Fixing the Sky

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Fixing the Sky Page 43

by James Rodger Fleming

  environmental warfare

  EOS: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union

  Espy, James Pollard

  Esso Research and Engineering Company

  Etchegoyen (scientist)

  ethical, legal, social implications (ELSI)

  Evacuation of England, The (Gratacap)

  Evans, Daniel J.

  Everdingen, E. von

  Exner, Felix

  Explorer (satellites)

  explosions. See also bombs

  extrasensory perception

  Facts and Plans (Warren)

  Fairchild, Eugene

  Falconer, Ray


  Farmer in the Sky (Heinlein)

  Farm Implement News

  Farwell, Charles


  Federal Communications Commission

  Fedorov, K. N.

  Fedyakin, Nikolai

  Fernow, Bernhard E.

  FIDO. See Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation

  Findeisen, Walter

  Finley, John P.



  Fixing Climate (Broecker and Kunzig)

  Flagler, Henry

  Fleischmann, Martin

  Fletcher, Joseph O.

  Flit, Liya Abramovna

  flooding, of desert

  Florez, Luis de

  Flowers, Allan

  fog; modification of; research on; seeding of. See also fog dispersal

  fog dispersal; apparatus for; chemical methods for; electricity for; electrified sand and; at MIT; physical methods of; thermal methods for. See also Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation

  Fogg, Martyn J.

  Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation (FIDO)

  Ford, Gerald R.

  forecasting; of climate; Espy and; fantasies about; Krick and

  Forrestal, James

  fossil fuels; carbon dioxide and; consumption of; global warming and; greenhouse effect and; PSAC and. See also gasoline

  Foster, George E.

  Fourier, Joseph

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Franklin, William Suddards

  Fraser, Donald M.

  Frazer, James George

  French Academy of Sciences

  Freud, Sigmund

  From the Earth to the Moon (Verne)

  Frosch, Robert A.

  “frost-fighting,” 235

  Galileo Galilei

  Garroway, Dave

  Gaskell, T. F.

  gas mask filters


  Gates, Bill

  Gathman, Louis

  General Electric Corporation (GE); Annual Report; Bancroft and; cloud seeding and; contracts of; FIDO and; Knolls Research Laboratory; Krick and; Kurt Vonnegut and; News Bureau; Project Cirrus and; silver iodide and. See also Langmuir, Irving; Schaefer, Vincent; Vonnegut, Bernard

  General Motors Research Labs

  Geneva International Peace Research Institute

  geoengineering; artificial ionosphere and; criticism of; definition of–230; economics of; ELSI approach to; ethics of; options of; Royal Society of London and; socio-technical hybrid issues of; terraforming and

  Geophysics Corporation of America

  Global Climate and Ecology Institute (Russia)

  global cooling

  Global Engineering (Adabashev)

  Global Research Technologies

  global warming; PSAC and; science fiction and

  Godey’s Lady’s Book (magazine)

  Goldblat, Jozef

  Golden, Dan

  Golden Bough, The (Frazer)

  Goldstein, Simeon H. F.

  Gone with the Wind (film)

  Goodland News (newspaper)

  Gore, Al

  Gorodskiy, Mikhail Aleksandrovich

  Gratacap, Louis P.

  Great Instauration, The (Bacon)

  Great Weather Syndicate, The (Griffith)

  Green, Edward Howland Robinson

  greenhouse effect

  greenhouse gases; OIF and; reduction of; tipping point and. See also pollution

  Greening of Mars, The (Lovelock and Allaby)

  Green Mars (Robinson)

  Gregg, Willis R.

  Griffith, George

  Gromyko, Andrei

  Grushin, Alexsei

  Guazzo, Francesco Maria

  Gulf Stream

  Gulf Stream, The (Gaskell)


  Gurwitsch, Alexandr

  HAA. See High Altitude Airship

  Haber, Fritz


  Hahn, Charles Curtz

  hail: dust and; Espy and; shooting at; suppression of

  Hall, Robert N.

  “Hall of Fantasy, The” (Hawthorne)

  Handler, Philip

  Hansen, James

  Hare, Robert

  Harper, Kristine

  Harper’s Magazine

  Harrelson, Woody

  Harvard Law School Record

  Harvard University; Cruft High Tension Electrical Laboratory

  Hatfield, Charles Mallory

  Hatfield Rain Precipitation Corporation

  Hawkins, Marse Washington

  Hawthorne, Nathanial

  heat budget; measurements of; Wexler and

  Heinlein, Robert

  Henderson the Rain King (Bellow)

  Henry, Joseph

  Hepburn, Katharine

  Hering, Daniel

  Herkimer, Nicholas

  Hersh, Seymour

  Hess, D. C.

  High Altitude Airship (HAA)

  Higuichi, Keiji

  Historical Perspectives on Climate Change (Fleming)

  Ho Chi Minh Trail

  Hoff, J. H. van’t

  Hoffman, Ross

  Holdren, John

  Hosler, Charles

  Houghton, Henry G.arrett, Jr.

  Howell, Wallace E.

  Hoyle, Fred

  Hubbard, Jack M.

  Hughes Aircraft Company

  Humboldt, Alexander von

  Humphreys, William Jackson; on electrified sand; FIDO and; on hail shooting; predictions of

  Hurricane King

  hurricanes; cannon; control over; tracking of

  Huxley, Julian

  IAS. See Institute for Advanced Study

  ice age; carbon dioxide and; induction of

  ice caps, melting of

  Imperial College of Science and Technology

  Implications of Rising Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Conservation Foundation)

  Inconvenient Truth, An (film)



  Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)

  Institute of Aeronautical Sciences

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

  Intermediary-Compatriot. See Operation Motorpool

  International Geophysical Year

  Invasion de la mer, L’ ( Verne)

  IOLA. See ionization of the local areas

  ionization of the local areas (IOLA)

  ionization platforms

  ionosphere, artificial

  IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

  Ishmael (Quinn)

  Izrael, Yuri

  James I (king of England)

  Jaucourt, Louis de

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jerome, Saint

  jet stream

  Jewell, Clinton B.

  Jingling in the Wind (Roberts)

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson, Robert

  “Joint Statement Concerning Future Discussion on the Dangers of Environmental Warfare,” 183

  Jones, Mike

  Jones, Tommy Lee

  Jordan, David Starr

  Journal of Applied Meteorology

  Journal of Physical Chemistry

  Kael, Pauline

  Kansas, rainmakers in

  Kansas City Star (newspaper)

  Kansas State Agricu
ltural College

  Kant, Immanuel

  Keeling, Charles David

  Keith, David

  Kellogg, William W.; “High Water Experiment” of

  Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson)

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kenney, George C.

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kidwell, Howard

  King, David

  King, Whitney



  Krick, Irving P.; Petterssen and

  Krick Weather Service

  Kublai Khan

  Kunzig, Robert

  Kuroshio Current

  Labrador Current

  Lackner, Klaus

  Laird, Melvin

  Lancaster, Burt

  Langley, Samuel P.

  Langmuir, Irving; experiments of; Petterssen and; Project Cirrus and

  Langmuir–Schaefer smoke generator

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon

  Laredos (magazine)


  Last and First Men (Stapleton)

  latent heat (caloric)

  Latham, John

  Launder, Brian


  Lehigh University

  Leibniz, Gottfried

  Le Maout, Charles

  Lenin, Vladimir

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Leslie, Eliza

  Lesseps, Ferdinand de

  Liebling , A. J.

  Life (magazine)

  light pollution

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lindemann, Frederick A.

  Little, Arthur D.

  Lloyd, Geoffrey

  Lodge, Oliver

  London; fog in

  Looney Tunes

  Lorenz, Edward

  Los Angeles Examiner (newspaper)

  Lovelock, James

  Luby, James O.

  Luginbuhl, Christian

  Lunt, Dan

  Lutzenberger, José

  Lyttleton, R . A.

  MacCracken, Michael

  MacDonald, Gordon J. F.

  Macdonald, James A.. See also Stingo, John R.

  Mackay, George

  Mackenzie, Donald

  magnetic field

  Malkin, Bill

  Malone, Thomas

  Manabe, Syukuro

  Man and Nature (Marsh)

  Mandan (North American Indians)–

  Manhattan Project

  Mann, Martin

  Mann, Michael

  Man Versus Climate (Rusin and Flit)

  Man Who Rocked the Earth, The (Train and Wood)

  Marchetti, Cesare

  Maria Theresa (archduchess of Austria)

  Markin, Arkadii Borisovich

  Marsh, George Perkins

  Marshall, George C.

  Martin, John

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Lincoln Laboratory

  Maury, Matthew Fontaine

  McAdie, Alexander

  McFarlane, Alexander

  McGavin, Darren

  McKittrick, James

  McNamara, Robert S.

  Mediterranean Sea

  Melbourne, Frank

  Melinda and Melinda (film)

  Melville, W.E.

  Merchant, Carolyn

  Meteorologica (Aristotle)

  Meteorological Essays (Arago)


  Methods of Climate Control (Rusin and Flit)

  Middle Ages

  military: meteorology and; research by; science and. See also war

  Miller, William

  Millikan, Robert A.

  Milton, John

  Mindling, George W.

  Minor, Audax

  mirrors, in space

  MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  Mitchell, Joni


  “mitogenic rays,”

  “molecular reductionism,”

  Molina, Mario

  Möller, F.

  Mollohan, Alan


  Monthly Weather Review

  Moore, William

  Moore, Willis L.

  More Sunshine in the Cloudy North, More Rain in the Tropics (Veraart)

  Morris, Nelson

  Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

  Mother Culture

  Mount Washington Observatory

  Müller, Rolf


  Namias, Jerome


  Napoleon Bonaparte

  Naqvi, S. W. A.

  NASA; Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Institute for Advanced Concepts

  Nash, N. Richard

  National Academy of Sciences; Committee on Atmospheric Sciences; Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research; National Research Council; Panel on Weather and Climate Modification; Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warning

  National Advisory Committee on Aviation

  National Center for Atmospheric Research

  National Centers for Environmental Prediction

  National Defense Research Council

  National Hurricane Research Project (NHRP)

  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  National Science Foundation (NSF)

  natural gas

  nature, states of

  Navajo (North American Indians)

  Nebraska, rainmakers in


  New Atlantis, The (Bacon)

  New Mexico

  Newsweek (magazine)

  New York Enquirer (newspaper)

  New Yorker (magazine)

  New York Times (newspaper)

  New York World (newspaper)

  NHRP. See National Hurricane Research Project

  Nimitz, Chester W.

  Nitrogen Fix, The (Clement)

  nitrogen fixation process


  nitrous oxide

  Nixon, Richard M.

  NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


  Nordhaus, William

  North American Water and Power Alliance

  Norwegian Forecasting Service

  Novim Group

  “N-rays,” 137

  NSF. See National Science Foundation

  nuclear bombs

  Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy

  nuclear power

  nuclear winter


  numerical weather prediction (NWP)

  NWP. See numerical weather prediction

  Oberth, Herman

  ocean iron fertilization (OIF)

  O’Connor, William Douglas

  Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)

  OIF. See ocean iron fertilization


  Oman, Luke

  110 in the Shade (Nash)

  “On the Possibilities of Climate Control” (Wexler)

  Operation Argus

  Operation Cumulus (Operation Witchdoctor)

  Operation Hardtack

  Operation Motorpool (Intermediary-Compatriot)

  Operation Starfish


  Orville, Howard T.

  OSRD. See Office of Scientific Research and Development

  Ostwald, Wilhelm

  Our Man Flint (film)

  “Outline of Weather Proposal” (Zworykin)

  Owning the Weather (film)


  oxy-hydrogen balloons

  ozone depletion

  ozone layer

  Pacala, Stephen

  Page, Geraldine

  Panama Canal

  Paradise Lost (Milton)


  pathological science

  Pazniak, Zianon

  Pell, Claiborne

  Penner, Stanford Solomon

  Pentagon Papers


  Persian Gulf War I, 185

  petroleum burners

  Petroleum Warfare Department (PW

  Petterssen, Sverre


  Phillips, Norman

  Philosophy of Storms, The (Espy)

  plankton, blooms of

  Plass, Gilbert

  Player Piano (Vonnegut)



  pollution; control of; global warming and; light; from rifle system. See also greenhouse gases

  Pons, Stanley


  Popular Mechanics (magazine)

  Popular Science Monthly (magazine)

  Porky Pig

  Porky the Rain-Maker (film)

  Powell, John Wesley

  power plants; hydroelectric; nuclear

  Powers, Edward


  precipitation static

  predictions. See forecasting

  President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC)

  prevention, as intervention strategy

  production, as intervention strategy

  Project Cirrus

  Project Gromet

  Project High Water

  Project Plowshare

  Project Popeye

  Project Stormfury

  Project West Ford (Project Needles)

  protection, as intervention strategy


  PSAC. See President’s Science Advisory Committee

  Purchase of the North Pole, The (Verne)

  Purdue University

  Putin, Vladimir

  PWD. See Petroleum Warfare Department

  Quinn, Daniel


  Radford, W. H.

  Radio Corporation of America (RCA) Laboratory


  RAF. See Royal Air Force

  rain gauges

  “Rain King, The” (Leslie)

  “Rain-Maker, The” (Wilson)

  Rainmaker, The (Nash)

  Rainmakers, The (Spence)

  rainmaking: cartoonists’ take on; categories of; early efforts at; electrified sand and; examination of; from fires; in Kansas; in Nebraska; practicality of

  Rain Making and Other Weather Vagaries (Humphreys)

  Rakipova, Larisa R.

  RAND Corporation

  Rapley, Chris

  Rasch, Philip

  RCA Laboratory. See Radio Corporation of America Laboratory

  Red Green Show (television show)

  Red Mars (Robinson)


  Reich, Wilhelm

  Reichelderfer, Francis W.

  Remington Arms

  remote sensing

  “Report on the Barnhouse Effect” (Vonnegut)

  Restoring the Quality of Our Environment (PSAC)

  Revelle, Roger

  Revenge of Gaia, The (Lovelock)

  Rex, Daniel

  Rhees, William J.

  Rhine, Joseph Banks

  Richardson, Louis Fry

  Rickenbacker, Eddie

  Riehl, Herb

  rifle system

  Riker, Carroll Livingston

  Roberts, Elizabeth Madox

  Robinson, Kim Stanley

  Robock, Alan


  Rock Island Railroad Company

  Rodin, M. B.

  Rome Plow

  Röntgen rays


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