Book Read Free


Page 19

by Colet Abedi

“Tell me his name.”

  “Whose name?”

  “The monster.”

  An intense silence permeates the room. The gravity of his request makes everything feel a little heavier. Ian wants his name. I think I know why.

  But I have to deny him. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  I’m not expecting Ian’s strong reaction. He grabs my body and rolls me onto my back so he can pin me with his intensity. “You said you would tell me anything.”

  “But that,” I whisper.

  He stares at me a long while, looking protective. “My men have narrowed it down to a few names and sadly, between the three, I just can’t be sure.”

  I wonder what that says about the people my dad does business with, but I keep that comment to myself. I’m shocked by how far Ian’s already gone down the path of trying to figure out the name of the monster who attacked me. I’m overcome by how protective he is, and how caring.

  “And what do you think you’re going to do when you find out who he is?” I ask, trying to keep my voice as light as possible.

  “You won’t have to worry about him again.”

  “I don’t worry about him now.” I realize I haven’t even thought about my assault—not since I’ve been with Ian.

  Ian looks frustrated. “Kerri—”

  “As much as I appreciate the gesture”—I cup his jaw— “I don’t want you to go to jail.” I say that last part hoping to make him smile.

  “I won’t.” The look in his eyes is like something fierce.

  “Ian. I am not telling you his name.” My voice is strong. I rub my finger on his soft lips. “And you know you can’t make me. It’s something from my past. And it’s my story. Mine. I’ve put it behind me and I never want to look at it again.”

  “I need to make it right for you,” Ian insists, his eyes turbulent.

  “You already have.” He’s changed everything for me.

  He doesn’t look happy that I won’t give up the monster’s name, but he doesn’t push me anymore. Instead, he pulls me back in his arms and lies on his back.

  “You make me crazy,” he mutters, sounding annoyed.

  “Good crazy or bad crazy?”

  “Fucking nuts crazy.”

  I have to laugh at how frustrated he sounds. After a moment my mind wanders. “While we’re talking about awkward subjects, I have another one for you.”

  “Yes?” Ian’s voice sounds guarded.

  “Lianna and Trevor know about the club?” I let him hear my surprise.

  “Of course.” He sounds surprised I’m asking. “They’re my family. If I can’t tell them about my businesses—”

  “Do Trevor’s parents know too?” I interrupt, unable to keep the incredulity out of my voice.

  “Absolutely not,” he says it so fast, I shout out in laughter.

  His stomach then makes a grand entrance and rumbles in like a California earthquake. It throws me so much, I lift myself off his body. “The amount of food you eat…”

  “What?” Ian’s smile is boyish and innocent.

  “What?” I shake my head incredulously. “It’s insane. Like, legitimately you should be eight hundred pounds. But then, I guess, I understand.”

  “How’s that?” Ian asks.

  “Lianna—” I catch myself. Oh man. Insert foot in mouth. Again. What is my problem around this man? It’s like I’ve taken a truth serum and can’t help the words that come out. I don’t want to get her in trouble for sharing stories from his childhood with me. What if it makes Ian angry?

  “What?” he asks.

  “She just gave me some highlights from your upbringing and childhood,” I admit, and then because I can’t seem to help myself around this man at all… “That woman who took custody of you and your sister was the devil.”

  “She was the devil.”

  I hate that his entire demeanor changes. I wish I had kept my mouth shut.

  “I’m sorry,” I rush to say, not wanting to hurt him. I sit up and look at him, hoping he’ll hear me. “I don’t want to ruin the mood. I don’t think Lianna thought she was telling me anything wrong because I was just commenting on your insatiable appetite—”

  “As you’re well aware, I have a large appetite for more than just food,” Ian interjects huskily. His gaze is glued to my naked chest, and my breasts react as though he’s touching them. His eyes flicker back to mine.

  My heart flutters and I get lost in his hooded gaze. “I know…and I am so very grateful for it.”

  “You should be.” His voice sounds wicked. “Since you benefit from my overindulgence.”

  “Eagerly.” I crawl along his naked chest. “Willingly.”

  His eyes flare with desire as my nipples rub against his skin. The feeling gives me goose bumps and immediately makes him hard.

  “Wantonly,” I whisper.

  His hands cup my ass. “You make me hungry for more of everything.”

  I straddle him and lean down so our lips are inches apart. “I want to make you hungry for life,” I admit my deepest desire to him. The one that’s been bottled up inside me since the first time I laid eyes on him, one that’s been growing every second I’m with him.

  “For every part of life.” I place a feather soft kiss on his chest.

  “For peace.” I place a kiss on chin.

  “And happiness.” I place a kiss on forehead.

  My lips move above his. His eyes are open, and he’s watching me with a look I’ve never seen.

  “I want to make you hungry for love.” I open my heart to him and place a kiss on his lips.

  They open for me, and he deepens it, his tongue finding mine. He rolls me onto my back and covers my body with his, then pushes back slightly so he can look down at me, his enigmatic eyes filled with desire.

  “You do,” he whispers before sweeping me off into the storm that is Ian “Trouble” Sutherland.


  A month flies by before I know it. I ghost my family over the holidays and spend every second I can with Ian, just wrapped up in each other’s world. I’m so immersed in him, I barely have time for anything else. For the most part, I stay at his place in Los Angeles. We spent a few weekends furniture shopping together—well truth be told, I had to drag him to different stores. He pretty much wanted no part of it after entering the first furniture store with me and spending twenty minutes looking at different fabrics. I should have known I had lost him then. After a second outing, he handed me his black card and told me to buy whatever I needed for the house to make it a place that would make me happy when I walk in.

  He actually said that. I know.

  To die for.

  He also said if I had any feelings for him, I wouldn’t make him go out shopping for furniture again. I had to laugh, and I decided to let him have it. From watching my mom with my dad, I learned to be relaxed about forcing men to do things they don’t want to do and derive no enjoyment from, even though you might. She’s always so considerate with him. Dad’s time is always so limited, his schedule so full, and she’s smart about the battles she picks.

  It’s late morning on Saturday and I’m overseeing a delivery of plants to Ian’s home. I ask the guys to move the beauties around a few times until I’m happy with their placement. Once they’re done, I see the men out.

  I set out to see if Ian appreciates the new energy the plants bring. He’s lounging on the new oversized L-shaped couch I made him buy for his family room. It’s way more cozy and plush than what he had before—he even spent almost double for a rush order and delivery. Even though he hasn’t gone out of his way to tell me how much he likes it, I think he really does. He’s watching a football game and sucking down the second smoothie I made for him. Keeping this man fed is a full-time job, by the way. But I must say, he does look happy as a clam.

  “What do you think?” I ask and motion toward the gorgeous banana tree the guys placed in the family room. I feel as though it’s already changed the ambiance. The room is warmer to me al

  “I like it.” He’s looking me over with wolfish grin when he says this. I don’t think he’s even bothered to glance at the new addition.

  “I’m talking about the plant,” I say, exasperated, and point toward the greenery.

  He gives me a sexy wink. “If you like it, I like it.”

  “But I want you to like it too. Really like it. It’s important to me. I want you to feel the difference in your home too.”

  “It’s just a plant,” he states the obvious then stares at my breasts. My nipples harden. “And I’d rather feel your naked body.”

  “Behave yourself”—I blush, but his words make me hot. And horny— “and just look at the damn plant.”

  “You sound like a general.” He gives me a teasing smile then finally does as I ask and stares at the plant.

  “Well?” I ask after a moment.

  “It’s just what I thought,” he says.

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s a plant.”

  I throw my hands in the air. He bolts up from the couch and pulls me into his arms, swinging me around, as he laughingly kisses my neck. I wrap my arms around him, totally blissed out.

  “I want you to be happy with all of these additions,” I explain.

  “I am.”

  “Not just because I am.” I pull back so I can look into his eyes. “It’s important to me for you to be pleased with all of this too. It’s your home.”

  He tries to keep a serious face. “Kerri, I am not going to jump up and down in excitement every time you bring a plant or a pillow into the house. It’s just not me. And even though I know you probably want me to, I’m not even going to pretend that it is me. This is who I am.”

  “I love who you are,” I say quickly, realizing how much of a douche I must be sounding like. “And I don’t want you to ever pretend with me. I need you to always be true. And honest.”

  His body tenses and his voice sounds stiff as he says, “I’m not pretending with you.”

  “I know.” I smile and cup his cheek. “But you’re part of my tribe now.”

  Ian looks puzzled.

  “You’re my tribe now. Come on, you know what I’m talking about…”

  “If I’m part of the tribe, I’m the chief.” He sounds so arrogant that I have to try my best not to roll my eyes or laugh in his face.

  “There’s no chief in this kind of tribe.”

  “There’s always a chief, baby.” Ian’s voice is confident.

  I have to laugh.

  “You’ve been running around a lot this morning.” His eyes darken with desire. “I think your body might need a little tender loving care.”

  “It’s been two hours.” I know what he’s thinking, but a girl’s gotta play hard to get—at least once in a while.

  “That’s a long time. And you’ve got to take what you can get with this old man.” Ian lifts me in his arms and cradles my body against his. “I think we need to go upstairs and take a shower.”

  “Another?” I tease.

  “Together.” His voice leaves no room for debate.

  I pretend like I’m thinking it over. “The idea has merit.”

  “The chief demands it.”

  My tribe is pretty awesome.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I’m playing a dangerous game.

  Every moment I’ve spent with Kerri makes me need her…

  Makes me addicted to her even more.

  I’m in so deep now, I don’t know where or how to find the way out. If there even is a safe option. One without hurt or sadness.

  I could walk away now and break her heart. I know I would. I can see how she feels about me. It’s there every time she glances my way. As for the emotions she evokes in me…the feelings I have for her and all the complications that come with them…it’s a lot to reconcile. But if I’m honest, I know what the truth is.

  I’m just not ready to go there.

  Not yet.

  If ever.

  So I’ve been operating in the dark.

  The past month and change has gone by in a blur. She’s infiltrated every part of my life. I want her around me all the time. I hate when she goes to work, when she gets home late—which is almost every day she goes to the studio. I hate the time we’re apart.

  If there was something I could do about her job, I would. Kerri alleges she loves the job, which I’m not fully convinced about, but even so, I keep quiet. I know she can tell when I’m not pleased—especially the couple nights she got home after midnight. The only reason I held back was because she looked so exhausted, I was worried about her and I want her to be able to relax around me. But I’m angry at the bastards for working her so hard and paying her next to nothing. It should be a crime. Kerri keeps telling me it’s the rite of passage in Hollywood, so I keep my mouth shut and make sure she has everything she needs. I’ve quickly realized that all I want is to see her smile.

  And fuck, I like doing things for her.

  Making her happy has become one of my favorite pastimes.

  The only thing to dampen our time together has been my ongoing contentious relationship with Trevor. He confronted me shortly after he met Kerri. He called me when I was alone at work, caught me off guard, and let me know he was aware of the connection to Tanya. I knew it was bound to happen, but I hadn’t anticipated it happening so fast and I sure as hell wasn’t prepared.

  “You are fucked up, man.” He sounded completely disappointed in me. “What are you doing? This is some sick, twisted shit.”

  “I know exactly what I’m doing,” I lied defensively, even though I knew Trevor had every right to attack me.

  Hell, I had my own goddamn mental anguish over it, but Trevor didn’t need to know everything. And I didn’t feel like defending myself. The truth is I’m with Kerri because she’s Kerri. Not because of anything else. I like her. I like spending time with her. I won’t use her for revenge—that train left the station a long time ago. I’ll admit it might have started off as that, but that’s not what our relationship is any longer. And I’m well aware I’m walking a goddamn dangerous line.

  But I’m fucking addicted to everything about her.

  “She’s a good girl,” Trevor said, indignant on Kerri’s behalf. “A nice girl. Do you know what Lianna would do if she ever found out what’s really going on? She still can’t stop talking about how much she loves Kerri and thinks she’s so great. Hell, she wants us to make plans and vacation together.”

  Kerri managed to charm the two in less than a day.

  “And what do you think is really going on?” I challenged.

  “I’m trying to figure it out,” Trevor admitted, sounding frustrated and angry. “I’ve been trying to figure it out since the moment I put two and two together. The only thing I can think of is you’re trying to make her fall in love with you so you can dump her ass at the altar or some other twisted shit and shatter her heart so she’s broken for life—and then, of course, make sure her father knows exactly why. And then I’m sure you have some more sick shit in store for the good old philanderer, Jon Harrington. I bet a million you’ve already screwed him over on a deal or two—that’s probably been an ongoing thing, though I know you’ll never admit it.”

  His take on the situation was eerily close to the plan I’d had—and currently have, concerning Harrington’s last two major financial deals. I managed to get in before him on both buy-outs through private, offshore holdings that he could never trace back to me. I have some satisfaction in knowing that Harrington’s taken a couple of massive financial blows that have hurt his beloved empire and shaken his arrogant confidence. The only thing that killed me was that I was unable to see the look on his face when he found out he’d been outbid. I know how much he hates to lose.

  And there is much more devastating financial loss to come for him. Trevor was right about that—that wheel has been in motion for a long while. Jon Harrington is most assuredly walking on thin ice with his board

  Still, I didn’t realize how well Trevor knows me.

  But then, he’d have to be almost as fucked up as me to come up with that scenario. And I know from experience Trevor isn’t all saint. There are streaks of sinner painted all over him.

  “Not bad,” I admitted. “For a story. But here’s why your take on what my plan could be doesn’t work.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Simple.” I let him hear the gravity in my voice. “I like her.”

  “You don’t just like her, bro. It’s more than like, and I think you know it too, but you’re scared as shit to admit it, and even if you do…damn, it’s a fucking tangled, twisted, fucked web you’ve created for yourself. I just don’t know what the hell you were thinking. And you know what’s more crazy than all of it? You, Trouble, you are the sole architect of this goddamn mess.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to the part about my feelings, but I did tend to agree with his assessment of the latter. As for being the architect? I was the fucking engineer. I laid the foundation. I was and am responsible for every single part of it.

  “Trouble”—Trevor used my nickname only when he had something serious to say— “I’m not saying this because of all that tragic and fucked up background I know about, or because I can clearly see the iceberg ahead on the S.S. Sutherland…but Kerri Harrington? She really is a good girl. She’s one of those rare ones.”

  “She’s perfect. She’s an angel.”

  “Then you know what that makes you?”

  I’d thought Trevor would be surprised I’d give her such a compliment. I had never talked about another woman like that before. I was wrong.

  “You don’t know shit and stay the hell out of it. It’s none of your goddamn business. It’s ours.”

  “But it’s not really ours, is it?” Trevor sounded mad. “It’s yours, Trouble, because she doesn’t know about the connection. What do you think she’ll do? How will she react? Do you think she’ll believe it’s just some goddamn coincidence?”

  “She’s too smart for that.”

  “Then what?” Trevor persisted, pushing me into a corner.


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