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Eagle of Ice, Scorpion of Fire

Page 3

by Tortuga, B. A.

  She smiled, no doubt remembering the hours they spent, teaching him about her addiction to Asian food, to the light flavors, the spices. One night she had used him as a table, sauces pooled in the hollow of his throat, his navel. “I suppose I could clear my schedule. Friday meetings are terribly dreary. Shall I bring some Juyondai?”

  “That would be lovely. Shall we say eight?”

  “Casual dress or are we playing dress up?”

  “Casual will be fine.” He had all they would need should they decide to play. He leaned forward, gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “I’ll look forward to it, Katharine.”

  “Friday, pet. Eight o’clock.” She smiled, nodded, leaned past him to open the door. “Good night, Jared.”

  “Good night.” He knew he was being dismissed, Katharine taking control back, but it was enough that she had gotten good and angry at him, and that she had agreed to see him again. “I’ll see you then.”

  As the car pulled off and he walked into his building, he was already planning Friday night. He had high hopes for it indeed.

  Chapter Two

  Katharine hit the buzzer at Jared’s flat, tugging her leather jacket closed as the wind picked up, the rain threatening. She’d considered canceling, making Jared wait and staying out of the weather—after all, she was wearing her good suede boots and the humidity made her hair curl, not to mention that her carefully applied UV-proof makeup would streak—but she had the sake already and her afternoon had gone well enough that she’d treated herself so a visit to her salon. Her manicure and pedicure had been pleasant, the massage even better and she was relaxed, peaceful.

  Ready to spar with Jared.

  Ready to prove to the little upstart that she wasn’t interested in letting him pretend to be a stud.

  He answered the door, smiling at her as he stepped back to let her in. It was quite unfair, how beautiful he’d become—all dark hair and liquid brown eyes. He dressed impeccably, as well. Dark slacks and a black shirt unbuttoned at the throat, the bare feet a stark contrast. Fascinating. The apartment was also lovely, jewel-toned artwork drawing the eyes even as the clean lines of the furnishings soothed. The entire collection seemed to be picked to accentuate the architectural features of the building, not overshadow them.

  Katharine was, quite unwittingly, impressed. Bastard.

  “Katharine. I’m glad you came.”

  She smiled, handed over the sake. “Thank you for the invitation. It’s a pleasant change, to have a home-cooked meal.”

  She assumed her flat had a kitchen that did more than make coffee. Still, it was pleasant, the memory of food.

  His certainly did. The whole place smelled heavenly. Jared simply smiled wider. “It’s meditative for me. I learned from a lovely Japanese woman how to make the udon. I hope you like the recipe.”

  “It smells delicious. Did you learn in Japan?” Katharine shrugged off her jacket, straightening the embroidered silk shirt she’d purchased in Tokyo a few years ago. It was open backed, the cobalt silk wrapping around her throat and waist and arms, the red and gold dragons twined along the front.

  “I did. I learned to make proper tea as well.” He took her jacket, hanging it neatly, his eyes on her, admiring her. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you. I am fond of this color and it’s so rare to find it this vibrant.” She checked her hair and makeup in a little mirror on the wall. Not perfect, but not terrifying. “What took you to Japan?”

  “Scent. I went to study with a master there. And found teachers in other arenas as well. Tea?”

  “Please. The weather is colder than I’d expected.” Katharine had to admit; Jared surprised her. He’d grown up well.

  “Have a seat.” He indicated a low settee. “So how did your meetings go?”

  He moved easily, a man at home in his skin. The soft linen pants and silk shirt he wore were effortlessly casual, and showed off his firm ass and wide shoulders to perfection.

  Jared had always been a beautiful man; too bad things had gone poorly between them. He bruised so nicely.

  “Oh, the meetings went well. In fact, Mariette Grosham and I met and spoke over a full body massage. If you don’t have a masseur, I highly recommend Ki Sakimoto. He’s got brilliant hands.” Perfectly controlled. “Are you settling in at the office?”

  His newfound patience came as rather a shock, but she had to admit she appreciated it, especially when he presented her with a perfectly prepared cup of green tea, sitting next to her.

  “I am. Frank is great; he’s made it easy on me, and he thinks you hung the moon. It’s cute.”

  “Frank is a dear, sweet man. His family’s been under our protection for centuries.” She sipped the tea, humming softly at the delicacy, the subtle flavors that refreshed and soothed all at once. “And I did hang the moon, pet. You must have missed the memo.”

  He laughed softly before sipping his tea, eyes on her, unwavering. “Actually, I think I got that memo when I was twenty-two.”

  She wasn’t sure whether to take that as a compliment or not and the fact that she was unsure angered her, infuriated her. “Well, you discarded it in short order, even for a human. It was quite the shock to return from Tuscany and find the house empty.”

  One dark brow raised in an expression she certainly had not taught him, but could easily be one of hers. “Just like it was a shock to wake up one morning and find you gone at Silvestri’s call without telling me, my dear. Showed me my place quite well.”

  “Your place was, I thought, quite well-defined, pet.” At her feet, throat arched, spread in front of her, her marks obvious on the fine skin.

  “And I mistakenly thought it meant more than that. As I said before, I was young. Would you like an appetizer? I made spring rolls.” He stood, smooth as glass, only the stiff set of his shoulders betraying his feelings.

  She felt guilt for...oh...almost five seconds before she snorted, stood as well. “I would, thank you. And lose the jilted lover persona, won’t you? I’m not sure what is more insulting. That you think I’d be affected by it or that you’d fuck someone you supposedly cared about for a measly quarter of a million dollars. Either way, you end up as a manipulative little asshole and I end up as a fool. Not terribly charming for either of us, yes?”

  He turned, advancing on her until he claimed her personal space completely without actually touching her. “Do you really want me to be charming, Katharine? I can be. Or I can be blunt, and say that my motives all those years ago hardly matter now. I want you and I intend to have you.”

  “Be as blunt as you’d like, Jared.” She could smell him, all furious male. It was luscious. It made her hunger. Her fangs grew, pushing against her lips. “It won’t change a thing.”

  “I think you might find I have some surprises for you, Katharine.” With that, he leaned down to kiss her. Not the forceful, thwarted male kiss she expected, but a thorough, expert exploration of her mouth, tongue stroking her fangs, completely unafraid. She responded with surprising ease, enjoying the flavors of tea and Jared mingled together, letting the adrenaline from their conflict fade into a pleasant heat.

  The kiss ended, her lips tingling from the pressure of his, just enough to leave them swollen and damp. Jared smiled for her, eyes hot, admiring. “You’re still as good at that as ever, Katharine. But supper will ruin if we linger.”

  “And that would be a shame.” She reached up, wiped some wine lipstick from his bottom lip. She wasn’t the only one who was good at it. “Lead on, MacDuff.”

  The low table he’d set complimented the delicate spring rolls, and the tempura udon was full of crisp vegetables, perfectly cooked scallops, and noodles, spiced with ginger and green onions. It was delectable.

  “You’re wasted in business, pet. You should start a restaurant.”

  Jared saluted her with his sake cup. “I’m a devoted sensualist, is all. Really, the perfume industry is my first love. Still, anything you do is worth doing well, hmm?”

  “Yes.” Kat
harine hated to admit it, but she liked the man Jared had become—talented, interesting, suave, strong. “So, you’ve been to Japan, where else have you played?”

  “I apprenticed in Paris for a bit.” Sitting back, Jared stretched, showing off his muscled form to great advantage. “There was this old man, ninety if he was a day, who told me I was hopeless at distinguishing scents, and used to blindfold me and practically stick things up my nose. It was crude, but effective, you can imagine.”

  She chuckled at the visual. “Oh, now. He should have charged admission. People would pay to see that.”

  “I doubt it. He was... Well, he was certainly not as pretty as Keiko.”

  Katharine actually laughed this time. Surely Jared knew how good he looked by now. “Pet, they wouldn’t be paying to see the old man...”

  Something flared in his eyes, an expression she hadn’t seen in a long, long time. Not since he’d left. “I’ll take that in the spirit it was meant then, and thank you.” Suddenly he was sitting up straighter, taking up more space somehow. “Have you thought any more on my offer?”

  “Thought? No. Wondered? Yes, of course. It seems such an odd request, pet. I don’t understand why you believe I would consider it. It’s simply not my style. I am the mistress. That will not change until another of my kind comes to challenge me.” She refused to back down, making sure she held her ground, kept her voice calm, reasonable, friendly.

  Like she’d agree to... He had either lost his mind or seriously underestimated her.

  He studied her carefully for a full minute, his gaze too hooded to read. Then to her surprise, he nodded. “All right. I can accept that. But I do want to spend some time with you.”

  “My parlors are always open, pet.”

  “Is your bed?”

  “For you?” She surprised herself by considering it. “Possibly.”

  Oh, he looked so pleased, just smiling at her happily. “Shall we have dessert?”

  Katharine smiled back, unwillingly charmed. “It depends upon what dessert is, pet.”

  A nice Okinawan massaged with cinnamon oil for flavor would be perfect right about now.

  “Fruit. Marinated fruit. I know how you like something refreshing. And you know how I love finger food.” There was still something dangerous in that smile, something that she never would have associated with the Jared of long ago.

  “Mmm...” She wasn’t sure if the sound was for the idea of the fruit or in appreciation of the challenge before her. Either way worked.

  The fruit came with fondue, delicate chocolate and sweet burnt caramel. Lovely. The marinade itself was delicately flavored with crystallized ginger. He’d learned well from his teachers, obviously.

  “You must try this one.” He fed her a piece of star fruit, his fingers lingering on her lips.

  She chuckled, flushed and warm from the ginger and the sake. The fruit was luscious, making her tongue tingle, but not as much as when she bit Jared’s finger, the drop of blood heady and intoxicating. “Are you flirting with me, pet?”

  “Of course.” He licked the juice off his fingers slowly before picking up another piece of fruit, this one a dark green kiwi. “It’s part of the dessert service of course.”

  She chuckled, nibbling at the fruit, pulling at the sweet flesh. “Mmm--did you know that the Victorians performed a charming little sexual act with fresh ginger called figging?”

  Charming and arousing and she should try it with Jared one day. She’d had a beautiful boy in London then, rosy-cheeked and beautifully eager.

  “I did, but I admit I’ve never tried it.” That wink was pure invitation, unutterably naughty.

  “No?” She smiled, the idea of Jared stretched out beneath her, tight sweet little ass speared with a bit of ginger, the heat wild and inescapable, flavoring him as she fed. “I could arrange it for you.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you could. I might even let you some day. I admit, it might be interesting for old time’s sake. Of course, if you aren’t willing to sample the other things I have to offer, I have little incentive.”

  “Oh, pet, you wound me to the quick. I’m not incentive on my own?”

  “If you were not, I would not be here with you, my dear.” He leaned forward, offering her a kiss, and she knew how sweet those kisses could be, how addictive.

  Katharine smiled against her will, leaned in to taste. It was foolish, to learn to want this again. Jared was the one who’d proven she was vulnerable, still all-too human somewhere inside. Still...

  There was something about that smile.

  Sweet. Hot with ginger and sake. Jared kissed her like a man with all of the time in the world at his disposal. So mercurial, her Jared. So quick to change gears. She reached out, cupped his head in her hand, tilting him to get a better angle. Oh. Oh, she remembered this.

  He let her, turning with her hand and opening for her, his own hands still firmly on the table. It seemed almost a surrender, but the way his tongue met hers was not tentative. It was hard and needy. She shifted, thighs sliding, the heat and hunger making her wet, making her slick. It would be a bitch, to embarrass herself now.

  Jared pulled back, staring at her with those dark eyes, his breath coming quick and hard. “God. You get to me, Katharine.”

  “You’re still the most beautiful man. Stunning.” She stroked his cheek, his lips, her entire body just thrumming.

  A deep groan came from his chest, and Jared leaned to kiss her again and again.

  There was no artifice in it, no carefully planned seduction or attempt at domination. Just desire. For her. It was delicious, luscious, and imminently desirable. She pressed close, nipples aching as the silk brushed against them, drawing them up into tight pebbles. After what seemed an eternity, Jared began touching her, his hands smoothing along the silk of her blouse, rubbing her shoulders, cupping her throat. The kisses went on and on, his tongue pushing deep then withdrawing, pulling her tongue into his mouth.

  She moaned at the taste, the sound hungry and wanton to her own ears. It had been too long since she’d been touched like this, too long since it hadn’t just been a power play, a game. He came across the space between them, hands sliding down her back, pulling her close as he kissed her again. She could smell him over the ginger and the jasmine candles.

  Her thighs spread, inviting him closer, letting the heat of his body press against her. It wasn’t where she needed touching, not exactly, but it would do for a tease.

  “Katharine.” Jared sounded almost drugged, his voice slurred with need. Oh, how well she remembered his intensity, his focus. When they were intimate, she had been the only thing he saw. Some things never changed.

  “You are pure temptation...” She pressed closer, teeth teasing his bottom lip, nipping hard enough to feel.

  “And you make me need. Stay with me tonight, Katharine?” His hands shaped her waist, rose to cup her breasts. “Please.”

  “That would be a terrible idea.” Oh, that felt good and she pressed closer, rubbing into his touch. “Possibly even dangerous.”

  “Live dangerously, Katherine. Just for tonight. No games.” Hot. So hot, where his hand slid across the top edge of her stocking, thumb dipping underneath to stroke the ancient eagle branded there. The mark of her clan.

  She nodded, moaning low, thighs parting. She hadn’t had good danger in too long and sometimes a woman needed a man who wanted her. “No games. You make me melt, make me hungry.”

  “Good.” He tested her words, pushing up between her legs to press against her, making sensation zing right up her spine. “Because you make me hard, Katherine. You make me need.”

  She didn’t moan, but her thighs shook, hips moving, trying to tempt Jared to touch her. She reached out, fingers sliding through his thick, dark hair, holding him close. The tempting worked. He reached between them, fingers sliding along her thighs, between them, even as he rubbed, hard under his trousers. So hard. Groaning again, Jared shifted, lips sliding down her throat, teeth stinging at the base.

  The sting made her gasp, head falling back as another wash of heat flooded her. Her fingers tightened in his hair, tugging him away for a half second before pulling him closer. The fact that Jared was panting, scalp hot under her fingers, was heady. He never could find control around her, never. His fingers were surprisingly gentle, though, as he slid her underwear aside and stroked her, opened her.

  “Oh...” Her moan echoed, surprising loud, embarrassingly loud, but those fingers knew her, had spent months learning what she liked, what she needed. She’d spent months learning not to care that he left. “This is a bad idea.”

  Not that she wanted him to stop.

  “No. It’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time. The best one you’ve heard in ages.” He slipped down, his mouth burning a trail along the collar of her shirt, nuzzling the cloth aside as he went. One finger traced her clit, delicately, oh so perfect.

  “Mmm...yes.” Her toes curled, tongue tracing her lips as her belly went tight. Oh, she wanted this, so badly. The silk of her shirt rasped against her nipples, making her shiver, making her crazed. His lips found her nipple through the layers of silk and sucked, getting it wet, making it cling. He’d always loved silk over her skin.

  Her body arched, undulating between fingers and lips, caught in a web of heat that just seemed to grow tighter, cling to every inch of her skin. The sting of his teeth came just hard enough as Jared slipped a finger inside her, testing her warmth, her wetness.

  “Oh, Katharine. God.”

  She slid down so that his thumb bumped her clit, finger sliding in deep. Mmm. Oh, that was nice. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and she slid again, eyes rolling a little. Always so quick to pick up her lead, Jared started a rhythm, moving his hand in perfect time as his mouth moved over to her other breast. He was relentless, pushing her, sending her flying.

  His hair was slick and soft in her fingers, body rocking between that hot mouth, those sure, strong fingers. Her legs shook, body starting to tighten. Oh. Oh, just like that.

  “Yes. Yes, Katharine, please.” He bit her, more gentle than harsh, but letting her feel it, his hand pressing, pushing her higher.


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