Mysticons--The Stolen Magic
Page 9
“Uh, what’s she doing?” asked Em as the Mysticons dodged another wave of Dreadbane’s bone shards.
Zarya followed her gaze. Ami had gathered several pieces of bone into a pile, and now it looked as if she was … stomping on them?
“She must really hate that bird,” Piper decided. “Oop, heads up!” She flung her hoops at a spectre dropping down on them with a long spear, and with a shriek, the skeleton was battered to the side.
“Wait, now she’s doing something with the device,” said Arkayna, a hint of alarm in her voice.
Zarya looked again. Sure enough, Ami had opened the back of the device and was reaching inside.
“On the left!” Em shouted, and the griffins banked right to avoid another hail of shards.
“We can’t worry about Ami,” Zarya called. “We have to focus, or we’re going to lose this fight.”
Arkayna hesitated, then nodded. “You’re right.” She locked eyes with Zarya. “I trust you.” Together, the Mysticons charged back into the battle.
* * *
Please let this work, please let this work, please let this work, Ami thought desperately. She had never tried anything like this before, and the stakes were so high. If only there were time for a test run, but no. Carefully, she spread the vulture’s powdered bone over the crystal prism. The bone is infused with Dreadbane’s magic. If I get the coating right, the light will pull out only the magic that Dreadbane has cast. But the prism has to be completely coated, or … She shook her head. She didn’t want to think about what would happen if she missed a spot.
She checked the sky again. It was time. The comet was at its closest. On a normal Wellsnight, the dance party would be starting right about now. Instead, the anxious partygoers huddled behind barricades in the plaza below, and the lights flashing in the sky were the Mysticons, valiantly fighting enemies that outnumbered them six to one.
I can help with that. Ami moved to the front of the device, reattaching the giant lens and tightening it into place. She swiveled the barrel to point directly at the comet. As she reached for the plug, she saw that her hands were shaking. That won’t do, she thought, and commanded her hands to still. Then, with a grin and a flourish befitting the Amazing Amileth, she plugged in the light.
* * *
FWOOOOOOM. The beam shot into the sky, startling Mysticons, Dreadbane, and spectres alike. Zarya’s heart skipped a beat as the light hit the comet, split into a million smaller fragments, and came bouncing down to touch all around them.
“Ah-HA,” Dreadbane hissed in triumph. “She didn’t need that last piece after all. She fooled you—ah!” A bone came falling from the sky and clonked him on the head. He looked up and grimaced as, one after another, his spectres started to fall apart around him. “Yes, of course. My army is but a small price to pay for…” He trailed off as he saw the Mysticons, pinpoints of light dancing across them, charging at him in formation.
“No! How do you still have your powers? HOW?” he screamed. Then the light hit his vulture, and with one last squawk it began to crumble beneath him. Desperately, Dreadbane stood on its back, and, with a mighty leap, he launched himself at the Mysticons.
But Zarya was ready. She fired two arrows at the approaching Dreadbane, and they exploded off his breastplate and sent him spinning in midair.
With a cry of dismay, Dreadbane plummeted toward the city. A Dragon Train passed below him as he fell, and he hit the roof of the train with a crunch. Before the Mysticons could fully grasp what had happened, Dreadbane’s unconscious body was carried away, deep into the city.
In Which a Long Night Ends Well, and a New Day Begins Even Better
With a roar of approval, the crowd below burst through the barriers and swarmed the plaza. The light show continued as the comet refracted the light from Ami’s device into twinkling beams in every color of the rainbow that danced over Drake City. The DJs quickly got the music going, but soon it was drowned out by chanting.
“Mys-ti-cons! Mys-ti-cons!” the crowd shouted, clapping in time, their heads tipped back to cheer for the heroes flying above.
Zarya looked toward the castle. Standing at the balcony railing, laughing as she clapped and chanted along, was Amileth.
Zarya turned to the other girls. “You all head down,” she said. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
Piper pointed a finger at her. “You better be,” she said, “because the only thing better than a Wellsnight dance party is a Wellsnight dance party for us!”
“I promise,” Zarya replied.
“Hey, sis?” said Arkayna. “Tell her thanks. I’m not sure how she did that, but it was … well, it was pretty amazing.”
“I will.” Zarya nodded and steered Archer toward the balcony. She hopped off the griffin’s broad back and landed easily next to Ami.
There was a moment of silence, and then they both said, “So…”
After another beat, they dissolved into laughter. Pulling herself together, Ami said, “Well, Princess, it’s been quite a night.”
“I don’t know how you’re ever going to top this show,” Zarya replied.
“Oh, I’ve already got some fantastic ideas,” said Ami. “When I come back on my next tour, you can tell me what you think of them.”
“You’ve got a deal. But you don’t have to go yet, right?” Zarya gestured down to the party, which was kicking into high gear. “This is for you, too.”
“I’ll stay for a bit,” Ami said. “But then I’ll slip out. You know what they say in show business: Always leave them wanting more.”
“Well then, no time to waste,” Zarya said. “Let’s dance!”
* * *
A little while later, Zarya found Arkayna in the crowd. Together they stood to the side, watching Piper and Em happily crowd surf while a Gnomez 2 Men anthem blared over the speakers.
After a moment, Zarya said, “You know, we never finished our talk from before.”
Arkayna tensed. “I know.”
Zarya hesitated, then put an arm around Arkayna’s shoulders. “I’m really sorry.”
Arkayna started. “You’re sorry? I’m the one who made you feel like I didn’t trust you!”
“And I acted like a real jerk trying to prove that I didn’t need you.” Zarya sighed, then said, “But you know I do.”
Arkayna put her arm around Zarya’s waist. “I’m sorry I worry too much.”
“I’m sorry I get so defensive.”
Arkayna smiled, but it was a little sad. “I guess we really do think differently, huh?”
“But that’s the thing.” Zarya squeezed Arkayna’s shoulder. “We don’t have everything in common. But we … you know.”
“We love each other.”
“Yeah. And we get each other.”
Arkayna laughed. “Most of the time.”
“Right. And I think that’s more important. Don’t you?”
The sadness disappeared, and now Arkayna’s smile was open and light. “I do,” she said, and she hugged Zarya tight, just as dawn broke over the horizon.
Arms around each other, the sisters watched the sun come up. This really has been a great night, thought Zarya. She had her magic and her city and her friends, and she had her sister by her side. And standing there with Arkayna, she was sure: Anything that looked like it could drive them apart?
Well, that was all just smoke and mirrors.
Liz Marsham began her storytelling career as an editor for DC Comics and Disney Publishing. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, a cat who thinks she is a princess, and a cat who thinks he is a dog. Visit her (and the cats) at, or sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
About the Author
Mysticons characters, design, and elements © 2018 Nelvana Limited. Mysticons is a trademark of Nelvana Limited.
A part of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
All rights reserved.
To you who would steal this treasured tale
and rob a bookseller of a sale.
Know that the Mysticons will take back its price
and trap you in a magic prison of ice.
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Book design by Heather Palisi
Imprint logo designed by Amanda Spielman
First hardcover edition, 2018
eBook edition, August 2018
eISBN 9781250165046