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Satisfaction (Taking Chances #2)

Page 4

by Jeanne McDonald

  “I like him,” Mercy proclaimed. “He’s honest.”

  “I told you,” Addison noted.

  Mercy handed Eddie her glass of champagne.

  “Mr. Johnson, would you care to dance?”

  “I, uh, I don’t dance.”

  “Nonsense. You’re a yoga instructor.”

  “That doesn’t mean I know how to dance.”

  “He has a point,” interjected Eddie.

  “True,” Mercy agreed, “but he is limber and knows how to match someone step for step.” She gave me a wink. “Just follow me and you’ll be fine.”

  Great. Another woman ordering me to follow her.

  Mercy took my hand and marched us out to the dance floor. No sooner were we swaying to the beat of an 80s-pop hit, did she relax with a sigh. “I’m sorry for dragging you out here like this. Those four have been bugging the hell out of me all night long. I simply needed to get away from them or I was about to go postal. You were the perfect alibi.”

  I could relate.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing you want to hear about, I’m sure.”

  “Boyfriend problems?”

  She did smell good and with her height, she fit well against my body, but she wasn’t soft and curvy like my bombshell.

  “You could say that. But who cares about that? It seems to me as though one of us already got lucky tonight.”

  I pulled back a little startled. “Come again?”

  “Didn’t you already?” Mercy’s picture-perfect red lips tilted into a coy grin. “You reek of sex, Duckie.”

  “Duckie! Oh, c’mon! That’s not right.”

  “I just call ‘em like I see ‘em. You have sex and nerd blaring from you like Lloyd and his boom box!”

  I groaned. “All the terrible eighties references.”

  “Blame the decor.” She allowed herself to dip in my arms and be pulled back up. “Now, tell me, was the slutty wedding sex hot? I must live vicariously through you tonight.”

  If I could’ve dug a hole into the ground and buried myself, I would’ve, but at the same time, the animalistic man inside me was proud that this woman could sense sex on me. “It was very hot,” I admitted.

  “Obviously.” Mercy touched my neck with her long, manicured nails. “She left her mark.”

  My eyes grew wide when I realized what she meant. “Are you serious?”

  Mercy laughed. “You didn’t check yourself out in the mirror before returning to the party?”

  “No. I was more interested in finding her.”

  “You let her get away?”

  “Not intentionally.”

  “Well, let’s go find her. My night might be shit, but if I can help make yours better I’ll feel a little less down.”

  “I searched for her a bit ago. I think she’s already left the party.”

  “What’s her name? I can run a search for her.”

  I dropped my head in shame. “I don’t know.”

  “Wait! You didn’t get her name, either?”

  We stopped moving and Mercy tilted my chin to meet her eyes. “And here I thought I had it bad,” she finally said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Her eyes shifted around to the corner of the room where a large man, bulky and brooding, stood. His bald head and dark suit made him anything but inconspicuous.

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “Gable,” Mercy answered, sadness coloring her tone. “Sebastian and Addison’s personal bodyguard.”

  Addison’s assumption that she would be a disruption to my studio because of her security detail resonated loudly at the sight of the hulking guy. He looked like someone right out of a comic book.

  “And the object of your affection.” Her face said it all. I knew that look. I’d worn it a few times.

  “If only. To him, I’m just another name on the list.”

  “At least you’re a name,” I consoled. “That’s more than others have.”

  Mercy smiled and bowed her head. “Fair point.” She released me from her hold and took a step back. “Brix Johnson, it was nice to meet you. Thank you for the dance.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  As Mercy disappeared into the crowd, I, once again, found myself alone. This time, I didn’t feel as frantic. Just those few moments with Mercy made me realize that I was lucky to have shared a connection, even for a brief instant, with my bombshell. There was hope I’d find her again...someday. And if not, then I would always carry with me the amazing memory of the one who got away.

  I covered my face with my hand, biting back the irritation bubbling in my chest.

  “I already told you, Mom, I can’t.”

  My phone vibrated with the loud huff of equal frustration from my biological incubator. “Brixie, you can. You just don’t want to.”

  Money. Always money with her. My mother wouldn’t call me to talk. No, she only called when her allowance ran out and she wanted more money from her trust fund. She knew it was impossible to talk Nanna’s attorney into giving her extra funds from her trust fund, so she tried to bypass the lawyers by getting money from me.

  I rubbed my temples and glanced around the room. Incense burned, filling the peaceful space with a warm aroma of jasmine and thyme. It was one of my favorite fragrances to use during calming sessions. I’d already dimmed the lights and lit candles for tonight’s session. My students enjoyed the tranquil ambiance.

  Running my own yoga studio was a dream come true for me. After high school, where the world saw me as nothing more than a computer geek, I became determined to change my image. Only one problem with that goal ─ one can change the outward appearance but that doesn’t eliminate the shy guy inside.

  My yoga journey began in college, which required a physical education course to graduate. My initial thought was to take a jogging class. Simple. An easy A. Little to no stress. While going through the course catalogue with Autumn, however, she suggested I take a yoga class. I thought she was joking. Turned out, she wasn’t. She believed it would be a class full of women and it would force me out of my shell. Neither of us expected me to enjoy it as much as I did. While it didn’t help me to open up with women, it did help me find a sense of comfort within my own skin.

  I graduated with a degree in engineering, and accepted a position working for a large corporation right out of school. Two years in, I was miserable. Sure, I made great money, but I hated what I did. Being stuck behind a computer all day wasn’t for me, but I was trained for nothing else, and frankly, was good for nothing else.

  Life changed dramatically for me when my grandmother passed away.

  Nanna was an amazing woman. She and my grandfather worked hard all their lives to ensure my mother never wanted for anything. What did my mother do? She got pregnant at sixteen, popped me out, and pawned me off on my grandparents so she could become the eternal teenager she remained to be to this day.

  I grew to despise how my Mom only came around when she was in trouble. Whenever her twenty-something boyfriend of the month got tired of her and kicked her out, she’d come shuffling home. I hated her lifestyle. She embarrassed me.

  When I was twelve-years-old, Paps passed. After that, it was just Nanna and me. She treated me as though I hung the moon, and I knew she did. It was rare for us to fight. Her rules were strict, but her love was infinite. She treated my mother the same way, which was why Mom never stayed under Nanna’s roof for too long.

  Little did any of us know, though, was Nanna and Paps had been sitting on a fortune. Before my mother was even a thought, my grandparents started saving. Every extra penny they had went into savings. After Mom was born, Paps started investing their money. By the time Nanna passed, just weeks after my twenty-fifth birthday, they had over thirty million in the bank. In Nanna’s will, I was left with strict instructions, because that was Nanna, to never allow my mother to have more than what they set up for her in trust. Mom’s allowance was sizeable, but even Nanna and Paps knew she would blow thr
ough it like water. Only problem was, Mom thought she could sucker me into her whims. Even if I wanted to give her the money, I couldn’t. She never believed me, though. It was always about her.

  I rolled my eyes, my teeth clenched tight. No amount of yoga training could help me keep my calm when it came to my mother.

  “How could you go through all that money already?”

  “Champ is in between jobs right now.”

  Champ. I slapped my face, pressing my nose into my skull. Either this guy’s parents hated him or his friends were terrible with nicknames. What a name! And more than likely, Champ wasn’t even old enough to work. Child labor laws and all that.

  “How much do you need?” I asked. Not because I was giving her anything, but because I wanted to know how deep in the hole she was.

  Mom didn’t realize that, though. Her voice piqued with excitement. She thought she had me. “I only need a little something to get me through the rest of the month. Five thousand should do it?”

  I burst into a hearty laugh. “Five thousand. Are you out of your mind?”

  Her excitement died. “It’s not that much. Just a little something to tide us over.”

  “Mom, you get more money in one month than most make in a year. What do you blow it on?” I already knew the answer, but I wanted to see if she’d own up to her disgusting habits.

  “Are you giving the money or not?” And she didn’t. Typical Mom.

  “Not,” I clipped.

  The line went dead.

  “Love you, too, Mom,” I muttered to the silence, tossing my phone on the counter. The first of my students had started to migrate into the studio.

  Thank you, Nanna. Though she left me with the headache of my mother, it was because of her I was able to quit my job and open my own yoga studio. I hired a yoga master to train me and eventually became a master myself.

  I stretched my arms over my head and glanced down at the pad I’d been doodling on while conversing with my mother. A tree, its roots growing low and its limbs reaching high darkened the otherwise stark white sheet of paper. I gazed at it, analyzed it, but above all, I allowed it to bring back the memory of the girl who had it tattooed on her arm.

  It had been several weeks since Jacoby and Eddie’s wedding, and still, I couldn’t get my bombshell out of my mind. I’d wake up at night with sweat pouring down my skin, having dreamt of her holding me down as she rocked her hips against mine. Her smooth, pale skin, the dimples just above her ass, even the pinkish-brown tint of her nipples consumed me.

  I tried to figure out who she was. Not even Jacoby or Eddie had a clue. In the end, I gave up. All I had was her unique tattoo that was forever emblazoned upon my memory.

  “That’d make an amazing tattoo.” I lifted my eyes to find a familiar smiling face staring down at the paper. Addison George.

  “Well,” I started, rising from my chair, “look at what the cat dragged in.”

  Addison bowed before me, laughing. “You said I should stop by, and let’s face it, I really need some work on my core. I’ve slacked off for far too long.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest, catching sight of the large man dressed in an all-black suit, standing behind Addison. His bald scalp showed a hint of dark hair attempting to grow back in. A long, thick scar vined down his jaw. I recognized him from the wedding as the object of Mercy’s desire, but now, up close, I realized who he was. He was one of the guards at Indulgence. I’d seen him stalking through the halls, never entering any of the rooms. His role was peacekeeper, and from what I could tell, he was good at doing just that.

  Addison caught my stare. “Gable isn’t going to cause a problem with your lessons, is he?” Before I could respond, she let out a heavy sigh. “This was a bad idea. I’m sorry. Jacoby said…”

  I raised a hand. “Stop, Addison. He’s fine. He’s not bothering anyone.”

  “Are you sure? We can leave.”

  She blew a strand of red hair from her eyes. I winked and shoved my sketch in the drawer under the counter. “I’m positive. Though, today isn’t a core class. It’s a calming session.”

  Her shoulders relaxed and a smile painted her lips. “Even better. I could use stress relief more than a core workout.”

  “Perfect. How about you follow me.” I tilted my head to her bodyguard. “Gable? Right?” He only grunted. “You’re welcome to join us.”

  Addison snickered and Gable responded with a snort rather than a grunt. “Thanks, but no.” His voice was a low, deep baritone. He reminded me of an ascetic I once knew, which seemed odd since his employer was all about indulging in one’s carnal self.

  “Suit yourself.”

  In the classroom, Addison laid down her mat and prepped for the session. I tried hard not to watch her, but having her back in my studio felt natural, almost as if something that had been missing was now restored. Oddly enough for me, my stomach wasn’t twisting in a knot over having her in the room. A sense of comfort filled me. Addison made the effort toward a restored friendship between us. I thought back to the last time she was here. The night of Indulgence. She’d ran out of my studio in a panic after knocking over a few people during a new position. Jacoby swore she wasn’t upset over that, but I never believed him. By her showing up, I could make up for not being a better friend that night. She deserved that much from me.

  Six of my regulars ambled into the room, chattering and giggling. They were all mothers who came to these classes as a means to unwind. Every one of them fit the typical description of trophy wife ─ tall, slender, blonde, and perky. Autumn called them Stepford Wives. She claimed they only came to the studio to watch me bend over. I disagreed. Whatever the case, they seemed to recognize Addison.

  I caught snippets of their whispers about her being “the one”. Another disagreed, but the bodyguard seemed to solidify their assumptions. I cut my eyes to Addison who seemed to sit up straighter as she took off her shoes. She had obviously become accustomed to the stares, and maybe even reveled in them a little. She’d changed, but not in a bad way. She’d developed a thicker skin.

  But that didn’t mean I had to allow anyone to take advantage of the situation. Before the buzzards could swoop in and bother Addison, I made my approach to the front of the room. “All right, everyone!” I clapped my hands together. “Let’s get started.”

  An almost sense of relief appeared on Addison’s face. I smiled and nodded, letting her know I had her back.

  Everyone moved into place, positioning themselves in our customary Lotus pose.

  As I calmly directed the class, I paid close attention to Gable at the back of the room. He stood stoic, monitoring everything going on around us. The shift of his eyes let me know he was still breathing, but he was otherwise motionless. He was almost blank in expression, but there was a spark of humanity in him when he caught me staring. He wasn’t as impassive as he put on, but his self-discipline was severe.

  By the middle of the session, I was a little more at ease having this brawny man standing at the back of my room. Though, I was a little sad once it was over. Addison and Gable had slipped out of the room before the final pose. It made sense for them to leave the way they did. Addison didn’t want any more attention drawn to her than she’d already had, and she’d made it perfectly clear that she would not allow her presence to be a disruption to the class. Knowing the other women recognized her must’ve solidified her fear of disturbance.

  After the last person walked out, I closed up shop and started toward my car. My Porsche, another of Nanna’s posthumous gifts to me, sat in its usual spot at Sunstone Yoga Studio. I expected the lot to be empty, which was typical for this time of night, instead I spotted a large, black SUV parked beside the building.

  My hand hovered over the door handle, as I caught sight of the driver’s side door of the SUV opening. Gable appeared under the streetlamp and marched around to the passenger side. I heard a door open and Addison appeared from beside the building.

  “I thought you were gone alrea
dy,” I called out, happy to see her.

  Addison ambled toward me, her head held high. The sway of her hips and the flow of her hair was seductive yet commanding. It was no wonder why I’d been so interested in her and why Sebastian had fallen so easily for her. This woman would have made Adam eat the forbidden fruit all over again. Confidence and power resonated from her, and she knew it.

  “I didn’t want to disturb the end of class.” She chuckled. “But I also didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.”

  “That was thoughtful.” I stepped around my car and met her in front of the building. “It was nice having you back. The class felt normal again.”

  Addison twisted a finger through the strand of hair that kept making its way into her eyes. “For me as well.” Addison glanced over her shoulder to Gable and then back to me. “Look, I can’t stand out here long, but I wanted to ask, would you be interested in having coffee with me?”

  “Tonight?” I quipped, a little shocked by her offer. All those months I’d longed for a chance like this and now, when it happened, she was with someone. Though, this felt different for me. We were different. I liked how this feeling of friendship seemed to emerge between us from the ashes of circumstance. Fate was a finicky creature, and apparently she knew that I needed Addison more as a friend than a lover.

  “Yeah...well...not if you have plans.”

  “And Sebastian won’t mind?”

  Addison rolled her eyes. “I’m allowed to have friends, Brix.”

  Now I felt like a dipstick. Here I was implying she was bound to a man when I knew her independent nature would never allow such a thing. “That’s not what I meant,” I backpedaled. “It’s just, he’s your boyfriend. Wouldn’t it be weird─”

  “For him or for you?”

  I clamped my mouth shut. Okay, she had me.

  “I’m sorry. It was wrong of me to─”

  Addison waved her hand. “No worries. So what do you say?”

  I smiled and shrugged a shoulder. “I have nothing to do tonight. So, yeah. Sure. I guess.”

  “Great. Follow us. We’ll let you in the gate.”


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