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Indian Summer

Page 50

by Alex Von Tunzelmann

  13 Pandey, Remembering Partition, p. 129.

  14 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 180.

  15 DM cited in ibid, p. 181.

  16 Ibid, p. 182.

  17 Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 433.

  18 MKG was not a member of the United Council, but he discussed initiatives for it with EA and other members of its executive committee. MP: MB1/Q117.

  19 Ibid.

  20 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, pp. 182–4.

  21 Chaudhuri, Thy Hand Great Anarch!, pp. 838–42; Pandey, Remembering Partition, p. 123; Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 206.

  22 Chaudhuri, Thy Hand Great Anarch!, pp. 844–5.

  23 Times of India, 8 September 1947, p. 8.

  24 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 10 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584; The Times, 9 September 1947, p. 4…

  25 Sir Terence Shone to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 12 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  26 Pandey, Remembering Partition, p. 129; see also Daily Mirror, 9 September 1947.

  27 Report of Lord Ismay, 5 October 1947, TNA: DO 121/69.

  28 Patel cited in Sir Terence Shone to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 11 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584. See also Times of India, 9 September 1947, p. 1.

  29 MAJ to CRA, 18 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  30 Sir Terence Shone to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 12 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  31 Sir Terence Shone to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 11 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  32 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 10 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  33 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 18 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  34 Chaudhuri, Thy Hand Great Anarch!, pp. 848–9.

  35 JN cited in Times of India, 10 September 1947, p. 1.

  36 JN to Rajendra Prasad, 19 September 1947, cited in Gopal, Nehru, vol ii, p. 16.

  37 According to Shahid Ahmad Dehlavi, cited in Pandey, Remembering Partition, p. 142.

  38 Pandey, Remembering Partition, pp. 140–1.

  39 Times of India, 11 September 1947, p. 1.

  40 JN cited in Moraes, Jawaharlal Nehru, p. 363.

  41 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 189.

  42 Sahgal, From Fear Set Free, p. 28; Times of India, 9 September 1947, p. 1; Brecher, Nehru, p. 365.

  43 JN cited in Adams & Whitehead, The Dynasty, p. 131.

  44 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, pp. 33–4.

  45 DM to King George VI, cited in Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 433; see also DM’s interview with JN, 8 September 1947, AAS: IOR Neg 15561/195A f 41.

  46 EA cited in Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 427.

  47 Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit cited in Brittain, Envoy Extraordinary, p. 135; see also Fischer, Life of Mahatma Gandhi, pp. 514–5.

  48 Mohammed Yunus, cited in French, Liberty or Death, p. 387.

  49 Richard Symonds, speaking on AAS: Mss Eur R207/5, side B.

  50 Hutheesing, We Nehrus, pp. 208–10.

  51 Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 427.

  52 Nayantara Sahgal in conversation with the author, 8 May 2006.

  53 Noël Coward to DM, 3 July 1945. MP: MB1/A48. ‘I hope you have by now enjoyed THIS HAPPY BREED and BLITHE SPIRIT films; the new one, BRIEF ENCOUNTER, is practically finished and looks jolly nice. I often think of those gay cinematic evenings in the King’s P.’ MP: MB1/A48.

  54 DM to Noël Coward, 21 October 1947. MP: MB1/A48.

  55 ‘He read few books,’ remembered DM’s close friend Solly Zuckerman, ‘but could be relied upon to master his briefs, reading slowly, sometimes with his lips moving as if he were reading aloud.’ Solly Zuckerman, ‘Working with a Man of Destiny’, Observer, 2 September 1979.

  56 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, pp. 39–40.

  57 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, pp. 200–1; Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, pp. 416–7.

  58 Fischer, Life of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 516.

  59 Chaudhuri, Thy Hand Great Anarch!, pp. 851–2.

  60 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 186.

  61 EA cited in Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 415.

  62 Begum Anees Kidwai cited in Pandey, Remembering Partition, p. 131.

  63 Ibid, pp. 123–4, 131.

  64 MKG cited in Fischer, Life of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 520. See also JN to Vallabhbhai Patel, 22 October 1947, SWJN (2), vol 4, pp. 173–4. Hindu temples in Sind were vandalized at around the same time. Prakasa, Pakistan, p. 38.

  65 V. Viswanathan, Deputy High Commissioner for India in Pakistan (Karachi), to S. Dutt, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs and Commonwealth Relations, 30 October 1947. NAI: Home Dept, Political Branch, F. No. 57/25/47 – Poll. (I).

  66 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, pp. 49, 54.

  67 Sir Arthur Waugh, ‘India and Pakistan: The Economic Effects of Partition’, Asiatic Review, vol xliv, no 158 (April 1948), p. 119.

  68 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, p. 116.

  69 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 190.

  70 MAJ to CRA, 18 September 1947; Arthur Henderson to CRA, 19 September 1947; both TNA: PREM 8/584.

  71 Sir Terence Shone to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 22 September 1947. TNA: PREM 8/584.

  72 MAJ to CRA, 1 October 1947. TNA: PREM 8/568.

  73 Cited in Kux, The United States and Pakistan, p. 20.

  74 Ibid, pp. 20–1.

  75 MAJ to Nizam of Hyderabad, 15 October 1947. WMP: 30, f 317.

  76 Memorandum, WMP: 31, ff 88–9.

  77 Krishna, Sardar, pp. 402–3; Pandey, Nehru, p. 297; Gopal, Nehru, vol ii, pp. 14–15; Akbar, Nehru, pp. 454–5.

  78 JN, 30 September 1947. SWJN (2), vol 4, p. 108.

  79 Memorandum of Lord Addison to the Cabinet Commonwealth Affairs Committee, 3 November 1947. TNA: PREM 8/585.

  80 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, pp. 191–3.

  81 DM cited in Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 444.

  82 Allen & Dwivedi, Lives of the Indian Princes, p. 328.

  83 The Times, 25 February 1948, p. 3.

  84 Memorandum of Lord Addison to the Cabinet Commonwealth Affairs Committee, 3 November 1947. TNA: PREM 8/585. See also Wavell, Viceroy’s Journal, 20 November 1947, p. 437.

  85 Pandey, Remembering Partition, p. 122.

  86 EA to the East India Association, 13 October 1948. Asiatic Review, vol xlv, no 161 (January 1949), pp. 442–3.

  87 Hutheesing, We Nehrus, pp. 206–7

  88 JN, 30 September 1947. SWJN (2), vol 4, p. 107.


  1 Lord Hardinge cited in Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, p. 54.

  2 Ibid, pp. 100–3.

  3 Jha, Kashmir, 1947, pp. 16–17.

  4 Anonymous report to MAJ, 20 August 1943. Cited in ibid, p. 17.

  5 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, p. 73.

  6 Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on developments in Kashmir up to 31 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  7 ‘The background of the Kashmir problem’, 1948. TNA: DO 142/540.

  8 Malgonkar, The Men who Killed Gandhi, p. 6.

  9 JN to Vallabhbhai Patel, 27 September 1947. SWJN (2), vol 4, pp. 263–5.

  10 JN to EA, 27 June 1948. Cited in Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 445.

  11 JN to Indira Gandhi, 29 May 1940, in Nehru & Gandhi, Two Alone, Two Together, p. 64.

  12 Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, p. 117; Jha, Kashmir, 1947, pp. 39, 40 (footnote).

  13 Singh, Heir Apparent, p. 55.

  14 There are eyewitness accounts in Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, pp. 67–8.

  15 Stephens, Pakistan, p. 200; see also Lamb, Birth of a Tragedy, pp. 68, 129.

  16 Extract from report of C.B. Duke, 23 October 194
7. TNA: DO 133/68; Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, n.d. (early November 1947?). TNA: DO 133/68.

  17 Korbel, Danger in Kashmir, p. 65; French, Liberty or Death, p. 374. The Indian representative put it to the UN Security Council in 1948 that the Pakistani government sent agents and religious leaders to incite the Muslim population of Kashmir into rebellion. Based on the fact that the Maharaja and his antecedents had a long history of oppressing their Muslim subjects, and on the eyewitness reports of an overwhelming number of impartial observers, it is hard to swallow India’s argument whole on this particular point.

  18 Extract from report of C.B. Duke, 23 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68; Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on the Kashmir dispute, May 1948. TNA: DO 142/540.

  19 Extract from report of C.B. Duke, 23 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  20 Frank Messervy, ‘Kashmir’, Asiatic Review, vol xlv, no 161 (January 1949), p. 469.

  21 C.B. Duke to Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith, 4 December 1947. TNA: DO 133/69; Note by C.B. Duke, 8 December 1947. TNA: DO 133/69. See also Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, p. 142.

  22 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, n.d. (early November 1947?). TNA: DO 133/68; Sydney Smith in the Daily Express, 10 November 1947, p. 1.

  23 Extract from report of C.B. Duke, 23 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  24 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Philip Noel-Baker, 22 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  25 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, n.d. (early November 1947?). TNA: DO 133/68.

  26 Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, p. 143; Khan, Raiders in Kashmir, p. 17; Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on the Kashmir dispute, May 1948. TNA: DO 142/540; Korbel, Danger in Kashmir, p. 95.

  27 Malgonkar, The Men Who Killed Gandhi, p. 9. The behaviour of the Mahsuds was deplored by tribal leaders, and they were withdrawn in disgrace. ‘The Mahsuds were being allowed back again on their word of honour – for what it may be worth – that looting and murdering (at least of Europeans and Muslims) is forbidden.’ Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Philip Noel-Baker, 28 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/69. The figure for casualties at Baramula is often given as 11,000 or even 13,000 out of a population of 14,000; Major-General Akbar Khan of the Pakistan Army disputed these estimates, and Alastair Lamb has estimated casualties at being more like 500. The truth is impossible to ascertain. Khan, Raiders in Kashmir, p. 29; Lamb, Birth of a Tragedy, p. 115.

  28 Note by C.B. Duke, 8 December 1947. TNA: DO 133/69.

  29 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, n.d. (early November 1947?). TNA: DO 133/68.

  30 Daily Express, 28 October 1947, p. 1. The drive is memorably described in Singh, Heir Apparent, pp. 58–9.

  31 Korbel, Danger in Kashmir, pp. 79–80; Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 446; Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, pp. 144–5.

  32 JN to CRA, 25 October 1947. TNA: DO 142/496.

  33 Messervy, ‘Kashmir’, p. 469.

  34 See Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, pp. 148–50.

  35 Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on the Kashmir dispute, May 1948. TNA: DO 142/540.

  36 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Philip Noel-Baker, 27 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  37 Stephens, Pakistan, p. 200. Stephens, a very well-connected source, says that government circles in Delhi became aware of it only by November.

  38 Field-Marshal Manekshaw cited in French, Liberty or Death, p. 375; Adams & Whitehead, The Dynasty, p. 134.

  39 Stephens, Pakistan, p. 203; see also Stephens, Horned Moon, p. 109.

  40 Sri Prakasa to JN, 11 November 1947. NAI: Home Dept, Political Branch, F. No. 57/25/47 – Poll. (I).

  41 Stephens, Pakistan, p. 203.

  42 JN to Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, 28 October 1947. VLP: correspondence with JN; Report of E. Isaacs, 6 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  43 Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on the Kashmir dispute, May 1948. TNA: DO 142/540.

  44 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, p. 58.

  45 Ibid, pp. 59–60.

  46 DM cited in Ahmed, Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity, p. 145.

  47 Sir George Cunningham, Governor of the North-West Frontier Province, claimed on 28 October that there would have been 30,000–40,000, rather than 2000, Pathans in Kashmir by then if he had given them any encouragement, and emphasized that only by impressing on the leaders that the orders of MAJ and Liaquat were that they should hold fire was this much larger incursion prevented. C.B. Duke to Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith, 28/29 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68; see also Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on the Kashmir dispute, May 1948. TNA: DO 142/540; see also Schofield, Kashmir in the Crossfire, p. 134.

  48 Foreign Office to Ambassadors, 2 January 1948. TNA: DO 35/3162.

  49 Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on developments in Kashmir up to 31 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  50 JN to Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, 28 October 1947. VLP: correspondence with JN.

  51 EA cited in News Review, 25 December 1947, p. 9.

  52 Ismay to Noel-Baker, 31 October 1947. TNA: DO 133/68; see also Stephens, Pakistan, p. 206.

  53 Cited in Shone to CRO, 1 November 1947 (1.15 a.m.). TNA: DO 133/68.

  54 Shone to CRO, 1 November 1947 (1.15 a.m.). TNA: DO 133/68.

  55 Liaquat Ali Khan to CRA, 4 November 1947. TNA: DO 142/496.

  56 Ibid; Sir Terence Shone to Commonwealth Relations Office, 4 November 1947; DM’s report, cited in Sir Terence Shone to Commonwealth Relations Office, 6 November 1947; both TNA: DO 133/68

  57 Extract from Pakistan Times, 4 November 1947. Cited in C.B. Duke to Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith, 5 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  58 C.B. Duke to Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith, 5 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  59 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Sir Archibald Carter, 6 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  60 Foreign Office to Ambassadors, 2 January 1948. TNA: DO 35/3162.

  61 Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, p. 68.

  62 Report of E. Isaacs, 6 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/68.

  63 Sydney Smith in the Daily Express, 10 November 1947, p. 1.

  64 Minutes, 4 November 1947, cited in DM to JN, 25 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/543.

  65 DM to Lord Listowel, 8 August 1947. ToP, vol XII, p. 590; SWJN (2), vol 4, p. 27; see also AAS: IOR Neg 15561/195A, f 29; French, Liberty or Death, pp. 376–7.

  66 Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, p. 234.

  67 EA to Lady Brabourne, 1 November 1947. Cited in Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 418. It is not clear from the context whether ‘Daddy’ refers to DM or to Lord Brabourne, though usually in her letters to her daughters EA refers to DM as ‘Daddy’. According to Philip Ziegler, DM was speaking to Walter Monckton about Hyderabad when he found out about the baby. Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 452.

  68 JN cited in anonymous article, ‘The States of India and Pakistan: Advances Towards Responsible Government’, Asiatic Review, vol xliv. no 157 (January 1948), p. 77; also in Memorandum of the Commonwealth Relations Office, TNA: DO 142/540.

  69 JN to CRA, 23 November 1947. TNA: DO 142/496.

  70 Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, pp. 419–20.

  71 DM, record of Governor General’s interview with opposition leaders, 19 November 1947. AAS: IOR Neg 15561/195B, ff 94–7. See also Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 461.

  72 Coward, Diaries, 18 November 1947, p. 96.

  73 Pimlott, The Queen, p. 133; Sarah Bradford, Elizabeth: A Biography of Her Majesty the Queen (Penguin, London, 2002), p. 125.

  74 Daily Express, 20 November 1947, p. 1.

  75 Pimlott, The Queen, p. 140.

  76 Leo Amery, Diaries, 20 November 1947. LAP: AMEL 7/41.

  77 MP: MB1/Y17.

  78 The Queen, vol 195 no 9582, 23 July 1947, p. 8.

  79 Pimlott, The Queen, p. 144.

  80 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Philip Noel-Baker, 28 November 1947. TNA: DO 133/69.

  81 DM to J
N, 25 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/543.

  82 EA to DM, cited in Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 419.

  83 Masson, Edwina, pp. 210–1.

  84 EA cited in Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 421.

  85 Moraes, Jawaharlal Nehru, p. 328.

  86 Mathai, Reminiscences of the Nehru Age, p. 204.

  87 Morgan, Edwina Mountbatten, p. 435. The two women later became good friends.

  88 Commonwealth Relations Office memorandum on the Kashmir dispute, May 1948. TNA: DO 142/540.

  89 JN to Indira Gandhi, 6 December 1947. Gandhi & Nehru, Two Alone, Two Together, p. 549.

  90 Sir Terence Shone to Commonwealth Relations Office, 5 December 1947. TNA: DO 133/69.

  91 JN cited in Symonds, In the Margins of Independence, p. 85; also Richard Symonds, speaking on AAS: Mss Eur R207/5, side B; see also Lamb, Birth of a Tragedy, p. 65.

  92 DM to JN, 25 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/543. See also Campbell-Johnson, Mission with Mountbatten, pp. 251–2.

  93 Ziegler, Mountbatten, p. 449; Akbar, Nehru, p. 447.

  94 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, 18 March 1948. TNA: PREM 8/813.

  95 Daily Express, 27 November 1947, p. 1.

  96 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, 1 December 1947. TNA: DO 133/69.

  97 Sri Prakasato JN, 11 November 1947. NAI: Home Department, Political Branch, F. No. 57/25/47 – poll. (I).

  98 Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Philip Noel-Baker, 9 December 1947. TNA: DO 133/69.

  99 The Tatler and Bystander, 23 July 1947, p. 97.

  100 Ibid, 31 December 1947, pp. 422–3.

  101 Maharaja Sawai Man Singh Bahadur of Jaipur cited in Mountbatten, Time Only to Look Forward, p. 75.

  102 Sir Terence Shone to the Commonwealth Relations Office, 24 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/543; Foreign Office to Ambassadors, 2 January 1948. TNA: DO 35/3162.

  103 Sir Terence Shone to Commonwealth Relations Office, 24 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/490.

  104 JN to Agatha Harrison, 12 December 1947. SWJN (2), vol 4, p. 653.

  105 Ahmed, Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity, p. 178.

  106 DM to JN, 25 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/543.

  107 JN to DM, 26 December 1947. TNA: DO 142/543. The Commonwealth Relations Office telegraphed JN’s allegations to Grafftey-Smith in Pakistan, who agreed that Patiala was under threat, the Sikhs being the secondary target of the tribesmen, after loot. If they were encouraged in this direction by local authorities in Pakistan, though, it was more a matter of self-defence than strategy, for ‘if the Pathans here have nothing better to do they will impartially loot the West Punjab’. Sir Laurence Grafftey-Smith to Commonwealth Relations Office, 3 January 1948. TNA: DO 142/490.


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