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Vampires Are Forever

Page 20

by Lynsay Sands

Page 20

  He saw her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. "The guy who delivered the blood explained it to me. I kind of blackmailed him into it," she admitted.

  Thomas shifted from one foot to the other, his hand raising toward the handle of the shower door and then dropping away. Finally, he asked, "Are you upset?"

  "About what?" Inez asked with confusion, and he supposed there were several things to be upset about here. Being controlled and having her mind wiped, being his lifemate, waking up to find him in bed with her uninvited.

  "About being my lifemate," Thomas explained and then held his breath as he waited for her answer.

  Inez stared through the beveled glass at Thomas's outline. She could see that he was still bare-chested, wearing only his jeans as he had when she'd left him. She couldn't see his expression, but could hear the worry in his voice and that surprised her. She must be misunderstanding the tone of his voice, Inez decided. Perhaps the noise of rushing water and the shape of the bathroom were distorting sound. She bit her lip and then said tentatively. "You sound worried. "

  "I am," Thomas acknowledged.

  Her eyes widened at the prompt, unselfconscious admission. "Why? You're handsome, intelligent, and sweet. Women must flock to you in droves. What do you care if-"

  "Inez," he interrupted solemnly. "None of those other women matter. I can control them and read their thoughts. They're like pretty little blow-up sex dolls to me and every other immortal that can read and control them. They're puppets we can make do what we want.

  "There was a time when that was enough," Thomas admitted. "I was young enough once to be pleased to have a pretty woman on my arm and in my bed even if she was nothing more than a puppet. But that passed pretty quickly. It was hard to be pleased to have a pretty woman on my arm when I could read her thoughts and knew she was thinking that I was cute enough, but the best thing was that I had money and could buy her whatever she wanted, or that while I was cute, she preferred blondes, or that she hoped to God I didn't expect her to ruin her figure by 'dropping babies,' or she hoped I was into S&M because she'd really like me to spank her, or. . . God, you wouldn't believe some of the things women think. Or men for that matter. They may just be passing thoughts, but it detracts quickly from their attractiveness when you can hear every one, and some of them can be hurtful even when they aren't meant to be.

  "I've waited two hundred years for you, Inez. For a woman who's beautiful and intelligent and her own person, someone I can't read or control and who can't read and control me. A woman who can stir my passions like you do and whose passion I can enjoy without hearing her litany of worries about whether I think her butt is too big, or her breasts too small. "

  Inez bit back the sudden laugh that tried to burst past her lips as she recalled her own worries while Thomas had been caressing her. Despite her worries about being controlled and having her memory wiped and whether Thomas had done it, the first thing she'd done on getting into the shower was shave her legs and under her arms. Inez was terribly glad he hadn't been able to read her thoughts while she'd been worried about stubble on her legs, but was also glad to know she wasn't the only one who had worries like that in her head at such intimate moments.

  "Yes, I'm worried. Actually, that's putting it mildly. Truthfully, I'm scared shitless. I'm afraid you won't find me as attractive as I find you, that my personality and lifestyle are too easygoing for a woman who is usually so competent and confident in business, that-"

  "I'm not always confident and competent," Inez admitted, worried that he might lose some of his attraction to her when he realized she wasn't the perfect woman he was describing. Still, he would find this out soon enough and if they were to be lifemates. "I am at work, but socially I'm less so. I'm-I know I'm smart and good at what I do at work, but personally and socially. . . "

  "I suspected as much when I saw how you reacted to those three men joining you at the table," Thomas admitted. "But most people aren't as confident as they may appear. Besides, that will change after the turn. The nanos keep you at your peak condition. You'll know you're the perfect you and have more confidence because of it. "

  Inez didn't hear anything beyond "that will change after the turn. " Those words reverberated in her head and when he fell silent, she asked, "After the turn?"

  "If you agree to be my lifemate, Inez, you're agreeing to become an immortal, to live out your life with me," he said quietly. "Some immortals don't insist on their lifemate turning if she or he doesn't wish to. They spend what little time one lifetime allows because its all they can have. But I won't do that, Inez. I don't want you for forty or fifty years. It will just hurt that much more when I lose you. I would insist on your becoming immortal too. "

  Inez just stood there, his words echoing in her head. She hadn't considered that he'd expect her to turn. Miss Details had missed that one. Actually, she hadn't even really thought about the fact that it was possible. She'd been too enraptured by the idea that here was a ready-made mate without the necessity for a long, drawn-out courtship that she could possibly bungle as she'd bungled so many relationships in the past.

  The biggest complaint Inez had heard from past boyfriends had been that she was always working and hardly spent any time with them, yet she hadn't thought of work once since meeting Thomas, she realized. Perhaps she'd just needed the right man to distract her and she'd have to say Thomas was a great distraction. However, she'd have to become like him to have him; an immortal.

  Inez considered the idea, trying to imagine living for hundreds of years. . . with Thomas. Oddly enough, the idea of living centuries was rather daunting until she added the "with Thomas" part. It was still daunting, but. . .

  Who was she kidding? Inez thought grimly. It was more than daunting. Living centuries might sound like a great idea on first hearing it, but Inez instinctively looked for the problems inherent in any plan. It was why she was so good at what she did. She spotted possible future problems and did what she could to prevent them from being problems before they even cropped up.

  Inez was seeing a lot of possible problems with being immortal. His people had to remain hidden, unnoticed by the mortals around them. She imagined that put a lot of restrictions on them as a whole.

  There was also the fact that she would have to watch her own family age and die while she didn't. Inez knew instinctively that this would be difficult for her. While she didn't live close to her family at the moment because of her job, she loved them dearly and called and even visited often. Inez knew she would experience guilt and helplessness as they aged, and with her take-charge and fix-it attitude would want to fix things so they didn't. Somehow she didn't think she'd be allowed to turn her whole family, but could she not?

  And then there was that whole blood deal. Inez had never really thought of herself as squeamish, but the idea of consuming several bags of blood every day for the rest of her very long life was just gross.

  "Inez?" Thomas spoke so quietly she almost didn't hear him.

  Her gaze focused on the blurred image beyond the glass and Inez almost sighed. Here was temptation; this beautiful man with his perfect face and perfect body and lovely silver blue eyes. Not to mention his tantalizing kisses and caresses. She wanted him, but knew it was like wanting the chocolate sundae without the calories. Unfortunately, the bad came with the good. But maybe she could have just a bite of the sundae while she considered whether she could stomach the calories that came with the rest of it.

  "I don't expect you to make up your mind right now," Thomas said. "But-"

  His voice died as Inez pushed the shower door open so that they faced each other with nothing between them. Forcing herself not to drop into a huddle to try to hide her too generous figure, she said, "I think I need to get to know you better to make such an important, life-long decision. "

  Thomas's eyes flared silver as his gaze slid over her, and then he started forward, coming to an abrupt halt when Inez put out her hand to s
top him. He frowned with confusion until she said, "Your jeans. "

  Glancing down as if he'd forgotten he was wearing them, Thomas reached for his belt buckle, but then stopped. He stood like that for a moment, his head bowed, hands still on his belt, long enough that Inez began to worry that he'd changed his mind and didn't want her. Finally, he raised his head and reached out to tug her to the lip of the shower so he could kiss her hungrily.

  Sighing with relief, Inez melted against him, her arms twining around his head as she kissed him back. He ended the kiss slowly, raising one hand to run it over her wet hair and cup her head as she blinked her eyes open.

  "I want you," he growled.

  Inez nodded. She wanted him too. That was the one thing she was sure of.

  "But Herb gave me new coordinates and we don't have a lot of time. "

  Inez drooped with disappointment as she realized he was rejecting her, but he continued.

  "And I don't want our first time to be rushed, or interrupted, or while I'm distracted. I want it to be special and slow. I want to give you the attention and time you deserve. "

  Inez swallowed, feeling tears suddenly glaze her eyes at his words. He was such a sweet considerate man. . . and right at that minute she almost wished he wasn't. She didn't want consideration. Inez wanted hot sweaty sex in the shower. She wanted to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this man wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  "I want to do this so that I can give you so much pleasure that you can't resist agreeing to be my lifemate," Thomas added, and his words along with the grin suddenly splitting his lips made her own lips tip reluctantly into a smile.

  So, okay, maybe he wasn't rejecting her. The man was plotting her seduction as carefully as she would plan the take over of a company. No one had said Thomas was stupid. Right at that moment Inez thought she might agree to being an immortal just to get his pants off. Probably not a smart way to make the decision, she acknowledged. Act in haste; repent at leisure as they said, so she wouldn't try to tempt him to change his mind. She'd accept his decision and spend some time getting to know him better and considering the pros and cons of becoming his lifemate. . . and an immortal.

  Her thoughts died an abrupt death and she jerked in surprise as he suddenly slapped her wet behind.

  "So finish your shower and get dressed. We have to get moving. "

  "I'm done in the shower," she said, straightening away from him as his arms slipped away. "You can take it over if you like. The water's already warm. "

  "I think I will," Thomas said and then glanced around and frowned. "You have no towels in here. "

  "Oh. " She tsked with exasperation at her lack of forethought. "I took them out to the living room last night. I'll go get them and bring one for you too-" Her words died and her eyes widened in surprise as Thomas suddenly urged her back under the shower.

  "Stay there and keep warm. I'll fetch the towels," he said and closed the door.

  Inez stared through the beveled glass as he zoomed out of the room and then shook her head and closed her eyes as the water rushed over her. He really was a very considerate man. That was very important. Of course, men were often more considerate when wooing a woman than they were once they'd landed her, but even if Thomas's consideration dropped in half later, he'd still be far more considerate than any of the mortal men she'd known in her life. Inez supposed she had Marguerite to thank for that.

  Her thoughts turned to the missing woman and her hunt for her last night. Thomas had said that he hadn't controlled her or wiped her memory, but someone had. She was beginning to think there was a lot more going on here than any of them suspected.

  Until now, Inez had half suspected Marguerite Argeneau had just got busy, perhaps following a hot lead on this case she was on, and forgot to call her family. After all, three days without contact wasn't really that long. These were her children, not a husband or life partner. Inez only called her own mother once a week, usually on Sundays because the rates were cheaper and she had to call all the way to Portugal. They were usually long phone calls and she made them religiously, but. . .

  Of course, the Argeneaus probably didn't worry much about cost. Still, the woman was in Europe and they were back in Canada so surely three or four days without a call shouldn't send her family into a panic. Even if she lived in Portugal, Inez wouldn't worry if her own mother didn't call her for three days.

  That had been what she'd been thinking before this, but now Inez was beginning to fear she'd been wrong in that assumption. She was beginning to suspect the woman might be in trouble. Someone had taken control of her and kept her from calling Marguerite's phone and finding her. She doubted very much if it had been Marguerite herself. That meant someone else had and she couldn't think of any good reason for an immortal to want to keep her from finding Marguerite and setting her family's minds at ease.

  The shower door suddenly opened, breaking her train of thought and Inez smiled with gratitude when she saw Thomas holding up a bath towel for her. He held it open for her to step into, which she did.

  "Thank you," Inez whispered as he closed the towel around her.

  "Anytime, beautiful," Thomas said lightly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before stepping away. "Now stop standing here all wet and tempting and go get dressed so I can shower. "

  "Yes, sir," Inez said with a grin as she moved passed him to leave the room. At the door she paused and glanced back to ask, "You didn't want help getting those nasty jeans off, did you?"

  Inez grinned as the silver flared in his eyes at the very idea, but Thomas shook his head and one finger at her at the naughty thought. "I'm going to start calling you apple. "

  Inez wrinkled her nose. "Why? Because I'm short and round?"

  "No. Because you're the apple sent to tempt me," he announced and then added solemnly, "And you are tempting, Inez. If you knew all the things I want to do to you right now. . . . " He shook his head and then apparently decided to tell her. "Right now I'd like nothing more than to peel away that towel, lick and nibble away every drop of liquid I see on your skin, and then-"


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