A Dusting of Syn
Page 7
The minute she did that she became just like Elizabeth, and that thought sickened her. She would never be like her stepmother. Never.
The door opened softly, and she burrowed further down. She knew she should get up, but all she wanted was to sleep. A rough yank on the blanket made her sit up and pull the cover closer. Leora stood there, eyeing her with interest. Letica stood behind her, trying to hide her amusement.
"Mother sent me to check for blood. I see there is none. She will be happy to hear she was right, and you have been spreading your favors around."
"Me? I was not the one rutting with a man two nights back outside the main gate."
Leora's cheeks flushed with anger, and she leaned over as if to scramble across the bed and attack Syndra.
"Stop it.” Leticia grabbed her arm and yanked her sister back. “Do not be mad because she tells the truth. Everyone knows about your lover, well everyone except mother, and if you are not careful she will learn soon, and you know what that means."
Leora's cheeks went from red to white and Syndra felt like laughing and asking her how it felt to be afraid of a potential beating. It took her a few minutes, but she recovered.
"She wants to see you. Now."
Syndra leaned back against the bed frame. “Then let her come here."
"You know she cannot. My future husband has banished her to her rooms."
Syndra wanted to sneer at Leora, tell her she would never marry Keran. Remembering his words though, about not letting them know he knew Syndra's true identity, she just smirked. “He's banished me to his bed. So, we have a bit of a dilemma."
Leticia's laughter earned her a stern look from her sister. “Mother will not appreciate your cavalier attitude."
"You are right. And she would not appreciate your spreading your thighs for—"
"Shut up.” Leora sneered at her sister, then turned back to Syndra. “Don't get used to playing lady of the manor. Your lover will not last for long since he will not allow mother to rule the way your father did. And if I were you, I would go and visit her soon. Very soon."
Leora pushed past Leticia and quit the room. Leticia winked at her stepsister. “Was it wonderful?"
"Yes, it was.” Syndra felt as if rays of sunshine streamed from her face. She'd never been so content in all her life.
"I am happy for you. Just do not tell mother I said that.” She followed her sister out of the room, closing it behind her. Syndra snuggled down further, then let out a burst of laughter. Leora's words about Keran not being around long would come back to haunt her. The idea of the two women getting their just desserts thrilled her to no end. They could both spend the rest of their lives in the Tower for all Syndra cared.
Then a horrible feeling grasped hold of her. What if Elizabeth had some horrible plan for Keran? Would she try to poison his food? Or send her lover to try to kill him? She wouldn't put it past her to bring her treachery into play somehow.
The thought propelled her out of bed. Keran had not said what his plans were for the day, but she was sure he was still in the grounds somewhere, surely. She hastily washed herself then turning quickly and kicking her kirtle into the soot-filled fireplace, covering it with ash.
"Oh bollocks.” She had no clothing to wear now. The shift was filthy, and Keran had ripped her shift last night in his desire to see her naked, and then he had burnt it after it had caught her virgin blood.
Her kirtle would not provide enough protection for her to go about the castle, not even to dash to her tower room. Plus, she had only the one shift. What was she supposed to do now? She looked around the room, her gaze coming to rest on a large trunk.
Would she be able to lace herself into Keran's clothing? She was shorter than he, and had larger hips. And of course there was the problem with her chest area. Still, she could not wait around her for him to show back up. She needed to let him know of Elizabeth's potential for intrigue.
She threw open the chest, finding several pairs of clothing. Two leather jerkins sat on top of several white shirts like the one he had used to tend her last night. Under the shirts, she found breeches. She pulled them out and held them up.
Trying not to think about the way she would shock everyone she put one leg into one side, and then did the same for the other, pulling them up her body and over her hips. They were tight, but they fit. She'd never had anything this snug around her body, and it felt wicked. She laced the top part, not getting it as close together as Keran's had been on him.
A tentative few steps made her giggle. The leather rubbed against her thighs and the wicked feeling increased. Oh, that it was Keran between her legs and not his pants. She pulled on a shirt, the material floating down her body. It was thin, though, and when she looked down she could see her breasts, her hard nipples, poking out for everyone to see.
The jerkin proved to be a problem, as it wouldn't pull closed around her bosom. She threw it back into the chest, then lifted it back out. At least it would cover her nipples. She pulled it back on, then nodded in approval. She quickly braided her hair, then pushed her feet into her worn shoes and hurrying down the hallway.
Servants stopped to stare and laugh softly as she passed, but not one of them she asked knew where Keran was. The great hall was mostly empty, and she hurried to the kitchen. As usual, the room was abuzz with work, people hurrying to and fro. Syndra glanced around, then wheeled toward a burst of laughter.
Tillie held her hands over her mouth, her laughter escaping through her fingers. “What are you doing?"
"I, well, need a shift. Will you loan me one?"
Tillie wiggled her hips as she walked toward her. She had a huge smile on her face that lit up her eyes. “Did he rip it from your body?"
"Yes.” Syndra tried, and failed, not to giggle.
"I am so happy for you.” Tillie hugged her close, then pushed back and looked her up and down. “I will run upstairs and get you a shift and kirtle before he sees you in this."
"Why? He might like it."
Syndra swerved her head toward the doorway where Keran stood, a predatory look on his face. His gaze ran down her body, then slowly inched back up as he licked his lips.
He crossed the room quickly, pulling the two unlaced halves of the jerkin apart, his gaze fastening on her breasts. “Delicious.” She knew he meant his soft words for her ears only. “Perhaps we should retire for the day."
"Milord.” She tried to pull the jerkin from his hands, but he held it closed. “It is not yet noon."
"True, but I find my appetite is whetted for something other than food."
Her blush warmed her body, and when he kissed her gently, the kitchen staff oohed and aahed and clapped.
"Stop that.” She tried to pull away again. “We need to talk."
"About what? I only came in here because a young boy told me a woman masquerading as a man was terrorizing the keep."
Shock ran through her body. “Truly?"
"No, but when I asked where you were, he said you had come in here, and were wearing breeches. I just had to see it for myself."
He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I rather like you this way. I am sure watching you walk will be quite provocative."
She leaned closer to him. “Elizabeth is asking for me. What do I do?"
"Go to her, after you are properly dressed, of course. And make sure you break your fast. I would not want you to face her on am empty stomach.
"But what do I say?"
He put his hand on the small of her back and led her toward the great hall. “The truth, most of it. Don't tell her I know who you are, but tell her that I bedded you several times, and am quite enamored with your charms. That is the truth."
Her blush spread. “And then?"
"Be submissive. When she orders you to keep tabs on me and report back to her, agree to it, but do not agree too quickly. Let her think she has the upper hand."
"Why would she ask me to do that? She will order me from your bed, or she will hurt Alma."
He ignored her fears, caressing her forearm with gentle strokes. “When you are done, come and see me in the salon next to my quarters."
"But Keran, why—"
"Shush, just do as I ask, please.” His kiss was gentle. “Promise me."
A shiver coursed through her body. “She will be so angry."
"She will not touch you for fear of reprisals from me. I can assure you of that.” He kissed her again, then slapped her leather-clad behind. “Now, go with Tillie and dress. And thank you for wearing my clothes. It gives me some very naughty ideas."
* * * *
Syndra fought not to run when Elizabeth slowly turned from her window, her eyes narrowed. “No blood, I hear. You little whore."
"What do you want?"
Elizabeth's eyebrows shoot up. “Do not be snippy with me. If it were the right time, I would have already dispatched your new lover. I have to wait, but it will be worth it."
Syndra frowned but did not say anything.
"You will listen to his conversations with his men and report back to me."
"You have never done anything for me in my whole life. Why should I help you get out of your prison?"
The urge to run came again when Elizabeth stepped closer. “Do as I say or I will kill you with my bare hands and put you next to your lover in the crypt I am having prepared just for him."
Her stepmother's eyes narrowed. Syndra had thought her anger would have cooled overnight, but she felt the venom shooting from Elizabeth's eyes could have knocked her down.
"And if that is not enough incentive, then I will put your friend Alma in there to wait for you. Do you understand me?"
Her hands shook with the need to reach out and slap the woman before her. She remembered Keran's words to agree t her plan. “You are evil."
"You will report to me every evening after the meal, and then again the next morning after you have left his bed."
The thought of Alma, and of doing as Keran asked, made her nod in agreement. “May I go now?"
"Be back tonight and bring me news.” She took another step forward. “Now, get out of my sight."
Syndra refused to rush. She stared at her stepmother, then turned and walked calmly from the room, her chest aching against Tillie's too-tight clothing.
Outside the door, she put her hand on the wall and paused to catch her breath. Elizabeth's sharp words worried her, but she knew she had to have faith in Keran, he would make things right. He had proven himself trustworthy to her, and she would do the same for him. She straightened, and the snug clothing pulled across her breasts. She needed to have one of the women bring cloth to Keran's room so she could make a new shift, and while she was at it, she would make a new kirtle, too. A green one to match the flecks of color in Keran's eyes.
She stopped in front of the door to the salon that adjoined his room. She could hear voices drifting through the wood. She identified Keran and Patrick, and then Tillie's laugh and then. No, it could not be. Surely, Elizabeth would have told her if...
Her heart stilled, and she pushed open the door, rushing inside and then stopping dead in her tracks as everyone turned to stare at her.
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Chapter Ten
Syndra rushed across the room and threw her arms around her friend. “How? What?"
"It is a good thing you did not tell her before she went in to see the hag, or else our secret would be out of the bag.” Patrick shook his head as if in disgust, but the smile on his face showed his amusement.
"How did you escape?"
"I did not. I had a rescuer.” She grinned at Brody, who winked at her.
"But how? How did you find her so quickly?"
"It was not hard, love.” Keran sat down and put his forearms on his thighs. “We simply followed Nathaniel. Then, last night while everyone slept, Brody snuck into her tent and stole her away."
"He held out his hand and whispered your name,” Alma said. “I did not have to think too hard about leaving with him."
The room filled with laughter, then Keran cleared his throat. “Did the witch say anything to you, about Alma?"
"She said I was to report back to her after the meal every evening, and again the next morning. She threatened to kill Alma if I refused."
Alma gasped, then put her hands to her throat.
"You are safe,” Keran said. “Her words only show me she thinks you have escaped. She does not know you are here in the castle. We will keep you in Brody's room. I hope that is acceptable to both of you."
"It is to me,” Brody said, his voice deep with obvious desire, drawing another bought of laughter.
"And me,” Alma said, smiling at him shyly.
"Good.” Keran winked at her, then turned back to Syndra. “What else did she say?"
"She said she is preparing a crypt for you."
"That does not surprise me.” He leaned back in his chair. “We need to watch for signs of poison, or other nasty little things like poisoned darts or serpents."
"I cannot believe she would go to these lengths,” Syndra said, crossing the room to put her hand on Keran's shoulder. “What are you not telling me?"
"Intelligent,” Patrick nodded in approval.
Keran sniffed, then sat perfectly still. Syndra could tell he was considering what to say, choosing his words carefully. The idea filled her with anger, but she wouldn't say anything in front of everyone else. She would save it for later, when they were alone in his rooms. When he finally spoke her annoyance lessened somewhat.
"You are so expressive, Syn, that I hesitate to tell you too much. If you let something slip, then the game will be up and we will be in serious peril."
Her heart beat quicker, then she kneeled down next to him. “Tell me."
Each word he spoke made her breakfast turn sour in her stomach. Her hands went clammy, and her already accelerated heart rate shot up even more. When he was done, she looked down at her feet.
"My father was always loyal to the House of York. He would never go against the king."
"I have no doubt of that,” Keran said. “But she is renting out the land for supporters of the Lancasterians, who would still love the throne. We need to take care of it before it gets out of hand, but we have to wait for reinforcements from the king."
Syndra nodded. “What do we do?"
"We act as if nothing is wrong,” Keran replied. “We go about our work of settling into life at the castle, we eat, we work, we make love. But, we watch our foes, very carefully. For eight months now they've been training men. I am sure the forces there now are just the latest batch. We cannot let her know we're on to her. That would prove disastrous."
"They would kill us all,” Patrick said.
Syndra nodded, knowing her reports to Elizabeth would have to be monitored very carefully. She also knew she would be feeding her false information, and that made her grin.
"What is so funny?” Keran pulled her to her feet and set her on his knee.
"I am a spy."
"That you are, little one, and a very beautiful one.” He kissed her softly, and Alma sighed, making Syndra laugh.
A knock at the door, however, silenced them all.
Brody clasped Alma's hand and pulled her toward the door that led to Keran's room. He pushed it open, glanced inside to make sure no one was there, then closed the door after them.
"Come.” At Keran's command, several household staff members entered, carrying large pieces of fabric. “Set it on the table."
"What is this?” Syndra crossed and ran her finger over the beautiful material. This was material bought for Elizabeth, Leora and Leticia. She had never had material so fine and soft.
"For you, to make new shifts and kirtles. Tillie can help you.” His unspoken ‘and Alma' widened the smile that was already on her face.
"Thank you."
"You are very welcome. Use the green material. It will look very fetching on you."
* * * *
/> Syndra ran her fingers over the soft material of her new kirtle. Under the emerald green overskirt, the shift, cut lower than any of her clothing had ever been, hugged her body. The three of them had worked tirelessly through the afternoon to make sure the garments would be completed in time for the evening meal. Tomorrow, they planned on placing gold decoration around the neck and arms, and possibly on the bottom of the skirt. She had never had decoration on clothing before, and she could hardly wait to get it done.
Sitting and laughing with her friends had produced more fun than Syndra had seen in years. The two of them had begged for details of her first bedding, but she had given them few, preferring to keep the particulars close to her heart, a memory that would forever make her feel warm inside.
When they had finished putting the shift together, she had held it up and chortled with glee. “This is so much fun."
"We cannot have you going to eat in breeches and a jerkin that does not cover your body,” Alma had said with a laugh as she picked up shears to cut the green material.
She still could not believe she had new clothing, something not worn by anyone but herself. This was the first time in her life that had happened. It made her feel warm and special.
"You look so beautiful.” She turned and looked over shoulder to where Keran stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorjamb. “I knew the green would be perfect for you."
"Thank you, milord."
He closed the door and crossed the room quickly. Coming up behind her and stroking her arms. “You are welcome, milady."
The warm feeling in her belly spread and she put her hands on her abdomen and pushed down, trying to calm her nerves. Milady. She'd never thought to hear that word associated with her. She'd never thought she'd be anything but Elizabeth's slave for the rest of her natural born life.
"Is it time for the evening meal?"
"Not quite yet.” He lightly ran his fingers over her shoulders. “But I am hungry."
"We can find you food in the kitchen to tide you over.” She turned to him, her eyes widening at the look on his face.