A Hood Chicks Story pt 2
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I let out a huff. “I will NEVER let you, nor any man nor woman hit me Tony, you done lost your fuckin mind. Now stick to what I asked you, what bitch’s body parts did you have stashed?”
Tony took the pictures out of my hands.
“T, these are pictures of you. And I only put my hands on you because you came at me with a knife.” He put the pictures in our small trash barrel.
“You sound stupid Tony, I know what my ass and titties look like. And you know I wasn’t going to stab you with that knife.” I paused and looked over at Tony as if he were a stranger in my bedroom. “What the fuck happened to you Tony? You’ve turned into a lying, cheating, woman beating bastard. Where did all this shit come from?”
“I don’t got time for this Tiara.” He went into the bathroom locked the door and proceeded to take his shower. Tony may not have known but he was just pushing me closer and closer to official independence. To actually leave the club with a chick, have pictures of a chick in his possession and then accuse me of not doing shit for him but looking pretty turned me totally against him. It all added up and I felt unappreciated. As of that moment, I was done with keeping up with our bills at home. He would now have to keep up with the mortgage and everything else that we had to pay. Eventually he’d see how much he needed me because I knew that he couldn't handle the responsibility. Especially when I got on my feet to leave for good.
I turned off all of the lights in our bedroom and laid in the bed with my heart weighing heavy in my body. What hurt the most was that Tony probably thought he could get away with lying to me. Maybe he was cocky because he thought that I needed him and that I was trapped. Little did he know, I was not that bitch.
After taking his shower he approached the bed and stretched out next to me.
“T, you still up?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes as I faced the opposite direction and I didn’t answer him. He put his head under the covers and found his way to my kitty and started eating the shit out of me, literally because he ate my ass too. He head dived into my shit like he was eating a watermelon whole. It was his way of admitting that he was wrong, his way of saying sorry without saying it. As he was French kissing my insides, slurping and licking my clit, I couldn’t get into it. I looked up at the ceiling wondering if he had just left from fucking Ashley and maybe even eating her pussy too.
I pulled the covers up to look at his head sucking, winding and humming on my clit and then I pictured him doing it to Ashley and I was disgusted. I pushed his head back and he looked up at me knowing that I hadn’t came yet. I didn’t want him to finish. It normally felt so good and I would want him to keep eating all night. Tonight, I had enough of Tony, he was such a disappointment; I finally realized I never knew who he really was and it hurt.
Chapter Five – It’s On
I stopped going all out for Tony. Hell I didn’t even get wet to his touches anymore however I was still dumb enough to fuck him raw. He constantly avoided the subject when I asked about him leaving the club with Ashley and I eventually pushed it to the side. I didn’t let it go though; there was no way that Tony was going to get the best of me. When I told him that it was my own homegirl Renee that seen him at the club, he quickly dismissed her claims saying that Renee was all about drama and that she’s just jealous of our relationship; typical guilty nigga responses. He even started attacking her character saying that she was a chickenhead bitch that wanted me as miserable as she was and that she would fuck him if she had the chance because he believed she wasn’t really my friend.
Funny how much he had to say about Renee but didn’t have shit to say in his defense of her literally seeing him leaving with Ashley.
My loan application was completed and everything was looking good as far as closing on the three family house. It wouldn't happen in thirty days as I had planned because it was a little more complicated with foreclosures comparable to a standard sale but it was still moving along smoothly. I was also surprised that I managed to keep it all away from Tony the entire time and I planned to keep it that way.
A few weeks had gone by and although I had plans to leave Tony, I had to know if he was still messing with Ashley.
Anytime he went to the store, to a meeting, to tie his fuckin’ shoe without me there, I felt like Ashley was somewhere around about to jump out the bushes and start fucking him.
“Have you talked to your little mistress lately?” I asked while we drove to work together early on a Tuesday morning after dropping off Shayonna.
The previous night Tony had worked a so-called late night shift when I knew that I had tied up all loose ends at the office for the night. He came home after midnight, so I knew he was out doing something.
“Tiara, don’t start with this shit, it’s too early in the damn morning and I’m not in the mood.”
He grinned and proceeded to drive us to work. Coincidentally his phone started ringing and I picked it up to see who was calling because it was plugged into the charger in the dash and the phone read “A.” When I saw that I picked it up immediately.
Tony’s dumb ass thought by not putting in her full name that I wouldn’t know what the fuck the “A” stood for. Like I said before his game was no longer tight.
“Who is this? Where is Tony?”
“Who the fuck is this? Is this Ashley, you’re still on my man’s dick huh?”
She chuckled. “This must be Tiara, guess you haven’t got the memo, your man keeps coming back to me sweetie, deal with it.”
Tony sped to the nearest curb and pulled the car over. He stormed out and rushed over to the passenger side. He opened my door and yanked me out by my hair causing his phone to fold closed and hit the sidewalk. He slammed me against the car screaming in my face.
“I told you it was too early for this shit Tiara! You like drama and I’m tired of this hoodrat bullshit! Who the fuck told you to pick up my fuckin’ phone, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Tony get the fuck off me, I’m tired of your shit! You keep illing on me every time you get caught. Don’t be mad because I caught your mistress calling your fucking phone early in the morning, you’re the one that has to explain this shit, I’m the one that should be mad right now not you.”
Tony started shaking me and my body was thrusting back and forth on the car.
“Stop Tony! Get off me, you’re hurting me!” I tried to pry his hands off my arms but he held them tightly as anger flashed across his face.
“Tiara, I swear I feel like punching you in the fuckin’ face right now, if you don’t trust me then leave me, I am not cheating on your stupid ass.”
“Get your damn hands off of me Tony.” He let go of me and walked toward the driver’s side. “If you’re not cheating on me Tony then why the fuck is your mistress still calling you? And you keep putting your hands on me over this bitch? I’m tired of her and I’m tired of you, maybe I will leave your cheating ass.”
Tony rushed back over toward me and pinned me up against the car.
“Tiara I told you to shut the fuck up, I’m tired of your smart ass mouth, shut the fuck up about this or I’m gonna bust your shit wide open!” He had his fist balled up in my face and that was the first time I was actually scared and believed that Tony would hurt me so I decided to shut my mouth.
Flashbacks of episodes of my father beating on my mom entered my mind. Anytime my mom said anything that my father considered as “back talk” he would fuck her up sometimes leaving her unconscious. I couldn’t believe that I was now dealing with someone who actually reminded me of my dad. I never wanted to be in a relationship like my mom and dad had and that’s what Tony and me were becoming.
I wasn’t as weak as my mom though. I couldn’t sit and allow myself to stay with someone like him for years. I knew that I deserved better although I now know that my mom stayed for love. It took me to get this old to finally understand how the love of a man could make you stay with him even if you knew shit was wrong. But I was
stronger than that and it was a wrap for his ass, my plans for leaving him just weren’t executing quick enough. I had to play my position until I could get myself and my daughter away from this bitch made nigga.
When we got back into the car all I wanted to do was start kicking him with my stilettos in his sides while he drove but I didn’t want to get into a car accident. Plus as I said, I was shook! Tony wore a look of vengeance and I wasn’t fucking with that.
We rode in complete silence on our way to the office. The only sounds were of cars passing by and horns beeping due to the traffic as we got closer to the office. I placed my elbow on the door window and leaned my head against my hand and looked out into the street. A young boy who had to be around sixteen or seventeen was riding his bike close to the car and I almost burst into tears. He had long silky braids and buttery caramel skin with puppy dog eyes. He resembled my little brother to a tee. Part of me wanted to reach out and snatch him off his bike and hug him. He kept his eyes on the road occasionally looking over at me probably wondering why I was staring at him so hard. I eventually ended up turning my head with my eyes consumed with tears as we passed the boy by. The pain of losing my little brother was just as fresh as it was the day he departed. The anniversary of his death was approaching and I always became super emotional around that time. The situation with Tony only added fuel to an already burning fire and I was just an emotional wreck.
We pulled up to the office and Tony tried to squash the beef with more lies.
He parked into a tight parking spot and spoke without looking at me.
“T, I don’t know what she called me for but I am not fuckin’ that girl. I would not do that to you, she is history and for the last time, I am not cheating on you. I only got frustrated because you didn’t respect my privacy. I don’t answer your cell phone so you should respect mine.”
On that note I got out of the car and went inside. Tony was so full of shit I could almost smell it. I couldn’t sit there and listen to his lies anymore. I didn’t even reply to him. I just sped into the office mumbling shit under my breath because I wanted to hit him so bad. He took a bit longer to come out of the car, he was probably in there smoking a blunt but when he came inside, I was already seated at my desk. I really didn’t get much done that morning, I bullshitted up until noon because I was stressed and I couldn’t focus for shit. When noon hit, I was out. I usually worked through my lunches but today was different.
Tony walked by my desk and put some paperwork on it and I didn’t even acknowledge him. I took my cell phone out of my Louis Vuitton clutch bag and dashed out of the door to call Renee.
"Hey T, what's going on?"
"Nothing, same shit. Me and Tony was beefing this morning over that bitch Ashley again."
I heard the aggravation in Renee’s tone. "I'm about tired of hearing about her T, if this was back in the day we would have been set it on her!"
"I know Renee and I don't know why the hell I was sitting here trying to handle this like a grown woman because she has just as much to do with this as Tony. At first I figured she didn't know about me because he lied to her telling her that we broke up and shit. But now she knows that we are engaged and have a family and the bitch is still around. So now I feel disrespected and it's on, it’s as simple as that. I'm ready to get at her in the worst way Renee."
"Girl, I'm about to put on my scarf and meet you at your job."
"Nah Renee, wait till after work so that I can have my daughter settled in the house and get shit together first then I'll come get you. But trust me, we are most def doing this tonight."
"A’ight cool, I'ma check and see if I got her correct address and it's whatever with that slut ass bitch. I'm over here stressing anyway, I need to release my anger somehow."
"Girl you’re stressing, my ass is over here about to explode. What's your crazy ass stressing about?"
"A bitch is broke that's what,” Renee said.
I giggled and then heard Renee’s doorbell ringing in the background and then she rushed me off the phone.
“A’ight T, holla at me when you get off work, my bell is ringing, it’s this nigga Tank I’m tryna get some money out that nigga.”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “A’ight Renee I’ma call your stank ass later.”
I took out my set of keys to Tony’s car, hopped in and drove up to one of the beauty supply stores in Mattapan. I was browsing up and down the aisles looking for jet black hair dye and some expensive weave. I wanted to switch up my look and make sure that I stayed on point everyday to keep Tony on his toes. He knew I didn’t rock hair weave so he would notice the difference off top. I wanted to keep him guessing and have him thinking that I could be out here doing me and maybe his dumb ass would change before I had the chance to leave his ass.
I handed a hundred dollar bill to the cashier at the beauty supply store and she handed me back a five dollar bill. I thought to myself, damn, I didn’t know weave was that fuckin’ expensive. But it was some fly ass human hair, 18-inches long and that shit was gonna look hot on me. I drove to my hairdresser's salon which was only a little further up from the beauty supply store and handed her the bag. I told her that I wanted her to do some exotic shit to my hair.
She pulled the hair out of my black bag and looked at me surprised. “Whaaat! Tiara wants some weave?”
Everyone was so used to me getting wash and sets or fresh blow dry’s so this was something different that everyone would notice.
“A’ight.” My hairdresser said looking at me. “I know exactly what to do. Take my appointment book out of my booth and put your appointment in there,” she said as she put my weave back into my bag and continued to set the chubby girl’s hair that sat in her chair. I booked my appointment and dashed back to work.
As I approached my desk, I noticed a yellow post-it note that read “When you get back from lunch, come into my office so I can eat that cat.”
I crumbled the note in my fist and threw it in my garbage pail. I was about tired of his verbal and sexual apologies. I was just about tired of Tony altogether.
It was back to work as usual, I made a few calls to some clients, took care of a few emails, printed out some applications and sent a bunch of paperwork to our underwriters for review. Susan and I were still struggling with some of the bills that weren’t matching with the company account. As I sat at my desk completing a form, a silhouette darkened the paper, I put down my pen and looked up; it was Tony hovering over me.
“Did you get my note?” he asked.
“Yeah I got it,” I said as nonchalant as possible. I picked up my pen and continued to fill out the form. Tony snatched the pen from my hand.
“So you ain’t gonna let me taste that sweet shit?”
“Tony I’m busy.” I pulled out another pen from my drawer and Tony frowned his face at my rejection and walked back into his office. Apparently he got his feelings hurt so he grabbed his car keys and walked his pitiful ass to the front door. Before leaving he yelled out, “Send my calls to my cell. I’ll be back before the end of the day.”
I watched as the door swung behind him and let out a huff. On a normal day, I would think that he was going to meet a client or running a legitimate errand but now I only believed that he was going to see Ashley.
“I hope it’s worth it!” I said to myself as if I was speaking to Ashley because I was gonna beat her like she owed me money.
It was hard to focus but I managed to keep myself busy up until five o’clock which was the time Tony came back. He peeked his head in the door as I was shutting down the office and told me that he’ll be waiting for me in the car. I shut off all of the lights and dreaded that I had to ride home with him.
I slumped down in the passenger seat with my arms folded looking straight ahead. Tony hadn’t put the key in the ignition. He just sat in silence looking at me. It was a very uncomfortable silence until he tried to playfully poke one of my folded arms.
“So you still mad at me T?”
/> I ignored him and continued looking straight ahead.
“Man, I don’t know what I gotta do to show you that I don’t want no one but you.”
He put the key into the ignition and drove off.
“I got a suggestion, you could keep your dick in your pants,” I shot back.
“Ha, ha, ha! Wow T, you really don’t know how much I love you. You really be buggin’. I am not fucking no one else.”
He let out a cocky sigh and shook his head. “What a nigga gotta do, bring you to the alter to show you I’m serious?”
I cut my eyes at him. “Tony you ain’t marrying nobody.” I glanced down at my ring and started playing with it on my finger.