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The Billionaire's High-rise: A BBW Erotica

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by Jessica Appleby

  The Billionaire's High-rise: A BBW Erotica

  by Jessica Appleby

  Published by Jessica Appleby, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. June 14, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Jessica Appleby.

  Written by Jessica Appleby.

  Table of Contents

  The Billionaire's High-rise: A BBW Erotica

  Lucy had just gotten out of a movie with some of her girlfriends, and they walked along the bustling city streets gushing about how the lead character in the film was such a hunk. Life had been good to Stacy since she moved to Chicago – she was from a small town in Indiana, so the big city scared her a little. The buildings where so strange to her that she would often catch herself looking up at them, and subsequently trip or bump into something a little closer to earth. After college she got a great job offer from a consulting company in the city, and she just had to take it. It wasn’t a very exciting job – she mainly just crunched numbers and compiled statistics for reports – but the city had slowly begun to unfold to her. She knew her way around for the most part, especially in the downtown area.

  That’s why when her friends went their own directions that night, she felt pretty confident that she could make her way back with no problems. She always kept a can of mace in her purse, so there was always a way to protect herself if something should happen. She bounced up and down slightly as she walked along the dimly-lit streets. As she got farther away from movie theater, she noticed that the hustle and bustle began to fade. Where there used to be dozens of people around her, she now saw none. In the distance, she could hear the loud ringing of a police car, or maybe it was an ambulance, she wasn’t sure. The area that she was walking in wasn’t the worst in the city, but it also wasn’t the best either. Keep your head up, Lucy, keep track of your surroundings.

  Lucy turned a corner down a smaller street. She wasn’t too far from home now, but this was no time to let down her guard. She was still nervous walking the streets alone. Frankly, she started to think that she should have hailed a cab when she had the chance. In these back streets however, there were no cabs to be hailed. Some of the old street lights flickered on and off as she passed by them. In order to keep her mind off of the walk, she started thinking about the movie that her and her friends had watched. It was a pretty good movie – typical romantic comedy fare, really. She liked those kinds of movies though. Two characters who probably shouldn’t be together, through some act of serendipity and series of humorous coincidences, find that they actually fall in love with each other.

  Suddenly, she felt a tug at her purse and she was sucked into a nearby alley. Lucy stumbled a little bit, in shock as she looked up and saw her worst nightmare. It was a skinny, sickly-looking man with cracked lips. He brandished a knife only a few inches away from her face. He had already taken her purse – damn, she thought to herself, that’s where her mace was. She should have held it in her hand! “Give me all your money, you fat pig!” Lucy couldn’t speak for a moment, she was too scared. Her back was against the wall, and crack-addled man was standing only a few feet away. It was bad enough that he was about to rob her, did he really need to make fun of her figure too? “I – everything I have – it’s...” The man took a step closer to her, the knife pressed against her cheek. She could feel the cold metal dig into her skin slightly. “What’s wrong piggy, cat got your tongue? Maybe I don’t just want your money. Maybe I should stick this little piggy.” The scrawny, crazed man laughed a little to himself. Lucy could start to feel the tears well up in her eyes. Her heart was in her throat.

  She wasn’t sure what happened next. After the fact, she could remember hearing squealing tires in the background. Suddenly, something exploded over the top of the mugger’s head. Bubbly fluid sprayed all over the alley, and shattered glass chimed as it showered the ground around her. She flinched, badly, and closed her eyes for a brief moment. When she opened her eyes up again, she could see her assailant on the ground, slumped against the alley wall. To her left, a tall man in a tuxedo stood stall, her purse in his hand.

  “Excuse me, but I think you dropped this.” He was much taller than her. He had dark brown hair that was slicked back along his head, and there was the slightest evidence of grey hair running along his temples. He was clean shaven, and unquestionably handsome. It was hard to tell in the dark light of the alley. “Oh, thank you. I – I can’t thank you enough. I thought I was going to die!” Lucy clutched her purse close to her body. She reached in and pulled out the can of mace. The tall man looked down at the robber. “That’s certainly no way to treat a lady, you know.” Lucy smiled a little, even though she thought she was going to throw up in her mouth from the sheer terror of what had just happened. She didn’t really want to throw up in front of her savior though. Instead, she pulled out the can of mace and sprayed it into the eyes of the unconscious man. The tall man looked at her and smiled. “I don’t think that was necessary, but hell, he probably deserved it.” Lucy kept looking at her assailant. A thin line of blood was tracing its way down his face.

  “It looks like he nicked your face with his knife. Why don’t you follow me, and we’ll get you all fixed up.” Lucy looked at the tall man. Should she trust him? She didn’t even know his name. You know the rule you learn as a kid: “Don’t talk to strangers.” Well that applied ten-fold in the city. Maybe he was worse than the robber. Maybe he was a serial-killer in a suit. I’m sure those exist, she thought to herself. The man smiled at her and held out his hand. Lucy grabbed it, and he gently took her and led her out of the alley. Parked in the street was a black car with tinted windows. Uh-oh, she thought to herself. Maybe he was in the mafia or something.

  He held her hand as she got into the car. Her heart was still racing, and tears still streaked her face. He got in after her and plopped down on the comfy seats. She could see a small metal bucket in the corner with ice in it. She looked at him for the first time in the light, and could make out his features with a little more accuracy. He was slim and fit, and his tuxedo hugged his body perfectly. He had a strong jaw-line, with a little bit of a 5 o’clock shadow – it was clearly not a look he normally sported. There were dark circles under his eyes, like he had been up for days, but the eyes themselves were a dark green color. Like a forest after a storm. At the same time, they looked sad, they looked lost. At least that was Lucy’s first impression.

  “Arnold, will you take me and my new friend home please? Thank you.” The man in front looked as big and strong as a professional boxer, but he was all dressed up in a suit. He turned his head slightly. “Very good, sir.” Her hero sighed a little, and tilted the metal bucket with his hand, the ice clinking against the sides. “It’s shame, that was a perfectly good half-bottle of champagne.” Lucy laughed a little, and she snorted while she did. Her hands immediately went to her mouth, and she could feel her face turn beat red. The man laughed in a good-humored way.

  “My name is Jack Sorenson, may I ask what your name is?” Lucy looked at him for a second. He seemed trustworthy. She felt... oddly comfortable around him. “My name is Lucy, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sorenson.” He chuckled a little. “You can just call me Jack.” She smiled at him. “Ok Jack. I’m sorry that you had to waste your bottle of champagne on that man’s head. I bet that bottle of champagne probably cost more than all of the money I had in my purse and then some.” Jack smiled at her. “Well, it was well worth it. Frankly, I wasn’t really in the mood to have any more champagne tonight anyways.” He looked out the side win
dow for a brief moment, watching the buildings go by. “I wanted to thank you for what you did. I thought I was going to die in that alley. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” She looked down at her feet. If only she would have paid attention to what was going on around her. If only she would have had the can of mace ready, she wouldn’t have had to bother this man that clearly lived in another world. She felt ashamed of herself. She was a strong, independent woman. She should be able to take care of herself!

  Jack turned his head, and gave a contemplative look. “How can you repay me? Well, I certainly don’t need any monetary compensation. Why don’t you simply give me some company tonight?” Lucy winced. So that was this was all about. He wanted to get laid. Jack waved his hands emphatically at her once he noticed her expression. “No, no, no, not like that. Listen, I’ve had a very long day. It’s been a long year frankly. I’m surrounded by people that act like they have my best interest at heart. Today, it occurred to me that most of them only hang around me because of my money. I would appreciate some earnest company tonight. No funny business, of course.” He put his hand down and smiled apprehensively. Lucy looked up at him – maybe he wasn’t a bad guy after all. “It would be my pleasure Jack. After what you did for me back there, I definitely own you.”

  The car wheeled into an underground garage, and the driver escorted them both to an elevator. “This seems like a pretty nice place, Jack. What exactly do you do for a living?” Jack looked at her. “I don’t do anything for a living, really. I’m from old money. My family was invested in industry around the area for many generations. So now I show my face at galas, I buy expensive paintings, I date beautiful blonde women that only care for my money. I live the good life.” His tone had clearly turned dark, almost sarcastic as he spoke. He pulled a key from his pocket and turned it into a small lock near the controls of the elevator, and pressed the button at the very top of the panel. They began their long ascent.

  He asked her a few questions about her life – where she was from, where she worked, things like that. He pulled a handkerchief out of a pocket in his tuxedo and handed it to her. She wiped the now-dried blood from her cheek and dried the lines of tears that had made her makeup run. As they reached the top floor of building, Lucy expected to walk out into a hallway and make her way to his apartment. That was not the case. The door opened into the most grand room she had ever seen. Windows ran from end to end of the far wall, and she could see the city lights twinkle in the background. The ground was made of a pitch-black marble, and the lights were slightly dimmed. As they walked into the room, the lights became brighter, and Lucy stepped upon an oriental rug that beckoned entrance into the apartment. There were paintings all over the walls. A water feature stood on a pedestal in the corner – it was a naked women holding a vase that poured out into the pool beneath her.

  Jack waved his hand, ushering her into the apartment. It was the most amazing place she had ever seen. Priceless artifacts lined glass cases along the walls. As she slowly walked by one, she saw a Roman Centurion helmet, some arrowheads, and what looked like a Native American headdress. It was like being in a museum. She caught herself staring at one of the displays, and she lost track of Jack. He stepped to her side and offered her a glass of – well, she wasn’t sure what it was. “What is this, Jack?” Jack smiled. “It’s just bourbon. Quite good bourbon, at that.” She took the glass in both of her hands, and he signaled her to follow him. They stepped through some automatic-sliding glass doors to the balcony, and a slight breeze touched her face. It was a breath-taking view. Her friends were never going to believe her. Not in a million years.

  It was like he was reading her mind. “Nice view, huh?” He looked at her and smiled. He had such a handsome smile, she thought to herself. She was blushing a little. “It’s an amazing view.” She looked out over the city. She still wasn’t used to being up this high, and she was a little hesitant to get any closer to the rail. Jack walked up and put his hand on the banister with no hesitation, and she felt a little bit better about the prospect. They stood there, with a glass of the best-tasting liquor she had ever tasted, looking out over the city in silence for a few moments. Jack leaned against the rail and turned towards her, taking a quick sip from his glass. “You’re not like most of the people I meet, do you know that?” Lucy laughed a little. “What? Rich, skinny, and beautiful?” Jack didn’t laugh, and a frown spread across his perfect lips. “Who says rich, and skinny is a good thing? I’ve met lots of different people, and most of those people weren’t half as honest and earnest as you.” Lucy blushed a little. “I feel alone Lucy. I feel lost. I’ve been living this life for so long. I don’t even know what it feels like to love someone. Not really. It’s always a game for these people, theserich brats.” Lucy tilted her head slightly and looked at him with a stern glare. “Jack, I grew up in a small town in Indiana. We could barely afford to put food on the table. You should be happy that you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to pay your bills. How you’re going to heat your house. That’s a luxury that most people don’t have, you know.” Jack looked up at her and smiled. “I didn’t understand that when I was younger – just how privileged I am to simply... be born into this family, at this time, in this place. It’s all chance. I don’t think I even deserve it. What have I ever done for anyone but myself?” Lucy took a step closer to him and put her hand on his. “You saved my life today. That has to count for something. Also, you didn’t say I wasn’t beautiful, why is that?” She gave a wry smile. Jack gave a laugh as he put his glass to his lips. “Because you are beautiful.” Lucy laughed and pulled her hand away. “You’re quite a good liar, Mr. Sorenson.” Jack looked at her, with an air of seriousness. He took another sip. “I’m not lying. You haven’t fed me bullshit lines, you haven’t asked anything of me, and frankly, I honestly think you are beautiful. Your eyes are amazing.” He looked directly into them, and she could feel her stomach do flips. Was that just her reaction to being up this high? “Your hair is fantastic.” He reached out and touched her hair, running the strands through his fingers. She could feel her stomach flip again. No, I don’t think it’s the height. “You have very pretty hands.” He reached out and took her hand in his. Her heart was racing in her chest.

  Jack took her hand and led her into the apartment. They both set down their empty glasses of bourbon on the counter as they passed by. His bedroom was as enormous and grand as she thought it would be. Beautiful artifacts lined the walls, alongside priceless paintings. She wasn’t really focused on the décor, however. Jack took of his jacket and threw it on a chair. His bow-tie had already been undone, so he ripped it off and tossed it on his jacket. Lucy looked up and down his body. It was... the very embodiment of gorgeous. “Will you stay here with me tonight Lucy?” She looked into his eyes. “Yes, I will Jack.”

  Jack walked over to Lucy and ran his hands up and down her curvy body. He leaned in and kissed her lips. They kissed passionately as Jack’s hands began to unbutton his shirt. Lucy stopped him mid-way and finished the remaining buttons. Her hands reached towards his chest and touched his abs. They were rock hard. He must have worked hard for those abs, she thought to herself. She ran her hands up his slightly hairy chest and wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss. His hands found the zipper on the back of her dress and pulled it down. It slipped down around her, and his hands held her hips for a moment. He did not pull back in disgust at her body. He did not even blink as he stared into her eyes. He took off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. He kissed her neck as his hands wrapped around her and unhooked her bra. His fingertips led the straps down around her shoulders, and she tossed her bra on his jacket. Her large breasts met the air of the room, and Jack pressed himself against her. She could feel the bulge in his pants as he did, and Lucy pushed him away slightly, reaching her hands around the buckle of his belt. After a little fidgeting, his pants slid down around his ankles, and he stepped out of them. They kissed a few more times, and the tips of their tongues
touched for brief moments.

  “You are beautiful Lucy. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my entire life.” Lucy blushed a little as she pulled Jack’s boxer shorts down. “There’s no need to flatter me now you know.” When she pulled down his underwear, she got on her knees. His hard cock rested in front of her. She gripped it gingerly with her hand, and pushed it upwards. She looked up and he looked down as she ran her tongue from the base to the tip. He shuddered in delight and Lucy smiled with satisfaction. She teased his cock for a little longer. She kissed it with her big lips, and Jack ran his fingers through her hair.

  She put his member in her mouth, and slowly began to work her way up and down its shaft. Jack moaned a little. Her tongue would coil its way around his head, licking every ridge and bump as she played with the cock in her mouth. It was clearly having a strong effect on Jack. Her left hand was gently playing with his balls as she continued to suck and play with his hard member. After a few minutes, Jack took her hand and led her to the bed.

  Lucy’s auburn hair splayed about on the satin sheets of Jack’s bed. He climbed up with her, and while she was on her back, ran his fingertips over her neck and chest. She smiled at him and he smile backed, as he began to kiss her breasts. He worked his tongue around her right nipple as his hand slowly descended from her stomach, to her warm crotch. She was thoroughly wet, and Jack teased her clit with his index finger, touching her ever so gently. It tickled a little, and she let out a small giggle. He worked his way over to her left breast, softly kissing her large bust. She ran her hand throw his slicked back hair, and gave out a small moan. “Oh Jack, you’re quite attentive.” Jack looked up and smiled. “The best things in life should be taken slowly.” She smiled back. “Don’t take too long. I might get bored.” Jack’s hand lifted from her warm slit, and he started kissing up her neck, and planted several passionate kisses on her lips. His hands moved down and spread her thighs, revealing herself to his hard cock. Still kissing her, he took his member in his hand and rubbed the tip carefully over her clitoris. It drove Lucy mad with passion. He lifted his head and grabbed her ankles, carefully angling himself inside of her as he lifted up her legs. At first he put himself inside of her only slightly, teasing her. She wrapped her legs around his lower back as he put his hands on her hips, and shoved him deeper inside of her. She couldn’t wait any longer.


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