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Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 11)

Page 6

by Jessie Donovan

  His only hope was for the Stonefire doctors to run their stupid tests, proclaim his case incurable, and then everyone would allow him to decide his own life.

  Brenna replied, "I mated you, yes, but that doesn't mean I'm going to wait on you hand and foot."

  "There's a difference between doting on me and avoiding me. You've been doing the latter."

  "I've been busy. It happens."

  Her tone signaled the conversation was over, but Killian wasn't about to let her avoid the topic forever. He gently gripped her wrist and they both stopped walking. "People will talk, darling. You'd better start paying me some attention."

  Tilting her head, she said, "In front of your family? You sure you want that?"

  Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, "And if I said yes?"

  "I'd call you crazy." She tugged her wrist and he released it. "Let's just survive this dinner, okay?"

  Brenna turned and marched to the cottage door.

  Something had happened, but he wasn't sure of what. Maybe going to her home in England would give her the freedom to avoid him, since Stonefire would most likely protect her and no one would think of betraying their fake mating to any DDA officials.

  Or, she possibly had a man she fancied back home, banishing any thoughts of kissing or more with Killian so she could try to win the nameless bloke.

  Whatever it was, he didn't like the cool distance she'd put between them. Considering they'd have to be in a car, a ferry, and driving again in the car to reach Stonefire—apparently, dragons rarely rode in airplanes—it would give him a chance to learn a few of her secrets.

  Not that he should care about learning any of her secrets. She was a means to an end, and nothing more. True, he'd love to fuck her once or twice and walk away, but that was it.

  He reached the cottage door a second behind Brenna, and the door swung inward. Aaron Caruso's black-haired, olive-toned form looked straight at Killian. Without preamble, the male said, "Act too much of a bastard, and I'll kick you out of this cottage. Understood?"

  Killian growled, but Brenna stepped between them. "You could try saying this is difficult for everyone involved instead of issuing threats, Aaron." She looked at Killian. "And remember, you promised to behave. That was the deal for leaving tomorrow instead of a few days from now."

  "As long as this bloke minds his manners, I'll do the same," Killian muttered.

  He expected Aaron to issue a challenge, but the male merely nodded. "That should make Teagan happy."

  Brenna pushed Aaron to the side. "Then let us inside. I'm starving."

  With little other choice, Killian followed Brenna's lead. He barely noted the stacks of items on tables and bookcases in the hallway as he steeled himself for the upcoming dinner. With no doctors or passersby watching, who knew what might happen.

  They entered the dining room and all eyes turned toward him.

  Caitlin, Orla, and Teagan sat around a table. He barely noted Brenna sliding into one of the empty chairs before Teagan spoke up. "You may as well sit down, Killian. Unless you plan to stand all evening?"

  He crossed his arms over his chest. "Considering I don't want to be here, I'm tempted to do just that."

  Brenna rolled her eyes. "Sit down, Killian. Knowing Teagan, she'll postpone dinner until you sit, and you're only prolonging the evening with your defiance."

  "Defiance is the only thing I seem to have left," he grumbled, sliding into the seat next to hers.

  "Defiance only causes more issues in the long run, Killian," Caitlin said. "It's fine to be angry, but you shouldn't take it out on others who don't deserve it."

  It was on the tip of his tongue to say he wasn't a child, but Caitlin's kind, patient eyes stopped him from doing so. Out of all of his supposed family, she had been the nicest and most understanding, and she didn't deserve his temper.

  Aaron disappeared through a door and Teagan spoke again. "Look, I understand you don't want to be here. We're just people you see in pictures, part of memories you no longer have. But I signed off on you leaving the clan for a while, so all I ask is for you to behave for an hour or two and stop trying to pick a fight. I would be angry, too, if I couldn't remember who I was. But anger won't solve your problems. Hopefully the Stonefire doctors can, though."

  He raised an eyebrow. "This is the most forthright you've been with me since the first day I met you, with no memory. Why act this way now?"

  She shrugged. "I have nothing to lose. You'll be Stonefire's problem soon enough. And clearly the soft approach hasn't worked with you, so I'm trying something different."

  Before he could reply, Orla chimed in. "I know you're a grown male, but be careful on the journey. We still don't know the particulars about who took you or why, and there's always a possibility they’ll try to snatch you or even Brenna on your travels."

  He looked around the room. "I would assume our transfer wasn't public knowledge."

  Teagan waved a hand in dismissal. "It's not. But both the British and Irish Department of Dragon Affairs know about the transfer. Given the rocky history of the British DDA and betrayals in recent years, I wouldn't dismiss an undercover spy in one agency or the other. Preparation and caution will only go so far in such cases."

  Aaron returned, carrying a roast on a platter. Placing it on the table, he grunted and said, "The bloody dragon hunters or Dragon Knights don't seem to want to give up, no matter how many times they're caught or arrested."

  Teagan smiled at her male. "We managed to keep the hunters from setting up a base in the northern part of the Republic of Ireland. That's something."

  No matter how much Aaron irritated him, Killian had to admit he and Teagan cared about each other. Just watching them gave him a toothache from all the sugary sweetness.

  Brenna squeezed his thigh under the table and he glanced at her. She mouthed, "Be nice."

  Orla's voice carried across the table. "So what are you two going to do about your mating in England? Can you trust that lot? Because I must admit, most of the time you two look as if you're trying to purposefully avoid touching the other. And then you go and make small gestures, like reassuring Killian just now. What is actually going on between you two? I want the truth."

  "Mother," Caitlin admonished.

  Brenna's gaze swung to Orla. "I didn't think dissecting my personal life was part of the agenda."

  Orla clicked her tongue. "When it puts my granddaughter's reputation on the line, it is."

  Teagan clapped her hands. "Stop it. I trust Brenna, and that should be enough, Gran."

  Orla shook her head. "I still say letting him kiss the Todd girl would've been easier."

  Killian frowned. "What are you talking about?" Teagan shared a glance with Aaron, and Killian noticed Brenna go unnaturally still at his side. "Someone tell me what the fuck you're hiding. I have a feeling it's to do with me, right? Then I deserve to know." Brenna pulled her hand from his leg, but he gripped her wrist. "What happened to honesty?"

  She finally met his gaze, but it was unreadable. For a second, he thought she'd keep silent. Then she cleared her throat and said, "While just a theory, kissing your true mate might bring back your inner dragon."

  "And you just happen to have a database of true mates on hand, to find this woman?" Killian demanded.

  Brenna shook her head. "There's no such thing. But you discovered who she was years ago, and kept your distance."

  He frowned. "Why? Is she a horrible person?"

  Teagan jumped in. "By all accounts, Georgiana Todd is a lovely female. But she is the daughter of a current foe, the leader of Clan Northcastle in Northern Ireland. We were at odds with Northcastle back then, too. Kissing her would cause a mountain of trouble."

  Killian released Brenna's wrist and stood. "And you lot decided to make this decision without me? That's a bastard move considering it could fix my situation within seconds."

  Brenna stood and turned toward him. "Odd that you're upset about this now, when you've been going on about not wanting
to return to whatever wanker you were before."

  Leaning close, he whispered, "I'm tired of this half-life everyone is forcing upon me. Either let me kiss this woman, or let me forge a new path as I am."

  "The Stonefire doctors can help you better than a kiss can. I'd rather negotiate for that," Brenna stated.

  Brenna was close enough that her breath tickled his chin. Even though he was angry, his body was more aware of her scent and heat so close to him.

  If she hadn't fucking betrayed him, he'd kiss her.

  Caitlin's voice broke the spell. "I agree you should see the Stonefire doctors, but I might be able to get Lorcan Todd to allow Killian to kiss his daughter once, as well as form a treaty of sorts with our clan."

  "Don't, Caitlin," Orla warned.

  Killian forced his gaze from Brenna to the woman who claimed to be his mother. She added, "It's the easiest solution and one I should've done years ago. I'm done hiding and allowing everyone else in my family to help the clan."

  "What are you talking about?" Brenna asked.

  Caitlin took a deep breath and said, "Lorcan Todd once proposed an alliance, on one condition—that I agree to be his mate. Since he's still without one, he might still be open to the proposal, especially since he secretly sends me flowers every year on my birthday."

  "Mam—" Teagan began.

  "No, Teagan. You've enough on your plate, what with you trying to placate the DDA by getting all the Irish clans to sign a peace treaty. Northcastle will be an important ally, and having them at our back may convince the rest of Ireland to join with us. I need to do this and mate their clan leader."

  Killian jumped in. "You'd do that for me?"

  Caitlin smiled warmly. "Of course I would. You're my son, Killian."

  Orla growled. "How do you know Lorcan won't mistreat you? We know little about him, apart from the fact he's a thief."

  Shaking her head, Caitlin replied, "He sends notes every year, accompanying the flowers, and they're always kind. If we were younger, I'd almost think I was his true mate and he was trying to woo me."

  "Why did you never mention this before, Mam?" Teagan asked.

  "I'm a private person, Teagan. You know that. Besides, I was afraid if I mentioned it, I might be forced away. I was nothing more than a coward."

  Teagan leaned over and touched her mother's hand. "I would never force you to do anything you didn't want to, Mam. You don't have to do this."

  Caitlin met Killian's gaze again. "But I do, for Killian's sake."

  A woman he'd been less than courteous to was now willing to upend her life to help him.

  If only he could remember her.

  A boom reverberated inside his head and he clapped his hands over his ears. People were talking, but another boom sounded, and his skull felt as if it were being ripped in two.

  He'd barely slid to his knees before an even louder sound echoed inside his head and the world went dark.

  Chapter Six

  Brenna kneeled next to Killian's body and checked his pulse. At the steady beat, she let out the breath she'd been holding. "He's alive."

  Caitlin joined her, kneeling on Killian's other side. "I thought Dr. O'Brien cleared him."

  "He did," Brenna answered. "But he also said Killian's condition was unpredictable. Given this has happened twice now, there might be a link concerning what caused it."

  "Let me know if anything changes. I'm going to call Dr. O'Brien," Teagan said as she and Aaron went into the kitchen.

  Caitlin brushed the hair off her son's forehead. "Then it's decided, I'll reach out to Lorcan and arrange the kiss. I can't stand my son suffering like this."

  "And if it doesn't work?" Brenna asked softly.

  "I have faith in your Stonefire doctors. The female one knows what it's like to lose a dragon, she, more than anyone, will do her best to bring his beast back," Caitlin replied.

  Brenna tore her gaze from Killian's face to study Caitlin. The quiet female was proving to be stronger than she'd initially realized. "Everyone says Teagan and Killian get their strength from their grandmother, but I think some of it is from you, too."

  Shaking her head, Caitlin murmured, "No. Any mother would do the same for their child."

  It was on the tip of Brenna's tongue to say that wasn't true, but she held back.

  Killian stirred and Brenna focused back on her mate. His eyes fluttered open, his gaze meeting hers. "Why am I on the floor?"

  "Tell us what happened and I might be able to work it out."

  Rubbing his temples, he said, "I don't know. There was a loud booming sound inside my head. Next thing I know, I woke up here."

  Brenna stilled. "What kind of booming sound?"

  "I'm not sure. Almost like someone was banging a pot against a door. Why?"

  Her heart rate kicked up. "I don't want to get your hopes up."

  "But?" he prompted.

  "But Dr. Sid endured years of banging in her head before her dragon finally broke free."

  "Isn't she the one who regained her dragon by kissing her true mate?"


  His gaze shifted to Caitlin. "Then I need your help. I don't know how I'll repay you, but if kissing one woman will end this, I will do whatever it takes to do so."

  Caitlin glanced at Brenna, an apology in her eyes. "I'll contact Lorcan straight away."

  Brenna's dragon spoke up. This is a bad idea.

  No, it's the best path forward at the moment.

  And if the frenzy breaks free?

  Then so be it.

  Her beast huffed. Someday, you'll realize that always being noble comes at a cost.

  This is the right thing to do, dragon.

  Not wanting an argument, she tossed her beast into a mental prison. "Do you think you can stand, Killian?"

  "I have a headache, but I'll live."

  "Are you sure?" Caitlin asked. "Maybe we should wait for the doctor."

  Killian gave a derisive laugh. "No offense, but he has no idea of how to deal with my condition." Killian sat up slowly. "The best thing you can do is ask for Lorcan's help as soon as possible."

  With a nod, Caitlin stood. "I'll do it now."

  Before anyone else could say a word, Caitlin exited the room.

  A second later, Orla banged her cane against the ground, obviously not caring about Killian's wince in response. "I have a feeling my daughter will need me shortly. Since no one seems to want to listen to me, I'm sure Brenna can handle the situation."

  Before Brenna could do more than open her mouth, Orla had also left.

  Since dragon-shifters had supersensitive hearing, no doubt Teagan had heard everything from the kitchen. The fact the female wasn't storming back into the dining room told Brenna she had to approve of the idea. Or, at least had accepted it.

  Brenna put out a hand and helped Killian to his feet. He stumbled a second, and she grabbed his arms to steady him.

  Simply touching his skin sent a rush of awareness through her body, instantly raising her body temperature. Allowing Killian to kiss another female wouldn't be easy. Maybe she could find a logical excuse as to why she didn't have to watch it.

  Her dragon banged against her prison, but it held. Focusing back on the present, Brenna whispered to Killian's chest, "You might soon be a whole person again."

  He placed a finger under her chin and forced her to meet his unreadable gaze. "Even if my dragon returns, I'm not sure I can forget you, Brenna."

  Not wanting to entertain the impossible, she gave a strangled laugh. "Does it matter? Not five minutes ago, you were furious with me for keeping information from you."

  Stroking the underside of her chin, he murmured, "And to a degree, I still am. But regardless of what happens with the Northcastle woman, I doubt it'll be anything like this."

  He lowered his head and kissed her.

  If Brenna were a stronger person, she'd push him away. Their futures were not meant to be together.

  But as Killian wrapped an arm around her waist and pu
lled her up against his body, she sighed, and his tongue slid into her mouth.

  Each lick, caress, and nip only made her body warmer, and she threaded the fingers of one hand through his hair and took the kiss deeper.

  He lifted her leg up and ground against her core. Gasping, she broke the kiss, but Killian only took her lips again, never ceasing the motion of his hips.

  The friction of her trousers against her clit only pushed her closer to orgasm. All she needed was another minute, and she'd come. True, she'd much prefer Killian naked and inside her, but since this could be her last chance to kiss him, she hugged him closer and increased the pace of her own body.

  She was so close. Digging her nails into Killian's scalp, he growled and nipped her bottom lip. Just as she was about to retaliate, Teagan's voice carried across the room. "I'm not sure now is the best time for that."

  Brenna ended the kiss and tried to back away, but Killian never released his grip on her waist. He whispered, "Never be ashamed for wanting a male, Brenna."

  With him so close, his hard muscles pressing against her front, she couldn't think. As long as his heat and scent surrounded her, she'd be ineffective at decision making, not to mention fulfilling her duties.

  And no doubt, if she were alone with him again, she'd cave and welcome his attentions once more.

  She needed to get away from Killian in order to help him properly.

  She pushed again and he finally let her go. After staring at Killian for a second, she looked to Teagan. "I'm sorry, but I can't be his guard any longer. You'll have to find someone else."

  Turning around, she rushed out of the room and then the cottage.

  Her lips were still slightly swollen from Killian's kiss and she resisted the urge to touch them with her fingers. She'd been kissed before and she should be able to forget him.

  And yet, she couldn't. If anything, she craved more.

  Much like what had happened when she'd been newly arrived in the army, which meant she'd do anything for Killian's touch.

  No. The memory reminded her of how desire could make her do stupid things. She wasn't about to repeat her mistakes.

  Pushing her body harder, she ran toward her home on Glenlough, the wind against her cheeks helping to cool her body and reinforce what had to be done.


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