
lked. He laid it still partly folded on the edge of the bed. I knew what it was for. It was supposed to catch the blood I would soon spill. I had read about things like that in history books that had been in the school library.

  I was very cold then. He was going to take me now. He turned to me and smiled. I dropped my head and tried very hard not to cry. He wrapped me in his arms again. He was at least warm. “I will always keep all my promises to you. I will be as gentle as possible. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but this is just something that gets better and easier each time.” He was pushing my hair out of my face. He gave me another one of his smiles as he led me to the bed. He sat me down on the white cloth and leaned me back.

  My heart was racing. Part of me wanted to run for it and part of me just wanted to get it over with. He was my husband, I didn't have a choice. Even if I was shaking and scared I had to grin and bear it. But I couldn't grin.

  I heard him opening his trousers and taking them off. He laid them over the chair by my dress and our other things. He was picking up the last of my discarded things. He was kneeling on the floor again. He placed his hands in between my knees and gently pulled them apart. I felt him move in closer in between them.

  I waited for him to insert himself into me but he didn't he was touching me with his fingers again. He was indeed being very gentle but still I felt tears rolling down my face. I wasn't very brave, not at all.

  He stroked and I cried. I hoped he wouldn't notice. He stuck a finger into me just like the doctor had done at my virginity test. That even hurt. How was I going to take his penis?

  He removed his finger and stroked me some more. This time he was getting rougher about it but he wasn't hurting me. I felt very nice even. I wanted to move against him but I didn't dare. I had to control myself. These things were for his pleasure not mine.

  Still, I felt a pleasure building in me though I didn't understand it. I reached out and grabbed the corners of the white sheet and held them tightly in my hands. His hands left me and then in one terrible moment he had pushed into me. I gasped in my surprise and in my pain. I had never felt such a pain. More tears spilled out of my eyes. I let go of the sheet and brought my hands sadly to my heart. I wished that it would be over with.


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