20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 45

by Demelza Carlton

  And, she couldn’t stop grinning when it suddenly dawned on her. TBC…to be continued.

  Chapter 15

  Walking into PRL, Liv’s heart raced and sweat beaded her brow. She was going to vomit or pass out, or both. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as she scanned the building but she knew what had gone down the night before. As she climbed out of her car, her legs shook and threatened to send her tumbling to her ass.

  After a second of silent chastisement, she headed into the building and immediately saw a group of employees huddled together. What the hell were they talking about? Expecting to be waylaid by one of them, she was shocked when she passed without incident. Admittedly, she was extremely paranoid right now.

  Hastening her pace, she headed for her lab. The best thing to do was to act normal, she reminded herself. It would raise all kinds of red flags if she deviated from her routine. A jaw-cracking yawn was typical, given her workload. Of course, today she was exhausted for very different reasons.

  Bart had dropped her off at home to shower and change clothes, and Cassie offered to drive him home so Liv could get to work on time. She even had time to make a lunch, although she hoped to be on the road back to Hollow Rock instead of eating in the breakroom. Setting down her purse and lunchbox, Liv walked to her desk to check on her group’s caseload and any updated files.

  There was a large stack waiting for her to read. Staci, one of the other scientists, had been busy, taking up some of her slack due to time spent with Lawson.

  As she thumbed through paperwork, she felt her phone buzz. Reaching into her lab coat pocket, she glanced at the screen. It was Jim, texting to see if she had arrived at work yet. Oh, shit. Did he know she was there last night? Had the security guard remembered a detail that would incriminate her? She responded, saying she was in the lab. He instantly replied that he was on his way.

  Panicked, she paced back and forth, chewing on her nail to prevent further damage to her mouth. If her anxiety didn’t subside, she wasn’t going to have a bottom lip much longer. Stay calm, she repeated over and over. She could not blow this by acting guilty.

  Taking several deep breaths, she sat at her desk and continued reading the latest data on recent tests conducted in her lab. Staci had made serious headway on the study with ALS and a genetic marker. Excitement bubbled over the prospect and she jotted a few notes for Staci to research.

  Moments later, Jim walked through the door. “Olivia, we need to talk,” he muttered and closed the door behind him.

  Liv noticed he seemed off and not in the mood she’d expected. In her head, she’d been preparing to deal with an irate explosion, but he didn’t have his usual predatory expression. He was all business, which relieved and unnerved her at the same time. He wouldn’t be making any advances which was great, but the reason for that had her gut knotting with anticipation.

  “Okay, what’s up?” she replied, standing from her chair as he approached.

  “We had a situation last night. Your patient in the private room escaped,” he disclosed, rubbing his jaw.

  As she peered closer, she could see dark circles under his blue eyes. His clothes were wrinkled and disheveled, and Liv guessed he had been at work all night.

  “You’re kidding!” she exclaimed, widening her eyes as if shocked by the news. “How did that happen? When?”

  “I’m not sure. The system malfunctioned, and security was down for a short time. Lawson and one other shifter escaped, harming the night guard in the process,” he explained.

  It was obvious Jim was upset, but she knew it had nothing to do with the guard. His anger was about his prized possessions getting away and his fear of Lawson’s possible retaliation.

  “Oh, wow. I didn’t realize there were other shifters here. I thought Lawson was a single case study,” she hedged, wanting to see his reaction. Of course, he remained calm and cool, the lying piece of shit.

  “Yes, well, I took your advice. We have several more that are family members, and we’re exploring different variables. I’m still committed to the cause, Olivia. I hope I can still count on you,” he added, skeptically.

  No doubt he wanted to know if she would remain on board even though Lawson was out of the picture now. She wanted him to think she was on his side regardless of Lawson’s escape.

  “Of course, you know I want a cure as badly as you do. I hate that Lawson escaped but my dedication remains here at PRL. I’m happy to work with another shifter if you’d like,” she offered.

  Jim’s demeanor relaxed a bit at her response and his harsh expression softened.

  “Very good. So relieved you’re a team player. I’ve placed the new guy in the same room as before so you can go down and introduce yourself as soon as we’re done here,” he relayed then stepped forward, close enough to where their bodies were touching.

  “And since we’re here alone, maybe you’d like to offer me another treat,” he said suggestively, reaching his hand to pop the first button of her blouse. Snakes slithered across her skin at his touch and she immediately stepped back.

  Quickly grabbing the material to button the closure, she shied away as if embarrassed, “Jim, not here and not right now. Anyone could walk in on us. Let’s save that for later,” she stated, turning around to walk towards the door. “I’m anxious to meet my new patient.”

  She heard Jim’s sigh then footsteps followed. “You’re probably right. Too risky,” he said, reaching to still her hand before she opened the door.

  A heavy weight pressed into her back and shoved her flush against the wall. Revulsion pulsed through her veins when she felt Jim’s breath at her ear.

  “But know this, Olivia. I will fuck you. And soon. My dick is itching to feel that hot pussy,” he whispered, pressing his erection against her backside before his large frame released her from the wall.

  Turning the handle, he calmly left her lab as if nothing had happened. Liv immediately closed the door behind him, leaning over the nearby wastebasket to vomit. She couldn’t take much more. The man made her physically ill from his unwanted advances.

  She had to free Lawson’s family, and soon. She was itching to cut off Jim’s dick and shove it down his fucking mouth. Liv was willing to go only so far in her endeavors, and she’d reached her limit with Jim. There was no way in hell she was ever having sex with the man. If it came to that, she would find another way to save Lawson’s family.

  Liv went to the ladies’ room and rinsed her mouth and face, trying to wash away the memory of the past ten minutes in her office. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she was disgusted by her behavior, albeit for a good cause. Unfortunately, she didn’t see another option right now. Hopefully, her new assignment would have some information on Lawson’s dad and brother.

  Exiting the bathroom, she walked to the private sector of the building, using her entry card to access the door. When the green light signaled, an idea sparked, but she would need to talk with Cassie and Bart to see if it would work. She walked down the hallway and opened the door to Lawson’s old room. Stepping inside, she saw a man with blond hair. He was chained to the wall but doing pushups on the floor near the mattress. Dark brown eyes looked her way and his movement stilled.

  “Hi, I’m Olivia Kimbro, and I’ve been assigned to you. I’m a research scientist, and I’d like to help you if I can. What is your name?” she asked and remained standing.

  The man didn’t answer but rolled over to sit on the mattress. He put his arms back to support his weight and stretched his legs in front of him, crossing his feet at the ankle. He was the picture-perfect pose of a man without a care in the world.

  “That’s funny, lady. You want to help me. It seems if that were the case, you’d be taking off these cuffs,” he scoffed and his deep bravado along with a death-stare told her cooperation wasn’t his forte.

  She narrowed eyes his way. She didn’t have time to play nicey-nice. “Let’s cut the crap. I am on your side. There was a shifter in this room twenty-four hours ago and
guess where he is now?” she retorted, hands fisted on her hips. He didn’t answer, but she saw the curiosity flash as he tilted his jaw upward.

  “He’s out of this place, for good. And I’m proud to say that I helped. Now, I’m looking for information about Ryan or Jacob Scott. Do you know them?” His mouth dropped when he heard the names.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “Ryan?” she asked. He looked to be the same age as Lawson, so she assumed he was the brother. He nodded slowly.

  “I know Lawson. He’s safe. And, worried to death about you and your dad,” she conveyed, walking over and sitting beside him.

  “What? Are you for real? I can’t believe this,” he blurted, eyes about to pop from their sockets. “We haven’t seen him in over three years. I honestly thought he was dead. Dad insisted he could feel his life force and that he was still alive. Where is he? Is he okay?” Ryan rambled, and she could see the enthusiasm bubbling over. Liv couldn’t wait to reunite this family. They had been apart for way too long.

  “He’s in Hollow Rock. I got him and one other shifter out last night. He has been a prisoner here the whole time, and I can tell you from what I witnessed he’s lucky to be alive after what they did to him,” she confessed, eyes tearing from the thought of the horrendous abuse he’d suffered for so long.

  It was so hard to look his family member in the eye and talk about Lawson’s imprisonment. Would his brother hold her accountable?

  Ryan reached over and placed his hand over hers, offering comfort. The heavy chain rattled with his movement and she remembered that Lawson had worn those same cuffs.

  “I don’t know how it is that you became involved but thank you for getting him out. My mom and sisters need to know,” Ryan indicated.

  “They know. I drove to Dunlap to tell your family Lawson was alive. I met your twin sisters. And Lawson called the other day and spoke to them. It wasn’t until we left last night that the other man, Knox Pierce, told us that you and your dad were here. Lawson wanted to come back but it was too risky at that point. So, that’s why I’m here. We will get you out. Where is your dad?” Liv asked, and his smile quickly faded, becoming a grim scowl.

  “I wish I knew. Your boss had us in a room together, trying to bully us into shifting, but we refused. I was tossed in here several hours ago, but I’m worried about my dad. He’s a real hothead and if dad can’t control his anger he might shift whether he wants to or not,” he offered, running a hand through his shaggy blond hair.

  Liv could tell he hadn’t been here too long because of his beard. He was in desperate need of a shave, but it wasn’t nearly as long and full as Lawson’s had been the first time she saw him.

  “I need you to keep fighting and hang in there. I’m going back to Hollow Rock when I leave here to discuss what I’ve learned today. I had a thought earlier, and I’m hoping we can make it happen soon,” she relayed, offering a comforting smile. “I can’t wait to share my news. Lawson is going to be so happy that I saw you.”

  “Olivia, not half as happy as I am to find out my brother is alive. You tell him the Scotts will be together again,” Ryan insisted, his brown eyes dancing with joyfulness.

  “You have my word I’m going to make that happen. I’ll see you soon,” Liv said, standing up and making her way to the door. She turned before leaving, and he smiled. She saw the family resemblance when his lower lip curled, reminding her why she was doing all of this.

  She practically ran to her Jeep. She couldn’t get to Lawson fast enough.

  Lawson walked in the back door of the hotel that led into the industrial-sized kitchen. He had spent the day familiarizing himself with the property and everything on it. He had to admit that Bart had his hands on a gem. The hotel itself was in serious need of repairs and updates, but it was solid and well built. If this were his, he’d renovate and reopen the place. It could make a fortune if managed correctly.

  Ashley was in the kitchen making lunch. She was extremely helpful and was working herself crazy trying to make sure everything was perfect for him and Knox. “Hola, Mr. Scott, lunch should be ready soon. Would you like anything to drink?” she asked, her Spanish accent thick. He liked the female. Not as much as Knox did, but he liked her.

  “Ashley, I’m good, thank you. I’m hoping Liv will be here soon so could you hold off on my lunch? Better yet, leave it out and I’ll serve us when she gets here. You don’t need to wait on me,” he explained.

  Being doted on was a foreign concept. The twins always refused even the slightest request, and from the time Lawson was walking and talking, his mother taught him personal responsibility. None of them allowed their mother to wait on them. They believed it was their job to take care of her.

  Ashley serving him was uncomfortable. He’d bet his only pair of pants she was doing it because he had spent three years at the hands of a madman. He appreciated it, but he didn’t need or want a servant.

  “There’s my spicy Chiquita,” Knox crooned as he walked into the kitchen, walking to Ashley and kissing her cheek. She blushed feverishly, looking in Lawson’s direction.

  Lawson guessed she was worried about his reaction to the inappropriate affection. He knew the two spent the evening together. Fuck, he’d gotten up in the middle of the night and went to another bedroom, on another floor, just to get away from their moans and groans. He didn’t give a shit if they had sex for days, but he’d be damned if he listened to it. It made him think of Liv and what he wanted to do to with her.

  “As you wish, Mr. Scott. I’ll make a couple of plates and put them in the fridge. Is there anything else I can get you?” she asked as Knox groped her shamelessly. She gave the male a stop-it-or-I’ll-kill-you look.

  “He’s fine, aren’t you, bro?” Knox asked.

  Just then his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of an approaching vehicle and he didn’t bother replying to either of them. Lawson made his way to the front of the hotel and when he reached the door, it flew open. His sexy red-head practically fell into his arms as she burst through the door. Sweeping her into a hug, he couldn’t think of anything but devouring her full lips.

  Sweet sunshine that set his soul on fire. He held her tight as he kissed her mouth, her neck, and everything in between. He couldn’t get enough. It was an addiction and he was at her mercy. He had thought of nothing but her since she left. Part of him was worried about her safety returning to work but the larger part wanted, no craved, to have her. All of her.

  Pulling back, she met his gaze, green eyes full of mischief. “I have a surprise for you,” she said, flashing a grin that weakened his knees.

  Setting her down, he replied, “Does this surprise involve you removing those shorts?” he asked, perusing her body.

  He had never seen her dressed so casually. Shorts that could easily be called panties and a tank top that showcased her large breasts had his cock jerking in need. Her long red hair was pulled into a ponytail and her skin was flushed, telling him she had taken the top off the Jeep for the three-hour drive. Her sun-kissed skin was practically glowing.

  Blushing, she pursed her lips and replied, “No, silly. I saw your brother today.”

  His stimulated libido deflated, replaced with uncontrollable happiness. “What? Tell me. Now,” he shouted enthusiastically.

  “He’s my new patient. He looked so good, Lawson, and was ecstatic to hear about you and the plan to rescue him and your dad, which reminds me, we need to call Bart and Cassie to discuss something,” she rattled off, wrapping her arms around his waist, bringing his desire back to the forefront.

  “I want to hear all about it but first, I want to show you something,” he said, kissing her again.

  “Ooh, sounds mysterious. Lead the way, Outlaw.”

  Chapter 16

  Lawson led Liv to the back of the hotel, through the kitchen and out the back door. The ATV he had run across in his explorations of the property was parked near the door. Walking over, he slung a leg over and took a seat, motioning with h
is head for her to climb aboard as he cranked the vehicle.

  “You wanted to show me a four-wheeler?” she shouted above the noise.

  “No, but this is how we’re getting to where we’re going? Unless you want to walk about ten miles that way,” he answered, pointing towards the woods.

  “Umm, no, not in this heat. I’ll take that ride,” Liv replied and hopped on behind him, wrapping her arms around Lawson’s waist. “Be gentle. I’m at your mercy now,” she muttered in his ear.

  “You have no idea,” he answered and turned his head to peck her lips.

  The ATV roared to life when he punched the accelerator and Liv started laughing when it almost threw her off the rear. Life was close to perfect with her clinging to his waist. The feel of her against his back and the invigoration of being outside after years in confinement left him giddy.

  The property was vast and his wolf enjoyed exploring every inch the night before. When Liv left, he was wound tight and needed to escape. He shifted and spent the next couple hours running free. He had forgotten all the scents and smells of nature that appealed to his animal. He even hunted, killing a small deer.

  His wolf marked along the edges of the property, claiming the area from other predators. Long as he was there, no other animal was welcome without his consent.

  It was during his run that he had found the ATV along with the spot he wanted to show her. He hoped she would enjoy it as much as he did. Eagerness had his foot flooring the accelerator and Liv squealed as he maneuvered through the forest. The sound of her laughter made him smile. She was so full of life. Carefree and happy. That’s what he always wanted to see on her beautiful face.

  Slowing the four-wheeler as it reached the open field, he pulled up to the barn and parked. Shutting off the vehicle, he turned and smiled.

  “This is it,” he smirked when he noticed she didn’t look impressed.


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