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Winter's Harbor

Page 10

by Aurora Rey

  Lia tried to catch her breath, to bring her vision and her thoughts into some semblance of focus. Alex, who had paused briefly while her muscles shuddered and clenched, resumed making slow circles with her tongue. She traced around and around, avoiding the hyper-sensitive tip. It was exquisite torture. Lia began to squeeze her muscles, feeling the pressure start to build again.

  Alex slid a finger into her, and then a second. It was almost more than Lia could take. She was so wet, Alex’s fingers slid in and out of her effortlessly, but she could feel the roughness of Alex’s skin with each thrust. Her body clasped around Alex, trying to pull her deeper inside. She could feel Alex’s knuckles pushing against the outside of her. All the while, her tongue continued its rhythmic circles.

  Lia desperately wanted to come, but was also desperate to hold on to this feeling. She had a fleeting thought that it had never been like this with Dani, or with anyone else. She then found herself unable to think at all. The pleasure became so intense that she was powerless to hold back any longer. She came and the orgasm washed over her again and again. This time, Lia heard herself cry out. Then she felt Alex’s body covering the length of her, holding her close.

  Although her limbs felt like jelly, Lia needed to touch, to feel, to taste Alex. She untucked Alex’s shirt and ran her fingernails lightly up and down her back. Alex moaned softly in her ear, making Lia smile. She nudged herself up and Alex responded, pulling back and letting herself be guided to a sitting position on the couch.

  Lia slid her dress the rest of the way off. She straddled Alex and began unbuttoning her shirt. With each button, Lia bent to taste the newly exposed skin. It felt hot against her lips and tasted faintly of salt. Alex’s fingers dug into her hips.

  When she was done with the buttons, Lia eased her way off of Alex’s lap and onto the floor. Kneeling between Alex’s thighs, Lia undid her belt and the button of her pants. As she slid the zipper down, Lia looked up. Alex’s eyes were dark with desire and fixed on her. Without breaking the gaze, Lia grasped the waistband of Alex’s pants and started tugging them down. Alex lifted her hips and Lia quickly worked both Alex’s pants and black boxer briefs down her legs.

  They seemed to be stuck and she realized Alex was still wearing shoes. She had to lean back to pull them off, causing Alex to chuckle. With the shoes successfully discarded, Lia finished removing Alex’s pants. Starting at the knees, she began kissing her way up Alex’s thighs, one and then the other, barely skimming her lips across her labia each time.

  Alex adjusted herself, opening her legs a little wider. Looking up again, Lia locked eyes with her as she wrapped her lips around Alex’s swollen clit. The taste, the feel of her was overwhelming. Lia felt intoxicated. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to revel in it.

  Lia teased her with long, slow strokes, up one side and down the other. She dipped her tongue in and felt Alex clench around her. When Alex grabbed her head, Lia began to work Alex up and down, sucking and licking her. Alex bunched Lia’s hair in her fists. Lia could feel her getting close, the way the muscles in her thighs began to quiver. She resisted the urge to speed up, keeping her rhythm equal to the thrust of Alex’s hips.

  When Alex came, Lia felt the heat pour out of her. She felt sexy, powerful. She eased back and looked up at Alex’s face. Alex looked slightly drugged, which Lia took as a good sign.

  Alex ran her fingers through Lia’s hair, cupped her cheek in her hand. “That was amazing.”

  “Thanks. You, too.”

  The gnawing feelings of inadequacy that had been plaguing Lia for months evaporated. It was exhilarating, almost as exhilarating as the post-orgasmic glow. She knew it was late, but she desperately didn’t want the night to end. Trying to keep her tone light, she asked, “Is it okay if I don’t want you to leave?”

  Alex flashed a grin. “Not at all. In fact, I was hoping you might ask. Give me one minute.”

  Lia watched Alex extricate herself from the couch and fish her phone out of her coat pocket. “What are you doing?”

  “I just need to text Jeff and ask him to go let Murphy out.”

  “He won’t mind?”

  “Let’s just say we have a friendly arrangement. And I’ve taken care of his French bulldogs far more often than he’s taken care of Murphy.”

  “How convenient.” Lia laughed, and tried not to think about the fact that such an arrangement had clearly been around for a while.

  Alex sent a text, then returned to where Lia was sitting. “Take me to bed?”

  This was what mattered. Tonight, at least, there was a gorgeous woman who made her feel amazing and wanted to be with her. It was enough. Lia took Alex’s outstretched hand. Leaving their clothes scattered around the room, she led the way upstairs.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alex woke just as the sky was beginning to lighten. For her, it was sleeping in. Lia’s body was warm and naked against hers. She’d curled up against Alex’s chest after they’d made love for the second time and it seemed as though she hadn’t moved since. She was snoring softly.

  She shifted slightly, wanting to see if she could move without waking Lia. Lia sighed, but didn’t stir. She eased herself away, climbing out of bed and pulling the quilt up to cover Lia’s bare shoulders. Alex watched her for a long moment before heading downstairs.

  She gathered her clothes, which were strewn across the couch and the floor. She pulled them on, then went into the kitchen to hunt for paper and a pen. There was a to-do notepad on the refrigerator and a cup of pens on the counter.

  She started a note similar to the dozens of notes she’d left throughout the years. Last night was amazing. I’ll be thinking of you while I knead. Let’s do it again soon. She looked at the words and scowled, ripping the paper from the pad and wadding it up. She huffed out a breath and started again.

  Her second attempt was far more personal than her usual approach. It was exactly how she felt, though, and wasn’t too mushy, so she didn’t over think it. She pulled the door quietly behind her when she left and headed home to take a quick shower and get to work.

  Murphy was happy to see her. He never held a grudge. Alex gave him some roast beef with his breakfast and extra attention before heading downstairs. She’d have to hustle to have things in the case by the time they opened. She managed to make it in before Jeff, but just barely. He seemed happy to see her as well. And while he was in no way judgmental, he wasn’t one to be appeased with treats and a belly rub.

  “So you bedded the Southern belle,” he said the moment he walked in. “Whatever would her daddy say if he knew?”

  Alex rolled her eyes, but good-naturedly. “You’re so crass.”

  “Oh, really, pot? You’re gonna call this kettle black?”

  “Touché. Yeah, we spent the night together.”


  “And…” Alex thought for a moment. What could she say? “And it was the best night I’ve had in a very long time.”

  Jeff snickered. “It’s always the sweet ones that are firecrackers in the sack. I knew she’d be a little minx.”

  It wasn’t as if she and Jeff didn’t often trade stories. For some reason, this time felt different. Alex didn’t like talking, or thinking, about Lia as a conquest.

  “The sex was amazing, but it…” Alex struggled to find the right words. “It was more than that.”

  She watched Jeff study her. He was probably thinking up some smart-ass comment. Instead, he said, “I’m glad it exceeded your expectations. Feel free to text me anytime to take care of Murph. I still owe you on that front. I’m going to go get ready to open.”

  Alex watched the kitchen door swing as Jeff went to start his morning routine. She’d expected him to be nosier, and to tease her a lot more than he did. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well. Since she wasn’t really keen on processing her feelings about the whole thing, she was more relieved than concerned.

  She continued her work and allowed her mind to wander to the night before. It had been a surprise when
Lia invited her in. Lia did not strike her as a sex-on-the-first-date sort of woman. Well, technically, it was their second, if she counted the night they went out for drinks. Third, if she counted Thanksgiving, although that wasn’t really a date in the way she thought about dates.

  Lia had been so fucking sexy, though, and eager. It was the eagerness that did Alex in. It felt as though Lia’d been walking through the desert and Alex was a pitcher of cool water. After Lia’s moment of hesitation, Alex considered pulling back, suggesting they slow things down. Then she’d discovered the garters. The unexpected feel of Lia’s bare skin had sent a jolt of desire right to her core. As far as she was concerned, a woman in a garter belt was enough to tempt a saint, and she was no saint.

  When she eased herself back so she could enjoy the view, she found it even more erotic to look at than to touch. Lia’s creamy skin stood out in sharp contrast to the black lace and satin ribbons. The bra that matched the panties made her think that Lia could be a lingerie model. An exquisitely curvy and dangerously enticing lingerie model.

  Pleasing her had been easy. Alex didn’t know if she was coming off of a dry spell or what, but it had taken what felt like a matter of seconds to make Lia come. She’d opened herself and taken whatever Alex gave, and went tumbling over the edge with hardly any effort at all. And then there was Lia’s mouth. Alex had had more than a few women go down on her through the years. Never, not once, had it ever felt like that.

  Alex cleared her throat. Thinking about it had her turned on again and she didn’t want to spend her entire morning aroused, especially since she didn’t know when, or even if, she’d be spending the night with Lia again.


  When Lia woke, she realized she was alone and felt a flash of regret. She realized quickly that Alex must have left to go to work, which helped the pang to fade to a mild disappointment. She stretched and rolled around, enjoying how loose and limber she felt, but didn’t linger in bed too long. She showered, dressed in leggings and a sweater dress.

  Downstairs, she felt a moment of hesitation. Would it be awkward to see Alex? Would showing up first thing this morning make her seem like an eager puppy? She didn’t have experience with flings. The last thing she wanted was to come across as clingy. She paced in the kitchen, contemplated calling Sally. Then she saw the note stuck on the refrigerator.


  I can’t remember ever enjoying an evening more. It was beyond difficult to pull myself away this morning. I was going to start a pot of coffee for you, but I didn’t want to give you a reason not to come to the bakery. I look forward to it. Until then, I’ll be thinking of you.


  With a smile on her face, she gathered her things to work and headed out the door. No longer second-guessing herself, she was anxious to get to the café so she could see Alex, to see how it felt to be around her now that they were lovers. Lovers. It was the first time she’d used that word to describe someone she was involved with, or herself. The very idea of it made her mind flash to the night before. The sex was…mind-blowing. There was no other word for it. Thinking of it turned her on. Lia tried to clear her head while she walked. Even if Alex wanted her, she didn’t want to seem too eager.

  When she got to the café, the excitement and nervousness combined and left her feeling shy. Jeff knew and would probably tease her with knowing looks and innuendo. Since they’d become friends, he was always ready to share the ups and downs of his love life. While amusing, she was less sure about being the focus of such attention.

  She walked in and Jeff was at his usual place behind the counter. As she approached, she watched him nudge the kitchen door with his foot and whistle. Clearly, this was something he and Alex had worked out ahead of time. It was unlikely this alert system was created for her. She shoved the thought aside and focused her attention on Jeff.

  “Good morning, Jeff.”

  Jeff flashed his most charming smile. “Good morning to you, Lia. I must say, you look exceptionally lovely today. You’re practically glowing.”

  Despite her best efforts, Lia blushed. “Thanks. And thank you, too, for taking care of Murphy last night.”

  He winked at her. “Anytime, honey. Anytime.”

  Alex emerged from the kitchen. She was wearing her usual gray chef’s coat and jeans. If it was possible, she was even more attractive than the first time Lia had seen her. Jeff discreetly disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Good morning.” Alex offered her a knowing smile that warmed her from the inside. All of the nervousness she felt melted away.

  “Good morning. I’m sorry I missed you leave.”

  Alex stepped around the counter and kissed her. “Not at all. I’m glad I was able to slip out. There is certainly no need for you to be up before six. How are you? Did you sleep well?”

  If she was being honest, Lia would have answered that she still felt tingly, and more alive than she had in ages. The kiss Alex planted on her, although brief, only added to the feeling. Not the cool, easy vibe she was going for. “I’m great, and clearly, I slept like a rock.”

  Alex chuckled. “I’m glad to hear it. Your usual?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Coming right up.” Alex walked back around the counter and took a chocolate croissant from the case and put it on a saucer. She made Lia’s coffee herself.

  Lia was trying to decide what to say next when the café door opened and several people walked in. She gave a little nod in the direction of her table. “I’ll be over there.”

  As if on cue, Jeff reappeared. Lia headed to her usual table and watched Alex and him work side by side. It was a familiar sight and, in some ways, reassuring. On the other hand, she found herself watching Alex differently. Without any effort, Lia could look over and imagine Alex naked. She could watch Alex’s very capable hands and imagine them on her skin, or better, inside her.

  Lia felt her skin begin to flush. Afraid that she’d look obvious, she tore her eyes away and focused them determinedly on her computer screen. She managed to be productive, even if only moderately so. After the lunch crowd cleared, Alex appeared as usual with their afternoon coffee.

  “I have plans with Stuart after work, but I’ll see you in the morning for baking duty, right?”

  “Four a.m.”

  “You know, you really don’t have to come in that early.”

  “Oh, I’ll be here.”

  “I can’t wait to bake with you.”

  When their cups were empty, Lia packed up her bag. Just as she didn’t want to seem too eager earlier, she didn’t want to come across as a hanger-on now. “I guess I’ll see you in a few hours, then.”

  Alex stood when she did. She leaned in and kissed Lia again. It was more intense than their kiss this morning, more insistent. It made Lia’s pulse race. When Alex stepped back, Lia was left unsteady on her feet and wanting. She wondered if that fact was obvious to Alex. She wondered if she wanted it to be.

  Alex, in turn, gave nothing away. “I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I think that I’m having a fling.” There was a hint of triumph in Lia’s voice. She sat in her bathtub, bubbles all around her and candles lit on the window sill. She rested her head against the pillow she’d made from a hand towel.

  On the other end of the line, Sally tsked. “I’ll be the judge of that. Tell me everything.”

  Lia thought back to the conversation earlier in the week, complete with Sally’s special blend of pep talk and tough love. Without it, Lia realized, last night might never have happened. She’d have to find a way to thank her for that. In the meantime, she had scoop and Sally wanted it. “Well, we went to dinner and after I invited her in for a drink and we had the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Shut up.”

  Lia laughed. In the entire time they’d known each other, Lia had never slept with someone on the first date. “And she stayed over even though she had to be at work before six a.m.”


“And I’m planning to do it again if given the opportunity.”

  “I’m so proud.”

  “Okay, now you’re just making fun of me.”

  It was Sally’s turn to laugh. “I’m serious. If you have one fault, it’s that you’re not impulsive. And you over think everything.”

  “I think that’s two faults.”

  Sally ignored her. “You deserve this. You deserve to have fun and to feel good, on your terms.”

  “You always say the nicest things. Thank you.”

  “I mean it. Now, really, tell me everything. And, more importantly, tell me what you’re going to do next.”

  Lia talked through the details of the evening. She skimmed over the more explicit details, more from her own shyness than any squeamishness on Sally’s part.

  “So when are you going to see her again?”

  “Well…” Lia lifted one of her feet from the tub to examine her toes, “I saw her today briefly when I went to the café to work.”

  “And how was she?”

  “Sweet. She kissed me when I got there. And when I left.”

  “Nice. And when are you seeing her next?”

  “I’ll be helping in the bakery over the weekend, so tomorrow.”

  “Please tell me you’re going to get hot and heavy in the walk-in cooler.”

  Lia snorted. One of Sally’s college adventures was making out with her supervisor in the walk-in refrigerator of the campus dining hall. “She doesn’t have a walk-in cooler.”

  “That’s too bad. Are you going to, like, date?”

  “I don’t know.” Lia had been trying not to think about that very question herself. “Getting involved with someone seems like the last thing I should be doing right now. I’m trying to take my best friend’s advice and not think twenty steps ahead of myself.”

  “Thatta girl. You should enjoy yourself and see where it goes.”

  It was doing just that that tended to fill Lia with a certain amount of panic. Still, she was in a bathtub in Provincetown in the middle of winter with no idea where she’d be living six months from now. Clearly, she was building up somewhat of a tolerance.


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