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Caravan Witch (Questing Witch Book 2)

Page 26

by Shannon Mayer

  Richard turned his gaze on me. “Alex, you said you have food?”

  I pushed down my fear for Pam. One thing at a time, that’s what I had to do now. “All kinds of stuff. Get your people and get the truck unloaded. It’s at the top of the ravine.”

  Richard nodded and scrambled his folks into action. Wade jumped in quickly to help and proved to be a valuable asset since he wasn’t on the verge of starvation. He directed people, helped carry pallets, and got things organized. The caravan welcomed him with open arms, and I knew he’d find his place among them. With his help, it only took a few hours, and they had the truck totally cleared out before nightfall.

  Oka paced nervously the whole time, waiting for me as we helped them get things organized. “We need to go. We’ve done what she asked. Now we need to get back. With the truck, we could be back there in hours.”

  I glanced around. We both agreed that the caravan knowing she was missing was a bad idea. “How are we going to get out of here without tipping them off that something is wrong?”

  “Just tell them we’re going back to get her, give her a ride or something,” Oka said as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Maybe she was right. They couldn’t stop us anyway.

  They were all happy enough munching on the food we’d brought back, maybe they wouldn’t even notice we left.

  I caught up with Richard, who was distributing supplies, and taking stock of what we’d brought. “This really is a miracle, you two. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  I shifted uncomfortably. “Great. I’m glad it helps. Listen, we’re going back for Pam and Mac.”

  Richard stopped what he was doing and looked up at me, that concern carving those deep lines in his face again. “Why? Is something wrong?”

  “Nope. Nothing at all. We just thought she might like a ride back after everything.” I added what I hoped was a nonchalant shrug and glanced at Oka. She rolled her eyes.

  “Real convincing,” she said.

  “You guys should sit tight a little longer until we come back with her, long as it’s safe,” I suggested.

  He nodded, but doubt pushed him forward. “Are you sure? We could come, maybe I could send some boys with you to help. You brought enough guns and ammunition back to spare.”

  “No. Keep those with you. You might need them.” I glanced around. The canyon walls were so high they were like fish in a barrel. If Stefan’s men came upon them, they’d be up shit creek.

  “The Breakers fled the compound when we left. If they find you . . .” I trailed off, letting his imagination fill in the blanks.

  Richard’s eyes grew three sizes in that moment.

  “Then you shouldn’t leave us. We need protection,” he said.

  I shook my head. “You have the shifters. Crimson. And all those weapons, as you just said. Put them to good use. With any luck, we’ll be back before the Breakers even get a whiff of you.”

  Crimson walked up next to me before Richard could chew on that. “Alex. There’s a problem.”

  I groaned, already suspecting. But still I asked. “With what?”


  That was exactly what I was afraid of. I hadn’t seen her since we’d gotten back. I’d been too busy helping unload and organize the supplies, and goddess knew how she was allergic to helping.

  “What is she doing?”

  “She’s created an uproar. She’s convinced a few of the shifters that they should be in charge, not Richard. They want to take over.” A frown pulled at the corners of her mouth and I knew there was more to it than what she was saying.

  “Well, you’re the beta. Tell them no.”

  “Alex. It’s more than a few shifters . . .”

  “Of course it is.”

  “We don’t have time for this,” Oka said. “Let them work it out.”

  “Pam wouldn’t like to come back to complete upheaval in her caravan,” I pointed out. “Where is Jasmine?”

  Crimson nodded toward a group of shifters who seemed to be enjoying quite a feast of what felt like more than their fair share of chickens.

  I glanced around, taking in the entire scene, trying to get as much information as I could. Marley wasn’t anywhere near. Jasmine was supposed to be taking care of her. Where was she? I searched and found her holding Chris’s baby, cooing to it as Ruby and the others ran around her feet. She seemed happy. Glowing among the human children. She was fine. And that was the only comfort I took as I settled back on Jasmine and her feast of rations.

  “Jasmine,” I said rather loudly as I walked up. She startled.

  “Alex. It’s good to see you.” She stood quickly and planted a light kiss on my cheek, but I felt nothing but annoyance at her touch. She smelled like lies, which only led me to step back from her.

  “You’re coming with us,” I said. She frowned, wanting to resist me. But I was her Alpha. And she wouldn’t, unless she wanted to fight.

  I ignored Oka’s groan as I held firm to my decision.

  “Why?” she asked, stalling.

  “Because you’re causing too much trouble here.”

  “I’m not causing trouble. I’m just helping these folks see the truth.”

  “The truth? You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the ass, Jasmine. Let’s go.” I jerked my head to the side. This was not going to be easy bringing her along, but it was the best I could do to help the situation.

  I turned away from her, fully expecting her to follow me.

  “How dare you,” she started, but it was quiet, and I knew she wouldn’t finish her thought. I was her Alpha, and she wouldn’t challenge that. She needed me. But the thing was, I didn’t need her. And she’d better hope she didn’t cause any problems on our hunt for Pam.

  Because nothing would stand in the way of getting back to her. Nothing.



  I sat up with a start, my head ringing and my mouth full of cotton, or at least that’s what it felt like. I blinked a few times and had trouble comprehending the world around me. The ground beneath me was a soft blanket of thick moss. But it wasn’t like the garden. It was white and made quite a nice cushion for me.

  I fought the urge to lie down and just sleep off the exhaustion. I forced myself to stand and take in my surroundings, which weren’t much, to be honest. Tall hedges to my left and right created a bit of a hallway of sorts. A maze.

  The young Sorceress’s words came back to me in a haunting echo. I think the maze will break you. But the First Witch thinks otherwise. She thinks it will hone your skills and make you into something useful. Finally. It’s time to take your place among us, Pamela. Or die trying.

  I shook my head and realized rather suddenly I was alone. “Mac?” I yelled, and my voice was swallowed by a thick fog that hung just above the hedges.

  I reached out to him through our connection and knew he was hurt. His pain lanced through me and nearly brought me to my knees.

  Resolve washed over me. I would not die in this maze. I would find Mac and get the fuck out of this ridiculous place.

  After all, my name was Pamela.

  And I was trained by the very best ass kicker in the world.

  Time to lay down the law and show this pair of witches who they were really up against.


  Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed “Caravan Witch” and are looking forward to the next book in the series, “Maze Witch”.

  While you wait, you can check more books out at where there is a whole list of my works, along with my newsletter and even some Easter Eggs if you search diligently enough!



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