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Page 9

by Lynn LaFleur

  “I am. I have to finish getting dressed. We’ll talk later.”

  “You can’t leave me hanging, Mom! Zach told me he never spends the night with a date.”

  Breanna’s comment left Jade speechless for a moment. “And just when did he tell you that?”

  Silence. Jade could picture her daughter biting her lower lip, the way she did when she was stalling.


  “‘Oops’ is right. What did you do, Bre?”

  “Uh, I gotta go, Mom. Have a nice brunch.”



  Jade replaced the receiver and hurried into the bathroom. She found Zach sitting on the toilet lid, pulling on a pair of white socks. He looked up and smiled.

  “That was a short conversation.”

  “But very enlightening.” She crossed her arms over her stomach. “Did you talk to my daughter before we went to the gala?”

  Zach slowly straightened. His smile faded. “Did she say that?”

  “Do not answer a question with a question. Did you talk to my daughter?”

  He released a breath. “Yeah, I did.”


  “Yesterday. She left a message for me to call her, so I did.”

  “What did you talk about?”

  He stood and stepped close to her. “She loves you, Jade. She only wanted to make sure you had a good time at the gala.”

  “Why don’t I believe that’s all she said?”

  “We…discussed some other things.”

  “Like what?”

  Zach ran his hand around the back of his neck. “Shouldn’t you ask Breanna that?”

  His obvious discomfort made Jade even more suspicious. “I’m asking you and I expect an answer.”

  Stepping closer, he ran his hands up and down her arms. “She said she wanted you to have a good time in every way…including sex.”

  Hearing him say the words, Jade still couldn’t believe him. “What?” she asked weakly.

  “She wanted to be sure we made love. I told her that would be your decision. I meant that, Jade. I’ve never pushed a date for sex.”

  “She actually talked to you about having sex with me?”

  “Don’t be angry at her, Jade. She loves you.”

  Tears of mortification filled her eyes. “You had sex with me out of pity?”

  “No!” Zach tightened his hands on her arms. “Don’t you ever say that. I wanted to make love to you. I still do. Pity has nothing to do with it. My God, don’t you know how beautiful and sexy you are?”

  “My daughter must not or she wouldn’t have hired a man to have sex with me.”

  “Jade, she told me you hadn’t been with a man since your divorce. She wanted you to feel desirable and appreciated as a woman.” He wiped away a tear on her cheek with his thumb. “I told her I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. She wanted me to initiate sex because she said you wouldn’t. I told her no.”

  “You did?”

  Zach nodded. “My main job as an escort is to be an escort. If my date doesn’t want a more intimate ending to our evening, I accept that. I would’ve left you at your front door if that’s what you’d wanted.”

  “I wanted you.”

  “I’m glad,” he said softly before covering her lips with his.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jade rested her head against the loveseat and thought about this afternoon. Brunch had been delicious. Jade smiled as she remembered the way he’d fed her bites of his French toast when she “hinted” that she wished she’d gotten some off the buffet. They’d shared each other’s bodies, yet eating from his fork seemed so intimate…something only an involved couple would do.

  His witty conversation and double-entendres had made the meal fun.

  As promised, Zach took her to the movie of her choice after brunch. She could tell she’d surprised him when she’d opted for an adventure instead of a sappy romance. Not that she didn’t love sappy romances, but she’d picked something she thought he would enjoy also.

  They’d come back to her house, only to have him leave again immediately. When she’d questioned him, he’d told her he had a couple of errands to run and would be back soon.

  That “soon” turned into an hour and a half. Since he’d come back, he’d been hiding out in her kitchen. She assumed he’d bought some kind of food items, but she didn’t know for sure. He’d parked at the back of her house and used the rear entrance into the kitchen. Whatever he’d brought in remained a mystery to her.

  He’d told her to stay put, but curiosity gnawed at her. Jade’s living room led into her dining room, which led into the kitchen. She normally loved the layout of her house, but now wished her living room connected to the kitchen so she could see Zach. He’d been mysterious ever since they’d come home from the movie.

  “What are you doing in there?” she called out so he could hear her.

  “You’ll find out in a minute. I’m almost through.”

  “Can I come in and get a glass of tea?”


  “Hey, this is my house.”

  “Patience, Grasshopper. All will be revealed to you soon.”

  She couldn’t help chuckling at his really bad Chinese accent. “You make a lousy David Carradine.”

  “My talents lie elsewhere.”

  “That’s for sure,” she said to herself, thinking of his talent as a lover. All his years as an escort had certainly been worth it. His kisses made her weak, his caresses made her blood pressure skyrocket. His tongue…

  Jade sighed. Ah, his tongue. The rasp of it over her nipples, the playful dips into her navel, the long, slow licks up and down her labia. Zach certainly knew how to use his tongue to send her desire over the edge where it had never been.

  It should be registered as a lethal weapon.

  She’d been married for nineteen years and had never experienced the passion, the craving, that Zach made her feel.

  Jade had been so hurt when Carl left her, she’d vowed never to trust another man. Two years alone had made her rethink her vow. While she enjoyed her independence, she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life alone. She wanted to share her life with someone…someone considerate, funny, caring.

  Someone like Zach.

  It wouldn’t be difficult at all to fall in love with him. He had all the qualities she wanted in a man, besides being an incredible lover. If he were her age, she wouldn’t hesitate to become involved with him. Even two or three years younger would be fine, but not ten. She couldn’t imagine getting over that much of a hurdle.

  She knew she was getting ahead of herself. Thinking of Zach as anyone other than an escort would be silly. He’d said this morning he wanted to get to know her better. That didn’t mean he wanted anything more than what they shared this weekend. He was a young, handsome, virile man who had no reason to become involved with an older woman. Besides his job that required his single status, there were dozens of young, attractive women who could offer him so much more than she.

  A movement to her left made Jade turn her head that direction. Zach came out of her dining room carrying one of her large bed trays. She gasped softly. He’d changed into a pair of cut-off gray sweatpants. The fleece looked soft and worn, and conformed perfectly to every ridge of his penis. He obviously wore nothing else.

  Jade swallowed.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked with a smile.

  Oh, boy, am I ever! I’d love to munch on you. Instead of saying what she thought, she cleared her throat and returned his smile. “What did you do?”

  “I made us a snack.”

  He set the tray on the floor before sitting beside her. Jade glanced over the array of dishes. He’d cut everything into bite-size pieces. She saw shrimp, chicken, grapes, strawberries, orange slices, two kinds of cheese, brownies, and a bowl of creamy dip. “You call this a snack?”

  “Okay, it’s a big snack.” He grinned. “I’m a growing boy.”

e pointedly looked at his groin. “You won’t be able to hide that fact in those shorts.”

  “I wanted to get comfy.” He fingered the lapel of her chambray shirt. “Maybe you should get a little more comfy too.”

  Taking his advice, Jade slipped off the long-sleeved shirt. His gaze dropped to her breasts. The appreciation in his eyes made her glad she’d worn the formfitting white tank beneath her open shirt. “Better?”

  He slipped one finger inside the waistband of her jeans. “How about taking these off too?”

  Instead of answering his question with words, Jade released the snap and slowly lowered the zipper. Zach watched her as she lifted her hips from the floor and slid her jeans down her legs. She kicked them off to land in a puddle at her feet. “Better?” she asked again.

  “Oh, yeah.” Zach slowly ran one hand up the inside of her leg from knee to thigh. He curled his fingers beneath her upper thigh, a mere inch from her pussy, and kissed her shoulder. “Much better. And before I get totally distracted by your incredible body, I’d better get the wine.”

  Jade watched him rise and walk toward the kitchen. His cutoffs fit his butt as snugly as his penis.

  A man that gorgeous should come with the warning label “Caution: Dangerous to hormones”.

  He’d told her she had an incredible body. She’d never thought of herself that way. To her eyes, she’d always been plump. Zach made her feel beautiful. Sexy.


  Jade slipped her hands inside her tank top and unhooked her bra. She tugged the straps down her arms, pulled the bra from beneath the tank, and tossed it on the floor on top of her jeans where Zach would be sure to see it.

  He returned with a bottle of Chardonnay and two wineglasses. He looked at her face as he walked toward her, then his gaze shifted to her pile of clothing. He stopped and studied the bra on top of the pile. A slow, sexy grin tipped up his mouth when he looked back at her, his attention on her unbound breasts.

  “Got even more comfy, huh?”

  “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “Nope. Don’t mind at all. I love looking at your nipples.”

  Zach returned to his position on the floor next to Jade. He silently told his randy cock to behave, that he wanted this time to be romantic for Jade. It didn’t listen. Seeing that tiny strip of skin between the bottom of her tank and the top of her bikini panties made his penis immediately stand up and take notice.

  The sight of her hard nipples through the soft cotton didn’t help to calm anything down, either.

  He poured her wine and handed her the glass. “To a romantic evening together.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” she said softly.

  Zach poured his own wine and set the bottle aside. After touching his glass to hers, he sipped the cold liquid, watching as Jade sipped her own. God, she was lovely. Those huge green eyes, the ivory complexion, the incredible auburn hair, the full lips made for kissing…

  Or sliding over his cock.

  Clearing his throat, Zach picked up a toothpick and speared a piece of shrimp. He lifted it to Jade’s mouth. “Open wide.”

  A devilish twinkle lit up her eyes. “I’d love to.”

  He playfully scowled at her. “Behave.”

  “Zach, you’re sitting there with a huge hard-on. Surely you know I see it.”

  “I’m trying to be a gentleman here.” He nudged her mouth with the shrimp. Jade parted her lips and accepted his offering. Her teeth clamped around the toothpick and slowly dragged the shrimp into her mouth, holding his gaze the entire time.

  Zach’s cock jerked.

  “I think,” Jade said, placing her glass on the bed tray, “I need to do something about your…problem.”

  “I want to concentrate on you, Jade.”

  “You can.” She took his glass and set it next to hers. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t play with you at the same time.”

  Anticipation warmed his blood as Jade rose to her knees and moved toward him. Zach spread his legs, giving her room between them. She scooted forward until her knees lightly pressed against his balls. Tunneling her fingers into his hair, she tipped back his head. He watched her gaze travel over his face, almost as if she wanted to memorize every feature.

  “You’re a gorgeous man, Zachary Taylor,” she said softly.

  He cradled her buttocks in his hands and tugged her an inch closer. “You’re a beautiful woman, Jade Talmage.”

  “You make me feel beautiful. You make me feel…”

  She stopped. Zach waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, he prompted, “I make you feel what?”

  She sighed softly. “You just make me feel.”

  She kissed him, long and slow and deep. Zach ran his hands over her buttocks and back while her tongue made love to his mouth. He loved the way she kissed, as if she couldn’t get enough of his mouth, his tongue. She reacted the same when he fucked her, as if she couldn’t get enough of him thrusting his cock deep inside her.

  She ended the kiss and rested her forehead against his. “Do you know it’s been over seven hours since you made love to me?”

  “I should be horsewhipped.”

  She smiled as she continued to run her fingers through his hair. “In all fairness, part of that is my fault.”

  “I did offer to fuck you in the shower and you said you were sore.”


  “So you aren’t sore any more?”

  She shook her head. “All better now.”

  Zach slipped his hands beneath her tank top and caressed her breasts. “Do you have something particular in mind?”

  “Mmm-hmm, if you’re willing.”

  He circled her nipples with his thumbs. “I believe you’ll find I’m willing to do just about anything. Remember the butt plug?”

  “I do remember. That was fun.” Jade pulled off her tank and tossed it on top of the rest of her clothing. “I’m thinking of a number between one and one hundred.”

  Zach was so busy admiring the creamy globes he held in his hands, it took him a moment to realize what she’d said. He raised his gaze back to her face. “A number?” The light bulb went off in his head at the mischievous look in her eyes. “A number. Like maybe…sixty-nine?”

  “The man wins the prize on the first guess.”

  He grinned. “That just happens to be my favorite number.”

  “Well, then.” She slid her hands down his chest to the waistband of his cutoffs. “I think the first order of business is to get these off.”

  Zach lifted his hips so Jade could tug off his shorts. He expected her to remove her panties also. Instead, she bent over and took his cock in her mouth.

  “Hey, no fair. I’m supposed to…” Zach hissed in a breath. “God, your mouth is warm.”

  She also sucked cock as if she couldn’t get enough. Her tongue swirled around the head, dipped into the slit, slid up and down the thick veins. How easy it would be to let her bring him to a climax with her mouth, the way she did last night. He didn’t want that. He wanted to be buried deep inside her tight pussy when he came.

  That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy her mouth for a while.

  Zach shifted so he could lie on the floor. She followed him, not releasing his shaft from that warm wetness. Once he’d gotten comfortable, he lay still and let her do whatever she wanted. She licked his shaft over and over, then moved to his balls. She licked them thoroughly, then moved back to his penis. One long, slow glide of her lips had him all the way down her throat.

  When she pushed one finger in his ass, Zach knew he had to stop her. “Hey,” he said softly.

  She raised her eyes and looked at him, but kept licking his cock. “What?”

  “My turn.”

  Her tongue circled the head twice before she spoke again. “You want to spoil my fun?”

  “No, I want to return the favor.”

  She stood long enough to remove her panties before returning to her knees and taking him in her mouth again. Zach enjoyed the s
ensation of warmth and wetness for a moment before he touched her head. “Swing around here, Jade. Let me lick that pretty pussy.”

  Without taking her mouth off him, Jade shifted her body until she straddled his face. Zach inhaled deeply of her musky, feminine scent before spreading her labia with his thumbs. Her lips were dark pink and swollen. Her creamy juices flowed freely. Her clit peeked out as if begging for attention.

  He was only too happy to give it all the attention it wanted.

  A long, slow lick of her slit had Jade moaning. God, she tasted good, like sex and desire. Another lick made her squirm. When he closed his lips around her clit and suckled, she released his cock and arched her back.


  He’d planned to take time with her, to lick her pussy slow and easy until he made her come. Sucking on his shaft had obviously turned her on so much, slow and easy wouldn’t be enough. Zach held on tightly to her ass and devoured her, his tongue and lips moving quickly over her clit.

  He pushed one thumb inside her ass, and she shattered.

  Several seconds passed before she lowered her body on top of his. Zach assumed she’d take his cock in her mouth again and finish what she’d started, which would have been perfectly fine with him. His little temptress surprised him again. Instead of doing what he expected, she turned around, took his penis in her hand, and impaled herself.

  Zach hissed. “Oh, fuck!”

  “That’s exactly what I intend to do.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  He filled her completely. Jade closed her eyes and luxuriated in the feeling of Zach so deep inside her. She didn’t move, but simply relished that fullness.

  The subtle shifting of his hips made her look at him. She saw heat. His blue eyes almost gleamed with heat.

  “Fuck me, babe,” he whispered. “Take me however you want me.”

  His graphic language sent a zing through her clit, despite her recent climax. Jade didn’t know her body was capable of such intense sensations. Sex with Carl had been good, but this went so far beyond good.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she began to ride his cock. Zach lay still, his only movement the occasional squeeze of his fingers on her hips. She had total control over their lovemaking. It made her feel powerful and daring. She could do anything she wanted with Zach…even things she’d yearned to do but never tried with her ex-husband.


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