20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 44

by Demelza Carlton

  “That’s it!” shrilled Liv. “If we can talk with his sister, we will have the proof needed to implicate Jim and PRL. This is the information we’ve needed. Do you know where she is?” she blurted, overcome with elation.

  “Dead,” came a resounding reply from Lawson and Knox.

  “Huh?” Liv asked, eyes filled with shock as she looked to Lawson for answers.

  “For shifters, if they share their life force with another, they are tied to them in every way. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is something a shifter can do only once in a lifetime. Once bonded, if one of them dies, the other cannot live without that tethered life force,” Lawson explained.

  Liv sat quietly for a few moments, staring straight ahead. Lawson could tell Liv was lost in thought. No doubt her brilliant mind was piecing things together. She was a scientist and instinct had her reeling with a need for answers.

  Finally, she looked over again. “So, what you’re saying is that this shifter shared his life force with Jim’s sister. In doing so, his blood altered and that’s why her cancer was cured. Because his blood also changed when that happened. That’s why your blood isn’t the key,” she indicated, realization dawning on her lovely face.

  “Yes, Liv. It’s why I’ve said all along that my blood won’t do anything. It’s also why I’ve got to get my family out of there. My dad’s blood is what they’re looking for. They don’t know this, but he doesn’t need to shift. His blood altered when my mom became his life mate,” Lawson clarified, wanting her to know the severity of the situation.

  Lawson felt Liv’s warm hand on his. “I promise we’ll get them out. We won’t leave them there. But first, I’m taking you to a safe location. Then we’ll figure it out, okay?” she asked, squeezing his fingers.

  Nodding his head, he looked out the passenger window, thinking about the shifter who shared his life force to save the human female. Poor bastard paid the ultimate price for loving her.

  Life was a bitch sometimes.

  Chapter 14

  Lawson kept his eyes on Liv. Her heavy lids looked like they were about to close any second. He could tell she was tired but had refused to let him drive. Who the fuck cared whether he was listed as one of the drivers for the rental? She was about to wrap this behemoth around a tree trunk. She needed a break from behind the wheel, stat.

  Stubborn as she was, he pushed the window button, hoping some fresh air would help revive her system. It must’ve helped because she stretched her eyes wide and started squirming in her seat.

  According to the vehicle’s GPS, they were close to their destination. He’d never been to Hollow Rock, but it was rumored Ravins roamed the forests in the area. He cringed at the thought of the rabid beasts. The shifters that refused to share their life force with a mate, gambling with their sanity only to find themselves on the losing side.

  When that happened, they left their shifter communities and sought remote places where no one would see their frightening form. Poor bastards often got stuck in a partial shift for their remaining days. It was rare that a shifter escaped this fate when they refused to mate.

  Liv was focused on the road, but Lawson had his eyes peeled for Ravins, knowing they hunted for food at night. Typically, food consisted of other animals but humans fell prey from time to time. He knew this because tabloid reports would occasionally surface, claiming attacks from what the survivors described as werewolves.

  Turning on the RV’s high beams, Liv piped up, “Okay, you two Supermen with x-ray vision, help a visually-challenged girl find the turn-off. Bart said it’s nothing but a dirt road by a rusty mailbox.”

  This place was remote, alright, Lawson thought. They hadn’t seen a town or even a gas station for miles. He supposed that was a good thing and that he and Knox would be safe until they figured out their next move.

  “Slow down, I think it’s up ahead on the right,” Lawson directed, pointing up ahead.

  “Are you sure he’s okay with a couple of strangers showing up at his place?” Knox asked, leaning between him and Liv.

  Lawson wondered the same thing. His experience with humans had not consisted of anything kind and generous, and he was wary of this arrangement but Liv had assured him Bart was a good friend and could be trusted.

  “I’m sure. In fact, I had no idea how many might be rescued tonight, so Bart will be surprised there aren’t more with us. Apparently, this place used to be a hotel and there are plenty of rooms. And it sits on five thousand acres, so it’s very private,” Liv explained.

  Lawson spotted the turn-off and motioned to where it was. Slowing the vehicle, she carefully turned the RV, almost plowing over the mailbox.

  Bart wasn’t kidding. Dirt road was an accurate description. Lawson could feel the vehicle adding its trench as they bumped along the rocky path, no streetlights or lampposts to lead the way. Trees covered both sides of the dirt trail, so it was hard to tell where they were going. A deer darted in front of the vehicle, and Liv slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the animal, throwing Lawson toward the windshield.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I’m way too tired for this. The last thing I need is to damage the rental or cause you more pain” she surmised as the deer scurried into the woods.

  Liv was frazzled and Lawson felt like shit for allowing her to drag herself into this whole mess. He should’ve arranged for a getaway car and taken off on his own. She didn’t need this chaos in her life, and he felt responsible.

  “I’m sorry you’re caught in the middle of this. It’s my fault,” Lawson acknowledged, placing his hand on her shoulder and squeezing.

  One simple touch and his body ignited. Liv leaned her cheek against his hand, and he trailed a finger along her slender neck. He longed to run his hands all over her soft skin, remembering the way her breasts felt and tasted. He craved every part of her body.

  “Don’t apologize,” she murmured, green eyes drawing him in. “I’d do it again in a hot minute.” She smiled, and his heart skipped a beat.

  She was so beautiful and not just on the outside. She possessed a soul that reached out and did the right thing regardless of the personal cost. She was a rare exception to a species he found selfish and cruel.

  Not Liv though. Her light shone brighter than the noonday sun. Her loving heart, bold courage, and witty mind was the attraction for him. She was an exquisite female indeed.

  Looking ahead to the dirt road, he noticed a clearing. As the vehicle reached the open space, a large building came into view. The size and layout was indigenous of a typical hotel. It was a solid brick three-story building with numerous windows across the façade. He noticed several lights were on inside, telling him someone was there. A red Jeep was parked off to the side of the house, and he remembered Liv saying she drove a red vehicle.

  His favorite color, he thought, as he looked back to her face and saw a few red tendrils had escaped from under her ball cap. He remembered how the silky strands felt as he fisted her hair while holding her in his arms. She was so sexy, he thought, his cock jerking to life from the mere thought. Now, he wanted to grasp the long tresses while her hot mouth licked and sucked his shaft.

  “Yay, finally,” she sang out, her melodic voice intruding on his erotic fantasy. Lawson had to will away the erection straining against his pants. “We made it, guys, and in one piece, I might add. Let’s go inside and get you settled. I’m anxious to talk with Bart,” Liv exclaimed, parking the RV in front of the home. In the next second, the front door opened and a male stepped out.

  “TKO, thank God, I’ve been going crazy, worried about you,” the male exclaimed as he walked towards her then lifted her off the ground in a bear hug.

  Lawson about came unglued at the sight of the male holding her so tightly. He couldn’t get out of the vehicle fast enough. Knox followed suit and climbed out of the RV right behind him.

  Lawson took a stance at Liv’s side and the male released her, extending his hand to Lawson. “I’m Bart Smith, pleasure to meet

  Lawson took his hand and shook it. Bart’s grip was firm. In fact, Lawson didn’t miss the extra squeeze and heard loud and clear what the male was silently saying. Liv belonged to him. He squeezed back, just enough to let Bart know he could break him in two if he wanted. The conversations males had without words was the same, no matter their species, and Lawson was staking a claim of his own.

  “Lawson Scott,” he replied, “and thank you for providing a temporary place to stay. I promise I’ll be out of your hair as soon as possible.”

  Lawson was grateful because he honestly didn’t know where he would’ve gone since his hometown would be the first place they looked for him. Still, he wasn’t relenting his interest in Liv, either.

  “No worries and no rush. Stay long as you need. No one has lived here for years. In fact, I had the staff come out and clean the place. I hate to admit it, but it’s been neglected,” he admitted.

  “I’m Knox Pierce, Bart. Thank you for your hospitality.” The males shook hands and then Bart turned towards the home.

  “Let’s go inside and you can tell me everything. I’m anxious to hear the details,” Bart disclosed, leading their group inside the large home.

  Lawson didn’t miss the way Bart put his arm around Liv’s shoulder. What was the deal with them, anyway? Liv had referred to him as a lifelong friend but there was no doubt in Lawson’s mind the male was interested in more.

  “What can I get everyone? Something to eat or drink? How about a beer?” Bart offered as he showed them to a large family room. It had probably been the reception area at one time and was very spacious. There were several sofas and recliners scattered around, and a massive fireplace took up one wall. He imagined it came in handy during Tennessee winters.

  The home was simply furnished but the pieces were well-made and practical. Lawson immediately felt comfortable and relaxed which he hadn’t felt in a very long time. The place might have once been a hotel but he felt at home.

  “Can you put on some coffee? I’m going to pass out if I don’t get a caffeine boost real soon. We have a lot to discuss,” Liv said around a yawn, taking a seat on one of the leather sofas.

  Sinking into the soft hide, she immediately knew she’d be in trouble if she didn’t get coffee in her pronto. Removing the ball cap, she tousled her hat-hair and rubbed her face, trying to wake up.

  The other men asked for beer which had Liv thinking Lawson hadn’t drunk a beer in a long time. In fact, this whole experience must feel foreign to him. Bart excused himself, and Lawson took a seat beside her while Knox sat on the adjacent sofa.

  Minutes later Bart returned holding three beers. A woman followed him, carrying a tray that she placed on the large coffee table in front of them. There were assorted snacks and a coffee pot, creamer and sugar. Liv didn’t need all the trimmings for her java. Black and strong were her only requirements.

  “This is Ashley. She’s in charge of the staff and is here to assist in any way. Please don’t hesitate to ask her for anything,” Bart informed them, handing beers to Lawson and Knox before he took a seat on Liv’s other side.

  She eyed Lawson who gave her a strange look. Awkward was an understatement. Sitting in between the two of them put a spotlight on issues she’d been diligently trying to ignore.

  She and Bart had a very close relationship. Typically, it was just the two of them together, or Cassie tagged along. Bart’s affectionate demeanor was written off as part of the friendship. For craps sake, the male was known as the most eligible and active bachelor in the state.

  The problem was Liv could no longer deny that Bart held a flame for her which complicated the hell out of things because she hadn’t told Bart about her feelings toward Lawson. Honestly, she didn’t know how to broach the subject but she was going to have to at some point. Undoubtedly, there were questions flying through each guy’s head, and Lawson was going to think Liv had romantic feelings for Bart. That would be a disaster because he might back off and that was the last thing she wanted.

  “This place is huge, Bart. I had no idea you owned something like this,” Liv commented, looking around.

  “Yeah, it has seventy-five rooms, including a handful of suites, and the kitchen is ridiculously big. I’ll have to give you a tour in a bit but first, tell me what happened tonight. You mentioned other shifters, so I’m surprised to see only two men with you,” Bart acknowledged before he took a sip of beer.

  “For the love of Gaia, this beer is the best thing my mouth has tasted in months. Part of me wants to suck it down in one swig and the other wants to savor it in small sips. My taste buds are on a high right now. Cheers to you, Bart, my new friend,” Knox interjected, earning a laugh from the group.

  “There’s plenty more, so drink away,” Bart offered and lifted his longneck bottle in toasting fashion.

  “It’s not the best thing I’ve tasted in months,” Lawson whispered low and soft, sending a shiver down Liv’s spine.

  They had shared a couple of heated moments and the memory blazed through her mind. Heat rushed to her cheeks and Lawson’s lip curled with amusement. Dammit, how did he send her libido spiraling out of control so quickly?

  Turning away from his heated gaze, she began telling Bart the events of the night. She complimented Cassie’s geekology prowess, and told Bart about the lab door remaining locked, their run-in with the security guard, and Knox’s information about Lawson’s dad and brother. She was thankful the guard thought she was a shifter because she had an idea of how to get back into the lab.

  “So, you see, I need to get back to work and ask Jim to assign me to another shifter,” she revealed.

  Lawson and Bart started yelling at the same time.

  “Have you lost your mind, TKO? The deal was you were quitting after tonight. You aren’t thinking rationally because you’re exhausted,” Bart shouted but was cut off by Lawson’s deeper, louder voice.

  “Fuck, no! You’re not going back. End of discussion, Liv. This is not up for debate,” Lawson barked.

  She glared at the two men who thought they made decisions for her. Nope. Not today.

  “Excuse me. I wasn’t asking permission. I am going back and I’m going back tonight. In fact, I need to be there,” she said, looking at the clock on her cell phone, “in exactly five hours, so I need to get going now,” Liv announced.

  “No!” Lawson growled.

  “Yes, Lawson. We need to get your family out and the best way to do that is with me there. You know I’m right.”

  Lawson pinned her, anger flashing in his gaze. He wasn’t happy with her, but he had to agree with her reasoning.

  “If you insist on going back, I’ll drive you in your Jeep. I need to get back to Chattanooga by tomorrow anyway. That way, you can get a few hours sleep,” Bart insisted.

  “I don’t like this one bit. I should go with you,” Lawson countered.

  “No, it’s too risky. You’re staying here. I’ll go into the office and see how they’re dealing with your escape and get a feel for things. I’ll try and leave around lunch to come back and update you on the situation,” Liv proposed and Lawson seemed to relax a bit.

  “Ashley will show you to your rooms. Anything you need, she’ll assist you. I’m going to go check on a few things, and then I’ll be ready to hit the road,” Bart said then stood up and left the room.

  “Sleeping in a real bed. I don’t even know what to say. Ashley, my love, lead the way, by way of the refrigerator, please. I need another beer,” Knox crowed as he turned up the bottle in his hand, emptying it in one gulp.

  “I’ll be right there,” Lawson let out, turning to grab Liv’s hands.

  His warmth spread like wildfire, and she stepped to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He placed a hand on either side of her face and looked down, pools of silver burning bright.

  “I don’t like this idea of yours. I’m not going to be able to rest until I know you’re safe. I’ll be expecting you tomorrow afternoon,” Lawson murmured right
before his lips came crashing against hers.

  Opening her mouth, she welcomed his hot breath. Tongues swirled together in a dance all their own. He pulled her against the solid line of his body and her nipples hardened in response. Moisture pooled between her legs when his hands roamed to her ass and squeezed.

  She wanted to stay with him tonight. Wanted to explore the passion that threatened to burn them alive.

  Pulling away, Lawson breathed in and out as he panted, “I hear Ashley coming back,” he explained, wiping the moisture from his mouth with a smirk, then smacked Liv on the ass.

  Squealing, she looked down at her clothing and straightened her top. “That super-hearing comes in handy, Outlaw,” Liv retorted, smacking him on his ass.

  “Ooh, this just got interesting. To be continued,” Lawson husked as Ashley walked into the room, followed by Bart.

  “Mr. Scott, your room is ready when you are,” the woman announced.

  Ashley was an attractive Hispanic woman who looked to be in her early forties, and Liv liked her accent. She spoke English well, but you could tell Spanish was her native language.

  “Yes, thank you,” Lawson replied, following Ashley’s lead. He looked over his shoulder before leaving the room and said, “Remember, TBC…sweet dreams, Liv,” he said with a wink before disappearing from her line of vision.

  “What was that about?” Bart asked with narrowed eyes. Liv could tell he didn’t care for the way Lawson had flirted with her. “What’s TBC?”

  “I honestly don’t know. Lawson likes to joke around,” she responded, telling the truth.

  Her mind raced at Lawson’s comment and, for the life of her, she couldn’t figure it out. “You ready to go?” she quipped to Bart.

  “Yep, let’s do it,” he remarked, slinging an arm around her shoulder.

  He pulled her to his side and kissed the corner of her mouth, lingering a little too long. She had a sneaky suspicion Bart was jealous of Lawson, but he was going to have to get over it. She was nuts about the guy.


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