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Unexpected 1

Page 9

by Amity Cross

  Shit, Blair had some balls on her. I ran a hand over my face to stifle a surprised laugh.

  "I think I might just stick around right until the last second so I can be a pain in your ass," she continued, the wildcat I'd met in that bar boiling to the surface.

  They eyeballed each other for ages before he shook his head and glanced at me. "I can see why you like her."

  "Her bite is worse than her bark." I winked at her.

  "Duly noted." Furlough glanced to the door and back to me before he said to Blair, "How do you feel about nondisclosures?"

  "Get out," I groaned. I knew that was his screwed up way of telling me he'd caved and accepted Blair was sticking around, but she wouldn't know that.

  Blair just shrugged. "Whatever. I don't give a fuck. I'm not blabbing to those fuckstains."

  The way she just dismissed the potential gold mine she was sitting on made my heart swell. She might be a raging bitch sometimes, but she knew how to pick her battles and deal the right cards. I'd unknowingly peeled another layer off her prickly shell and fuck, was I loving her insides in more ways than one.

  "He'll be watching you like a hawk," I warned, once the door had closed behind Furlough.

  "As long as he doesn't watch us fuck, then he can do whatever he wants."

  "I want you all to myself, so I never see that happening, beautiful. Besides, it's fucking gross. Have you seen Furlough?"


  "He's all right in an uptight asshat kinda way."

  Laughing, I pulled her in for a kiss. "If you say so, B."

  "Let's forget about that thing you said."

  "Okay." I was more than happy to go with that.

  Things kinda died down to a dull roar after that. West and I hung around the hotel and neither of us were fazed if we went out or not. The only exception was to go to my place and pick up some spare clothes. I was happier just lying around with his naked ass in bed, in the shower, against the wall. You know how it goes. That man knew what to do with his cock and he could do it to me all he wanted. No complaints here.

  When we weren't fucking, we talked about stupid stuff like our favorite movies, books and even food. He went on and on about music and the band for forever and I could tell his passion had come back. I didn't know him well enough to know when that'd happened, but I hoped that I would some day. The thought made me a little disappointed. I'd never talked to someone like this before. When I was a kid, I'd always hidden my home life from everyone at school and I'd never really had any friends because of it. After I moved away I’d tried, but never really got past it. I guess I was too set in my ways or had just never learnt how to make friends when learning was important.

  Today was day seven of “the deal” and tomorrow West was going to the airport and flying away to the other side of the world for another tour. I didn't know what I was going to do yet. I guess first order of business was to find another job. If I had an action plan then I wouldn't think about the fact that I was alone again.

  The last few days had been hard, but good in a way. He'd helped me begin to work through some of my issues and I'd helped him with some of his. It was a nice fantasy we were living in, but reality was finally knocking. Tomorrow, I'd have to get up and answer the door.

  I stretched out on the bed, flipping open the book I'd just brought. Furlough had borrowed West for some press thing and I couldn't think of anything worse than sitting in this room without him, so I'd gone out for a walk and a little shopping. Thankfully, I was left alone and no one chased me down with a camera. I was a nobody until somebody stood next to me and that was fine by me.

  I'd seen one of those stupid unofficial official biography books on Affliction at the bookstore and couldn't help myself. Ten bucks on sale. I smiled to myself as I skimmed through the pages of photographs and read the introduction. I guess I could've asked West about the band, but whatever was written in here was common knowledge. It was the other stuff I wanted to hear from him. The stuff that no one else knew.

  The door opened, breaking my trance, and I looked up as West walked in, dumping his wallet and sunglasses on the counter. I couldn't help perving on every inch of his body. That man was sex personified.

  "What are you reading?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at the book in my lap.

  "The Official Unofficial Affliction Biography."

  "Any good?"

  "It's juicy," I said suggestively. "I never knew your first name, Jake."

  "You could've asked instead of reading that thing."

  "I know." I winked. "This is much more entertaining. Is it all real?"

  "Dunno." He shrugged, sitting beside me. "It's unofficial. Where'd you get it anyway?"

  "The bookstore on Collins Street." He gave me a look. "What? I went for a walk."

  "You weren't hounded, were you?"

  "Nope. I know how to blend into the background."

  "Good," he sighed, tracing the tattoo on my leg. "As long as you're okay."

  "I am."

  "I hope you didn't go out in that." He tugged at the oversized T-shirt I was wearing, then snapped the elastic along the edge of my knickers.

  "I do own pants, you know," I said, tossing the book aside. Tracing the outside of his thigh with my foot, I pressed higher, rubbing in between his legs. When I brushed against his groin, he captured my foot and tugged me forward until I straddled his lap.

  "You're wicked," he murmured, hands firmly on my hips.

  "It's your fault," I said, tugging my bottom lip into my mouth. "You're wickedly delicious."

  West's hands caressed my waist underneath the T-shirt, his thumbs brushing against the swell of my breasts.

  "Mmmm," he murmured, pressing his lips against my neck. "No bra."

  "You're wearing too many clothes for my liking."

  "Finally, something we agree on."

  Laughing as he pushed me back into the mattress, we stripped each other naked and this time it was like he was making love to me. Slow and tender, a different kind of raw.

  Afterwards, we lay in bed together, my head on his chest, fingers tracing the tattoos along his stomach. West was built, but not ripped like those super beefcake guys at the gym. His abs had a soft definition to them, firm and just right.

  "You're incredible, B," he whispered, his fingers combing through my hair.

  Looking up at him, I smiled and traced the small scar over his lip, the one I'd noticed that night in the back room of Billboard. "What's this?"

  He captured my hand and pulled it to his lips. "Farming accident," he chuckled.


  "I was thirteen," he began, watching my expression. "I was at Joe's place."


  "He's the bass player."

  "Oh." I cocked my head to the side. "Jake and Joe?"

  "We grew up together," he continued with a laugh. "His family had a potato farm out in the sticks and mine owned the farm machinery dealership. John Deere."

  "You're from the country?"

  "Wouldn't have picked it, right?"

  "Not in a million years."

  "I was round his place after school and we got into a fight over something stupid. I gave him a black eye and he pushed me into the fence." He grimaced. "Barbed wire split my lip open."

  "Shit, that's gotta sting."

  "The tetanus shot sure did," he laughed. "The scar never went away, but it’s pretty small now, so whatever."

  "It adds to your dangerous image," I said, trailing my fingers over it.

  He grabbed my hand again and lightly sucked my index finger into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before letting me go. Hooking a leg over his waist, I shifted against him, brushing my lips against his.

  "One day left," he breathed.

  The week was almost up and today was day seven of our little deal, but somehow I thought it'd gone further than that. How had so much happened in such a short amount of time? I didn't believe in instant connections and whirlwind romances and what West and I had was def
initely not a romance. I didn't know what to call it. Drama-rama? Daytime soap opera on acid?

  "Then we should spend it wisely," I said, trying to keep my voice even. I knew he'd leave all along, so why did it hurt so much? After everything he'd confided in me, he'd go back on tour and that would be it. I wasn't capable of having a relationship and even less capable of having a long-distance one with a fucking rock star. What a joke.

  "Come with me," he breathed, hands digging into my ass.

  "What?" I pulled back sharply. That was the last thing I expected him to say. Maybe, let's have a nice dinner or go to the beach or something, not that.

  "Come. With. Me."

  My eyebrow quirked. "Somehow I don't think you're talking about an orgasm."

  "I'm not."

  "I can't just leave…" Even as I said it, I knew it was just an excuse. Something I'd made up to keep that wall between us. My life was empty without West. My apartment, my things, even my crappy job prospects. It was just a bunch of stuff. I'd throw a match on it in an instant. The day I'd walked into that bar looking for a quick fuck to take my mind off of the black hole my existence had become, I hadn't counted on West being the one to fill it up.

  "Blair." His lips were against my ear, his tongue teasing.


  "No strings, if that's what it takes."


  "If you want to leave, you can leave. I'll take whatever you'll give for as long as you want to give it."

  I had him by the balls and normally I'd revel in the thought, grab them in my hands and twist, but now I was terrified. Terrified because for the first time in my life…my heart was in it.

  "You don't need to be afraid of me."

  "I'm not afraid of you," I exclaimed, turning my back to him.

  "Then come with me."

  Fuck, he knew my buttons, and did he like to press them or what?


  "No strings?" I spat. "I'm not a fucking prostitute you can call on a moment’s notice."

  "What the fuck?" West hissed, trying to turn me over, but I jerked away, sitting on the edge of the bed. "It's not like that. Why do you have to keep fighting me on everything?"

  That was the million-dollar question, wasn't it? I hated my life, I actually hated it and West was offering me an out, and I was fighting him?

  "Why me?" I asked, bunching the sheet around my naked body. "I'm a fucking nobody."

  "Blair," he murmured, sitting behind me. "I want you. It's more than sex. You're not nobody. Not to me."

  "Why?" I asked, turning my face toward his.

  "I don't know. All I'm certain of is that I want you with me. I want to get to know you and figure out what this thing between us is." His hand cupped my cheek, a thumb running over my lips. "Do you want me?"

  "Yes." Of course I did.

  "Then that's all that matters."

  "For now."

  "For now," he echoed, then pressed his lips to mine.

  I couldn't think about all that other stuff that came with touring with one of the biggest rock bands of the moment. Fans, photographers, interviews, schedules. All I could see was West and what a dangerous thought that was.

  "Okay," I whispered against his mouth.

  He drew back, his eyes running over my face. "Okay?"

  If there were two things I was certain of, one was the fact I was terrified, the other that I had feelings for West. What those feelings were, I didn't have a fucking clue, but I wanted to explore them as much as he did.

  West had told me that I'd brought him back to life, but little did he know he'd brought me back with him. If you wanted to get technical about it, he'd brought me to life. Period. I'd never truly been alive until now.

  Brushing my lips against his, I whispered, "I'll go with you."%%

  Blair and West’s story continues on tour in Unexplainable… Coming April 2014.

  Unexplainable (Unexpected #2)

  Expected Release: April 2014

  Blair thought she would never get over her broken past. She'd all but given up. That's until West fell into her life with a bang.

  West thought no one could ever see past his epic mistakes. He'd all but given up. That's until Blair walked into his life and blew it to pieces.

  For the first time Blair's given a piece of herself away, picks herself off the ground and moves forward. There's a light at the end of the tunnel and it has bad boy rock star written all over it. That's something she can work for. Something that makes her believe again.

  But West is a part of rock'n'roll band, Affliction. Taking Blair on tour was his idea of heaven, but his time is in high demand and trying to be with her isn't working out as well as he'd hoped.

  For Blair, being on the road with one of the most notorious bands in rock is a new kind of messed up. One she's not sure is for her…even with West in her bed.

  Jake West has kick started her heart, but who will be the one to smash it apart?

  Or will their unexplainable attraction be strong enough to save them both?

  Sign up to the newsletter to be notified when Unexplainable is released

  Amity Cross isn't my real name. That's no secret.

  I didn't want my Mum and my workplace to find out I wrote about doodles and tongue-in-cheek sexual innuendo.

  I live in a leafy suburb of Melbourne, Australia writing about screwed up relationships and kick ass female leads that don't take shit lying down.

  Insert more pretentious crap here.


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