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Mean Machine

Page 8

by Joanna Blake

  Unfortunately, we needed an address to do that. Mason and I had discussed it and he was adamant that we use his address. I had agreed, though I hadn’t said anything about it working long term.

  That was something I couldn’t promise. Being in love with the person who saved you was a complicated, messy thing. It was a lot to put me through, even though I knew the scruffy, tatted, sexy as hell biker was the best thing that had ever happened to my kid.

  She was so bright I was certain she could catch up again. And she was kind and easy going, not the sort to get picked on or make waves. I wasn’t worried about her settling into a new school without a hitch.

  Another reason I definitely could not run again.

  Besides, I knew I’d be leaving my heart here if I went. Mason had it in his pocket, even if he didn’t want it. Being here with him was it’s own kind of torture. But a torture I didn’t want to end.

  He’d already cooked us breakfast and lunch and now he was walking the dog. The man was a saint. That was almost funny, since his last name was Saint James.

  That had given me a chuckle the first time I heard it.

  “Knock knock.”

  A pretty brunette with twinkling eyes was standing by the doorway. I smiled tentatively.


  “In the flesh. Where is that brooding, cranky old man?”

  Mason grumbled behind her.


  She laughed louder and gave him a big hug. His eyes met mine as he suffered through it. But I could tell he didn’t really mind.

  Mason, cranky? That wasn’t exactly how I would describe him. Brooding though, that fit the bill.

  “You must be Pay.”

  Paton smiled and nodded. No one ever called her Pay. We called her Pate, but Kelly was so friendly that neither one of us said a word.

  She linked arms with Mason and I felt a flash of jealousy.

  “We are a united front, dedicated to torturing my big brother, Connor.”

  I glanced at Mason, startled to find his dark eyes on me already.

  “Cassie’s husband?”

  He nodded with a faint smile.

  “So, anything on the agenda?”

  “She’ll be starting school next week, we hope. So no real homework, though I’d like her to get outside a bit. She’ll spend the entire day with her nose in a book if you let her.”


  “It’s true, button.”

  Kelly sat at the table with us, leaning forward conspiratorially.

  “I read a lot too.” She winked at me. “Romance novels, mostly, but that counts, right?”

  I nodded eagerly. I loved books too. But Pate was next level.

  The girl was reading stuff most kids read in high school or college. She was the smartest. I couldn’t be prouder, especially under the circumstances.

  Mason cleared his throat.

  “You ready?”

  I nodded and pressed a kiss to Paton’s head.

  “Just let me grab my bag.”

  I ran down the hall and grabbed my bag and jacket. Then I ran back. Mason’s eyes caught mine and held them.

  Kelly waved us off, calling out as we walked down the driveway to Mason’s truck.

  “You two are coming to my party Friday, right?”


  “Birthday party!” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. “I’m turning 21.”

  Mason shook his head.

  “Better not let Con know what you want for your birthday, young lady.”

  She giggled.

  “He won’t know if you don’t tell him!”

  I climbed n the truck. I fasted my seatbelt and looked questioningly at Mason as he got behind the wheel.

  “What does she want?”

  “Something she definitely should not have.” He glanced at me, turning on the ignition. “Trouble is, it wants her too.”


  He gave me a smoldering glance.

  “Not it. He.”

  “Oh… who?”

  “Someone who is not good for her. Connor has kept him away for the most part, but it’s only a matter of time if you ask me.”

  “And you know him?”

  He nodded, pulling out into the street.

  “He’s the Prez.”

  Chapter Twenty


  Long, elegant legs stretched out beside me. Shiny, sweet smelling hair. Curves that wouldn’t quit. I tried not to look, but she was right there. So close I could reach out and touch her.

  My cock was hard and aching already. And this was just the ride to work. We still had a shift and a half before dinner time, and even then I’d be in constant, unbearably close contact with the woman I wanted but could not have.

  It was going to be a long, hard fucking day.

  Pun intended.

  At the same time, I relished it. I didn’t want her out of my sight for a moment. Not just because I wanted her, or even because I feared for her safety.

  I wanted my eyes on her because she was like gravity to me. She kept my world from toppling over and my insides from spilling out. Just her presence alone was enough to keep me sane.

  I didn’t really want to live in a world without Michelle Buchhannon.

  Not to mention, that amazing kid of hers. So sweet and smart and kind, even with everything they’d been through. I was already way too attached to them both. Hell, I’d basically forced them to move in with me.

  I knew she thought she was imposing.

  I knew she wanted to move out.

  I knew she even thought I’d rejected her back there at the Jar.

  None of those things were true. In fact, it was the opposite. And she sure as shit was not leaving me. So, the boot stayed on her car and she stayed under my roof.

  Sure, it wasn’t ideal.

  If it was an ideal world, she’d be in my bed every damn night.


  As it was, I had to keep her safe and alive. Give Paton a chance to thrive. Legally, they were living with me now and that was exactly what I would tell the school when we signed Pate up.

  I would pick her up and drop her off every damn day. Probably drive past the school a couple times to watch for trouble too.

  I smiled a little at the thought. I had Michelle almost right where I wanted her. Once Pate started school, she was mine. They couldn’t up and disappear on me then.

  Not that it would change a damn thing.

  I’d find them, wherever they went.

  I just didn’t want to risk that happening. Michelle was mine, even if it wasn’t true in the biblical sense of the word. She was mine where it counted.

  We pulled in and she popped out of the truck, those long legs of hers a thing of beauty as they slid to the ground.

  “Thanks, Mason.”

  “You don’t have to thank me.” I smiled. “I’m the one who locked down your car.”

  She blinked at me.

  “Oh. Right. Are you going to… unlock it?”

  My smile faded.

  “No need. If you need to go anywhere, I’ll take you. You want to go shopping or something?”

  She shook her head and I cursed myself. Of course, she didn’t want to go shopping. They were barely scraping by after months of being flat broke.

  It made me get angry all over again.

  She should go shopping, dammit. She would. Girls liked doing things like that, and she needed new clothes. I was an ass for not thinking of it.

  “Kelly will take you.”

  “There’s no need. Please. Just… forget it.”

  I bit my tongue but I had a lot to say about that. She was saving every penny for Paton. I knew she was. Just like she’d only eaten scraps for so long.

  Well, I was going to take care of that.

  I pulled out my phone, staring as Michelle walked gracefully to the front door.

  I texted Cass and Kelly.

  I need to get some clothes for Michelle and Paton. Where?

  Then slid my phone into my pocket and got out to open the bar.

  I stared at the tiny dress in my hands. It was a sturdy blue cotton shirt dress, and according to Kelly, it was the right size.

  I was still waiting for her to snake a pair of Pate’s shoes and riffle through Michelle’s things for sizes.

  She’s already told me what sort of colors and fabrics to find. Bright jewel tones for both, plus denim, shoes and some stuff for the cold weather that was ahead.

  I was absolutely petrified when they mentions underthings. It didn’t seem right to pick that stuff out, so I’d given some sizes to the woman in the lingerie department and told her to just ring it up.

  I’d swing back around to get those before I went back to the bar for the dinner shift. And I would resist the urge to paw through the bag and stare at all the lacy stuff like a pervert.

  A studded denim mini skirt caught my eye across the aisle in the miss’s department. Michelle was slight so Kelly had said to look there as well as in the regular women’s department. I was trying not to go overboard and just get some basics but I could feel myself getting carried away.

  I took the dress, carefully laying it over my arm, and crossed over to the denim skirt. I held it up, my mouth suddenly dry. It was short, but not obscene. And I knew Michelle would look incredible in it.

  Of course, seeing her wear something that revealing might do me in, but I’d die a happy man.

  I put it over my arm with the dress for Pate and headed to the counter.

  “Will that be all sir?”

  “No. I made a list…”

  I handed it over and the sales girl nearly lost her mind with glee.

  “And these are the sizes?”

  “As far as I know.”

  “So nothing final sale?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Stuff that can’t be returned.”

  “Doesn’t matter, they won’t be returning unless it doesn’t fit.”

  “Ohhh, it even says what sort of colors they look good in! Blue for the little girl and blue or green for the adult?”

  “She looks good in anything.”


  The sales girl smiled at me with a melting look and I groaned. She had some romantic notion in her head, clearly. I had to admit, she had a good eye though. Pate got a whole new wardrobe from shirts to sweaters and skirts and jeans. The girl found a simple navy jacket that would work over everything, and I grabbed a matching tartan scarf, hat and gloves to go with it. We even made sure to get socks and some cute little patterned tights. Sneakers, loafers and one pair of dress shoes too. None of it was all that expensive, not that it would have stopped me.

  Then we got back to the ladies’ department.

  “What color are her eyes?”

  “Hazel.” I answered without hesitating. “But more green than anything else.”

  That earned me another giggle. I was making a damn fool of myself. The truth was, I didn’t really mind. I was a fool when it came to Michelle. She had me even if she didn’t want me.

  Hook, line, and sinker.

  Getting clothes for Paton and Michelle made me feel like I was doing something proactive. Taking care of my girls. And I hoped they’d be pleased.

  I knew Paton would, but I wasn’t so sure of her mom. I was overstepping, without a doubt, and I was sure Michelle would have something to say about that.

  All the same, I didn’t stop the sales girl from picking out a few things that were sexy as hell. Of course, Michelle would look sexy in a paper bag, but that was beside the point.

  The sales girl really, really knew what she was doing.

  Another hour later and I left the door with eight big shopping bags and a shit eating grin. Yeah, I’d overdone it. But I would tell them it was to compensate for the all the birthdays I’d missed before I met them.

  I nodded to myself as I loaded up the car.

  Michelle would just have to accept that.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “What… did you do?”

  I was sipping my coffee, staring bleary-eyed at Mason as he laid out bag after bag of new clothes.

  Clothes… for us.

  “Paton needs new school clothes. And I figured you needed new stuff too.”

  My mouth was open as I stared at all the stuff. He’d gone nuts. Absolutely nuts.

  But it was also the sweetest thing I’d ever seen in my life.

  I swallowed, all my unrequited feelings coming to the surface in a rush of warmth. Hell, they were leaping out, making me want to throw myself into his arms.

  “I can’t… I can’t afford all that, Mason.”

  He shrugged.

  “You saved my ass at the bar. I don’t pay you enough.”

  “You pay just fine!”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter. I got a huge discount. But it’s all final sale. Can’t return it anyway.”

  My heart was pounding. He was lying about that last part, I could tell by the way his eyes shifted away. He wasn’t going to let me return it. Why, oh why, had he done this extraordinary thing?

  “Mason… it’s not right for me to accept this.”

  “Accept what? Ohhhh… did you go shopping, Mason?”

  Darn it. Now Pate had seen the bags.

  “Thought you could use some nice things for your new school.”

  Her eyes absolutely lit up.

  Mason had me, and he knew it.

  They both looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

  “Maybe your mom wants to approve everything first.”

  I rolled my eyes and gave up. I would try and return whatever he got me. If it was all final sale then I’d just have to find a way to pay him back. And Pate did need new clothes… A little confidence couldn’t hurt considering how rough the past six months had been.

  Scratch that. The past few years.

  We’d basically been struggling ever since my folks had made me leave. Paton didn’t know how easy things could be with a little money. A whole new wardrobe was an unthinkable luxury. And the kind of thing I’d always dreamt about giving her.

  At least that was what I dreamt about before we could barely afford to eat. Hearing your child’s stomach rumble was an all time low. That sort of situation shifted your priorities in a hurry.

  “Go ahead.”

  She squealed and ran for the bags. Mason held up items for her approval. She especially loved the brown corduroy skirt and grey tights with a bright blue sweater. I knew she would look amazing in that.

  Everything he’d chosen was… perfect.

  “What about you, Mom?”

  I shook my head rapidly. I was on the verge of tears. And I didn’t want either one of them to see it.

  “I’ll be… right back.”

  Mason followed me down the hallway. I was about to disappear into the bathroom so I could cry in peace and quiet when his hand gripped my shoulder and turned me around.


  I couldn’t have told you why I was crying exactly. Maybe because he’d done what I hadn’t been able to. Maybe because he was so damn good.

  “I’ll… I’ll pay you back. Somehow.” I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “I will.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the money. I wanted to do it.”

  I nodded and looked away, trying to escape before my face crumpled.

  He let me go.

  I paused at the bathroom door.

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’d made her cry. The person I wanted to protect and impress. I wanted her to see me as a provider. I wanted her happy.

  The sound of her sobs through the bathroom door just about tore me up inside.


  I leaned against the door, wanting to tear it down and go to her. I wanted to hit something too. I felt like a giant ass and that was the truth of the matter.


  “I’m fine. I’ll just, um, be out in a minute.”

  I closed my eyes and put my back to the door. I was waiting. I was going to talk to her. I had to.

  The sobs subsided a bit and the sniffling started. I almost smiled when I heard her honk her nose a few times. She was so damn cute. Even her boogers were adorable.


  “Are you still out there?”

  “What do you think?”


  “Come out.”


  “Because, I’m fucking sorry.”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just… I’m not used to people being so… nice.”

  I cursed, rubbing the back of my neck. That tore me up inside. She hadn’t been shown a lick of kindness from this world. It took me, a caveman who wanted to tie her to the bed, to show her a little kindness.

  And that’s what made her cry.

  “Are you still there?”

  I nodded and then muttered ‘yes’ when I realized she couldn’t see me through the damn door.

  I was an idiot.

  Love was turning me into an idiot.


  Oh no. NO NO NO. Goddamn it. Who gave you permission to fall in love, you neanderthal?

  “Are you still out there?”

  I kept silent this time. I just waited. The door creaked open beside me and I smiled grimly. She peeked her head out. That’s when I pounced.

  Back into the bathroom we went.

  I grabbed her face, holding her tightly. She stared up at me, red nose and swollen eyes. Her lips parted.

  She was so fucking beautiful it hurt to look at her.

  “Stop. Thanking. Me.”

  And then I kissed her. She gasped against my lips. I plunged my tongue into her mouth roughly, with no sweet words. Without permission.

  “Everything. I. Do.” I kissed her between each word, pressing my lips into every inch of bare skin I could find. Her neck, her ears, her collarbone. “Is. Because. I. Want. To.”

  I felt her hands come up and touch me. She wasn’t pushing me away though. She was gripping my jacket and pulling me closer. Touching me. Our tongues tangled, seeking and stroking each other wildly. I heard a soft whimper and froze.


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