Book Read Free

Fifteen Weekends

Page 20

by Christy Pastore

  “Amanda!” Alex shouted as he came through the glass doors of the lobby.

  A smile crossed her lips at the sight of him, “Alex, what are you doing here?”

  Amanda wiped away the few tears that had fallen on her cheeks and Alex noticed she seemed upset.

  “Are you okay, Amanda?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just very emotional hearing people share their stories of triumph and tragedy,” she lied.

  He took out the papers and said, “I went to Chicago, and I had a chat with Andrew Langston.”

  A look of disbelief came over Amanda’s face.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?”

  Amanda nodded and said, “My suite upstairs. We will have plenty of privacy there.”

  “Hi. My name is Ashleigh Preston. My friend Emily Greene was brought in tonight. Can you tell me anything about her condition?” The nurses at the reception desk shuffled through paperwork. Ashleigh looked to her left and found Ethan leaning against the wall. “Nevermind. Ethan…Ethan, how is she?”

  Ethan looked up at Ashleigh through red puffy eyes. He muttered, “It was something with her heart. They…they took her back to trauma. I don’t know what’s happening. I gave her CPR when I pulled her from the bath, and she did open her eyes. I called 911, and then she was in the ambulance, and her heart started to beat uncontrollably. The doctor said something about a possible heart arrhythmia due to a lowered body temperature. The doctors think the combination of drugs in her system and the time she spent underwater may have caused this to happen.”

  Ashleigh reached out for Ethan, and he hugged her back. Liam rushed into the hospital and saw Ashleigh standing with Ethan.

  “Oh Liam, I’m terrified,” Ashleigh whispered to him choking back soft tears as she flung her arms around his neck. “Something’s going on with Emily’s heart. The doctors are with her now.”

  “Code Blue, Trauma Four. Code Blue, Trauma Four.” Ashleigh, Ethan and Liam stood together staring at the swinging doors as nurses and doctors rushed past them. Everything was happening so fast, Ashleigh’s heart sank. Please don’t let anyone die here tonight, especially not Emily.

  “I am afraid your sister, Julie, was behind your scandal. Amanda, she set the whole thing up. Andrew said that she approached him in the summer when she saw you were unhappy in your marriage. Julie instructed him to flirt with you and pay attention to you, especially when Brandon wasn’t around. She paid him a considerable amount of money to do it.”

  All the color drained from Amanda’s face. She walked to the bar and poured another drink. “Why? Did he say why she did it, Alex?”

  Alex nodded, swallowing hard before answering, he walked over to Amanda. He placed his hands on her shoulders and said, “Julie was insanely jealous of you, from the love your parents showered you with, to your job, to landing Brandon Ford as a husband.”

  Amanda started laughing and looked at Alex as if he was crazy. “That is most ridiculous thing I have ever fucking heard— jealousy? Julie got my husband to divorce me, my parents to disown me and my trust fund revoked all because of jealousy?” she scoffed.

  “There’s more, Amanda,”

  “Oh fucking wonderful. Lay it on me, Alex.”

  Alex went on to tell Amanda how Julie hired Jessica Clayton to take the picture of Andrew and Amanda and then post it on the Bloomfield Buzz. In exchange for her cooperation, Julie persuaded the station manager at WWSK to give Jessica, Amanda’s job. Julie and the station manager were apparently old friends. More like he was in love with her and would do anything for her that she asked.

  “After my visit with Andrew, I called Jessica Clayton, and she met with me in Detroit confirming everything Andrew had said. Jessica was quite cooperative. Apparently she was let go from the station a few weeks ago. She said she tried to call your sister for some help, to see if Julie could get her a job with another station or even at your family’s company. Julie has not called her back. Needless to say Jessica was ready to rat your sister out to me with no regrets.”

  Amanda couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her own sister had fucked her over.

  “There’s more and this is the hard part Amanda.” She looked up from her glass and Alex saw Amanda was sobbing. “Hey, it will be okay,” he said placing his arm around her shoulders.

  “Just, give it to me straight, Alex. Tell me the rest so I can figure out what I am going to do,” she said wiping her eyes.

  “Your sister is crafty. I will give her that.” Amanda shot Alex a look of disapproval as she poured another drink. “I talked to your parents. They said they never wanted to disown you. They said they absolutely did not disown you.” Amanda just stared at Alex. She was silent and motionless.

  “You…you saw my… parents?” she inquired through a set of hiccupped sobs.

  “Amanda, look at me,” he said softly. “Hey, what happened after the scandal broke? The day the pictures came out, what do you remember?”

  “I remember that Julie had emailed the post to me and called to give me a heads up. She told me that she was going to talk to our parents. It was Julie that suggested I tell Brandon the picture was taken out of context and see if he would seek legal action against the blog. I called Brandon right away and asked him if he could come home, and that I had something terrible to tell him and didn’t want to do it over the phone. He, however, already knew what I was going to tell him and was on his way home when I called.”

  “But, did you ever talk to your parents, Amanda? Did you ever find out who leaked the information to Brandon?” Alex inquired.

  Amanda never questioned how he found out, she figured one of the gossipy secretaries or his mother, who didn’t care too much for Amanda, broke the news to him. Come to think of it, she never heard from her parents in their own words, either. It was Julie who informed Amanda about her trust fund, and that they never wanted to see her again.

  “Your parents told me it was Julie who told them you were leaving for a month until everything blew over. She told them you stepped down from your job, and that it was your idea to have Jessica replace you.”

  “That bitch!” Amanda shouted. Her sobs had subsided, and she was now seething with anger.

  “Your trust fund was never depleted. Your father said he never cut you off. Julie told them you were leaving Bloomfield Hills for good, and that you did not want them to contact you so you couldn’t cause any further embarrassment or bring shame to the Parson’s family name.”

  “Murder would be too good for my dear sister. Fuck!” Amanda shouted. “So where is my money, Alex?” she inquired, her voice brittle.

  “Your sister has been taking it. Since Julie has been helping with the financials at Parsons Enterprises, she’s been able to access your account. Looks like your sister reported your bank card missing last November and had a new card sent to her home address. Julie updated all your records with the bank and closed your account shortly thereafter. Your father never knew.”

  Amanda looked away from Alex. Hot tears ran down her cheeks. She was furious. She wanted hit something, more like someone, and that someone was her sister.

  “At least this explains why my ATM card didn’t work. And when I went to the bank and they told me my account was closed, I just assumed my father shut it down and that was the end of that. All of my information came from one source… Julie.”

  By now the anger had turned to relief. Knowing the truth and thinking about seeing her mom and dad again, she was overcome with happiness.

  “Alex,” she said. “I cannot thank you enough. What you did for me, this…you gave me closure, and you’ve given me my family back.”

  “Amanda,” he came towards her lifting her chin with his finger. “I told you I’d do anything to take your pain away.”

  Lighting flashed an
d lit up the sky. She turned and gazed out the window. So many things were reeling in her mind. How will I confront Julie? If the pictures never came out, would I still be married to Brandon? Vince…Alex…Vince…Alex.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Five days had gone by, and Emily was still in a coma. Ethan had not left her bedside except for a few hours to go home and shower. He had set up a makeshift workspace in the hospital room but was barely able to concentrate on anything other than Emily pulling through. Ashleigh had been at the hospital every day, as well. Liam wanted to stay, but he had to go back to London. He felt horrible for leaving Ashleigh during a time of crisis, but he told Ashleigh if she needed him, he would return as quickly as he could. Emily’s parents had flown in from Marquette and were staying at her house. So many people had come by the hospital to see Emily—including Amanda and Annoying Andy. Nearly everyone at Cooper Bentley had sent flowers or dropped by to check on her wellbeing. With Ethan at the hospital every day, it wasn’t hard for their co-workers to make the connection that Emily and Ethan were a couple.

  Ethan read the paper to Emily each morning keeping her up to date on current events. Even though Ethan did not want to leave Emily’s side in case she woke up, Ashleigh had managed to convince him to go home and sleep in his own bed for the first time since the accident. An accident, that’s what everyone was referring to it as. Ethan and Ashleigh didn’t want to think of it as attempted murder. They were too focused on Emily’s recovery.

  Ethan felt guilty leaving her alone in the hospital. He felt responsible for Emily being there in the first place. Libby was apparently more unstable that Ethan realized, or anyone realized for that matter. When she found out Ethan was dating Emily, she voluntarily went off of her medication, starting a downward spiral and showing her inner demons.

  Libby was in love with Ethan, and she was convinced he loved her too. She told the police that Emily was a Wicked Witch, and she was only trying to save Ethan. Bottom line… Libby couldn’t separate reality from fantasy. She lived in between the two, often getting the two worlds mixed up. There is no easy way to put it, Libby was mentally unstable and she may have taken a life in her disillusionment.

  When Ethan arrived home that afternoon before the gala he noticed a trail of black colored clothing leading from his kitchen to the bedroom. He entered the room which was lit by a few candles and soft rays of daylight pouring through the windows from where the sun had managed to reappear. His eyes widening at the sight of Libby lying on his bed writhing around wearing nothing but her underwear and Emily’s tattered evening gown. Libby had managed to construct the dress into some kind of wearable garment. She was muttering nonsense to herself, but when she saw Ethan standing in the doorway holding her crumpled clothes Libby spoke clear as a bell.

  Crawling like a cat on the prowl she moved to the edge of the bed. “Welcome home darling,” Libby said in a seductive purr. “Can I pour you a glass of wine?”

  Shock fell over Ethan’s face. “Libby, what the hell are you doing here and how did you get in?” he growled. “Better yet, where is Emily?” Ethan inquired as he threw her bra and the rest of her clothing onto the bed, ordering her to put her clothes back on.

  “Oh Ethan,” Libby began, as she lifted to her knees. “Emily is dead and I’m just so sorry for your loss. I’m here for you now.” Libby replied sweetly, as she swung her long legs over the side of the bed.

  The power had come back on by then, and Ethan heard music coming from his bathroom. That’s when he flung the door open and saw Emily under the water. Ethan managed to pull her from the tub while Libby mumbled nonsense about Emily being bad and how Ethan was safe now that Emily was gone.

  For someone who was as mentally distressed as Libby, she was lucid enough to put together her plans to stalk Emily. Social media made it easy for Libby to track the couple’s every move. When Emily “checked into” the Farmer’s Market that Saturday, Libby decided that was the day to break-in to her place and tape up all the pictures she’d taken of the two of them.

  When questioned about her actions, Libby muttered incoherently to the detectives. She mentioned something about having a friend pick the locks at Emily’s place. Later she changed her story saying that Emily was the one who opened the door and let her inside. Libby swore repeatedly that she never returned Ethan’s spare key. Ethan guessed that Libby had more than one key to his place, but who really knows? Maybe someday the truth will come out.

  With Ethan and Emily making plans and updating their Twitter and Facebook statuses the day of the gala, Libby had the information she needed to set her plan in motion. Emily’s trip to the nail salon in the afternoon gave Libby plenty of time to drive to Ethan’s and wait for her to arrive.

  Alex came by the hospital with Officer Scott that afternoon to ask Ethan some more questions. Ethan had been putting off talking with the young officer because of the tremendous guilt he felt over Emily being nearly killed by his ex-girlfriend. He figured he had put this meeting off long enough, and Ethan was grateful to Alex for being there with him. The three of them sat in the waiting area a few feet from Emily’s room.

  Officer Scott removed her hat as she took a seat beside Ethan, saying, “Mr. Carlson thanks for meeting with me. I understand this is a difficult time. Again, I’m truly sorry this has happened to Miss Greene. We’re all pulling for her to come through.”

  Ethan’s eyes shifted back to Emily’s room. “Thank you,” he replied sighing deeply. Ethan eased back in the padded chair, his well-rounded shoulders slumping forward. The young officer opened her notepad while Ethan sipped the watered down coffee he had been drinking. Ethan looked completely wiped out, and Alex could tell that he’d barely slept.

  “Now, Mr. Carlson the matter of Miss Westin breaking and entering your home. Do you want to press charges?”

  Ethan’s eyes darkened as he clenched his jaw. “Libby had a key,” he huffed and ran his finger over his bottom lip. His eyes darted to Emily’s room again and back to Officer Scott.

  “Yes,” Ethan muttered while shifting in the chair.

  Officer Scott lifted her eyebrows, “Okay I’ll get the paperwork started.”

  “Wait,” Ethan exhaled sharply. “No, no I don’t want to press any charges. I just…” his voice trailed off.

  Officer Scott shot a confused glance towards Alex who urged her to continue with his expression, “Mr. Carlson are you completely sure?”

  “I said no and yes I’m positive.” Ethan’s voice was thick with anger.

  Her eyes widened and she flipped her notepad closed. Alex shook his head at her offering a comforting smile and mouthing, “sorry.”

  Officer Scott shrugged it off, knowing Ethan’s anger was misplaced.

  “Ethan, buddy, are you sure you don’t want to press charges against Libby?” Alex inquired giving his friend a sympathetic nod.

  Shaking his head, Ethan replied coolly, “It doesn’t matter at this point, Alex.” He pushed to his feet and stared into Emily’s room. “Libby is in the psych ward, and she will be there for a very long time.”

  Placing her hat under her right arm, Officer Scott thanked them both for their time while offering Ethan a half-smile. She walked to the elevators leaving the two men standing alone.

  “Hey man,” Alex began while placing a firm grip on Ethan’s shoulder. “I’m very sorry about Emily and Libby.”

  Anger flashed through Ethan and he pounded his fist against the wall. Letting out a string of frustrated breaths, he yelled, “Goddamn it!”

  Two young nurses rushed over to the waiting area eyes-wide and nervous staring at Ethan. Alex waved them off speaking softly, “It’s under control.”

  Their faces fell as they saw a frustrated Ethan bury his head in his shaking hands. They lowered their heads, and one of the nurses frowned as she placed her hand over her heart.
  “Why the fuck didn’t I see that Libby needed some serious fucking help?” Ethan paced back and forth running his hands through his dark brown hair. “And now, because of me Emily is there fighting for her life!”

  Alex shook his head, replying, “Ethan, you can’t let your mind go there. Don’t you dare place the blame or any guilt on yourself.”

  Ethan stood in the doorway, his dark eyes raking over Emily lying motionless in bed. Alex could tell Ethan’s emotions were bubbling near the surface ready to explode at any moment.

  “Ethan, let’s go grab some drinks and maybe something to eat,” Alex suggested, treading lightly with this tone.

  “I can’t leave her,” he protested. “What if she wakes up and I’m not here?”

  Ethan darted his gaze towards Alex, who walked towards the nurse’s station.

  “Nurse,” Alex began, stopping to view the nametag pinned to her white sweater. Nodding sweetly, Alex drew her green eyes towards a brooding Ethan. “Connie, will you make sure to immediately call Mr. Carlson or myself if there is any change with Miss Greene’s condition?” Alex inquired as he handed Connie his card.

  Smiling warmly at the two of them, she replied, “Of course, Mr. Robertsen.”

  “Come on Ethan let’s go grub on some food,” Alex said.

  Ethan walked to the elevator with Alex and stood in silence. The shiny chrome doors opened, and they stepped into an empty car.

  Ethan scraped his hands down his face, and turned to Alex saying softly, “I can’t lose her, Alex.”

  Exhaling softly, Alex leaned back grasping the rails with his hands, “I hear you buddy.”

  “I’m in love with her, completely and deeply in love with her,” his voice was shaky.


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