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Page 12

by Lynn LaFleur

  “That’s enough!” Zach stood also and returned his brother’s glare. “Watch your mouth, Brent.”

  “Or what? I see your clenched fists. You gonna hit me, big brother?”

  “Don’t push me.”

  “Hey,” Michelle said from the doorway. “I could hear y’all outside. What’s going on?”

  “Your brother is a fucking fool.” Brent threw the comment over his shoulder as he brushed past Michelle and out the door.

  Michelle watched him leave, wincing when the front door slammed. She looked at Zach. “You want to explain what happened here?”

  Zach adored his sister. He figured Brent was a big boy and would get over his temper tantrum. Zach didn’t want to hurt Michelle in any way. “Sit down with me, Chelle. I want to talk to you.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Zach followed Michelle the short distance across the room to the loveseat. He waited until she sat, then sat beside her. Leaning forward, he clasped his hands together between his thighs as he tried to figure out how to tell her about Jade. “Brent and I had a difference of opinion on something.”

  “You and Brent had a fight. That’s a lot more than a difference of opinion.”

  “Yeah, well, you know how Brent is. He flies off the handle over everything.” Zach shifted on the loveseat and cleared his throat. “Chelle, I’m no longer an escort as of this morning.”

  The confused look on his sister’s face didn’t surprise Zach. While Michelle didn’t know any intimate details about his dates, he and Brent both teased her about sex. They liked to watch her blush. “You’ve quit? Why?” A look of fear filled her eyes. She grabbed his forearm. “You aren’t sick, are you?”

  “No, no, nothing like that.” He laid his hand over hers and squeezed. “I promise I’m fine.”

  “Then I don’t understand.”

  “I’ve met someone, Chelle. I was her escort Saturday night and I… Well, I fell for her hard and fast. I don’t want to be with any other women. I only want Jade.”

  Michelle blew out a breath. “Wow. This is really sudden, Zach. Are you sure?”

  “Very sure. I love her, Chelle.”

  She clasped her hands together in her lap. Zach recognized that signal. She was about to turn on her “mother-mode”.

  “I heard some of what you and Brent said. I have no idea about your…physical endowments, and I certainly do not want to know. That would be way too much information. But I do know we’ve built this business mostly because of you. Brent is business-minded and an organizer. You’re a natural charmer. The women love you, and they ask for you again and again. Can you really give that up?”

  “I’m a third of this company, Michelle. I’ll still work here, in whatever capacity you, Brent, and I decide. Maybe you can even teach me that spreadsheet program you use.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “You’re completely hopeless on a computer, you know that.”

  Zach spread his arms. “So I’ll interview prospective escorts, or mow the lawn, or cook. I’ll do something useful.”

  “I just hope mowing the lawn will be enough for you.”

  “I’ll get all the sex I need from Jade.”

  She blushed, which was exactly what he wanted. “You’re getting into that too much information territory, Zach.”

  “Sorry.” He kissed her cheek. “I love to tease you.”

  “Yeah, I know. You don’t have to love it quite so much.” She pushed a lock of her brown hair behind one ear. “Why is it you and Brent can make me blush so easily? I don’t have this problem on dates.”

  “Because we’re your brothers and know which buttons to push. And don’t mention your dates. That would be TMI territory for me. Thinking about my baby sister having sex makes me cringe.”

  Michelle grinned wickedly. “Want details about David? He’s really—”

  “No, I don’t want any details about your current beau, or any others.”

  “Hey, working with a bunch of hunky guys whom I can’t touch isn’t easy on a gal.”

  He’d never thought of it that way. Coopers’ Companions had no rule written in stone, but Michelle had insisted a long time ago that she wouldn’t ever get involved with one of the escorts. She was a young, healthy, attractive woman. Being around all the testosterone in this place had to be frustrating at times.

  Michelle squeezed his hand. “If you love her, really love her, then go for it. Brent will get over his snit in time.”

  “I really love her, Chelle.”

  “That’s good enough for me.” She stood and tugged Zach to his feet. “Get out of here. Go plan a special dinner for the two of you. You’re an incredible cook. Wine and dine her, then spend the rest of the night in her arms.”

  “I’m not seeing her tonight. She has to work late.”

  “Then plan it for tomorrow. Surprise her with your beef stroganoff. If she doesn’t already love you, that’ll clinch it.”

  Zach had never invited a woman to his condo. He wanted to invite Jade there. He’d cook dinner for them, then they’d soak in his hot tub. After that, he’d give her a full-body massage before they made love.

  He liked that idea. He liked it a lot.

  Smiling, Zach kissed his sister’s cheek. “Thanks, Chelle. Beef stroganoff it is.”


  Movement in the doorway drew Jade’s attention away from the financial updates scattered across her desk. Doug Lassiter entered her office, closing the door behind him.

  The head of surgery did not come to her office. Jade immediately became wary. “Hello, Doug.”

  “Good afternoon, Jade.”

  Ignoring the two upholstered chairs that sat in front of her desk, he rounded her desk and propped one hip on the corner. The position drew his pants tight across his groin.

  She really didn’t like him being here. Unsure what to do, she remained silent, waiting for him to speak again.

  “I wanted to congratulate you on the gala. You did an outstanding job.”

  “Thank you,” she said, confused. Doug Lassiter rarely said hello to her, much less paid her a compliment.

  “Everyone had a good time.” His gaze dipped to her breasts. “Especially you, apparently.”

  Every cell in her body went on alert. “I beg your pardon?”

  “That dress you wore was very sexy, Jade. And your…date. He was young enough to be your…nephew.”

  Jade bristled at his rudeness. “I see no reason for this conversation, Dr. Lassiter.”

  “Then let me clarify what I’m saying and get right to the point. The board wasn’t happy with the way you conducted yourself at the gala, Jade. Flaunting your body and your young man was totally inappropriate.”

  This man had—as Zach put it—humped her on the dance floor, or tried to. He had a lot of nerve to call her behavior inappropriate. Attempting to rein in her escalating temper, Jade slowly laid down her pen and sat back in her chair. “I don’t recall when the board made you its spokesman.”

  “I’m the head of surgery. I’m in close contact with the board members. I know how they think.”

  “So now you’re a mind reader?”

  His eyes narrowed, his lips thinned. “I wouldn’t be so quick to pop off at me if I were you. I have the power to have you fired.”

  Unfortunately, that could be true. Doug Lassiter had a lot of clout with the board and the hospital administrator. “So what, exactly, are you saying to me, Doug?”

  “I’m saying I’ll do everything I can to help you keep your job, despite your lack of judgment.”

  “In return for?”

  His gaze dipped to her breasts again and lingered there. “I’m sure we can work out something.”

  Jade would’ve laughed if she hadn’t been so angry. This man was actually suggesting she have sex with him in exchange for keeping her job. “It’s time for you to leave, Dr. Lassiter.”

  “Oh, come on, Jade. We’re both adults. The way you dressed, along with that youn
g stud you brought with you, practically shouted that you’re hot for sex.” He leaned forward and ran one forefinger down her cheek. “I can give you anything you need.”

  She had to catch herself before she jerked away from him. She needed to find out exactly how far he planned to take this ridiculous farce. “You seem to have forgotten you have a wife.”

  “My wife is the least of your worries.”

  “Actually, I think she’s very important. I don’t believe she’ll appreciate the sexual harassment charge I file against you.”

  He looked stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. “You wouldn’t file on me. Who do you think the board will support—you or me?”

  The board would more than likely support the hospital’s star surgeon, but Jade wouldn’t admit that to Doug. “I asked you to leave, doctor. Now I’m demanding it.”

  The laughter abruptly died in his eyes. Doug straightened the cuffs of his perfectly pressed, pale blue shirt before he stood. “I’ll give you a few days to think about it, Jade. It would be in your best interest to reconsider.”

  Not believing his comment deserved a response, Jade remained silent. She sat still and watched Doug Lassiter stroll out of her office.

  Once he left, Jade picked up her pen and threw it across the room. It bounced off the wall and fell with a clatter to the tile floor. How dare he? Doug Lassiter had barely spoken to her in the three years he’d been at this hospital. Now, because of a daring dress and a date with a younger man, he assumed he could blackmail her into having sex with him.

  He wasn’t the only one who’d given her a hard time today. She’d received “friendly” teasing from several coworkers about the hunk she’d taken to the gala. One nurse—a woman Jade had never liked—had outright asked if Zach was as hot in bed as he was on the dance floor. Refusing to answer her rude question, Jade had simply walked away.

  She wouldn’t let the teasing bother her, and she certainly wouldn’t let Doug Lassiter get under her skin. His threats didn’t frighten her. No one from the board had approached her all day. Surely someone would have contacted her if she were truly in danger of losing her job.

  Jade had declined to see Zach tonight, telling him she had to catch up on the work she’d neglected yesterday. Now she wished she’d agreed to go out with him. She longed to be with him right now.

  Getting any additional work done today would be impossible. Jade began to straighten up her desk. A glass of wine and a long soak in the bathtub would do nicely tonight. Tomorrow, she’d see Zach again.

  Jade paused with her hand on her purse. She didn’t want to wait until tomorrow. She wanted to be with Zach tonight.

  Digging her cell phone from the bottom of her purse, she quickly punched in Zach’s number that she’d already memorized.

  “Hey, lady,” he answered in a deep, smooth voice.

  Jade shivered as goose bumps skittered up her spine. Just the sound of his voice turned her on. “Hey, yourself. What are you doing?”

  “Playing with myself and thinking of you.”

  She smiled. “How would you like to play with me instead?”

  “Mmm, love to, but you said you have to work late.”

  “I changed my mind. Would you like to come over for supper?”

  “I have a better idea. How about if you come to my place and I’ll cook supper for you? Then we can soak in my hot tub.”


  “Of course.”


  He chuckled. “After that, I’ll have a surprise for you.”

  “Does it involve chocolate body paint?”

  “It can.”

  “How long will it take me to get there from here?”

  “About thirty minutes.”

  Jade grabbed a pen and scratch pad from her desk. “What’s your address?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  It took Jade thirty-five minutes to drive to Zach’s condo. Luckily, she’d left work shortly after three, so she missed the start of the heavy rush-hour traffic. She parked her car in a visitor’s space close to the entrance.

  He opened the door before she had the chance to ring the bell, wearing only a pair of low-rise faded jeans. “Hi,” he said with a smile.

  “Hi. Were you watching for me?”

  “Absolutely.” Taking her hand, he tugged her past the entrance, shut the door, and pushed her back against it. “I’ve been counting the minutes until I could kiss you.”

  Jade laughed, but her laughter was soon cut off by his kiss. She sighed to herself as he nipped at her lips. He soothed the nips with his tongue before sending it deep into her mouth. He kissed her over and over, as if he’d be happy to stand right here with her pressed against the door and kiss her for hours.

  That worked for her.

  She wrapped her arms around him and returned every kiss, until the need for air made her pull away from him.

  “Wow,” she breathed.

  “I’ll second that.” Zach sounded as out of breath as she. He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “I love kissing you.”

  “I love it, too.”

  He opened his eyes again and gazed into hers. Running his hands down her back, he squeezed her buttocks. “It’s too early for me to cook supper. Would you like to soak in the hot tub first?”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ll show you the way. You can get undressed while I fix us a drink. Deal?”


  Zach led the way through his spacious living room to a set of French doors that opened onto a covered patio. Jade took in everything as she passed it, noting the overstuffed furniture and simple furnishings. The masculine décor practically screamed “professional interior designer”. The condo was beautiful, but she couldn’t help thinking a woman’s touch would make it more eye-pleasing.

  She forgot about the inside when she stepped through the French doors. The hot tub was surrounded by lush green plants. They made her believe she stood in the middle of the jungle. She wouldn’t have been surprised to see a brightly colored parrot swoop down from the top of the tallest plant.

  “Zach, this is incredible.”

  “Thanks. I wanted a place to totally relax and forget all the stress for a while. Michelle helped me come up with this. Some people have a green thumb. She has ten.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  He touched a button on the lip of the tub. Pale blue lights came on in the bottom. The next button he pushed started the jets churning. Jade already felt calmer just thinking about being surrounded by the warm, bubbling water.

  “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back with our drinks.”

  Quickly shedding her sensible suit and the rest of her working outfit, Jade climbed naked into the foamy water. She sighed as she tilted her head back and settled into a corner of the four-person hot tub. Shifting slightly, she located a jet that would pulse directly into the small of her back. Heaven.

  “You look good in there.”

  Jade lowered her head and looked at Zach. He stood next to the tub, a crooked smile on his lips, holding two glasses of something frothy and dark pink. “I could get really spoiled to this.”

  “I’ll have a bigger tub at my house. And an outside pool. All the better to spoil you.” He held out one glass to her.

  “It makes no sense to me why some woman hasn’t already snatched you up.”

  “I was waiting for the right one.” His gaze dipped to her breasts. She knew they were half exposed by her position. She did nothing to hide them from him. His smile widened. “I finally found her.”

  He clinked his glass against hers and sipped his drink. Jade drank from her own glass. The taste of strawberries exploded on her tongue. “Hmm, good. Strawberry daiquiri?”

  “My specialty.”

  She drank again, enjoying the cool liquid sliding over her tongue and down her throat. “It most certainly is. This is wonderful.”

  She watched him as
he drank again. Seeing him in the tight, faded jeans was a definite turn-on, but she wanted to feel his slick, wet skin against hers. “I think,” she said after setting her glass on the lip of the tub, “one of us is overdressed.”

  “You must mean me.”

  “I do.”

  “I’m only wearing jeans. Not even any shorts.”

  The outline of his cock through the denim proved that fact. “Show me.”

  He set his glass next to hers. She watched his fingers while he unsnapped his jeans. The outline of his cock grew more pronounced as he slid down the zipper. She saw dark pubic hair before his glorious shaft came into view. Once free of the tight denim, his penis sprang up against his belly.

  Jade swallowed.

  “Like what you see?”

  She licked her lips. “Very much.” Her gaze shifted from his shaft to his eyes and back again. “I’d like it better if I could touch it.” Giving him her best seductive smile, she patted the lip of the tub next to her. “Sit right here and let me play a bit.”

  Zach climbed over the lip and sat down, legs spread wide. “You can play with me any way you want to.”

  “I love a man who’s easy.”

  Jade moved between his legs. For a moment, she simply absorbed the sight of him. Some women didn’t find the nude male body attractive. Jade did. She especially enjoyed looking at him when he was aroused—like now—but also when his cock was relaxed. Zach liked to be naked, and took every opportunity to ignore clothes. Watching him walk around naked gave her pleasure. Everything about him gave her pleasure.

  Scooping up water in both hands, she let it dribble over his shaft. Zach sucked in a sharp breath as if the warm water had burned him. “Is this all right?”

  “Yeah.” His voice sounded choked. He cleared his throat. “It feels good.”

  “I like making you feel good.” She dribbled more water over his cock, then circled the head with her tongue. “Do you have any requests?”

  He arched his hips toward her. “Suck me. But not long enough to make me come. I want to be deep inside you when I come.”

  His words made her clit throb. “So I can lick and suck as long as I want, but I can’t let you come?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he rasped. “As long as you want.”


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