Fixing the Sky

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Fixing the Sky Page 44

by James Rodger Fleming

Roosevelt, Franklin

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rossby, Carl-Gustav

  Roudaire, François Elie

  Rowland, Sherwood

  Royal Academy of Engineering

  Royal Aircraft Establishment

  Royal Air Force (RAF)

  Royal Meteorological Society

  Royal Society of London; Philosophical Transactions

  Ruddiman, William

  Ruggles, Daniel

  Rusin, Nikolai Petrovich

  Rusk, Jeremiah

  Russian Academy


  Sahara Desert

  Salawitch, Ross

  Salter, Steven

  sand, electrified

  Sanford, Fernando

  San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper)

  Sarnoff, David

  satellite remote sensing


  saw grass

  Schaefer, Vincent; Project Cirrus and

  Schelling, Thomas

  Schiller, Friedrich

  Schmidt, Gavin

  Schneider, Stephen

  Science (magazine)

  science fiction

  Scientific American (magazine)

  Scientific Revolution

  Scribner’s Magazine

  seawater, as cloud-seeding agent

  Sellers, Mulberry


  Sevastopol, siege of

  “Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals” (Cohn)

  Shakespeare, William

  Shaler, Nathaniel

  Shapley, Harlow

  Shaw, Napier

  Shepherd, John

  Shih, I-Fu

  Shvets, M. Ye.

  silver iodide (AgI); Bernard Vonnegut and; as cloud-seeding agent; in flares; Langmuir and; in New Mexico

  Simpson, Joanne

  Simpson, Robert H.

  Sky King (television show)

  Smetacek, Victor

  Smith, Karl F.




  socio-technical hybrid issues

  Socolow, Robert

  solar radiation management; idealized; stratospheric dust and; sulfuric acid and

  solar shield

  “Song of the Bell” (Schiller)

  Sörgel, Herman

  sound waves

  Soviet Electric Power (Markin)

  Soviet Union; ENMOD and

  Spaatz, Carl A.

  space: control of; mirrors in

  Spence, Clark

  Spilhaus, Athelstan

  Sputnik (satellites)

  SST. See supersonic transport

  St. Amand, Pierre

  stabilization wedges

  Stalin, Joseph

  Stanford Law Review

  Stapleton, Olaf

  Stenchikov, Georgiy

  Stiger, Albert

  Stingo, John R.


  stratosphere: aerosol content of; bubbles in; burning sulfur in; cooling of; dust in; pollution in; rifle system and

  Suits, C. Guy


  Summers, Lawrence

  sunspots, manipulation of

  supersonic transport (SST)

  Sverdrup, Harald U.

  Sykes, George Ambrosius Immanuel Morrison


  Talbot, Curtis G.

  Talman, Charles Fitzhugh

  Tarmy, Barry

  Tatarsk Strait

  technology; fear of; historic; limitations of; Takers and

  Television Infrared Observation Satellite (TIROS) program

  Teller, Edward


  Terraforming Earth (Williamson)

  Texas Department of Agriculture


  Thompson, Michael

  Tilmes, Simone

  Tilton, James

  Time (magazine)

  tipping points

  TIROS. See Television Infrared Observation Satellite program

  Toon, Brian

  “To the Friends of Science” (Espy)


  Train, Arthur

  Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London


  Truman, Harry

  Tuan, Yi-fu

  Turco, Richard

  Twain, Mark

  Tyndall, John

  Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. 255

  UCAR. See University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

  Ulam, Stanislaw

  United Nations (UN); Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD); Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); Environment Program (UNEP); Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

  University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)

  University Meteorological Committee

  University of California–San Diego: Center for Energy and Combustion Research; Scripps Institution of Oceanography

  U.S. Air Force: Cloud Physics Research Project (with Weather Bureau); Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit (with Navy and Weather Bureau); Strategic Air Command; Weather Reconnaissance Squadron; Weather Resources and Programs; Weather Service

  U.S. Army: Air Force; Air Weather Service; Medical Department; Ordnance Department; Signal Office

  U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

  U.S. Climate Change Technology Program

  U.S. Congress: House of Representatives; Senate; testimony before

  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry

  U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Air Commerce

  U.S. Department of Defense

  U.S. Department of Energy

  U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  U.S. Geological Survey

  U.S. Navy: Bureau of Aeronautics; Espy and; Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit (with Air Force and Weather Bureau); meteorological data of; Naval Ordinance Test Station; Project Stormfury and; seeding of storms by; Warren and; Weather Research Facility

  U.S. Weather Bureau; Cloud Physics Research Project (with Air Force); electrified sand and; Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab; Gregg and; Hatfield and; Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit (with Air Force and Navy); Langmuir and; Wexler and

  U.S. Weather Control Bureau

  “Use of Asphalt Coatings to Increase Rainfall, The” (Black and Tarmy)

  Vaillant, Jean-Baptiste Philibert

  Van Allen, James

  Van Allen radiation belts

  Veraart, August

  Vernadsky, Vladimir

  Verne, Jules



  volcanoes, artificial

  von Kármán, Theodore

  Vonnegut, Bernard

  Vonnegut, Kurt

  von Neumann, John

  Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (film)

  Wainscoat, Richard


  Walker, Constance

  Walker, Gabrielle

  Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories

  war. See also military

  “War Against Hail” (Mann)

  War and the Weather (Powers)

  Ward, Robert DeCourcy

  Warner Brothers

  Warren, L. Francis

  Washington, George

  Washington Post (newspaper)

  waste heat

  Waterman, Alan T.

  Water Resources Corporation of Denver


  WDA. See Weather Distributing Administration

  weather; engineering of; reports; superstitions and fallacies about; in war; as weapon

  Weather Distributing Administration (WDA)

  “Weather Modification” (Rodin and Hess)

  Weaver, Warren

  Wegener, Alfred

  Wegener-Bergeron-Findeisen process

  Weinberg, Alvin

bsp; Weld, Tuesday

  Wells, H. G.

  Welsbach Patent

  Westchester Racing Association

  Westmoreland, William

  Wexler, Harry

  Widener, Joseph E.

  Williams, John

  Williamsom, J. D.

  Williamson, Jack

  Wilson, Margaret Adelaide

  WMO. See World Meteorological Organization

  Wood, Lowell

  Wood, Robert Williams

  World Bank

  World Meteorological Organization (WMO); Global Atmospheric Research Programme

  World Peril of 1910, The (Griffith)

  World’s Fair

  Worlds in the Making (Arrhenius)

  World War I,

  World War II,

  World Weather Bureau

  World Weather Watch (W W W)

  Wreck of the South Pole, The (Hahn)

  Wright, Orville

  Wulf, Oliver

  W W W. See World Weather Watch

  Yates, Allan

  Yudin, M. I.

  zinc oxide (ZnO), as cloud-seeding agent


  Zubrin, Robert

  Zuni (North American Indians)

  Zworykin, Vladimir K.


  Publishers Since 1893

  New York Chichester, West Sussex

  Copyright © 2010 Columbia University Press All rights reserved

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Fleming, James Rodger.

  Fixing the sky : the checkered history of weather and climate control /

  James Rodger Fleming.

  p. cm.—(Columbia studies in international and global history)

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  eISBN : 978-0-231-51306-7

  1. Weather control—History. 2. Nature—Effect of human beings on. I. Title. II. Series.

  QC928.F54 2010

  551.68—dc22 2010015482

  Columbia University Press books are printed on permanent and durable acid-free paper. This book is printed on paper with recycled content.


  References to Internet Web sites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. Neither the author nor Columbia University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared.




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